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Nov 13, 2024 (posted Just finished GTC General Terms & Conditions of Business for German structural engineering design consultancy I know. Clients for 15 years. 2200 words....more, + 22 other entries »
Freelance translator and/or interpreter, Verified member
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German to English: Der D.I.Y. Fachberater General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Construction / Civil Engineering
Source text - German Der D.I.Y. Fachberater (German).30,000 Words
Translation - English Experts Guide to D.I.Y (English). 300 Pages. 30,000 Words
German to English: Paul Lazarsfeld Society for Social Research. Survey Design in Russian Federation 1994 General field: Social Sciences Detailed field: Government / Politics
Source text - German Paul Lazarsfeld Gesellschaft für Sozialforschung. Eine Studie in Russland 1994. 200 Words
Translation - English Paul Lazarsfeld Society for Social Research. Survey Design in Russian Federation 1994 (English). 200 words
German to English: Russian Federation Political Commentary General field: Social Sciences Detailed field: Government / Politics
Source text - German Russian Federation Political Commentary . 60 Pages for CSPP
Translation - English Translated English- German assisted by native German Speaker
German to English: Paul Lazarsfeld Gesellschaft Social Survey Documents General field: Social Sciences Detailed field: Government / Politics
Source text - German Translate German into English Social Science Report Documents
Translation - English Translate to English of German (=Austria) Social Survey Design
German to English: Asylland Österreich (The Sanctuary Austria) 15000 words General field: Social Sciences Detailed field: Government / Politics
Source text - German Asylland Österreich. Eduard Stanek.(German=Austria) 15000 words
Translation - English The Sanctuary Austria. (English). 15000 words
German to English: Analysing Theory of Voter Analysis Methods in European Elections General field: Social Sciences Detailed field: Government / Politics
Source text - German Analysing Theory of Voter Analysis Methods in European Elections
German English translations for UK based, internationally active, comparative research company, involved solely in comparative government analyses, voting pattern analyses, estimates of actual vs. anticipated voting intentions for low election turn out in European elections. 2009. Company based in offices of a major UK university.
Over 25 years freelance translating for this research company on
political analyses, partner company research studies from Austria, Russian Federation,etc.
German - English 6,000 words
Translation - English Analysing Theory of Voter Analysis Methods in European Elections
German English translations for UK based, internationally active, comparative research company , involved solely in comparative government analyses, voting pattern analyses, estimates of actual vs. anticipated voting intentions for low election turn out in European elections. 2009.Company based in offices of a major UK university.
Over 25 years freelance translating for this research company on
political analyses, partner company research studies from Austria, Russian Federation,etc.
German - English 6,000 words.
German to English: Medical Documents, Cancer Drug Trial Studies, Medical Procedures. Translate, Proof-Read General field: Medical Detailed field: Medical (general)
Source text - German Medical Documents, Cancer Drug Trial Studies, Medical Procedures. Translate, Proof-Read
German - English Translations and Proof-Reading.
Rapid turn-around
(Translator previously worked 4 years in UK National Health Service, in Theatres, on wards. Trained by NHS)
Translation - English Medical Documents, Cancer Drug Trial Studies, Medical Procedures. Translate, Proof-Read
German - English Translations and Proof-Reading.
Rapid turn-around
(Translator previously worked 4 years in UK National Health Service, in Theatres, on wards.Trained by NHS)
German to English: Translate German Banking, Social Services Documents, Birth Certificate and Business References General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Law (general)
Source text - German Assorted Banking,
Social Services (Swiss Register of Births, Namensaenderung etc), Street One Business Reference (Zeugnis) Documents.
Translation - English Confidential Bank Statements, Tax Adjudication Document, Social Services Letters,
Letter of Business Reference
German to English: IT User Manuals - On Line Shopping for Major Retailer, Passport Scanners, etc. General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Computers (general)
Source text - German IT User Manuals - On Line Shopping for Major Retailer, Passport Scanners, etc.
Lengthy computer user manuals for German High Street brand on-line shopping web-site.
For Pasport scanner equipment in international airport
(All highly confidential)
German - English
ca. 5,000 words each
Translation - English IT User Manuals - On Line Shopping for Major Retailer, Passport Scanners, etc.
Lengthy computer user manuals for German High Street brand on-line shopping web-site.
For Pasport scanner equipment in international airport
(All highly confidential)
German - English
ca. 5,000 words each
German to English: German Trademark Infringement Protest Removed by Phone Fax General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Law: Patents, Trademarks, Copyright
Source text - German Whilst registering a number of Trademarks for a UK contruction materials company, a German Managing Director registered a protest of infringement with his product name.
My telephone call to him directly, fax to confirm the conversation, removed his objection.
Similarly, objections from lawyers in England, France, Italy removed for perceived trademark infringements with their product names - by telephone and fax.
Translation - English Whilst registering a number of Trademarks for a UK contruction materials company, a German Managing Director registered a protest of infringement with his product name.
My telephone call to him directly, fax to confirm the conversation, removed his objection.
Similarly, objections from lawyers in England, France, Italy removed for perceived trademark infringements with their product names - by telephone and fax.
German to English: Steel & Iron Smelting and Production Processes and Variables General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Engineering: Industrial
Source text - German Steel & Iron Smelting and Production Processes and Variables
German - English 6,000 words ca.
Pressure, temperature, oxygen blasting and gas additives, materials used in steel smelting processes in German blast furnaces. German - English translation, production of scientific graphs, effects of paramaters on one another over time, gas laws effects, etc.
Translation - English Steel & Iron Smelting and Production Processes and Variables
German - English 6,000 words ca.
Pressure, temperature, oxygen blasting and gas additives, materials used in steel smelting processes in German blast furnaces. German - English translation, production of scientific graphs, effects of paramaters on one another over time, gas laws effects, etc.
German to English: Simple Construction Contracts, Confidentiality,Payments Terms, Bonds, Leases General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Law: Contract(s)
Source text - German Simple Construction Contracts, Confidentiality and Payment Terms, , Bonds, Leases
German - English Translations of simple contracts, confidentiality agreements (major electricity generating companies from Germany), apartment block leases in Berlin, construction trades job awards, outline tender documents for Shopping Centre refurbishment in Germany, Payment Terms, Bonds, etc.
Translation - English Simple Construction Contracts, Confidentiality and Payment Terms, , Bonds, Leases
German - English Translations of simple contracts, confidentiality agreements (major electricity generating companies from Germany), apartment block leases in Berlin, construction trades job awards, outline tender documents for Shopping Centre refurbishment in Germany, Payment Terms, Bonds, etc.
German to English: Divorce Court Judgements (Criminal Court Judgement) General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Law (general)
Source text - German Simple German - English Divorce Court Judgements, even one Criminal Court Judgement
German courts / Swiss Courts
German - English translations
Custody of children awarded as result of these documents. Tax implications for divorcing couple. Child care provision judgement.
Translation - English Simple German - English Divorce Court Judgements, even one Criminal Court Judgement
German courts / Swiss Courts
German - English translations
Custody of children awarded as result of these documents. Tax implications for divorcing couple. Child care provision judgement.
German to English: Electronic Circuit Boards in Toyota Cars General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Automotive / Cars & Trucks
Source text - German Electronic Circuit Boards in Toyota Cars
Translation - English Electronic Circuits in Toyota Cars. German-English. 30 pages
German to English: Face Paints used for German TV and Insurance Implications General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Insurance
Source text - German Face Paints used for German TV and Insurance Implications
Translation - English Face Paints used for German TV and Insurance Implications
German to English: Leistungsverzeichnis -Hotel Metropol Erweiterung der Sockelbebauung General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Construction / Civil Engineering
Source text - German Leistungsverzeichnis - Hotel Metropol Erweiterung der Sockelbebauung
Translation - English Bill of Quantity - Hotel Metropol, Basement Extension. 100 Pages
German to English: Zulassungsverfahren in GB - Creaton Tonality Fassadensystem General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Construction / Civil Engineering
Source text - German Zulassungsverfahren in GB - Creaton Tonality Fassadensystem
Translation - English BBA Agrement Certificate of Conformity for Creaton Tonality 300 Pages Laboratory, Production and Approvals Testing Procedures
German to English: BWM GmbH Dübel-u. Montagetechnik. Dokumente (200 Seiten) General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Construction / Civil Engineering
Source text - German BWM GmbH Dübel-u. Montagetechnik. Dokumente (200 Seiten)
German to English: Flachdach Technolgie. Die langzeitdichte Kunststoff-Dachbahn General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Construction / Civil Engineering
Source text - German Flachdach Technolgie. Die langzeitdichte Kunststoff-Dachbahn
Translation - English Flat Roofing Technology. The long-lasting Plastic Roof-Covering.
German to English: Technische Eigenschaften der Aussenlacke bei Neubauten General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Construction / Civil Engineering
Source text - German Technische Eigenschaften der Aussenlacke bei Neubauten
Translation - English Technical Properties of Exterior Paint Used on New Builds. 50 Pages.
German to English: Ergänzungen zur Brandschutzfassade bei hochwertigen Verglasungssystemen General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Architecture
Source text - German Ergänzungen zur Brandschutzfassade bei hochwertigen Verglasungssystemen
Translation - English Fire-Proofing Inseerts for Glass Curtain-Walling Design. Technical Reports
German to English: Flachdach Technologie. Die langzeitdichte Kunststoff-Dachbahn General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Construction / Civil Engineering
Source text - German Flachdach Technologie. Die langzeitdichte Kunststoff-Dachbahn
Translation - English Flat Roofing Technology - The long-lasting Plastic Roof - Covering.
German to English: DIN Standards, CE Marking, British Construction Standards General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Construction / Civil Engineering
Source text - German DIN Standards,
CE Marking Documents, British Construction Standards
German - English translations continue.
BWM GmbH, Germany, NFRC National Federation etc.
Translation - English DIN Standards,
CE Marking Documents, British Construction Standards
German - English translations continue.
BWM GmbH, Germany, NFRC National Federation etc.
German to English: e-Governance, Digitsalisation of Government services General field: Science Detailed field: Government / Politics
Source text - German e-Governance studies by leading European universities
Translation - English German into English translations to 100 pages and proof-reading papers submitted for EU study
German to English: European voter turn-out studies for EU elections General field: Science Detailed field: Government / Politics
Source text - German Translating German academic studies,
proof-reading English papers
Translation - English German into English translation for Univetrsity professors
proof-reading for university professors
German to English: German - English patent translations General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Patents
Source text - German Translate monthly; German - English technical patent applications
Translation - English Translate monthly; German - English technical patent applications
Translation education
Other - University of Cologne, Germany
Years of experience: 42. Registered at Mar 2013. Became a member: Apr 2013.
German (University of Cologne, Germany, German for Scientific Purposes, German - Marketing, verified) German to English (TH Köln (formerly Cologne University of Applied Sciences / Fachhochschule Köln))
CIOB - Incorporate, IEMA - Institute Environmental Management - Affiliate
For CEO's (Managing Directors), National Federations, Universities etc
Construction design and contracts, Structural engineering for 41 years. Germany. Austria, Great Britain. Cladding (German: vhF vorgehängte hinterlüftete Fassaden),roofing, glass/glazing (Aussenhülle), Static engineering, structural engineering, laboratory tests, certificates. Static proof docs, calcs. (Nachweise). Complex DIBT National technical approval documents, laboratory tests on materials.
Energy and Power generation, Renewables, Wind, Wave, Solar, CHP, also laws and legal docs. Industrial metals (Industriemetalle), global pricing for same, testing by laboratories, universities. Expert opinions, (Stellungnahmen) websites, MPA-Prüfberichte (test reports), DIBT Zulassungen, (BBA Certs), blogs, commercial aspects, Terms & Conditions (T & C's) and contract documents. Construction contract documents and tender documents (railways, signalling, construction, GPS), Health and Safety documentation.
Engineering (original operating instructions for machinery). Often 100 pages, 10,000 words German DIN Norm standards, Austrian Ö Norm standards, national technical approvals by DIBt,
Trade Associations (Fachverbände) in GB, DE, private companies since 1982 (age 21).
Energy security from Russia, as Master Thesis (Arbeit) reports, from a university.
2. Legal Translations, freelance 1992 - 2023
For Universities, Company Managing Directors, for many years
Contracts, purchase order documents, specifications, work orders (Ausschreibungen) Insurance, tax, BGB, HGB, StGB German Civil Code, Commercial code, Criminal Code StGB, and Laws. EEG Renewable Energy Law 65,00 words, Divorce Court judgements, Child custody judgements, Patents. (mechanical engineering, chemical compound coatings e.g. on cloth and fabric etc.). Lease and rental agreements. Terms & Conditions (AGB), Bank Policy docs, Anti-Money Laundering - Geldwäschegesetz. Works contracts as legal documents for rail, oil, power stations. Legal case for Wind Power installation works.
Articles of Association, Statues for trusts, wills, probate.
For Universities, translation agencies. 1992- 2023 Medical hospital reports, discharge letters, preparation process for surgery (cirrhosis/ascites), MRT/ MRI scan reports, medical dressings, packaging and protocols, approvals process and German Federal approval meetings, sanitary products, medical products sales brochures. Federal investigation into Contergan (Kontergan), Thalidomide. Harmful effects of face paints on humans, legal document.
4. Commercial Translations, freelance 1980 - 2023
Bank account statements, utility bills, credit card bills, (simple) annual tax returns, Articles of Association, Insurance documents. Bank policy documents, trades, money transfers.
5. Political science, freelance 1986 - 2023
University Professors, Departments, EU Studies, etc.
2017-23 Political sci. docs for EU, COVID, medical docs for Robert Koch Institute. 2017-23 Populism. Translate Populism (AfD). Digital Governance. EU TOOP reports. 2019 -20 Lone Wolves 2020 EJPR European Journal of Political Research. Do Populist values or civic values drive support for referendums in Europe? (Rose, Wessels) . Proof-read. 2017-22 Digital Voting study. translate 84 page document for Prof. Dr. Dr. Robert Krimmer. Subsequently, for years I translated, proof-read EU TOOP, university PhD's.
includes also, but not limited to(for 36 years)
Asylum Seekers (into Germany)
2018 Educate non-German speaking immigrants in Austria, translate program.
2016 Legal decree translated - care of orphan asylum seeker children in Germany.
1990-20 Translation Requests from Director of Centre for the Study of Public Policy (CSPP) at University of Strathclyde for translations (and proof-reading) of complex European voting analyses, Political Situation in Russia report DE-EN and EN-DE. Post Communism, ca Translation for Director1986-87 Translate Vice President of National Bank of Austria (and Director Paul Lazarsfeldgesellschaft). Study by demoscopic institutes. etc. Published, Wiener Zeitung
This is a short introduction. 2015-2020 I targeted 500,000 words per year translated. freelance. Using No CAT Tools.
22 October 2023 (translating both before, during and since COVID-19 Lockdown)
2020 January started I had very full order books, translating technical German-English. 2020 January. Book published, Translated Lone Wolves (Florian Hartleb Springer Nature). 2020-2021 work continued translating Technical, legal, medical, commercial, banking. 2022 Book I proof-read published proof-read. 100,000 words, Intellectual Property in Vietnam (Prof. Tanel Kerikmae and 3 co-authors, published online). 2023 Gaming, Austrian Constitutional Court judgements transferred, proof-read. Gaming Up t0 50,000 words each. Also, technical. medical, marketing, commercial, legal work.
21 October 2021
Proof-reading a digital Governance (e-Governance) report paper for a University, existing client of several years, some 23,000 words or 56 pages.
The next day, a regular agency client sent me and agreed a 13,000 word financial document translation for a Corporate Loan Agreement, German- English. From a major German financial institution, for a travel company struggling under Coronavirus lockdown in 2020 (and travel bans!), which sought to retain its liquidity, by borrowing 9 figure Euro sums.
Continued strong volumes of work, word-of-mouth referrals, from companies, agencies. University Professors, Managing Directors, agencies contact me now for 39 years. Political science, structural engineering (vhF, static, cladding), medical, legal, business.
Clients contact me regularly for legal, technical, medical, financial (banking), political science (EU) and digital and computing documents, engineering, German-English work.
Right through 2020, all year, into 2021 working uninterrupted, for six months, right through the 'lockdown'. Chemical compound patents, chemical works, construction materials and as before for many years. Political Science etc. Populism (AfD). Digital Governance. Security of energy transfer Russia-EU. PhD submissions proof-read English.
Engineering (Website) translate DE-EN
2015 Website translated for a German structural engineering Director and client for many years now.
Keywords: German - English, Technical, Construction, Engineering experience, legal, medical, commercial work for CEO's and University Professors for over 35 years.