Working languages:
English to Chinese
Japanese to Chinese
French to Chinese

Stella Cui
Translator from 2005

Beijing, Beijing, China
Local time: 05:45 CST (GMT+8)

Native in: Chinese (Variants: Simplified, Mandarin) Native in Chinese
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Account type Freelance translator and/or interpreter
Data security Created by Evelio Clavel-Rosales This person has a SecurePRO™ card. Because this person is not a Plus subscriber, to view his or her SecurePRO™ card you must be a Business member or Plus subscriber.
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Services Translation, Interpreting, Transcription, Native speaker conversation
Specializes in:
Finance (general)Investment / Securities
EconomicsInternational Org/Dev/Coop
IT (Information Technology)Internet, e-Commerce
GeologyPetroleum Eng/Sci
Energy / Power GenerationArt, Arts & Crafts, Painting

Volunteer / Pro-bono work Open to considering volunteer work for registered non-profit organizations

Portfolio Sample translations submitted: 6
English to Chinese: Web 3.0 and Cryptocurrency Related Articles
General field: Tech/Engineering
Detailed field: IT (Information Technology)
Source text - English
Bancor - Don’t Fade the OG
Bancor v2.1
Bancor has iterated on multiple AMM designs since v1 in 2017. Its v2 attempted to utilize oracles to dynamically rebalance liquidity pools and avoid arbitrage opportunities but decided to pivot due to poor performance (we touch on the challenges of oracle-reliant AMMs in the next section).

Introduced in October 2020, the current version of Bancor (v2.1) is predicated on two key features: single-sided liquidity and impermanent loss protection.

Bancor was one of the first AMMs that enabled single-token exposure. [Note: the ability to deposit only one token to receive LP tokens is not necessarily single-token exposure; some platforms either convert the deposited tokens into the correct ratio on the back-end or account for slippage when calculating pro-rata LP ownership.]

Every pool on Bancor consists of two tokens: a relevant token and $BNT, Bancor’s native token. For instance, if Alice wants to supply wBTC tokens, Bancor’s protocol will match the equivalent USD value of those tokens by minting BNT. Therefore, Alice and Bancor protocol each both own 50% of the pool. If another swapper on Bancor’s platform wants to sell ETH for wBTC, the trade would be routed through ETH-BNT and wBTC-BNT pools, and Alice would receive fees from the wBTC-BNT trade.

Bancor v2.1 also offers impermanent loss protection to long-term liquidity providers. LPs who maintain their deposit after 30 days are guaranteed to receive at least 30% of their initial deposit back. This ratio increases linearly by 1% per day, so that on the 100th day, LPs’ principals are fully guaranteed by Bancor protocol. Any IL incurred by LPs is first covered by the trading fees that Bancor incurs through matching each LP’s position, and then by minting $BNT if there is a shortfall.

However, Bancor’s v2.1 design had several key limitations:

● High gas costs. Bancor’s gas fees are significantly higher than competing DEXs due to protocol and smart contract design. Each swap is a double hop between two assets (token A -> BNT and BNT -> token B). There is also underlying complexity in calculating IL incurred by each individual LP.
● Limited single-side LPing. Due to IL protection, each token pool has a cap that is determined by Bancor DAO’s co-investment. If a pool is full, prospective LPs have to wait for existing LPs to withdraw their liquidity. Pools for more popular tokens, such as ETH, wBTC, and stablecoins, have remained fully subscribed for a long time.
● 100-day waiting period for IL protection. As mentioned above, Bancor’s IL insurance is spread out over 100 days.
● Manual claiming of rewards. LPs have to manually claim their rewards, preventing auto compounding of fees and making it more uneconomic for smaller LPs to justify compounding.
Translation - Chinese
Bancor - 绝不会退出历史舞台的创世者
Bancor v2.1
Bancor 自 2017 年 v1 以来,已经迭代了多个 AMM 架构。Bancor v2 试图利用预言机动态平衡流动性池并避免套利行为,但由于表现不佳而决定转向(我们将在下一节讨论依赖预言机的 AMM 面临的问题)。

当前版本的 Bancor (v2.1) 于 2020 年 10 月推出,其拥有两个关键特征:单边流动性和无常损失保险。

Bancor 是首批启用单边敞口的 AMM 之一。 【注:仅存一个代币即可收到 LP 代币的能力不一定是单边敞口;一些平台要么在后端将存入的代币转换为正确的比率,要么在按比例计算 LP 权益时考虑滑点。】

Bancor 上的每个池都包含两种代币:相关代币和 Bancor 的原生代币 $BNT。例如,如果 Alice 想要提供 wBTC 代币,Bancor 的协议将铸造等值美元的 BNT,来匹配 wBTC 的头寸。因此,Alice 和 Bancor 协议各自拥有池的 50%。如果 Bancor 平台上的另一个交易者想要以 ETH 换取 wBTC,则交易将通过 ETH-BNT 和 wBTC-BNT 两个池进行,Alice 将从 wBTC-BNT 交易中获得费用收益。

Bancor v2.1 还为长期流动性提供者提供无常损失保险。锁仓30天以上的 LP 保证会收到至少 30% 的本金返还。该返还率以每天 1% 线性增加,因此在锁仓第 100 天,LP 将得到 100% 本金返还的保障。 LP 产生的任何 IL 首先由交易费用支付,该交易费用产生于 Bancor 匹配每个 LP 的头寸,而后尚未支付的 IL 则通过铸造 $BNT 来弥补。

然而,Bancor’s v2.1 的架构设计存在一些问题:

● 高额的gas费。由于协议和智能合约的架构设计,Bancor 的 gas 费明显高于其他 DEX,每次交易都涉及两个交易对(从代币 A 换到 BNT,再从 BNT 换到代币 B),并且计算每个 LP 产生的 IL 也存在潜在的复杂性。
● 有限的单边流动性。由于无常损失保险,Bancor DAO 的共同投资会决定每个代币池都有一个上限。如果池已满,潜在的 LP 必须等待池中现有 LP 撤出其流动性才能加入。受欢迎的代币池长期以来都保持流动性爆满的状态,如 ETH、wBTC 和稳定币。
● 长达100天的锁仓才能换来无常损失保险。如上所述,Bancor 的无偿损失保险需要经过 100 天锁仓才能完全实现。
● 需要手动提取奖励。为了防止费用的复合计算,以及由此让小规模 LP 更不划算的问题,LP 必须手动索取他们应得的奖励。
Chinese to English: Finance and Investment
General field: Bus/Financial
Detailed field: Finance (general)
Source text - Chinese
我们立足香港市场,致力于为国内优质企业提供专业的海外融资服务。报告期内,助力福建交通集团收购斯里兰卡汉班托塔港20%少数股权。海外服务平台国泰君安国际进一步加强境外企业机构服务,参与完成IPO 保荐项目共4 个,完成一、二级股票承销项目共32 单, 协助企业融资总额1240 亿港币;中资美元债市场占有率仍继续保持前列,协助客户融资总额约4643 亿港元,完成债券承销及相关项目数量共计221 单,以发行笔数计,位列彭博亚洲地区(除日本)G3 货币企业高收益债券承销排行榜第2 名。华安基金与欧洲交易所合作,使用法国CAC40 指数开发法国CAC40ETF,并在上海证券交易所上市交易。
Translation - English
Facilitating Oversea Investment and Financing for Clients
Based in Hong Kong market, we commit ourselves to providing professional oversea financing service to top-notch domestic enterprises. During the reporting period, we assisted Fujian Provincial Communication Transportation Group in acquiring the 20% minority interest in Hambantota Port at Sri Lanka. As our offshore service platform, Guotai Junan International further improved its services for overseas enterprises and institutions, sponsored a total of 4 IPOs, underwrote a total of 32 primary and secondary share underwriting projects and helped enterprises raise total proceeds of HK$124 billion; continued to maintain its China corporate bond USD market share at the forefront, helped enterprises raise total proceeds of about HK$464.3 billion, completed a total of 221 bond underwriting and related projects, and ranked the second in the Bloomberg Asia (excluding Japan) G3 Corporate High-Yield Bond Underwriter League Table in terms of the number of issuance. Cooperating with Euronext N.V., HuaAn Funds developed French CAC40ETF with CAC40 Index, which is listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange for dealing.
Chinese to English: Financial Market
General field: Bus/Financial
Detailed field: Finance (general)
Source text - Chinese
A. 中国内地上市规则
1. 必须是中国内地注册成立的股份制公司(红筹企业除外),并已经营不少于三年,经国务院批准除外
2. 有限责任公司按原账面净资产值折股整体变更为股份有限公司的,持续经营时间可以从有限责任公司成立之日起计算(不适用红筹企业)
3. 财务信息需按照中国企业会计准则(CASBE)的要求编制
a. 上海及深圳主板
1. 最近三年连续盈利
2. 且累计盈利超过3,000万元人民币(扣除非经常性损益前后较低者)
3. 最近3个会计年度经营活动产生的现金流量净额累计超过5,000万元人民币,或者最近3个会计年度营业收入累计超过3亿元人民币
4. 最近一期末不存在未弥补亏损
5. 发行前股本总额不少于3,000万元人民币
6. 最近一期末无形资产(扣除土地使用权、 水面养殖权和采矿权等后)占净资产的比例不高于 20%
7. 发行后股本总额不低于5,000万元人民币。公开发行的股本不低于总股本的25%,如果公司总股本超过4亿元人民币,公司发行比例应不低于10%
8. 前三个年度的管理层没有重大变化及实际控制人没有发生变更
b. 创业板
1. 不存在表決权差异安排的境内企业:
- 最近两年净利润均为正,且累计净利润不低于 5,000 万元人民币;
- 预计市值不低于 10 亿元人民币,最近一年净利润为正且营业收入不低于1 亿元人民币;或
- 未盈利企业预计市值不低于50 亿元人民币,且最近一年营业收入不低于3 亿元人民币
2. 尚未在境外上市的红筹企业:
- 预计市值不低于100亿元人民币,旦最近一年净利润为正;或
- 预计市值不低于50亿元人民币,最近一年净利润为正且营业收入不低于5亿元人民币
3. 己在境外上市红筹企业:
适用《国务院办公厅转发证监会关于开展创新企业境内发行股票或存托凭证试点若干意见的通知》(国办发〔2018〕21号)、《试点创新企业境内发行股票或存托凭证并上市监管工作实施办法》(证监会公告〔2018〕 13 号) 等规定的已境外上市红筹企业的市值应当符合下列标准:
- 市值不低于2,000 亿元人民币;或
- 市值200 亿元人民币以上,且拥有自主研发、国际领先技术,科技创新能力较强,同行业竞争中处于相对优势地位
- 最近一年净利润为正
4. 具有表決权差异安排的企业:
- 预计市值不低于100亿元人民币,且最近一年净利润为正;或
- 预计市值不低于50亿元人民币,最近一年净利润为正且营业收入不低于5亿元人民币
5. 董事及管理层最近2年内没有发生重大变化
Translation - English
A. Listing Rules - the Chinese Mainland
1. Must be a joint-stock company (excluding red-chip enterprises) incorporated in the Chinese Mainland and have operated for no less than three years, unless otherwise approved by the State Council of the People's Republic of China
2. For a company limited by shares converted from a limited liability company by capitalization with reference to net book value of assets, the track record period starts from the date of incorporation of the limited liability company (not applicable to red-chip enterprises)
3. Financial information must be prepared in accordance with the China Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises (CASBE)
a. Main Boards in Shanghai and Shenzhen
Positioning: Meet national industrial policies and environmental protection policies
Listing Requirements:
1. Have been profitable consecutively in the last three accounting years
2. Cumulative pre-tax profit of over RMB 30 million (excluding non-recurring operating gain or loss, whichever is lower)
3. Cumulative net cash flow from operation of over RMB 50 million or operating revenue of over RMB 300 million in the last three accounting years
4. No cumulated losses as the end of the last financial period
5. Total share capital of no less than RMB 30 million before new issuance
6. The ratio of intangible assets (after deduction of land use rights, use rights of waters for aquaculture, mining rights, etc.) to net assets for the last financial period should be no more than 20%
7. Total share capital should be no less than RMB 50 million, with a public float of no less than 25% of total share capital. If total share capital exceeds RMB 400 million, the public float should be no less than 10% of total share capital.
8. No material change in management and control for the last three years
b. ChiNext
Positioning: To deeply implement the innovation-driven development strategy and promote the key trends of innovational, creative, and original businesses, mainly serves growing, innovative, and entrepreneurial enterprises and supports the deep integration of traditional sectors with new technologies, new industries, new business forms, and new models.
Listing Requirements:
1. Domestic companies that do not have differentiated voting rights structures:
Market capitalization and financial indicators must meet at least one of the following criteria:
- Positive net profit in the most recent two years and cumulative net profit of no less than RMB 50 million;
- Expected market capitalization of no less than RMB 1 billion; positive net profit in the previous year; operating revenue of no less than RMB 100 million; or
- For pre-revenue enterprises, expected market capitalization of no less than RMB 5 billion and previous year's revenue of no less than RMB 300 million
2. Red-chip enterprises not listed overseas:
Red-chip enterprises that are not listed overseas but have fast growing revenue (Notes 1), self-developed and internationally leading technologies, and comparative advantages over competitors must meet one of the following market capitalization and financial indicator standards:
- Expected market capitalization of no less than RMB 10 billion and positive net profit in the previous year; or
- Expected market capitalization of no less than RMB 5 billion; positive net profit in the previous year and operating revenue of no less than RMB 500 million
3. Red-chip enterprises listed in overseas markets:
Applies to eligible red-chip enterprises that are listed overseas as cited in the Notice of the General Office of the State Council of the People's Republic of China on Forwarding the Several Opinions of the China Securities Regulatory Commission on Launching the Pilot Program of Innovative Enterprises Domestically Issuing Stocks or Depository Receipts (No. 21 [2018] of the General Office of the State Council of the People's Republic of China) and Measures for Administrating the Offering and Issuance of Shares or Depository Receipts Domestically by Innovative Enterprises of the Pilot Program (No. 13 [2018] of the China Securities Regulatory Commission). Must meet the following market capitalization standards:
- Market capitalization of no less than RMB 200 billion; or
- Market capitalization of over RMB 20 billion with self-developed and internationally leading technologies, strong technological innovation and comparative advantages in the sector
- Positive net profit for the last accounting year
4. Enterprises with differentiated voting rights structures:
Market capitalization and financial indicators must meet at least one of the following criteria:
- Expected market capitalization of no less than RMB 10 billion and positive net profit in the previous year; or
- Expected market capitalization of no less than RMB 5 billion; positive net profit in the previous year and operating revenue of no less than RMB 500 million
5. No material change in directors and management for the last two years
French to Chinese: WTO Booklets
General field: Social Sciences
Detailed field: International Org/Dev/Coop
Source text - French
Pourquoi ? Ces deux moyens de coopération internationale en matière pénale sont les plus connus et les plus communément utilisés. L’extradition est le plus ancien des outils de coopération judiciaire utilisé en matière pénale. Les règles du droit international coutumier qui se sont développées autour de cette pratique au fil des années guident, pour nombre d’entre elles, les formes nouvelles de coopération entre Etats. L’entraide judiciaire, qui est une de ces formes relativement récentes, est reconnue par les praticiens comme un moyen très utile d’obtenir des preuves.
Comment ? Les conventions et protocoles universels contre le terrorisme contiennent une série de dispositions relatives à l’extradition et l’entraide judiciaire qui sont de véritables outils à la disposition des praticiens pour faciliter la coopération entre leurs Etats. Ils peuvent en effet apporter une aide concrète et réduire les obstacles freinant l’extradition. dans la mesure où les conventions et protocoles sont dûment ratifiés par les Etats et incorporés dans leurs systèmes juridiques respectifs.
Translation - Chinese
French to Chinese: Artworks Introduction
General field: Art/Literary
Detailed field: Art, Arts & Crafts, Painting
Source text - French
Au 8e siècle av. J.-C., en Nubie, un royaume s’organise autour de sa capitale Napata. Vers 730 av. J.-C., le souverain Piânkhi entreprend de conquérir l’Égypte et inaugure la dynastie des pharaons koushites. Ses successeurs, pharaons de la 25e dynastie, régneront durant plus de cinquante ans sur un royaume s’étendant du Delta du Nil jusqu’au confluent du Nil Blanc et du Nil Bleu. Le plus connu d’entre eux est sans conteste Taharqa.
L’exposition met en lumière le rôle de premier plan de ce vaste royaume, situé dans ce qui est aujourd’hui le nord du Soudan. Elle est en lien avec la mission archéologique du musée du Louvre au Soudan qui, pendant 10 ans, a concentré ses recherches sur le site de Mouweis et les poursuivra aujourd’hui, à El-Hassa, 30 km plus au nord et non loin des pyramides de Méroé.
Translation - Chinese
French to Japanese: Marketing and Promotion
General field: Marketing
Detailed field: Manufacturing
Source text - French
Le diable est dans les détails. Ce dicton est souvent vrai dans le travail des installateurs ou des techniciens de service, dont dépend l'efficacité des installations ou des appareils que nous utilisons. L'un de ces "détails" est la qualité des matériaux utilisés, c'est pourquoi nous recommandons aujourd'hui des produits ****. La marque propose une large sélection de rubans d'isolation, de montage et de réparation de la plus haute qualité.
L'offre comprend des matériaux spécialisés, notamment:
des bandes auto-amalgamantes, qui scellent les surfaces recouvertes,
Rubans en mousse PE, qui offrent une absorption supplémentaire des vibrations et une isolation acoustique, des rubans double face parfaits pour les surfaces difficiles à adhérer, ainsi que des rubans pour une utilisation dans l'industrie automobile, avec une résistance élevée aux températures et aux dommages mécaniques.
Translation - Japanese

Experience Years of experience: 13. Registered at Apr 2022. Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
Credentials English to Chinese (Translators Association of China)
English to Chinese (College English Test)
English to Chinese (Educational Testing Service - TOEFL)
English to Chinese (Test of English for International Communication - TOEIC)
English to Chinese (International English Language Testing System)

Memberships N/A
Software Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Office Pro, Microsoft Word, OmegaT, Trados Studio

Stella Cui

I am MORE than just a translator.


I am a banker, investor and translator as well. I am multilingual and fluent in English, Chinese, French, and Japanese. I begin my part-time translation experience in 2005, and start my professional career in the finance field in 2013 as a financial analyst. For nearly 10 years, I have been working in global financial institutions as a banker and investor, meanwhile, I contribute a lot of effort and energy to professional translation, preparing for a lifestyle change in the future.

Thus, I provide specialized translation in finance, economy, banking, credit-related, business, marketing, technology, etc. As involved in the blockchain and crypto market since 2018, I am an early market participant in web 3.0 and crypto field. I could say that I am one of the most expert translators in this field, with plenty of experience in translating and writing whitepapers, project introductions, research reports, as well as localization for crypto games and DeFi projects.

With nearly two decades of experience in translating, my expertise is not limited to the fields mentioned above. I work as a freelance translator for 20+ agencies all over the world and provide first-class services to Fortune 500 companies, including banks, internet companies, manufacturers, and museums as well, covering governmental documents, technical files, marketing content, literature books, artwork introduction, etc.

I take translation seriously and I am more than a translator. I am a certified translator and a member of the Translators Association of China. Meanwhile, I am a master's degree holder with a specialization in finance and have a certificate in Chinese Qualification of Fund Practitioner. Thanks to my professional career in finance, I have worked and lived in many countries, with footprints in more than 20 nations, thus I possess cultural awareness and the ability to navigate swiftly among languages. I am not just a translator, but with my professional knowledge besides translation, I am committed to helping you make successes in your business, deliver your visions and messages to your clients, and seize opportunities with crucial information.

For more information, please refer to my brief translation and work experience below, or feel free to contact me:


2017.09 - Present:

China (Beijing, HongKong), African Countries
Language: EN-CN, FR-CN
Category: Legal, Mining
Description: Share Purchase Agreement, Loan Agreement, Mining
Agreement, Geological Survey Report, Feasibility Study Report,
roadshow slides
Word Count: 300,000+

2015.09 - Present:

Category: Finance and Investment
Description: financial market reports, IR documents, financial
reports, market research reports, roadshow slides, etc.
Word Count: 200,000+

2020.02 - 2020.06:

China (Beijing)
Language: EN-CN, FR-CN
Category: Internet, Finance
Description: Letter of Limit/Guarantee, Loan Agreement

2015.09 - 2017.08:

China (Beijing)
Language: CN-EN
Category: Energy
Description: Fact Sheet of Oil and Gas Project Funding, Business
Credit Analysis for Oil and Gas companies

2014.03 - 2015. 04:

Japan (Tokyo)

Description: Worked as Product Manager of translation SaaS
product, responsible for product localization, coordination and
management of translators, quality control of translation


2017.09 – 2020.012020.07 – Present:D&S INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT LIMITEDOversea Project Manager, China (Beijing, HongKong) & African Countries

2020.02 – 2020.06:JD GroupSenior Manager of
Financing, China (Beijing)

2015.09 – 2017.08
:Standard Chartered Bank, Corporate & Institutional Banking Relationship Manager, China

2014.03 – 2015.04
:GMO CLOUD K.K.Product Manag-
er, Japan (Tokyo)

2013.04 – 2014.02
:Royal Dutch ShellFinancial
Analyst, Japan (Tokyo)

2009.07 – 2010.06
:Parametric Technology Corporation
(China) Ltd
Marketing Assistant, China (Beijing)


English: China Certificated Translator (CATTI Level 3), TOEIC
score of 920
TOEFL-iBT score of 92

Japanese: N1 French: B2

Others: Japan Statistical Society Certificate, Japanese Business
Accounting Level 2, BATIC, Chinese Qualification of Fund Practi


Profile last updated
Aug 15, 2022