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Directory of End-clients
Thread poster: Katalin Szilárd
Katalin Szilárd
Katalin Szilárd  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:55
English to Hungarian
+ ...
Dec 17, 2011

I realized that there was no narrowing down feature in the directories for distinguishing End-clients and Translation companies. Actually it would be nice to have a separate directory of End-clients. What do you think?


Walter Landesman
Walter Landesman  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:55
English to Spanish
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Why? Dec 17, 2011

Katalin Szilárd wrote:
Actually it would be nice to have a separate directory of End-clients.

How would that help us?
What difference would it make?
Could you ellaborate?

Katalin Szilárd
Katalin Szilárd  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:55
English to Hungarian
+ ...
I am sure you know the difference between an end client and a translation company Dec 17, 2011

Walter Landesman wrote:

Katalin Szilárd wrote:
Actually it would be nice to have a separate directory of End-clients.

How would that help us?
What difference would it make?
Could you ellaborate?

For the same reason we have a directory for companies. Since there is a huge difference between end clients and translation companies it would make a difference.
I am also wondering about the % of end clients on this site.


Katalin Szilárd
Katalin Szilárd  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:55
English to Hungarian
+ ...
Forums Dec 17, 2011

Forums are full of such posts as End clients webinar etc. so I am wondering about the reason why there is no directory for End clients at all not even narrowing down feature?
I see a contradiction here....


Walter Landesman
Walter Landesman  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:55
English to Spanish
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And the answer is...? Dec 17, 2011

Hi Katalin,

Yes, I know the difference. However, I don't know how having two different directories may help us translators. And sometimes it is hard to tell. An end client may be outsourcing some projects too and becoming an "agency". All of them are potential clients to me.

I am also wondering about the % of end clients on this site.

I assume you are not suggesting to implement this feature just to get a reply to that question.

I am sorry, but I don't see that feature as interesting, helpful or needed so far.

Best regards,

Samuel Murray
Samuel Murray  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:55
Member (2006)
English to Afrikaans
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No directory of clients Dec 17, 2011

Katalin Szilárd wrote:
I realized that there was no narrowing down feature in the directories for distinguishing End-clients and Translation companies.

The directory of translation companies is actually a directory of service providers, not a directory of clients, although from a freelancer's perspective it may be used as a directory of clients. I don't think there are any end-clients in that directory. Why would an end-client want to be listed anyway?

Katalin Szilárd also wrote:
Forums are full of such posts as "End clients webinar" etc. so I am wondering about the reason why there is no directory for end clients at all, not even a narrowing down feature? I see a contradiction here...

If end-clients could be found in a directory, there would be no need for webinars on how to find end-clients. An end-client is a client that the translator has to find himself through non-translation related channels.

[Edited at 2011-12-17 13:18 GMT]

Katalin Szilárd
Katalin Szilárd  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:55
English to Hungarian
+ ...
Not outsourcing .. Dec 17, 2011

Walter Landesman wrote:

Hi Katalin,

Yes, I know the difference. However, I don't know how having two different directories may help us translators. And sometimes it is hard to tell. An end client may be outsourcing some projects too and becoming an "agency". All of them are potential clients to me.

I am also wondering about the % of end clients on this site.

I assume you are not suggesting to implement this feature just to get a reply to that question.

I am sorry, but I don't see that feature as interesting, helpful or needed so far.

Best regards,

Hi Walter,

Thanks for your feedback.
I am suggesting this feature indeed.
Check out how many posts relates to end clients (webinars etc.) recently but at the same time it seems as if end clients were not present on the site... It would be nice to see how many end clients are registered and what kind of companies are registered here as end clients. An end client doesn't outsource projects. The name says it all: END CLIENT -> meaning the company/client that needs the product/service for its own use.


Katalin Szilárd
Katalin Szilárd  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:55
English to Hungarian
+ ...
They are already distinguished on the site Dec 17, 2011

Samuel Murray wrote:

Katalin Szilárd wrote:
I realized that there was no narrowing down feature in the directories for distinguishing End-clients and Translation companies.

The directory of translation companies is actually a directory of service providers, not a directory of clients, although from a freelancer's perspective it may be used as a directory of clients. I don't think there are any end-clients in that directory. Why would an end-client want to be listed anyway?

Hi Samuel,

Thanks for the feedback.
Why would an end-client want to be listed anyway? There are end-clients that need translators for long-term assignments (project based assignments). Actually end-clients can register themselves on the site and you can see End customer account type for these companies. So obviously the site staff wanted to make a difference between a translation company and an end-client, since there are major differences between the 2 account types (What we call an end-client and what we call a translation company?)


[Edited at 2011-12-17 13:23 GMT]

Katalin Szilárd
Katalin Szilárd  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:55
English to Hungarian
+ ...
Contradiction Dec 17, 2011

Samuel Murray wrote:

If end-clients could be found in a directory, there would be no need for webinars on how to find end-clients. An end-client is a client that the translator has to find himself through non-translation related channels.

[Edited at 2011-12-17 13:18 GMT]

I have just seen your new sentence above. That's the contradiction indeed.
Because why the site promotes webinars finding end clients etc. why do we have different account types for End customers and Translation companies when it seems as if end clients were not present on the site?

See account types:

At the moment, the following account types are available:

Freelancer (translator and/or interpreter)
Translation agency/company
Freelancer and outsourcer
End customer
None of the above

That's the contradiction.


[Edited at 2011-12-17 13:49 GMT]

Christel Zipfel
Christel Zipfel  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:55
Italian to German
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Still better and more important would be Dec 17, 2011

Katalin Szilárd wrote:

It would be nice to see how many end clients are registered and what kind of companies are registered here as end clients. An end client doesn't outsource projects. The name says it all: END CLIENT -> meaning the company/client that needs the product/service for its own use.

that end clients were marked as such when posting a job.

I have to say however that I've seen so far only one end client posting a job here. They pretended to pay much less than a decent agency, for high-demanding texts, but that's another story

Maybe other translators were misled and offered their agency rates and the customer thought those were the normal rates for end customers. Just guessing...

Reading the job post it was not clear they were end customers; I discovered it by myself. On the other hand, there is actually no way to distinguish between agencies and end customers here other than do researches for your own account in order to understand who you are faced with.

I have always thought this would be a really useful feature. Other translator portals distinguish between: private individuals, companies and agencies (if I remember well). Why not Proz?

It should not be difficult to ask to someone, when posting a job for the first time, to specify whether he is a private individual, a company or a translation agency. But for us translators this would make a difference!

[Bearbeitet am 2011-12-17 21:29 GMT]

Katalin Szilárd
Katalin Szilárd  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:55
English to Hungarian
+ ...
Different agencies different end-client pay different rates Dec 17, 2011

Christel Zipfel wrote:

Katalin Szilárd wrote:

It would be nice to see how many end clients are registered and what kind of companies are registered here as end clients. An end client doesn't outsource projects. The name says it all: END CLIENT -> meaning the company/client that needs the product/service for its own use.

that end clients were marked as such when posting a job.

I have to say however that I've seen so far only one end client posting a job here. They pretended to pay much less than a decent agency, for high-demanding texts, but that's another story

Hi Christel,

Thanks for your post. End-clients should be marked as end-clients (at least there is an opportunity to choose the account type "End Customer").

I am sorry about your experience. Maybe it was just a bad luck...
Actually I had a different experience. I met a few end clients here and they paid decent rates. Wondering about why are they "hidden" here?


[Edited at 2011-12-18 11:20 GMT]

jyuan_us  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 16:55
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There are some "end-clients" looking for translators here Dec 18, 2011

You might think that these "end-clients" pay a higher rate than a translation agency but the reality might just be to the opposite.

Several non-translation-agency companies approached me in the past years but their proposed rates were MUCH lower than what I was paid by translation agencies.

If you give it a 2nd thought, the logic is not hard to understand. Those "end-clients" who look for freelancers by themselves rather than contracting their jobs to an translation age
... See more
You might think that these "end-clients" pay a higher rate than a translation agency but the reality might just be to the opposite.

Several non-translation-agency companies approached me in the past years but their proposed rates were MUCH lower than what I was paid by translation agencies.

If you give it a 2nd thought, the logic is not hard to understand. Those "end-clients" who look for freelancers by themselves rather than contracting their jobs to an translation agency are most likely hunting for cheap labors.

I saw a huge "end client" looking for translators posting jobs on another translation site, offering a rate of $0.02 to $0.05 per source word (depending on language pairs). That made me sick.

I hope this narrative doesn't disappoint you.

[Edited at 2011-12-18 00:24 GMT]

Katalin Szilárd
Katalin Szilárd  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:55
English to Hungarian
+ ...
Rotten tomatoes :) Dec 18, 2011

jyuan_us wrote:

You might think that these "end-clients" pay a higher rate than a translation agency but the reality might just be to the opposite.

Several non-translation-agency companies approached me in the past years but their proposed rates were MUCH lower than what I was paid by translation agencies.

If you give it a 2nd thought, the logic is not hard to understand. Those "end-clients" who look for freelancers by themselves rather than contracting their jobs to an translation agency are most likely hunting for cheap labors.

I saw a huge "end client" looking for translators posting jobs on another translation site, offering a rate of $0.02 to $0.05 per source word (depending on language pairs). That made me sick.

I hope this narrative doesn't disappoint you.

[Edited at 2011-12-18 00:24 GMT]

Hi jyuan_us,

Well, it seems as many people so many different experiences. I met only 2 End clients here that offered me low rates, a huge medical device company and a travel company, but as I heard they have separate language departments and they are more into automated translation, building up and managing a huge memory from different translations by now. But as I said I also gained some End clients here that paid very decent rates and I have a long collaboration with them.

On the other hand maybe you are right. If end clients saw the rates in the Job board or in Private jobs they might think that those rates are normal ...
So I understand your point of view as well.
Let's not mix the rotten world with the ideal one.


[Edited at 2011-12-18 08:45 GMT]

Samuel Murray
Samuel Murray  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:55
Member (2006)
English to Afrikaans
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In that case, I change my opinion Dec 18, 2011

Katalin Szilárd wrote:
See account types:

At the moment, the following account types are available:

Freelancer (translator and/or interpreter)
Translation agency/company
Freelancer and outsourcer
End customer
None of the above

I did not realise that there was a membership category called "End customer". That means that there is a way for end-clients to be identified as such. In that case I would be in favour of a directory of end-clients, but I also think that the client should have the choice of being listed in the directory, and that the default option should be "not listed". This will ensure that only clients that specifically want to be listed, are listed.

Madeleine MacRae Klintebo
Madeleine MacRae Klintebo  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 21:55
Swedish to English
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What do you base your assumption on? Dec 18, 2011

jyuan_us wrote:

If you give it a 2nd thought, the logic is not hard to understand. Those "end-clients" who look for freelancers by themselves rather than contracting their jobs to an translation agency are most likely hunting for cheap labors.

Have you considered the possibility that end clients might do their own outsourcing for quality purposed? Rather than using an agency which is likely to outsource to an unknown resource, an end client might decide to do their own outsourcing in order to know who will actually being doing the translation.

[Edited at 2011-12-18 10:45 GMT]

[Edited at 2011-12-18 10:45 GMT]

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Directory of End-clients

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