Working languages:
Italian to English

Elena Nissen Villoresi
Bilingual skills in US English & Italian

Local time: 20:48 CEST (GMT+2)

Native in: English Native in English, Italian Native in Italian
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Account type Freelance translator and/or interpreter, Identity Verified Verified site user
Data security Created by Evelio Clavel-Rosales This person has a SecurePRO™ card. Because this person is not a Plus subscriber, to view his or her SecurePRO™ card you must be a Business member or Plus subscriber.
Affiliations This person is not affiliated with any business or Blue Board record at
Services Translation, Transcription, Voiceover (dubbing), Editing/proofreading, Training, Desktop publishing
Specializes in:
Education / PedagogyPoetry & Literature
Cooking / CulinaryTourism & Travel
Business/Commerce (general)Human Resources
Medical (general)Electronics / Elect Eng
Law: Patents, Trademarks, CopyrightIT (Information Technology)

Experience Years of experience: 40. Registered at Feb 2001. Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
Credentials Italian to English (bilingual - American mother/Italian father)
Memberships ATA
Software Trados Studio, Wordfast
Events and training
Powwows attended
Bilingual skills in US English and Italian, having lived, studied and worked extensively in both countries (American mother/Italian father).
I was born in Florence (Italy) and moved with my family to New York in 1979 - completed High School and College in the US, where I started out as a translator in 1984 - moved back to Italy in 1988 and began a freelance career in the year 2000.


From 1990 to 2000 (10 years)
In-house translator & executive assistant to European CEO at Italian headquarters of leading US electronics distributor representing major brands such as: American Dynamics, Pelco, JVC, Panasonic, Silent Witness, GE, Kalatel, Gentex and JVC. ELECTRONICS SPECIALIST in the following market segments:
*CCTV *Fire Detection & Prevention *Burglary Detection & Prevention *Access Control *IT/Telecomunications *Medical Diagnostic Imaging

From 2000 to 2011 (11 years):
Professional freelance translator, teacher & voice over artist working for US & Italian companies in my field of expertise (electronics) as well as in the following areas:
*Cooking/Nutrition *Ecotourism & Travel *Human resource management *Quality assurance *Legal documents/records *One-to-one General Conversation and Business English tutoring Services

* DTP & Layout services to supply "Printer-ready" files (leading DTP packages).
* Audio transcription (videos, podcasts, interview/lecture recordings, etc.)
* Voice over narration for e-learning, audio books, phone systems, presentations, etc.
* Certified (sworn) translation of legal documents and personal records
* Online English lessons via Zoom or Classin * Network of tested and skilled professional translators for different language requirements and very large projects.

Work experience prior to freelancing In Florence (Italy)

From 1990 to 2000:
* In-house translator & executive assistant to European CEO at Italian headquarters of US electronics distributor Richardson Electronics Ltd. Duties: translation of technical manuals/specifications and legal/financial documentation; advertising-marketing planning & development (editorials, press releases, catalogues, mailings, trade shows, meetings); key customers liaison & support; information systems & corporate policies new employee training.

From 1988 to 1990:
* In-house translator and customer service for English speaking customers of international freight-forwarder Savitransport Spa.
* In-house translator for the legal & accounting offices of Fidinterev Srl (foreign patents and legal documentation).

In New York

From 1984 to 1988:
* In-house interpreter, translator and assistant for the New York Representative Offices of the Cassa di Risparmio di Genova ed Imperia.
* In-house translator and assistant for the Italy-America Chamber of Commerce.
* Freelance translator & interpreter for the Italian Trade Commission (I.C.E.).


*New customers benefit from a 10% discount on the first 7.000 words translation.
* Special rates apply for individuals requiring certified (sworn) translation of legal documents and personal records (docs for immigration purposes, school transcripts, immunization records, etc)
*Package discount for Zoom online English lessons are available

Please inquire for free quotes tailored to your specific requirements.
Keywords: access control, acquisizione immagine, addressable control units, alarm systems, alarm transmission, analogico, analogue sensors, antifurto, ATMs, badge scanners. See more.access control, acquisizione immagine, addressable control units, alarm systems, alarm transmission, analogico, analogue sensors, antifurto, ATMs, badge scanners, barriere IR, birth certificate, brandeggi, burglary, car park management software, CCTV cameras, central station monitoring, centrali antifurto, certificato di nascita, Certified translation, Clinical review, computer software, consolato, consulate, contatti magnetici, control panels, control units, controllo remoto, custodie, Diagnostic imaging, diagnostica per immagini, dialers, DICOM, digital video recorders, digitale, dome cameras, door entry phones, DVR, Echocardiography, Ecocardiografia, elettronica, employee identification systems, English, english teacher, entry barriers, exit barriers, fiber optic transmission, fibra ottica, finger print identification, fire alarm, fire detectors, fire prevention, fire safety, Healthcare, illuminatori ad infrarosso, Imaging solution, immagini, immigration translator, immigrazione, immunization records, inglese, inglese online, insegnante inglese, installation manual, intrusion detectors, IP, IP cameras, IP network, IP systems, IR barriers, IR illuminators, Italian, italiano, keypads, LAN, legalizzazione, lenses, lezioni inglese, madrelingua, magnetic stripe readers, manuale installazione, manuali utente, matrici video, medical record, Medical transcription, Messenger, mobile telecommunication, monitor, monitoraggio, motion detectors, MSN, nastro, native speaker, networking, night vision, online English lessons, operation manual, pan tilts, personal records, photoelectric beams, photoelectric sensors, PIR, podcast, proximity readers, proximity tags, quad processors, rear vision, recording, registrazioni audio, remote access, remote monitoring, reti IP, Riconoscimento vocale, rilevatore, rivelazione incendio, satellite transmission systems, school transcripts, security systems, sicurezza, sirene, sirens, sistemi antintrusione, sistemi di sicurezza, sistemi di trasmissione, skype, skypecast, smart cards, sorveglianza, strobes, surveillance, switchers, Sworn translation, telecamera a circuito chiuso, telecamere, telecamere brandeggiabili, telecamere motorizzate, telecomunicazioni, telesorveglianza, time-lapse, traduttore, traduzione, traduzione giurata, traduzioni, translation, translations, translator, trascrizione audio, Trascrizione medica, trasmissione immagini, trasmissione video, turnstiles, TVCC, ultrasound, ultrasuoni, user manual, VCRs, video, video intercoms, video servers, video surveillance, videocontrollo, videoregistratori digitali, videosorveglianza, voice recognition, voice transcription, webcasting, sworn translator, sworn translation, traduttore giurato, traduzioni giurate, marriage licence, divorce certificate, school transcripts, corso inglese, lezioni inglese, conversazione inglese, english lessons, english conversation, lezioni private, lezioni piccoli gruppi. See less.

Profile last updated
Aug 3, 2023

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