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Ukrainian to English - Rates: 24 - 34 USD per hour Russian to English - Rates: 24 - 34 USD per hour English to French - Rates: 24 - 34 USD per hour French to English - Rates: 24 - 34 USD per hour
Translation Volume: 0 words Completed: Dec 2012 Languages:
Two page translation of technical manual
Chemistry; Chem Sci/Eng
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English to Ukrainian: GmbH
Source text - English Visits on firms Genitron Instruments GmbH and Berthold, FAG, have allowed to study production nomenclature, the organisation of working out, manufacture and sale, to receive samples of new devices under the control of the maintenance of radon and pollution радионуклидами a foodstuff, developed and made in Germany.
Translation - Ukrainian Візити до фірм Genitron, Instruments, GmbH та Berthold, FAG, дозволили вивчити номенклатуру продукції, організацію розробкиб виробництва та збуту, отримати зразки нових приладів з контролю вмісту радону та забруднення радіонуклідами продуктів харчування, розроблених та виготовлених у Німеччині.
English to Russian: Visits
Source text - English Visits on firms Genitron, Instruments, GmbH and Berthold, FAG, have allowed to study production nomenclature, the organisation of working out, manufacture and sale, to receive samples of new devices under the control of the maintenance of radon and pollution radionuclides a foodstuff, developed and made in Germany.
Translation - Russian Визиты на фирмы Genitron, Instruments, GmbH и Berthold, FAG,позволили изучить номенклатуру продукции, организацию разработки, производства и сбыта, получить образцы новых приборов по контролю, содержания радона и загрязнения радионуклидами продуктов питания, разработан ные и изготовленные в Германии.
English to Ukrainian (MISIS,National University of Science and Technolog) English to Russian (MISIS, National University of Science and Technolo) Russian to English (MISIS) Ukrainian to Russian (MISIS) Ukrainian to English (MISIS)
Russian to Ukrainian (MISIS) Czech to Russian (MISIS) Polish to Ukrainian (MISIS) Czech to Russian (MISIS) Czech to Russian (MISIS)
I worked as a translator for the plant "Electron" in 1998,with venture Seagate. After 20 years I did not practice translation - with exception for personal an family needs - until september of 2012.
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