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Medical & Translation Degrees, 11 years of full-time medical translation/interpreting
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Freelance translator and/or interpreter, Verified member
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Translation, Editing/proofreading, Interpreting, Website localization, Software localization, Training
English to Ukrainian: Gaucher disease – Хвороба Гоше General field: Medical Detailed field: Medical (general)
Source text - English The defect in Gaucher disease is an inherited deficiency of the lysosomal enzyme acid b-glucosidase (glucocerebrosidase, GBA1), which results in the accumulation of glucocerebroside within lysosomes of macrophages. Systemic accumulation of these glycolipid-lipid engorged cells (eponymously known as Gaucher cells, Fig. 1) results in variable combinations of splenomegaly with associated abdominal discomfort; anemia associated with chronic fatigue; bleeding due to thrombocytopenia and/or Gaucher diseaserelated
coagulopathy; hepatomegaly, abnormal tests of liver function; and a
diverse pattern of bone disease [1]. Increased susceptibility to infections may result from impaired neutrophil function and neutropenia [2]. Rarely, the lungs, lymphatic system, skin, eyes, kidneys, and the heart are involved and, in the rare neuronopathic forms, neurodegenerative disease results [1].
Gaucher disease is traditionally classified into three broad phenotypic categories: Type 1 (non-neuronopathic disease); Type 2, fulminant neuronopathic disease that is fatal during infancy; and Type 3, chronic neuronopathic disease, that usually results in death in childhood or early adult life [1]. Further distinct phenotypic categories may be recognized within these broad groups.
Translation - Ukrainian Хвороба Гоше є спадковим дефіцитом лізосомального ферменту кислої b-глюкозидази (глюкоцереброзидази, GBA1), що призводить до накопичення глюкоцереброзиду в лізосомах макрофагів. Результатом системної акумуляції таких перевантажених гліколіпідами та ліпідами клітин (що також відомі як клітини Гоше, Рис. 1) є різноманітні поєднання проявів спленомегалії з відповідним дискомфортом в абдомінальній ділянці, хронічна втома, що пов’язана з анемією, кровотечі, обумовлені тромбоцитопенією та/або коагулопатією хвороби Гоше, гепатомегалія, відхилення лабораторних показників функції печінки, різноманітні симптоми захворювань кісток [1]. Унаслідок порушення функції нейтрофілів та нейтропенії в пацієнтів може спостерігатися підвищена сприйнятливість до інфекційних хвороб [2]. У рідких випадках до патогенезу захворювання залучаються легені, лімфатична система, шкіра, очі, нирки та серце. Рідкісна неврологічна форма спричиняє нейродегенеративну хворобу [1]. Традиційно хворобу Гоше класифікують за фенотипом на три основні групи: тип І (не неврологічна форма); тип 2, прогресуюча нейронопатична хвороба, що спричиняє смерть у ранньому дитинстві; та тип 3, хронічна нейронопатія, смерть настає в дитинстві або ранньому підлітковому віці [1]. Інші різноманітні фенотипові категорії хвороби відзначають у межах цих великих груп.
English to Russian (O. O. Bohomolets National Medical University) English to Ukrainian (O. O. Bohomolets National Medical University) Ukrainian to English (Kyiv National Linguistic University, verified) English to Ukrainian (Kyiv National Linguistic University, verified) Russian to English (Kyiv National Linguistic University, verified)
Dear Visitor! Whether you are a company, an agency, or a private customer, I'm happy to welcome you on my profile.
Being a translator since 2013 and 6 years of
practical experience as an oral health specialist make me a professional
medical translator/interpreter able to provide services of the highest quality. Having worked as
a medical specialist in Ukrainian clinics makes it natural for me to use precise
language for the target audience. I always
do my best to bridge cultures and create patient- or
physician-faced text that is clear, comprehensible, and user-centered. The
combination of two university degrees, specialization in life sciences
translation only, and clinical experience allow me to handle medical
translation/interpretation of any complexity.
SUMMARY ● High level of cultural knowledge in both source and target languages developed during the clinical training in the USA and continuous cooperation with the USA healthcare institutions as an interpreter. ● Expert in medical terminology. ●11 years of full-time medical translation/interpreting experience, 6 years of clinical experience, and 1 year of experience as an Interpreter Team Leader. ● Regular cooperation with translation companies in Europe and the USA. Over 7000 projects were completed. ● Performance: translation – 2000 words/day, editing – 5000 words/day. ● Free test translation can be provided. References are available upon request.
AREAS OF EXPERTISE Medicine (Primary Care, Oncology, Pulmonology, Gynecology, Cardiovascular Diseases, Metabolic Disorders, etc.) Clinical Trials & Pharmacology (CRF, CTP, ICF, CTA, IVRS, IB, PSUR, PIL, SOPs, MSDS, reports, articles, etc.) Dentistry (Dental Implants, Orthodontics, Dental Therapy and Orthopedics, Digital Dentistry , Maxillo-Facial Surgery) Psychology and Psychiatry (patient- and physician-facing materials on all common mental disorders) Medical Devices, Equipment, and Software
EDUCATION 2017 – 2021 – Kyiv National Linguistic University, Theory and Practice of Translation from English, BA. 2012-2014 – Ukrainian Military Medical Academy, Oral Health Specialist. 2007-2012 – O.O. Bohomolets National Medical University, MD.
2013 – present – Full-time Self-employed Medical Translator/Interpreter
Major end customers: Apple, Siemens, Baxter, Philips Medical, IQVIA, GSK, Pfizer, Sanofi, AstraZeneca, Bayer, Novartis, Boehringer Ingelheim, PRA Health Sciences, ICON, Worldwide Clinical Trials, INC Research,and others, including dental companies such as Straumann, Nobel Biocare, PENTRON, Kerr, Dentsply, 3M ESPE, IHDE Dental, Ivoclar Vivadent.
Leadership Experience
Jan 2023 – Apr 2024 – Director of Interpreter Services at TeleHelp Ukraine, Stanford-based nonprofit organization providing free, quality medical and mental health telemedicine appointments to patients located in Ukraine or Poland. I manage a team of over 30 medical interpreters and perform functions such as finding, onboarding, training, and supporting new interpreters in their volunteer work with TeleHelp Ukraine. Together with other team members, I'm committed to providing excellent patient-centered, evidence-based telehealth services.
Examples of projects:
TeleHelp Ukraine(2022-23; remote) — interpreting during medical appointments between Ukrainian patients and U.S. healthcare professionals in mental health, primary care, and pediatrics. 200+ appointments were interpreted.
Dr. Nitin Kulkarni, MD, Psychiatrist, CA. 1-year training program in PTSD management for Ukrainian mental health workers – since April 2023, I've been interpreting at weekly webinars on various PTSD topics: EMS & Patient Aggression; Anger Management; CBT and DBT for PTSD Treatment; Intimate Partner Violence; Polyvagal Theory in Practice for Trauma Management.
CronosBio Phase 3 Entospletinib in NPM1m AML Study (AGILITY) — Virtual Investigator Meeting (remote; 2023)
Masters: Digital Edition. International Dental Congress (2021; Ukraine).
Rehabilitation after Severe Spine Cord Injuries and Traumatic Brain Injuries (2018; Ukraine).
Clinical Trial Sites Audits performed by Samsung Bioepis (2018, Ukraine) – consecutive interpreting on 4 clinical trial site audits related to advanced nonsquamous non-small cell lung cancer (SB8-G31-NSCLC CT protocol).
Replacement Therapy of Haemophilia. Poland and Ukraine Experience (Pfizer) (2018; Ukraine).
Greater New York Dental Meeting (2013; New York, USA) – a 6-day dental course for a group of Ukrainian dentists.
Dolphin Imaging Annual Meeting (2013; Phoenix, USA) – lectures, courses, and events on 3D orthodontic imaging, diagnostics, and maxillofacial surgery simulation – I interpreted 2-week workshops for Ukrainian dentists.
STEDLEY Dental Clinic (2013-2014; Kyiv, Ukraine) – GP dentist. Ukrainian Military Medical Hospital (2012-2019; Kyiv, Ukraine), GP Dentist: ~ 500 patients were examined, diagnosed, and treated (dental therapy and periodontology). ~ 1000 CT and X-ray images were captured and interpreted.
FDI World Dental Federation: 2nd National Dental Congress with International Espousal (speaker) (2013, Ukraine) 7th East European Congress of Dental Implantation, (2015, Ukraine) GNYDM: Greater New York Dental Meeting, (2013, USA) IDG International Dental Group: 3D Diagnostics of Maxillo-Facial Region (2013, Ukraine)
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