Member since Jun '12

Working languages:
English to Dutch
German to Dutch
Dutch to German
English to German

Gerwin Jansen
weil Übersetzen ein Fach ist!

Geldrop, Noord-Brabant, Netherlands
Local time: 03:57 CET (GMT+1)

Native in: Dutch Native in Dutch
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What Gerwin Jansen is working on
May 26, 2024 (posted via  Just finished an online presentation of the "Handbuch Explosionsschutz" for my dear friend, Marc Moolenaar, and I just finished the sworn German translations of a Dutch doctor's diploma, a Dutch Certificate of Conduct and an English CCPS for an MD: the first sworn translation from English straight into German, since I've been sworn in for English as well in 2022. A real money saver for the customer who has Dutch and English documents from our government to be translated into German by a sworn translator! ...more, + 7 other entries »
Total word count: 0

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weil Übersetzen ein Fach ist!
Account type Freelancer and outsourcer, Identity Verified Verified member
Data security Created by Evelio Clavel-Rosales This person has a SecurePRO™ card. Because this person is not a Plus subscriber, to view his or her SecurePRO™ card you must be a Business member or Plus subscriber.
Affiliations This person is not affiliated with any business or Blue Board record at
Services Translation, Editing/proofreading, Project management
Specializes in:
IT (Information Technology)Law: Patents, Trademarks, Copyright
OtherLaw (general)
Law: Contract(s)Medical (general)
Medical: InstrumentsEngineering (general)
Mechanics / Mech EngineeringConstruction / Civil Engineering

KudoZ activity (PRO) PRO-level points: 160, Questions answered: 105
Blue Board entries made by this user  1 entry

Company size <3 employees
Year established 1996
Glossaries 1-Fach automotive glossary, 1-Fach botanics and agriculture glossary, 1-Fach building glossery, 1-Fach business glossary, 1-Fach Education and Qualification glossary, 1-Fach finance glossary, 1-Fach installatietechniek glossary, 1-Fach insurance glossary, 1-Fach law glossary, 1-Fach medical glossary

Standards / Certification(s) SDL Certified
Translation education Master's degree - Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen
Experience Years of experience: 38. Registered at Mar 2009. Became a member: Jun 2012. Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
Credentials German to Dutch (Bureau for Sworn Interpreters and Translators)
Dutch to German (Bureau for Sworn Interpreters and Translators)
German to Dutch (Leidse Onderwijsinstellingen HBO Bachelor Medical Translations)
Dutch to German (Leidse Onderwijsinstellingen HBO Bachelor Medical Translations)
English to Dutch (Bureau WBTV registered as a sworn translator under number 4301)

Memberships N/A
Software Across, Adobe Illustrator, Frontpage, memoQ, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, TRADOS, Pagemaker, Powerpoint, QuarkXPress, Trados Studio, Wordfast
Events and training

1983-1987: (Radboud) University of Nijmegen: M.A. German language and literature and professional translation German-Dutch, Dutch-German and English-Dutch;

1987-1988: University of Nijmegen: Applied linguistics and Computer linguistics;

1989: Sworn in for life as a translator for both the Dutch and German language by the Court of Arnhem;

1989-1991: BIT and Fontys University for Applied Sciences: Postgraduate education program Euroconsultant business advisor in matters concerning the European internal market (White Book 1992) for small and middle-sized enterprises;

1992-1993: St. Catherine's hospital: Nurse trainee cardio surgery;

1994-1995: (Radboud) University of Nijmegen: Postgraduate teacher of foreign languages: diploma M.A.:Master of Foreign Language Education;
1995-1997: Several jobs as a substitute teacher in Terneuzen, Best, Valkenswaard and Helmond;

1997: Started my own company with an assignment Windows and Office for the German NATO troops.
From then I did mainly specialised translations in the following fields:

> technical medical and rehabilitation texts, such as:
- manuals of physiotherapy equipment, hospital beds and wheelchairs of all kinds;
- manuals of medical equipment and rehabilitation appliances; blueprints and manuals of medical gas systems for hospitals;
> confidential medical texts: medical reports for insurance companies and courts of law; foreign medical surgical reports about patients before they could safely be transferred to a Dutch hospital;

> legal texts, such as:
- legal case files for examination of witnesses on commission in Switzerland and Germany;
- business contracts;
- terms for both brick and on-line companies;
- birth and death certificates;
- Confiscation of the goods of the building contractor of the Westerscheldetunnel because of the insolvency verdict of the mother company, the Holzmann concern, the largest building contractor in Germany at that time;

> technical texts, such as:

- the façade construction software C-Moll + manual for the Dutch and Belgium market;
- building specifications;
- manuals for electric equipment;
- manuals for machine tools;
- manuals for roller coasters;
- manuals for industrial machines;

> financial texts, such as:
- annual reports for some large companies such as RWE and accountancy firms, such as Ernst & Young and Price Waterhouse Coopers;

> commercial texts, such as: brochures and several big websites such as   as a part of; as a part of SilverTours GmbH; and

2015: LOI University for Applied Sciences, Bachelor's Certificate: "Medisch vertalen voor vertalers Duits (Medical translations German-Dutch-German) Cum Laude (8/10);
2020-'21: LOI University for Applied Sciences, Bachelor's Diploma: "De praktijk van het vertalen voor vertalers Duits (among other things: learning how machine translation works (or not), how to align texts, to create translation memories and working with WordFast in a German-Dutch-German context) Summa Cum Laude (9/10);
2022, January 6th: Officially registered as a sworn translator for the language combinations German-Dutch, Dutch-German, English-German and English-Dutch, based on my old Master degree from 1987, the new legislation from 2007/2008 on sworn translators and lots and lots of experience with translations from English into Dutch.
2022, February 24th: Sworn in again by the Court of 's-Hertogenbosch as a sworn translator for the following combinations of languages:


This user has earned KudoZ points by helping other translators with PRO-level terms. Click point total(s) to see term translations provided.

Total pts earned: 160
(All PRO level)

Top languages (PRO)
Dutch to German69
German to Dutch68
English to Dutch23
Top general fields (PRO)
Pts in 2 more flds >
Top specific fields (PRO)
Construction / Civil Engineering20
Law (general)16
Medical (general)15
Business/Commerce (general)12
Automotive / Cars & Trucks11
Electronics / Elect Eng8
Engineering (general)8
Pts in 16 more flds >

See all points earned >
Keywords: Spezialgebiete: Sport/Fitness/Erholung Wirtschaft/Handel (allgemein) Recht (allgemein) Recht: Verträge Medizin (allgemein) Medizin: Instrumente Technik (allgemein) medizinische Hilfsmittel Maschinen/Maschinenbau Automatisierung und Robotik Bauwesen/Hochbau/Tiefbau Arbeitsgebiete: Medizin: Gesundheitswesen Medizin: Pharmazie Recht: Steuern und Zoll Marketing/Marktforschung E-Technik/Elektronik Industrielle Technik Umwelt und Ökologie Urkunden Diplome Zeugnisse Lebensläufe Bilanzierung/Buchhaltung Finanzen (allgemein) Musik Gitarrenunterricht Gitarrenbau Forstwirtschaft/Holz/Nutzholz Möbel/Haushaltsgeräte Landwirtschaft Ernährungswissenschaft Lebensmittel Militär/Verteidigung Computer (allgemein) Computer: Software Computer: Hardware Werbung/PR Architektur Fassadentechnik Kraftfahrzeuge/PKW und LKW Luft- und Raumfahrt Chemie, Chemietechnik Kochen/Kulinarisches Wirtschaftswissenschaften Bildungswesen/Pädagogik Biologie Zoologie Botanik Sexuologie Spiele/Videospiele/Computerspiele/Kasino Interessengebiete: Genetik IT (Informationstechnologie) Versicherungen Medizin Kardiologie Krankenpflege Internet E-Commerce Investment/Wertpapiere Linguistik Management/Verwaltung ==================================== Specialisaties: Sport / conditie / recreatie Zaken / handel (algemeen) Juridisch (algemeen) Juridisch: Contract(en) Medisch (algemeen) Medisch: Instrumenten Medische hulpmiddelen Techniek (algemeen) Werktuigbouwkunde / mechanische techniek Automatisering & Robots Bouwkunde / civiele techniek Werkgebieden: Medisch: Gezondheidszorg Medisch: Geneesmiddelen farmacie Juridisch: Belasting & douane Marketing en marktonderzoek Elektronica / elektrotechniek Techniek: Industrieel Milieu & ecologie Certificaten diploma's vergunningen CV's Boekhouding Financieel-economisch (algemeen) Muziek Gitaaronderwijs Gitaarbouw Bosbouw / hout / timmerhout Meubels / huishoudelijke apparaten Landbouw Voeding Voedsel & zuivel Leger / defensie Computers (algemeen) Computers: Programma's Computers: Apparatuur Reclame / voorlichting Architectuur Geveltechniek Voertuigen / auto's & vrachtwagens Ruimtevaart / luchtvaart / heelal Scheikunde; chemische wetenschap / chemische techniek Koken / culinair Economie Onderwijs / pedagogie Biologie: Plantkunde Dierkunde Seksuologie Games / videospellen / computerspellen / casino Interessegebieden: Genetica IT (informatietechnologie) Verzekeringen Medisch: Cardiologie Internet elektronische handel Investeringen / beleggingen Linguïstiek Management

Profile last updated
Aug 2, 2024

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