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Translation Volume: 416 words Completed: Oct 2007 Languages: English to Slovenian
Hardware support translation
Localization of hardware support
Computers: Software, Computers: Hardware
No comment.
Translation Volume: 50865 chars Completed: Oct 2007 Languages: Slovenian to English
Franchise contract translation
Franchise contract from the field of intellectual property.
Business/Commerce (general), International Org/Dev/Coop, Law: Contract(s)
No comment.
Translation Volume: 762 words Completed: Oct 2007 Languages: English to Slovenian
Website translation
Translation of PR material for website from the field of journalism.
Business/Commerce (general), Journalism, Advertising / Public Relations
positive Blue Board outsourcer (5 to 10 entries): No comment.
Translation Volume: 7285 words Completed: Aug 2007 Languages: English to Slovenian
Translation of company manual
Company manual
Management, Human Resources, Business/Commerce (general)
No comment.
DTP/Formatting Volume: 6 hours Completed: Aug 2007 Languages: English to Slovenian
Alignment project
Alignment of files used in a manual.
Telecom(munications), Computers: Software
No comment.
Translation Volume: 6814 words Completed: Mar 2007 Languages: English to Slovenian
Web site translation
Legal text for website
Computers (general), Media / Multimedia, Music
positive : Pavel is great to work with. Thank you!
Currencies accepted
Euro (eur), U. S. dollars (usd)
Sample translations submitted: 1
English to Slovenian: NI Software Suite
Source text - English National Instruments Releases Comprehensive Machine Vision Software Suite
NI Vision 8 Development Module Adds New Utilities for Enhanced Quality Inspections
National Instruments today released the NI Vision 8 Development Module, a comprehensive suite of vision software tools that engineers, integrators and machine builders can use to improve system efficiency and save money by increasing quality control in the manufacturing process. The Vision 8 Development Module combines an extensive collection of vision libraries with acquisition software for thousands of cameras – including those based on the IEEE 1394 (FireWire®) connection standard – all optimized for common programming environments like NI LabVIEW and Microsoft C++, Visual Basic and .NET. In addition, the Vision 8 Development Module includes new algorithms for golden template comparison, optical character verification (OCV) and Data Matrix grading that are designed to help engineers identify packaging and assembly errors earlier in production.
“With the new tools included in the Vision 8 Development Module, NI has released one of the industry’s most comprehensive software packages for acquiring and processing images,” said Kevin Schultz, NI director of strategy. “The collection of tools includes drivers for IEEE 1394 cameras, world-class algorithms and easy-to-use software, all at an affordable price point, making it well-suited for end users and machine builders wanting to improve their system efficiencies and quality control.”
Machine builders and integrators face unique challenges within the manufacturing process, including the need to recognize and correct errors earlier before more value is added to a product. For example, in a machine vision application, a mislabeled container could be identified and removed from the assembly line before product is added and additional resources wasted. The algorithms for golden template comparison and OCV inspection identify flaws in labels and defects in products, while the Data Matrix grading tool verifies that 2D bar codes are applied correctly in accordance to the ISO 16022 (AIM) standard.
Along with the hundreds of image processing and machine vision functions in the Vision 8 Development Module, engineers can take advantage of additional included software such as NI Vision Assistant and NI Vision Acquisition software. NI Vision Assistant is an image processing and application prototyping environment that automatically generates ready-to-run LabVIEW diagrams or LabWindows/CVI, C/C++ or Visual Basic code.
NI Vision Acquisition software offers a set of drivers and utilities for acquiring, displaying and saving images from any NI frame grabber or camera based on the FireWire connection standard. For engineers and scientists who visualize and save images instead of process them, NI Vision Acquisition software is also available separate of the NI Vision Development Module.
For more information on National Instruments machine vision software and hardware, visit
Translation - Slovenian National Instruments predstavlja obširen programski paket za strojni vid
NI Vision 8 razvojni modul prinaša nove pripomočke za izboljšan nadzor kvalitete
Podjetje National Instruments je danes predstavilo NI Vision 8 razvojni modul, obširno programsko orodje s področja strojnega vida, namenjeno inženirjem, integratorjem in strojnim projektantom. S povečanim nadzorom kvalitete proizvodnega postopka, ki ga orodje prinaša, lahko njegovi uporabniki dosežejo izboljšanje učinkovitosti sistema in prihranijo denar. Vision 8 razvojni modul združuje obsežno zbirko knjižnic strojnega vida s programsko opremo za zajem slike za več tisoč različnih kamer – vključno tistih, ki temeljijo na IEEE 1394 (FireWire®) standardu povezave. Vse zbirke so optimizirane za splošna programska okolja, kot so na primer NI Lab VIEW, Microsoftov C++, Visual Basic ter .NET. Poleg tega Vision 8 razvojni modul vključuje tudi nove algoritme za primerjavo zlatih predlog (golden template comparison), optično preverjanje znakov (OCV) ter ocenjevanje podatkovne matrice (Data Matrix grading), ki so načrtovana za to, da inženirjem olajšajo prepoznavanje napak pri pakiranju in sestavljanju v zgodnjih fazah proizvodnje.
"Z novimi orodji, ki jih vsebuje Vision 8 razvojni modul je NI lansiral enega najbolj obširnih programskih paketov za zajem in obdelavo slik", je dejal Kevin Schultz, vodja strateškega načrtovanja pri NI. "Zbirka orodij vključuje gonilnike za IEEE 1394 kamere, vrhunske algoritme ter enostavno uporabno programsko opremo. Vse to za sprejemljivo ceno, ki je primerna za končne uporabnike ter strojne projektante, ki si želijo izboljšati učinkovitost svojih sistemov in kontrole kvalitete."
Strojni projektanti in integratorji se tekom proizvodnega procesa soočajo z edinstvenimi izzivi, med drugim tudi s potrebo po tem, da odkrivajo in odpravljajo napake zgodaj v procesu – preden proizvod pridobi na vrednosti. V aplikaciji strojnega vida lahko na primer napačno označeno ohišje odkrijemo in odstranimo s tekočega traku preden mu dodamo proizvod. In s tem preprečimo nadaljnje trošenje sredstev. Algoritmi za primerjavo zlatih predlog ter OCV nadzor identificirajo napake na oznakah in okvare na proizvodih, orodje za ocenjevanje podatkovne matrice pa preverja ali so 2D črtne kode uporabljene v skladu z ISO 16022 (AIM) standardom.
Poleg več sto funkcij obdelave slik in strojnega vida v Vision 8 razvojnem modulu, lahko inženirji izkoristijo tudi priloženo programsko opremo. Na primer NI Vision Assistant ter NI Vision Acquisition. NI Vision Assistant je programsko okolje za obdelavo slik in preizkušanje aplikacij. Avtomatično generira diagrame, ki jih lahko poženemo v LabVIEW-u ter kode za LabWindows/CVI, C/C++ in Visual Basic.
Program NI Vision Acquisition ponuja niz gonilnikov in pripomočkov za zajemanje, prikazovanje ter shranjevanje slik dobljenih s kateregakoli NI video kabla (frame grabber) ali kamere, ki temelji na FireWire standardu povezave. Za inženirje in znanstvenike, ki si slike le ogledujejo in shranjujejo, ne pa tudi obdelujejo, je program NI Vision Acquisition na voljo tudi ločeno od NI Vision razvojnega modula.
Za več informacij o strojni in programski opremi za strojni vid podjetja National Instruments obiščite