Member since Feb '09 Working languages:
English to German Dutch to German
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Rate vendor Manage list Sibylle de Schmidt SdS Translation Works 's-Heerenberg, Gelderland, Netherlands
Local time : 07:39 CET (GMT+1)
Native in : German
Translation on a scientific level
Freelance translator and/or interpreter, Verified member This person has a SecurePRO™ card. View now.
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Translation, Editing/proofreading Specializes in: Medical: Pharmaceuticals Medical (general) Psychology Medical: Health Care Education / Pedagogy Safety Cosmetics, Beauty History Medical: Instruments Marketing
Also works in: Medical: Cardiology Nutrition Genetics Biology (-tech,-chem,micro-)
English to German - Rates: 0.12 - 0.25 EUR per word / 60 - 75 EUR per hour Dutch to German - Rates: 0.12 - 0.25 EUR per word / 60 - 75 EUR per hour
PRO-level points: 77 , Questions answered: 52 , Questions asked: 2 PayPal, Wire transfer, Bank Transfer, Payoneer Medical EN-DE Years of experience: 10. Registered at Feb 2009. Became a member: Feb 2009. English to German (Medical Research Associate) Dutch to German (Medizinischer Dokumentar) DVÜD (Deutscher Verband der freien Übersetzer und Dolmetscher) Adobe Acrobat, memoQ, MemSource Cloud, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Plunet BusinessManager, Powerpoint, Trados Studio
Training sessions attended Sibylle de Schmidt endorses's Professional Guidelines .
SdS Translation Works was founded by Sibylle de Schmidt , born and raised in Germany. Specialisation in pharmaceutical, medical and scientific translations. Areas like psychology, history and education are covered as well. Because of the study as Medical Research Associate (only available in Germany, England and Australia) focused on the conduct of clinical studies and vast working experience in this area translation/editing of pharmaceutical documents according to EMA (European Medicines Agency) criteria (QRD-templates) is often required. Language pairs offered: EN/NL > DE. Mostly working for commercial clients in the UK, Ireland, Denmark, Germany, Switzerland, USA, Canada, Spain and Austria and Dutch universities. Past: Several years in medical research and development with international pharmaceutical companies and IT companies.
This user has earned KudoZ points by helping other translators with PRO-level terms. Click point total(s) to see term translations provided. Total pts earned: 85 PRO-level pts: 77 Top languages (PRO) English to German 53 Dutch to German 24 Top general fields (PRO) Medical 40 Tech/Engineering 20 Bus/Financial 7 Marketing 7 Law/Patents 3 Top specific fields (PRO) Medical: Pharmaceuticals 16 Medical (general) 12 Construction / Civil Engineering 8 Mining & Minerals / Gems 8 Marketing 8 Biology (-tech,-chem,micro-) 4 Medical: Cardiology 4 Pts in 5 more flds > See all points earned >
Keywords: vertalingen, vertalen, Nederlands, Engels, Duits, medisch vertaalwerk, medische vertaling, medisch vertaler, medisch vertaalbureau, geneeskunde. See more . vertalingen, vertalen, Nederlands, Engels, Duits, medisch vertaalwerk, medische vertaling, medisch vertaler, medisch vertaalbureau, geneeskunde, patiëntgegevens, regulatory affairs, klinische studies, klinisch, onderwijs, e-learning, genetica, geneesmiddelen, farmacie, gezondheidszorg, biotechnologie, biochemie, microbiologie, onderwijs, pedagogie, medische uitrusting, medische hulpmiddelen, medische apparatuur, ISO, normen, geschiedenis, kwaliteitszorg, SOP, opleidingsdocumentatie, trainingsdocumentatie, psychologie, farmaceutische producten, hygiëne, cosmetica, geneesmiddelen, goedkeuring geneesmiddelen, internationale goedkeuring en, technische informatie, brochure, folder flyer, registratiedossier, chemisch-farmaceutische documentatie, handelsvergunning, in de handel brengen, GMP, GLP, GCP, toxicologie, samenvatting van de Productkenmerken, SPC, PIL, de bijsluiter, SPC, bijsluiter, instemming van de patiënt, toestemming van de patiënt, geneesmiddelenbewaking, e-learning, translations, translation, Dutch, English, German, medical translation, medical translation, medical translator, medical translation agency, medicine, patient data, regulatory affairs, clinical studies, clinical, education, e-learning, genetics, pharmaceuticals, pharmacy, healthcare, biotechnology, biochemistry, microbiology, education, pedagogy, medical technology, medical equipment, medical devices, ISO, standards, history, quality Assurance, SOP, training documentation, course material, psychology, hygiene, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, approvals, international approvals, specialist information, leaflet, leaflet flyer, registration dossier, chemical-pharmaceutical documentation, marketing authorization, marketing authorisation, GMP, GLP, GCP, toxicology, Summary of Product Characteristics, SPC, PIL, Patient Information Leaflet, SmPC, package insert, package leaflet, patient consent, patient information, informed consent, pharmacovigilance, e-learning, Übersetzungen, Übersetzung, Niederländisch, Englisch, Deutsch, medizinische Übersetzungen, medizinischer Übersetzer, medizinisches Übersetzungsbüro, Medizin, Patientendaten, Regulatory Affairs, klinische Studien, klinisch, Bildung, Ausbildung, Weiterbildung, E-Learning, Biologie, Genetik, Arzneimittel, Pharma, Biotechnologie, Biochemie, Mikrobiologie, Erziehung, Pädagogik, Medizintechnik, medizinische Ausrüstung, medizinische Geräte, ISO, Normen, Geschichte, Fachübersetzer, Fachübersetzung, Qualitätssicherung, SOP, Schulungsunterlagen, Ausbildungsunterlagen, Trainingsdokumentation, Schulungsdokumentation, Lehrmittel, Kursmaterialien, Lehrmaterial, Psychologie, Pharmazie, Hygiene, Kosmetik, Arzneimittel, Zulassungen, internationale Zulassungen, Fachinformation, Gebrauchsinformation, Packungsbeilage, Beileger, Zulassungsdossier, chemisch-pharmazeutische Dokumentation, Zulassung, Genehmigung für das Inverkehrbringen, GMP, GLP, GCP, Toxikologie, Zusammenfassung der Produktmerkmale, SPC, PIL, Packungsbeilage, Fachinformation, Patienteneinverständniserklärung, Patienteninformation, Pharmakovigilanz, E-Learning, Patienteneinwilligung. See less . This profile has received 61 visits in the last month, from a total of 56 visitors Profile last updated Nov 11, 2024