Minjeong S.
book short stories play drama
Years of experience: 9
- Chinese Korean
- English Korean
South Korea
Rate per word 200.00 KRW
Rate per hour 30,000.00 KRW
published two e-books.
- Devil's Dictionary
- collection of short stories (Quality by John Galsworthy, The Triumph of Night by Edith Wharton)
specialized in book and screen. Especially novel, short stories, play and drama.
- Devil's Dictionary
- collection of short stories (Quality by John Galsworthy, The Triumph of Night by Edith Wharton)
specialized in book and screen. Especially novel, short stories, play and drama.
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Specializing in:
- Art, Arts & Crafts, Painting
- IT (Information Technology)
- Internet, e-Commerce
- Printing & Publishing
- Architecture
- Cooking / Culinary
- Cosmetics, Beauty
- Linguistics
- Poetry & Literature
- Textiles / Clothing / Fashion
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