Member since Jun '10

Working languages:
Spanish to English

Catharine Lailson
Certified for quality assurance

Local time: 02:37 AST (GMT-4)

Native in: English Native in English
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Feedback from
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2 positive reviews
What Catharine Lailson is working on
Jul 27, 2018 (posted via Translators without Borders):  I finished an ESL to ENG project, International Development, 1914 words for Translators without Borders I enjoyed being able to contribute to this project ...more »
Total word count: 1914

Account type Freelance translator and/or interpreter, Identity Verified Verified member
Data security Created by Evelio Clavel-Rosales This person has a SecurePRO™ card. View now.
Affiliations This person is not affiliated with any business or Blue Board record at
Services Translation, Editing/proofreading, MT post-editing, Interpreting
Specializes in:
International Org/Dev/CoopMedical: Health Care
Medical (general)Business/Commerce (general)
Certificates, Diplomas, Licenses, CVs

Volunteer translations

Volunteer professional humanitarian translation services-

Translators without Borders

Words translated: 7,388
Volunteer / Pro-bono work Open to considering volunteer work for registered non-profit organizations

All accepted currencies U. S. dollars (usd)
Payment methods accepted PayPal
Glossaries Archeology, Medicine
Translation education Bachelor's degree - Brock University
Experience Years of experience: 18. Registered at Mar 2007. Became a member: Jun 2010.
Credentials Spanish to English (American Translators Association, verified)
Spanish to English (Association of Translators and Interpreters of Nova Scotia, verified)
Memberships ATA, ATINS
Software memoQ, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, Trados Studio
CV/Resume CV available upon request
Events and training
Professional practices Catharine Lailson endorses's Professional Guidelines.

Certified Spanish into English Translator (ATA, ATINS)

Relax. You’ve found a professional linguist.

I provide an oasis of high-quality translation and editing solutions for critical projects. I love using my language training to help others as a certified translator, medical and community interpreter, and copy editor for English texts.

Satisfied clients include:

- Lawyers, immigration consultants, and individuals who need certified translations of official documents

- Sustainability managers who need clear reports to increase investor confidence

- Research teams who need translation or editing services to publish in English-language academic journals.

Why work with me?

I help make your life easier by delivering polished translation and editing solutions that are ready to use in your projects. Publishing typos distract your readers and cost you time and money. But if your text looks professional, so do you.

If you need quality assurance for your important projects or documents, let's connect. 

Catharine Lailson, C. Tran.

Oasis Language Services | +1(902) 403-6431 (GMT-4) || LinkedIn

Certified Spanish to English Translator (ATAATINS| Editor (Editors Canada| 

Certified Community Interpreter (ATINS

Director, Association of Translators and Interpreters of Nova Scotia (ATINS)

Board Member, Canadian Translators, Terminologists and Interpreters Council (CTTIC)

Keywords: Business management, business development, business processes, cash flow, international development, Corporate, Corporate Social Responsibility, Community engagement, community development, small business. See more.Business management, business development, business processes, cash flow, international development, Corporate, Corporate Social Responsibility, Community engagement, community development, small business, business manager, business accounts, business development manager, finances, social media, social media manager, print media, consulting, accountability, stakeholder, stakeholder reporting, storytelling, corporate storytelling, successful, international business management, CEO, AGM, Annual General Meeting, Annual Report, stockholders, grant, philanthropy, giving, advertising, journalism, reference, church, mission, legal, law, lawsuit, localization, technical, proofreading, medical, client-facing, grammar, spelling, accessibility, children, education, NGO, UN, international organization, non-governmental organization, collaboration, certified translation, certified legal translation, certified document translation, foundation, civic engagement, Latin America, Caribbean, sustainability, empowerment, Millennium Development Goals, Sustainable Development Goals, GRI, Global Reporting Initiative, GRI Standards, reporting, sustainable development, marketing, content marketing, advocacy, charity, community service, needs assessment, perspective, resources, volunteer, donor, non-profit, community partner, educational, charitable, fundraising, procurement, children’s charities, help, donation, giving, money, cause, change, activism, non-profit, do good, social good, donor relations, donor countries, gifts, planned giving, research, capital campaigns, grant administration, program administration, program manager, program management, major gifts, annual fund, government relations, community outreach, diversity, board, Board of Directors, human rights, donate, literacy, Nova Scotia, Canada, Halifax, Mexico, ATINS, CTTIC, Translators Without Borders, Editors Canada, patents Gestión empresarial, desarrollo empresarial, procesos empresariales, flujo de caja, desarrollo internacional, Responsabilidad social corporativa, Compromiso con la comunidad, desarrollo comunitario, pequeña empresa, gerente comercial, cuentas comerciales, gerente de desarrollo empresarial, finanzas, redes sociales, gerente de redes sociales, medios de comunicación impresos, consultoría, responsabilidad, partes interesadas, informes de partes interesadas, narración de cuentos, narración corporativa, exitoso, gestión de negocios internacionales, CEO, Asamblea General Anual, Informe Anual, accionistas, donación, filantropía, donaciones, publicidad, periodismo, referencia, iglesia, misión, legal, derecho, demanda, localización, técnica, corrección de estilo, médico, orientación al cliente, gramática, ortografía, accesibilidad, niños, educación, ONG, ONU, organización internacional, organización no gubernamental, colaboración, traducción certificada, traducción legal certificada, Traducción certificada de documentos, fundación, compromiso cívico, América Latina, Caribe, sostenibilidad, empoderamiento, Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio, Objetivos de desarrollo sostenible, GRI, G3, G4, estándar, informes, desarrollo sostenible, mercadeo, mercadeo de contenidos, defensa, abogacía, caridad, servicio comunitario, evaluación de necesidades, perspectiva, recursos, voluntario, donante, socio comunitario, educacional, caritativo, recaudación de fondos, adquisiciones, caridad infantil, ayuda, donación, dinero, causa, cambio, activismo, sin fines de lucro, hacer el bien, bien social, relaciones con los donantes, donaciones, donaciones planificadas, investigación, campañas de capital, administración de subvenciones, administración de donaciones, países donantes, administración del programa, gerente de programas, gestión de programas, donaciones extraordinarias, fondo anual, relaciones gubernamentales, alcance comunitario, diversidad, junta directiva, miembro, derechos humanos, donaciones, alfabetización, Nueva Escocia, Canadá, Halifax, México, Traductores Sin Fronteras, Editores, patentes. See less.

Profile last updated
Jun 21, 2024

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