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Source text - Romanian
Marti, 15 nov 2005
Presa regionala »
GHCL Limited intentioneaza sa cumpere SC Uzinele Sodice Govora SA
Presedintele Consiliului Judetean Valcea, Dumitru Buse, s-a intalnit astazi, 5 septembrie a.c., cu o delegatie a GHCL Limited, condusa chiar de presedintele Sanjay Dalmia.
Dupa cum stiti, presedintele Consiliului Judetean a mai avut, la sfarsitul lunii august, o intalnire cu dl Paukaj K. Rajani, reprezentant al grupului de firme amintit, prilej cu care acesta din urma a primit informatii despre situatia platformei chimice valcene.
La intalnirea de astazi, presedintele Sanjay Dalmia l-a asigurat pe presedintele CJ Valcea ca GHCL Limited este un investitor serios, care intentioneaza sa cumpere SC Uzinele Sodice Govora SA si sa investeasca in retehnologizarea societatii pentru a o transforma intr-una profitabila, care sa se impuna ca lider pe piata europeana a producatorilor de soda.
De asemenea, grupul indian de firme vrea sa stabileasca relatii comerciale pe termen lung cu CET Govora, sa devina actionar la CET si sa investeasca in retehnologizarea acestuia.
Centrala electrotermica (CET) Govora va administra Uzinele Sodice (USG) din localitate, societate operata pina acum de firma Begacom, a controversatilor oameni de afaceri timisoreni Marius si Emil Cristescu. „Vineri au fost revocati membrii Consiliului de Administratie. S-a numit un administrator special care va convoca, pe 6 sau 8 mai, Adunarea Generala a Actionarilor.
Noi si AVAS vom avea majoritatea", ne-a spus ieri directorul general al CET, Mihai Balan. Centrala, detinuta de Consiliul Judetean Vilcea, detine 49,8% dintre actiunile USG, in urma conversiei in actiuni a unor datorii ale uzinei catre CET de 426 de miliarde de lei. AVAS mai detine 2,86% si, potrivit lui Balan, s-a alaturat centralei in administrarea uzinei.
Astfel, CET si AVAS vor detine 52,6% din capitalul USG. Potrivit lui Balan, CET isi va vinde actiunile daca AVAS va gasi un cumparator pentru ele.
Begacom, cea care a cumparat pachetul majoritar al uzinei de la fosta APAPS, mai are 40% dintre actiuni, dar are sanse sa le piarda si pe acestea si, in plus, sa mai dea si ceva bani. AVAS a anuntat ca va cere, pe cale juridica, desfiintarea contractului de privatizare a societatii, cu solicitarea de daune-interese, pentru ca Begacom ar fi incalcat mai multe prevederi.
Potrivit lui Balan, uzina este oprita si are datorii de 300 de miliarde catre CET, 29 de miliarde catre Distrigaz si 350 de miliarde catre BCR.
Cotidianul, 19 apr 2005
AVAS vrea sa anuleze privatizarea societatii Uzinele Sodice Govora
Motivul invocat: nerespectarea obligatiilor asumate de Bega Com Timisoara, cumparatorul societatii
Autoritatea pentru Valorificarea Activelor Statului (AVAS) a hotarat sa desfiinteze, pe cale judiciara, contractul de privatizare prin care Bega Com Timisoara a preluat societatea Uzinele Sodice Govora (USG) Ramnicu Valcea, dupa ce reprezentantii institutiei au constatat ca nu au fost respectate o serie de obligatii asumate de catre cumparator.
Ioan Codrut Seres, ministrul Economiei si Comertului, ceruse anularea contractului de privatizare in urma cu circa o luna. Raspunsul AVAS, la vremea respectiva, a fost ca nu vede unde ar exista o problema cu contractul de privatizare, si ca este singura institutie abilitata sa-si dea cu parerea in legatura cu acest subiect.
In urma unui control dispus de conducerea AVAS la USG, desfasurat in perioada 24-25 martie, s-a constatat ca Bega Com nu a respectat prevederile din protocolul incheiat intre cumparator si sindicatul Sodistul, protocol anexa la contractul de privatizare, precum si oprirea functionarii societatii din data de 16 februarie 2005, fapt ce pericliteaza locurile de munca a 1.255 de angajati, se arata intr-un comunicat al AVAS.
Sistarea activitatii conduce la imposibilitatea respectarii celorlalte obligatii contractuale si are implicatii sociale si economice atat pentru societatile locale furnizoare de materii prime si utilitati (CET Govora, Exploatarile Miniere etc.), cat si pentru cele beneficiare ale produselor USG (Oltchim Ramnicu Valcea).
Masuri de mediu ignorate si bani dirijati catre conturile Bega
De asemenea, verificarile AVAS au aratat ca nu au fost realizate masurile de mediu prin contributia financiara a cumparatorului. "Suma de 400.000 de dolari a fost virata de cumparator cu doua zile inaintea termenului scadent si, ulterior, a fost «redirijata » catre societati din cadrul grupului Bega, in baza unui contract de executie lucrari. Suma pentru executarea lucrarilor a fost incasata in totalitate, in avans, de societatea prestatoare. Pana in prezent, au fost efectuate lucrari de refacere a rigolelor si de dalare, pe o lungime de 600 de metri liniari, din totalul de 4.000 de metri liniari ai perimetrului batalelor de slam ale USG. Astfel, se constata depasirea termenului contractual prevazut pentru realizarea integrala a masurilor de mediu", mentioneaza AVAS.
In plus, potrivit comunicatului, capitalul de lucru virat de cumparator in contul societatii, in suma de 300.000 de dolari, a fost folosit pentru achitarea unor facturi comerciale emise de Begatrans Timisoara anterior privatizarii USG.
USG Ramnicu Valcea a achitat, cu prioritate, datoriile societatii catre firmele din grupul Bega, in contradictie cu prevederile legale care obliga agentii economici sa-si onoreze obligatiile in ordinea in care ele au fost generate.
Dupa doi ani de exploatare a societatii, aceasta inregistreaza datorii de aproximativ 438 miliarde lei catre furnizori, din care 365 miliarde lei catre furnizorii de materii prime, utilitati si materiale. Cauza principala a sistarii furnizarii aburului tehnologic si a opririi procesului de productie este neplata datoriilor catre CET Govora, datorii in suma de aproximativ 300 miliarde lei.
In comunicatul AVAS se mai arata ca au fost incalcate si prevederile din contract care interzic instrainarea de active care contribuie la realizarea obiectului principal de activitate al societatii.
Conturi blocate pentru 2.181 de firme cu datorii
AVAS a dispus, in luna aprilie, blocarea conturilor bancare apartinand unui numar de 2.181 de societati cu datorii, in incercarea de a recupera 967,6 miliarde de lei, reprezentand 46,6 milioane de dolari la cursul de schimb de la data preluarii creantelor.
Pentru 1.873 de debitori, cu creante individuale intre 100 si 200 de milioane de lei, sumele incasate urmeaza sa fie virate la Fondul National Unic de Asigurari Sociale de Sanatate, se arata intr-un comunicat al AVAS. In cazul celorlalti 308 debitori, preluati de la Bancorex, Banca Agricola si Banca Comerciala Romana, sumele recuperate vor avea ca destinatie diminuarea datoriei publice.
Pe perioada blocarii conturilor sunt admise doar platile in contul creantei detinute de AVAS si platile pentru salarii si alte privilegii legale.
Ordinele de blocare a conturilor au fost transmise catre 38 de banci.
Iulian Enache /
AVAS controleaza Uzinele Sodice Govora
Vineri, 25 Martie 2005
Autoritatea pentru Valorificarea Activelor Statului (AVAS) a declansat ieri un control la Uzinele Sodice Govora (USG) pentru a verifica daca actionarul majoritar al societatii, firma Bega Com Timisoara, si-a indeplinit obligatiile contractuale asumate in momentul privatizarii USG. “Din punct de vedere al respectarii clauzelor cuprinse in contractul de vinzare-cumparare de actiuni, pe baza analizelor documentelor prezentate de cumparator, SC Bega Com si-a indeplinit pina in prezent toate obligatiile scadente”, precizeaza AVAS.
Gabriel Zbircea, presedintele institutiei, a dispus inceperea controlului ca urmare a sesizarilor Prefecturii Vilcea, ale Consiliului Judetean si ale sindicatelor USG. “In cazul in care echipa de control va constata neconcordante intre realitatea din teren si documentele prezentate, AVAS va actiona in conformitate cu prevederile legale si contractuale”.
La inceputul lunii martie, ministrul economiei si comertului, Codrut Seres, s-a pronuntat pentru rezilierea privatizarii USG, intrucit investitorul nu si-ar fi respectat obligatiile.
Patronii firmei Bega Com, fratii Emil si Marius Cristescu, au anuntat ca il vor actiona in instanta pe Seres si institutia pe care acesta o conduce, apreciind ca declaratiile ministrului afecteaza imaginea, reputatia si bonitatea Bega Com.
Societatea Uzinele Sodice Govora a fost privatizata in 2002, cind Bega Com, membra a grupului Bega, a cumparat de la fosta Autoritare pentru Privatizare 83,91%din actiuni, in schimbul sumei de doua milioane de dolari
Reprezentantii de la Inspectoratul de Concurenta, insa sustin ca asta este singura solutie viabila pentru salvarea uzinei deoarece conducerea societatii BegaCom Timisoara intentioneaza sa inchida USG.
Reprezentantii Inspectoratului de Concurenta (IC) Valcea, au ajuns la concluzia ca singura solutie viabila pentru salavarea Uzinelor Sodice Govora, este anularea contractului de privatizare si preluarea uzinei de catre alt investitor. Ei sustin ca, prin criza pe care a creat-o pe Platforma Industriala Ramnicu Valcea, conducerea societatii BegaCom Timisoara intentioneaza sa inchida USG. Daca se va ajunge in aceasta situatie, patronii societatii timisorene sint singurii care au de cistigat, deoarece mai detin o societate in Ocna Mures, avand acelasi obiect de activitate. „Din cauza cererii mici de pe piata interna, se pare ca SC BegaCom vrea cu tot dinadinsul sa elimine de pe piata USG, deoarece uzina de la Ocna Mures va satisface cerintele pietei interne“, au afirmat surse din cadrul IC Valcea. Autoritatea pentru Valorificarea Activelor Statului este singura institutie abilitata sa se pronunte in legatura cu derularea contractului incheiat cu BEGA COM. Insa, printr-un comunicat AVAS, institutia sustine ca nu are nici un temei legal pentru a rezilia contractul de vinzare-cumparare de actiuni incheiat intre Autoritate si BEGA COM SA pentru SC UZINELE SODICE SA Govora.
Translation - English
Tuesday, 15 nov 2005
Regional Press
GHCL Limited Going To Buy SC Uzinele Sodice Govora SA
The President of the Valcea County Council, Dumitru Buse had a meeting with a delegation of GHCL Limited, on 5th September 2005. The delegation was led by the President Sanjay Dalmia himself.
As you may well know, last August the County Council President already had a meeting with Mr. Pankaj K. Rajani, a representative of GHCL Limited, on which occasion the latter was given information on the situation of the chemical platform in Valcea.
During today’s meeting, President Sanjay Dalmia has assured County Council President that GHCL is a serious investor, who intends to buy SC Uzinele Sodice Govora SA and invest in its modernisation to render it profitable and capable to impose itself as a leader on the soda producers’ European market.
Also, the Indian GHCL Limited wants to establish long-term commercial relationships with CET Govora, to become a shareholder within CET and to invest in its modernisation.
The County Council President considers that the materialization of the Indian investor’s intentions would be beneficial for the chemical platform of Valcea and looks forward to closing the negotiations between AVAS and GHCL Limited and to forwarding the motivation letter for collaboration with CET Govora.
The Govora Electro thermal Power plant (CET Govora) will administer Uzinele Sodice (USG) in Govora, which has been operated up to the present by The Begacom Company that belongs to the controversial businessmen from Timisoara, Marius and Emil Cristescu. The members of the Council of Administration were revoked on Friday. A special administrator has been named, who will call for the General Assembly of Shareholders on 6th or 8th of May.
“We and AVAS will have the majority,” the General Manager of CET, Mihai Balan, told us yesterday. The plant, owned by the Valcea County Council holds 49.8% of the shares of USG, after the conversion in shares of debts of 426 billion of USG to CET. AVAS holds 2.86% and, according to Balan, has joined CET in the administration of USG.
Consequently, CET and AVAS will hold 52.6% of the USG capital. According to Balan, CET will sell its shares if AVAS finds a buyer.
Begacom, which had held the majority of USG shares, bought from the ex-APAPS, has only 40% of the shares left, but not only is it likely to lose these but that it will pay some extra money as well. AVAS announced that they would ask to make the privatisation contract null and void, and be given compensation, as BegaCom would have broken more clauses.
According to Balan, the plant is closed and has debts of 300 billion to CET, 29 billion to Distrigaz and 350 billion to BCR (Romanian Commercial Bank).
Cotidianul, 19th of Apr 2005
AVAS wants to cancel the privatization of Uzinele Sodice Govora (USG)
The invoked reason: the non-fulfillment of the obligations assumed by Bega Com Timisoara, the buyer of the USG Govora.
The Authority for the valuation of State Archives (AVAS) decided to legally dissolve the privatization contract by which Bega Com Timisoara had become the owner of USG, after the representatives of the institution realized that a series of obligations assumed by the buyer had not been fulfilled.
Ioan Codrut Seres, the Minister of Economy and Commerce, had asked for the annulment of the privatization contract about a month ago. The reply of AVAS at that time was that they couldn’t see any possible problem linked to the privatization contract, and that they are the only institution certified to state its opinion on this matter.
After a survey conducted by the leaders of AVAS at USG, on 24th and 25th March, they concluded that BegaCom had not respected the clauses under the protocol (signed between the buyer and the Sodistul Syndicate and annexed to the privatisation contract), and had stopped its activity
since 16th February 2005, which endangered the workplaces of 1255 employees, as stated in a news release of AVAS.
The cease of activity leads to the impossibility to respect the other contractual obligations and has social and economical implications both for the local institutions supplying raw materials and utilities (CET Govora, Exploatarile Miniere, etc.) and for those which are beneficiaries of USG products (Oltchim Ramnicu Valcea).
Ignored environmental measures and money directed towards Bega accounts
Also, AVAS surveys have shown that the environmental measures have not been taken with the financial contribution of the buyer. “The sum of 400,000 dollars was handed in by the buyer 2 days before the deadline and afterwards “redirected” towards companies within the Bega Group, on the basis of a repair work contract. The entire sum allocated for this was cashed in advance by the company in charge of repair work. Up to the present, 600 linear metres out of the 4000 metres of the USG perimeter have been repaired or remade. Consequently, it is obvious that the deadline for the fulfilment of environmental measures stated in the contract has not been honoured”, AVAS says.
Moreover, according to the news release, the work capital transferred by the buyer to company account, within 300,000 dollars, was used to clear some commercial invoices issued by Begatrans Timisoara before the privatization of USG.
USG Ramnicu Valcea cleared with priority the debts of the company to the other ones within the Bega Group, in contradiction with the legal clauses which oblige economic agents to honour their obligations in the order with which they were generated.
After two years of exploitation of the company, it has debts of 438 billion lei to its suppliers, out of which 365 billion lei to suppliers of raw materials, utilities and materials. The main reason for stopping the technological steam supplying and of the production process is the non-payment of the debts to CET Govora, worth of about 300 billion lei. In the AVAS news release they also show that they have also broken the contract clauses on the ban to estrange actives linked to the main field of activity of the company.
Blocked accounts for 2.181 companies in debt
In April AVAS called for blocking the banking accounts belonging to 2,181 in-debt companies, trying to get back 967.6 billion lei, representing 46.6 million dollars on the Foreign Exchange Market on the date when they took over the letters of credit.
For 1,873 debtors with individual letters of credit ranging between 100 and 200 million lei, the money obtained is to be deposited at the Fondul National Unic de Asigurari de Sanatate (The Unique National Fund of Social Health Insurance), as reported through a news release of AVAS.
As concerns the other 308 debtors (from Bancorex, Agricultural Bank and Romanian Commercial Bank), the money that can be taken back will go into diminishing the public debt.
While the accounts are blocked only the payments to the account of AVAS’s letters of credit and the payment of salaries and other legal privileges are allowed.
Orders to block the accounts have been transmitted to 38 banks.
Iulian Enache /
AVAS Controls USG
Friday, 25th March 2005
The Authority for the Valuation of Archives of the State (AVAS) conducted a survey at USG yesterday to check whether the major shareholder of the company, Bega Com Timisoara fulfilled its contractual obligations undertaken at the moment of the privatization of USG. “ From the viewpoint of the respect of the clauses contained in the contract of buying and selling shares, on the basis of the analyses of the documents presented by the buyer, SC BEGA Com has fulfilled all its obligations up to now”, AVAS states.
Gabriel Zbircea, the president of the institution decided to begin a survey as a consequence of alarm signals given by the Town Hall of Valcea, by the County Council and by USG syndicates. “Should the survey team see any difference between the reality on the field and the documents presented, AVAS will act in conformity with the legal and contractual clauses.”
At the beginning of March, The Minister of Economy and Commerce, Codrut Seres was for canceling the privatisation of USG, as the investor wouldn’t have respected his obligations.
The owners of Bega Com, Emil and Marius Cristescu brothers, announced that they would sue Seres and the institution he leads, saying that the minister’s statements affect the image and the reputation of Bega Com.
USG was privatised in 2002, when Bega Com, member of the Bega Group, bought 83,91% of the shares, from the ex-Authority for Privatisation, for 2 million dollars.
Representatives of the Competition Department still claim that this is the only viable solution to safeguard the plant because the leaders of Bega Com Timisoara intend to close USG.
Representatives of the Competition Department Valcea (Inspectoratul de Concurenta (IC) Valcea), came to the conclusion that the only viable solution to safeguard USG is the annulment of the contract of privatisation and the take over of the plant by another investor. They claim that through this crisis created on the Industrial platform of Ramnicu Valcea, the leaders of Bega Com Timisoara intend to close USG. If this happens, the only ones to win from it are the owners of Bega Com, who also own a company in Ocna Mures, with the same field of activity.
Because of the small demand on the internal market it seems that SC Bega Com wants by all means to eliminate itself from the USG market, because the plant in Ocna Mures will satisfy the demands of the internal market “, sources from the County Council Valcea stated.
AVAS is the only institution certified to give its opinion on the contract signed with Bega Com. But, through an AVAS news release, the institution claims that there is not any legal ground to dissolve the contract on the buying and selling of shares, signed between AVAS and Bega Com SA for SC Uzinele Sodice SA Govora (USG).
English to French: Onadel
Source text - English 1
Before You Start
In order to get up and running at a JavaHitz, you need a PC or Mac laptop or personal digital assistant (PDA) with wireless (Wi-Fi) connectivity. Otherwise, you shouldn't need any new hardware or software (unless you buy a wireless access card).
Follow the 3 steps outlined below before you start:
Check Laptop and/or PDA
Laptops that have the new Intel® Centrino™ mobile technology with integrated Wireless LAN capability will work automatically. Most new laptops are wireless enabled, otherwise you need an IEEE 802.11g wireless access card (e.g. PCMCIA card). You can order a wireless access card from or from your local computer store.
Ideally your laptop/PDA should be running Microsoft Windows XP (Home, Professional, Tablet PC, Media Centre, AMD 64-bit edition) or Windows 98 or 2000.
Linux users need to be using operating system 2.2 and above. Apple Mac users need to be using operating system 9.0 and above.
If you have a Personal Data Assistant (PDA), Microsoft Pocket PC 2002 and above or Palm OS 4.0 and above are the preferred operating systems.
Check drivers and settings
If you've added a wireless access card, please check you've correctly installed the drivers and the card by referring to the card's instructions. Windows XP has built-in drivers for most wireless cards.
Check wireless settings
Before starting to use a JavaHitz, your wireless settings should be: 1. Service Set Identifier (SSID) set to '' (case sensitive and no spaces)
2. Network type set to 'infrastructure'
3. Wireless network key (WEP) disabled
If you access a company network using your laptop, you may have to disable your Internet Explorer proxy settings.
(* Calls charged at your telephone service provider's international call rates.)
Common Questions
If your question isn't answered here, please call at ##2 (charges apply to calling party).
• What do I need to use a Wireless Internet Access connection at a JavaHitz?
• What if I need help connecting?
• What can I do at a JavaHitz?
• Can I send and receive emails using JavaHitzs?
• Is there a download limit?
• Do I need to purchase goods or services before I can get FREE access in a JavaHitz?
• Do I need to be inside a JavaHitz to pick up the signal?
What do I need to use the Wireless Internet Access connection at a JavaHitz?
You'll need a wireless / Wi-Fi* enabled laptop or PDA device. Most recently manufactured laptops are configured for wireless and most come equipped with a wireless adapter card. Otherwise, you'll need to purchase an adapter card. ALL locations are equipped with 802.11b/g access points. Other JavaHitzs that aren’t affiliated with may offer 802.11b only. You can confirm the access point protocol specification in our JavaHitz directory before visiting the site to be sure. When purchasing an adapter card for your laptop be sure to read the manufacturer’s specs for compatibility and interoperability information.
You can use a Wi-Fi signal sniffer like the Wi-Fi Seeker to see if there are any signals nearby before using your laptop to connect.
What if I need help connecting?
Some hints that should work in most locations –
1) Be sure to set your TCP/IP properties to "Obtain an IP address automatically" (DHCP).
2) Make sure your computer is not configured to automatically use a dial-up connection.
3) If requested, choose Infrastructure mode rather than ad-hoc mode.
4) Use the SSID name provided by the location or try choosing "any".
5) Turn encryption (WEP) off.
6) Make sure your battery is fully charged. Most JavaHitzs will not have many wall plugs available for use by customers.
*"Wi-Fi" is a registered certification mark of the Wi-Fi Alliance. For more information about the Wi-Fi Alliance and its certification programs for 802.11-based products and services, please visit
What can I do at a JavaHitz?
The Wi-Fi wireless broadband connection available at a JavaHitz allows you to do anything you would do from home or the office. You can surf the Web, check your e-mail, connect to your Corporate network (if that service is available to you), make FREE Voice over IP phone calls, play online games, update your blog, and Instant Message (IM) with your friends. Best of all, JavaHitzs usually offer broadband connection speeds. If you only have a modem dial-up account at home you'll probably end up spending more time at the JavaHitz once you see how much faster it is You may even give up your dial-up account and just use the JavaHitz when you want to go online.
(Note: Your ability to send e-mail from a JavaHitz is somewhat dependent on the policy of your local Internet Service Provider (ISP) that provides your home/office internet and e-mail access - some ISPs restrict the ability to send email when not connected to the Internet directly through them. If you have problems ask the JavaHitz location owner for their SMTP server info, or consider a web based e-mail account for use at a JavaHitz.)
Can I send and receive emails using JavaHitzs?
JavaHitzs provide fast wireless access to the internet. To send email you need to connect with your ISP's outgoing mail server. However, some ISPs don't allow users to connect directly to their outgoing mail servers from the internet because of security and spamming (junk email) concerns. It's therefore possible that you may have difficulty sending mail this way.
Is there a download limit?
No. JavaHitzs are perfect for uploading or downloading large files at fast speed. Unlike Paid HotSpots usage isn’t based on time because it’s a FREE service.
Do I need to purchase goods or services before I can get FREE access in a JavaHitz?
Some locations might offer FREE access in exchange for a purchase but usually such a purchase is not necessary. Many Hotel/Motel/Resort locations restrict the FREE access to guests, especially if the access is in guest rooms only. Some locations may also have FREE Wi-Fi access in common areas like lobbies, restaurants and meeting rooms and this may be available to non-guests as well. Some wireless signals can even be picked up from the parking lot (see below).
Do I need to be inside a JavaHitz to pick up the signal?
The wireless signal in most indoor locations has a limited range of approximately 100-300 feet. The placement of the access point and the structure and layout of the locations will impact access to the signal. In some locations the signal probably will be available outside the location as well. Using an antenna with your laptop (if it is so equipped) might help to enhance the signal.
Need some help?
The technical support is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. To save time, please check the following before calling the team:
Your Wi-Fi settings
That you're wireless card is plugged into
your computer and working
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• What can I do at a JavaHitz?
• Can I send and receive emails using JavaHitzs?
• Is there a download limit?
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Wouldn't your local spot be even better if it were a JavaHitz? Tell us about it and we will set them up!
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We are interested in hearing from you about local venues you frequent who could benefit from offering FREE Wi-Fi. Take the first step now toward getting your local venue to offer FREE Wi-Fi by completing the short form on this page and local representative will contact them and show them how to get started.
After all, keeping customers happy and returning is what adds value to any business.
They will thank you for it and so will we!
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local spot into a
Special Note: We ask that you submit your name for the referral so we can reference you as a customer when we contact your local venue to discuss the opportunity. We will not to use your submitted information for any other purpose than a reference during our initial call.
What is FREE Wi-Fi?
In principle, FREE Wi-Fi means that access to the Internet is available and such access is offered at no cost to the user. However, there may be certain access requirements or restrictions that are unique to a particular location, and therefore this FREE Internet access may not be available to just anyone.
Some examples of access restrictions are as follows:
Hotels may offer access only to their guests, and will give you an access code or login when you check-in.
Restaurants or cafes may require you to purchase food or drink while you are using
their Wi-Fi service.
Some locations may ask you to complete an online questionnaire or survey before you can access the Internet.
Certain locations may require you to download and install a toolbar or other application so they can serve online ads to you while you surf. recommends you seek FREE venues that don't require a download of anything to receive your Internet access. In this day of "Adware" and "Spyware" there is no assurance that your computer is secure with any download from a foreign site. Open and easy access is what sites are all about.
Translation - French 1.
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Pour commencer avec JavaHitz, vous avez besoin d’un PC, d’un portable Mac ou d’un assistant numérique personnel (ANP) avec une connexion (Wi-Fi) sans fil. Autrement, nul autre hardware ou logiciel ne devrait être nécessaire, sauf si vous achetez une carte d’accès sans fil.
Suivez les trois pas esquissés en bas avant de commencer.
Vérifiez le portable et/ou l’ANP
Les portables qui sont doués de la nouvelle technologie mobile Centrino™ avec la capacité intégrée LAN sans fil vont marcher automatiquement. La plupart des portables sont sans fil, sinon on a besoin d’une carte d’accès sans fil de IEEE 802,11g (par exemple, la carte PCMCIA). Vous pouvez commander une carte d’accès sans fil chez ou chez votre magasin local. Au meilleur des cas votre portable devrait utiliser Microsoft Windows XP (Home, Professionnel, Tablet PC, Media Centre, AMD édition 64-bit) ou Windows 98 ou 2000.
Les utilisateurs Linux doivent utiliser des logiciels de 2.2 et supérieurs tandis que les utilisateurs Apple Mac doivent utiliser des logiciels de 9.0 et supérieurs.
Si vous avez un ANP, Microsoft Pocket PC 2002 ou supérieur et Palm OS 4.0 ou supérieur sont les systèmes opérationnels favoris.
Vérifiez les pilotes et les options :
Si vous avez ajouté une carte d'accès sans fil, veuillez vérifier si vous avez correctement installé les pilotes et la carte, en vous référant aux instructions de la carte. Windows XP a des pilotes incorporés pour la plupart des cartes sans fil.
Vérifiez les options sans fil.
Avant de commencer à utiliser un JavaHitz, vos options sans fil doivent être :
1. L'Identificateur de Série Service (IDSS) mis sur « » (sensible à la casse et aucun espace)
2. Le type de réseau mis sur « infrastructure »
3. La clef sans fil du réseau – désactivée
Si vous accédez à un réseau d’une entreprise utilisant votre portable, ça serait possible que vous deviez désactiver vos options proxy de l’Internet Explorer.
(* Les Appels sont chargés aux taux des appels internationaux de votre fournisseur de services de téléphonie.)
Questions Fréquentes
Si votre question n'est pas ici répondue, veuillez appelez à ##2 (les charges s'appliquent à l’appelant).
• De quoi est-ce que j'ai besoin pour utiliser une connexion d'accès à Internet sans fil à un JavaHitz ?
• Et si j’ai besoin d’aide pour me connecter ?
• Que peux-je faire à un JavaHitz ?
• Peux-je envoyer et recevoir des courriels utilisant JavaHitz ?
• Y a-t-il une limite de téléchargement?
• Est-il obligatoire d'acheter des articles ou des services avant de pouvoir obtenir l'accès LIBRE dans un JavaHitz ?
• Dois-je être dans un JavaHitz pour capter le signal ?
De quoi est-ce que j’ai besoin pour utiliser la connexion d'accès à Internet sans fil à un JavaHitz ?
Vous aurez besoin d'une portable sans fil/Wi-Fi* ou un dispositif ANP. Les portables fabriquées le plus récemment sont configurées pour être utilisées sans fil et la plupart sont équipées avec une carte d'adaptateur sans fil. Autrement, vous aurez besoin d'acheter une carte d'adaptateur. TOUS les emplacements de sont équipés avec 802,11b/g points d'accès. Autres JavaHitzs qui ne sont pas affiliés à peuvent offrir 802,11b seulement. Vous pouvez confirmer la spécification de point d’accès de protocole dans notre annuaire de JavaHitz avant de visiter le site, pour être sûr. En achetant une carte d'adaptateur pour votre portable lisez obligatoirement les spécifications du fabricant pour l'information de compatibilité et interopérabilité.
Vous pouvez utiliser un renifleur de signal de Wi-Fi comme le Chercheur de Wi-Fi pour voir s'il y a des signaux proches avant d'utiliser votre portable pour se connecter.
Et si j’ai besoin d’aide pour me connecter ?
Quelques conseils qui devraient marcher dans la plupart des emplacements –
1) Soyez sûr de régler vos propriétés de TCP/IP en sélectant « Obtenir une adresse de IP automatiquement » (DHCP).
2) Assurez-vous que votre ordinateur n'est pas configuré pour utiliser automatiquement une connexion à distance.
3) Si demandé, choisissez le mode d'Infrastructure au lieu du mode improvisé.
4) Utiliser le nom de IDSS fourni par l'emplacement ou essayer de choisir « n'importe quel ».
5) Désactiver le cryptage (le WEP).
6) Assurez-vous que votre pile est complètement chargée. La plupart des JavaHitzs n'auront pas beaucoup de prises de courant disponibles pour l'usage des clients.
18*"Wi-Fi » est une marque de fabrique de l'Alliance de Wi-Fi. Pour de plus amples renseignements sur l'Alliance de Wi-Fi et ses programmes de certification pour des produits et des services fondes sur 802,11, rendez-vous sur
Qu’est-ce que je peux faire à un JavaHitz ?
La connexion Wi-Fi haut débit sans fil disponible à un JavaHitz vous permet de faire n'importe quoi vous feriez de chez vous ou du bureau. Vous pouvez surfer sur le net, vérifiez votre courriel, vous connectez à votre réseau d'entreprise (si ce service-là vous est disponible), jouissez des appels téléphoniques IP voix par-dessus, hors de charge, jouez des jeux en ligne, mettez à jour votre blogue, et du Message Immédiat (MI) avec vos amis. Et ce qui est le plus important, les JavaHitzs offrent généralement une connexion haut débit rapide. Si vous avez seulement un compte à distance au modem à la maison vous finirez probablement par dépenser plus de temps au JavaHitz une fois que vous voyez comme il est plus rapide. C’est possible que vous renoncerez même à votre compte à distance et utiliserez seulement le JavaHitz quand vous voulez aller en ligne.
(Notez: Votre capacité d’envoyer des courriels d'un JavaHitz est quelque dépendant de la politique de votre Fournisseur local de Service d'Internet (le FSI) qui fournit votre accès à l’Internet et au courriel de chez vous/du bureau- quelques FSI limitent la capacité d’envoyer des courriels s’ils ne sont pas connectés à l'Internet directement par eux. Si vous avez des problèmes demandez le propriétaire de l’emplacement de JavaHitz pour des renseignements sur leur serveur SMTP, ou pensez à un compte de courriel sur le web pour l'usage à un JavaHitz.)
Peux-je envoyer et recevoir des courriels utilisant les JavaHitzs ?
Les JavaHitzs fournissent l'accès rapide, sans fil, à l'Internet. Pour envoyer du courriel vous devez vous connecter avec le serveur FAI du courriel sortant. Cependant, quelques FSI ne permettent pas aux utilisateurs de se connecter directement de l’Internet à leurs serveurs pour envoyer du courriel, pour des raisons de sécurité et de pollupostage. C'est donc possible d’avoir des difficultés en envoyant des courriels de cette façon.
Y a-t-il une limite de téléchargement ?
Non. Les JavaHitzs sont parfaits pour télécharger vers le serveur ou télécharger de grands dossiers à grande vitesse. Contrairement aux HotSpots (Points sensibles) payant, son usage ne dépend pas du temps, car c'est un service GRATUIT.
Dois-je acheter des articles ou des services avant de pouvoir avoir d'accès LIBRE dans un JavaHitz ?
Quelques emplacements peuvent offrir l'accès LIBRE pour un achat mais d'habitude un tel achat n'est pas nécessaire. Beaucoup d’emplacements tels des Hôtels/des Motels/des stations balnéaires limitent l'accès LIBRE aux invités, surtout si l'accès est dans les chambres seulement. Quelques emplacements peuvent avoir aussi l'accès LIBRE au Wi-Fi dans des espaces communs comme les vestibules, les pièces des restaurants et de réunion et ceci peut être disponible à des non invités aussi. Quelques signaux sans fil peuvent être pris même de l'aire de stationnement (voir ci-dessous).
Dois-je être à l’intérieur d’un JavaHitz pour prendre le signal ?
Le signal sans fil a une gamme limitée d'approximativement 100-300 pieds dans la plupart des emplacements à l’intérieur. Le placement du point d'accès, la structure et la disposition des emplacements influeront l'accès au signal. Avec certains emplacements le signal sera probablement disponible hors de l'emplacement aussi. L'utilisation d'une antenne avec votre portable (s’il est ainsi équipé) pourrait aider à améliorer le signal.
Avez-vous besoin de l’aide?
Le soutien technique est disponible 24 heures sur 24, 7 jours sur 7. Pour épargner du temps, veuillez vérifier les suivants avant d’appeler l'équipe de :
Vos options Wi-Fi
Que votre carte sans fil est bouchée à votre ordinateur et en fonction.
Si vous êtes près d'un JavaHitz
Vérifiez votre équipement et vos options.
Trouvez un JavaHitz
Connectez-vous à un JavaHitz
Commencez à Surfer !
Allumez votre portable sans fil ou PNA et suivez des étapes simples pour entrer en ligne !
Que peux-je faire à un JavaHitz ?
• Est-ce que je peux envoyer et recevoir des courriels utilisant les JavaHitzs ?
• Y a-t-il une limite de téléchargement?
Comment est-ce que ça marche ?
C’est facile à utiliser les JavaHitzs dans les endroits publics tels que les cafés, les restaurants, des centres de vente au détail, les centres de traversée et plus.
Amenez votre dispositif Wi-Fi (portable, PNA, etc.) à un JavaHitz choisi, connectez-vous et commencez à surfer l'Internet !
Ne serait votre endroit local même mieux s’il était un JavaHitz ? Faites-le nous savoir et nous allons l’y installer!
Suggérez un emplacement pour un JavaHitz.
Nous voulons que vous nous donniez des renseignements sur des endroits que vous fréquentez qui pourraient profiter de leur souscription au Wi-Fi LIBRE. Prenez le premier pas maintenant pour transformer votre endroit favori en lui offrant le Wi-Fi LIBRE en complétant le court formulaire sur cette page et le représentant local de les contactera et leur montrera comment commencer. Après tout, gardant les clients heureux et s’assurer qu’il y retourne est ce qui ajoute de la valeur à n'importe quelle affaire. Ils vous remercieront et nous ainsi!
Transformez votre endroit local préféré dans un JavaHitz !
Note spéciale : Nous demandons que vous soumettiez votre nom comme référence pour que nous puissions nous adresser à vous comme client en contactant votre endroit local pour discuter cette opportunité. Nous n’allons pas utiliser votre information soumise pour aucun autre but qu'une référence pendant notre appel initial.
Qu’est-ce que c’est que le Wi-Fi LIBRE ?
En principe, le Wi-Fi LIBRE signifie que l'accès à l'Internet est possible et tel accès est offert gratuitement à l'utilisateur. Cependant, il peut y avoir certaines conditions pour l’accès ou des restrictions d'accès qui sont uniques pour un emplacement particulier, et donc cet accès LIBRE à Internet ne serait pas disponible à n'importe qui.
Quelques exemples de restrictions d'accès sont les suivants :
Les hôtels peuvent offrir l'accès seulement à leurs invités, et vous donneront un code ou un login d'accès lors de l’enregistrement.
Les restaurants ou les cafés peuvent exiger que vous achetiez de la nourriture ou des boissons pendant que vous utilisez leur service de Wi-Fi.
Certains emplacements peuvent vous demander de compléter un questionnaire ou une étude en ligne avant que vous puissiez avoir accès à l'Internet.
Certains emplacements peuvent exiger que vous téléchargiez et installiez une barre d'outils ou une autre application pour qu’ils puissent vous servir des annonces ou de la pub en ligne pendant que vous surfez. vous recommande que vous cherchiez des endroits LIBRES qui n'exigent pas que vous téléchargiez quelque chose pour recevoir votre accès à l’Internet. Dans cette époque de l’« Adware » (Logiciel publicitaire) et du « Spyware » ( Logiciel Espion) il n'y a pas de certitude que votre ordinateur est protégé, avec n'importe quel téléchargement d'un site étranger. L'accès LIBRE et facile fait le succès des sites
Translation education
Master's degree - Univeristy of The West, Timisoara, Romania
Years of experience: 8. Registered at Oct 2005.
I put a lot of passion and enthusiasm into my work, and am very happy to provide you with the best translation within your deadline, no hassle, no worries....just hard work and attention to details! All these to take the burden off your shoulders so that YOU can enjoy your day!
Keywords: attention to details, high quality, fast and reliable, English, French, Romanian