Working languages:
English to Portuguese German to Portuguese
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Rate vendor Manage list Jose Mariano Patents, Technical, Electronics S. Antonio dos Cavaleiros, Lisboa, Portugal
Local time : 16:01 WET (GMT+0)
Native in : Portuguese
Freelance translator and/or interpreter, Verified member This person has a SecurePRO™ card. Because this person is not a Plus subscriber, to view his or her SecurePRO™ card you must be a Business member or Plus subscriber .
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Translation, Editing/proofreading, Website localization, Software localization, Subtitling Specializes in: Law: Patents, Trademarks, Copyright Safety Patents Electronics / Elect Eng Telecom(munications) Computers: Hardware Computers: Software Energy / Power Generation
Also works in: Mechanics / Mech Engineering Automotive / Cars & Trucks Computers (general) Metallurgy / Casting IT (Information Technology) Transport / Transportation / Shipping Manufacturing Ships, Sailing, Maritime Medical: Instruments Military / Defense Media / Multimedia Petroleum Eng/Sci Paper / Paper Manufacturing Printing & Publishing Internet, e-Commerce Food & Drink Esoteric practices Engineering (general) Science (general) Aerospace / Aviation / Space Automation & Robotics Construction / Civil Engineering Materials (Plastics, Ceramics, etc.) Textiles / Clothing / Fashion Medical: Dentistry Engineering: Industrial Environment & Ecology Forestry / Wood / Timber
PRO-level points: 703 , Questions answered: 474 , Questions asked: 14 Wire transfer, PayPal basculante Years of experience: 28. Registered at Feb 2001. Became a member: Mar 2005. N/A N/A N/A Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, Trados Studio, Wordfast CV will be submitted upon request
Training sessions attended Jose Mariano endorses's Professional Guidelines (v1.1) .
Since 1997 I have been producing high-quality Patent translations from German/English to Portuguese, with specialist subjects in:
Telecomunication (I have an Engineering Degree Telecomunication/Germany)
Industrial chemistry
Medical instruments & appliances
Information Technology
I studied in Germany (Telecomunication engineering), but I have been living and working in Portugal, where I have worked during 10 years at the German company Siemens in Lisbon.
This user has earned KudoZ points by helping other translators with PRO-level terms. Click point total(s) to see term translations provided.
Keywords: Patent, Telecomunication, Software, Hardware, Mechanics, Industrial chemistry, Nourishment/foods, Medical instruments & appliances, Information Technology, Video. See more . Patent, Telecomunication, Software, Hardware, Mechanics, Industrial chemistry, Nourishment/foods, Medical instruments & appliances, Information Technology, Video, TV, Copier, Portuguese, portugiesisch, english, german, deutsch, deutsch-portugiesisch, translation, english-portuguese translation, übersetzer, übersetzungen, english-portuguese translator, building material, construction material, portuguese translator, native portuguese, native portuguese translator, portuguese professional, portuguese professional translator, professional translator, medical translation, IT translation, media translation, IT, media and communication, media, education, teaching, proofreading, portuguese proofreading, project manager, localization, portuguese consultant, portuguese project manager, medicine, agriculture, software, computers, website, localization, website localization, marketing materials, product descriptions, automotive, machinery, manuals, technical manuals, technology, technical translations, portuguese technical translations, IT translations, portuguese IT translations, medical translations, portuguese medical translations, software translation, portuguese software translation, website translation, portuguese website translation, localization, localization Portugal, website localization, clinical studies translation, medical status reports translation, marketing translation, marketing translation Portugal, product descriptions translation, automotive translation, portuguese automotive translation, mechanic translations, mechanic portuguese translation, manuals translation, manuals translation Portugal, technical manuals translation, technical translation, technical translation Portugal, DTP, desktop publishing, portuguese DTP, portuguese desktop publishing, Übersetzer, Tradutor, Translator, Deutsch, Portugiesisch, Englisch, Alemão, Inglês, Português, German, Portuguese, Fachübersetzer, traduções técnicas, tecnical translations, Software, Hardwareübersetzungen, Handbücher, manuals, manuais, Programmdokumentationen, documentation, documentações, CD- und DVD Reproduktionssysteme, Maschinenbau, Anlagenbau, Gerätebau, Druckmaschinen, Holzverarbeitung, hydraulische Anlagen, sistemas hidráulicos, instalações, máquinas impressoras, indústria automóvel, Automobilindustrie, automobile industrie, Betriebsanleitungen, Wartungsanleitungen, manuais de instruções, manual de operação, manual de utilização, instruction guides, Web-Sites, Internetpräsentationen, Internet, Elektrogeräte, Haushaltsgeräte, equipamentos electrónicos, Urkunden, Zeugnissen, certidões, diplomas, certificados, Werbetexte, Marketingtexte, publicidade, marketing, Keramik, Kosmetik, Mode, cerâmica, cosmética, moda, Versicherungspolicen, insurance policies, apólices de seguro, Verträge, contracts, contratos, vinho, vinicultura, Wein, Weinbauindustrie, Pressemeldungen, Broschüren, brochuras, brochures, Schulzeugnisse, Diplome, Führungszeugnisse, Geburtsurkunden, Führerscheine, Bilanzen, Geschäftsberichte, Jahresabschlüsse, school certificates, diplomas, certificates of good conduct, birth certificates, driving licences, balance sheets, business reports, Mechanical engineering, plant engineering, apparatus engineering, print, wood processing, Public Relations, press releases, image brochures, corporate presentations, Software, hardware translations, manuals, documentation, technical documentation, operating and maintenance instructions, automobile industry, electrical and domestic appliances, diplomas, certificados de boa conduta, certidões de nascimento, cartas de condução, apólices de seguro, Traduções de software e hardware, manuais, documentações, Insurance policies, contracts and statements of claims, Websites, Internet presentations, contratos, relatórios de actividades. Spanish > Portuguese
Portuguese > Spanish. Espanhol, Safety. See less . Profile last updated Jan 15