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Turkish to English
Turkish to Italian
English to Turkish

ismail Dursun
Econometrician,Customs &ShippingBroker

Istanbul, Türkiye
Local time: 06:11 +03 (GMT+3)

Native in: Turkish Native in Turkish, Italian Native in Italian
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Account type Freelance translator and/or interpreter
Data security Created by Evelio Clavel-Rosales This person has a SecurePRO™ card. Because this person is not a Plus subscriber, to view his or her SecurePRO™ card you must be a Business member or Plus subscriber.
Services Translation, Subtitling
Specializes in:
Food & Drink

Glossaries DIR (dizzionario Italiano Ragionato)
Translation education Life time Experience University
Experience Years of experience: 7. Registered at Oct 2004. Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
Credentials English to Turkish (St. Giles College , Tomer language Center Turkey)
Italian to Turkish (istituto parola italiano firenze ,)
Italian to Turkish (istituto italiano e di cultura)
Memberships IRU
Software Adobe Photoshop, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint
CV/Resume CV available upon request
Ismail Dursun
Owner of "Interaktif Tanitim Tercume Gıda San Tic Ltd Sti."
Deniz sok. No:7 Dursun Apt K:1 PK 34750 Kucukbakkalkoy/ Istanbul Turkey
Tel: 0216 5756507 Fax: 02165756560 ,


• Having extensive knowledge and reputable experiences in Land, Air and Sea Transportation, Ship Chartering, Inventory Planning and Stock Management.
• Business approach more focusing on Productivity, Cost sensitivity and new solution appliances in all operations at all logistics areas.
• Strong knowledge and experiences in Ship Line Management and its operations with remarkable successes.
• Strong knowledge and experiences in foreign trade and Customs Operations supported by Customs Broker Carnet B which was dully endorsed by Turkish Undersecreteriat Of Customs in 2003.
• Officially recognized UDY-03 Top Class Management Certificate related to Logistics services field which was granted by Turkish Ministry of Transport. And also proven professional competence by IRU Academy.
• Pro-active team player, outgoing and dynamic personality, solution oriented approach and strong problem solving personality.
• Ability of good market research, analytical perspective of forecasting needs, impressive communication & bargaining skills, detailed planning, flexibility of adopting changes into plan and result oriented approach.


Herbalife International Urunleri Tic.Ltd.Sti. , Istanbul Jan 08 – Sept.08
Warehouse & Logistics Manager
One of the world’s biggest health and nutritional company operating in 62 different countries with an headquarter in LA, USA.

- Planning, stock management, replenishment of local warehouse on time.
- Cycle count Management, ensuring inventory accuracy and product availability.
- Management of ship-To and Pick-Up Warehouses and supervising to seven warehousemen.
- Organization and follow up shipments, imports, product licenses.
- Co-ordination with customs broker and complete all procedures with legal authorities.
- Facility Management, Safety&Security Management, Disposal Management.
- Implementation of regional and global supply chain policies and its re-engineering.

- Cost Saving in inner haulage rates 74 % (Fra Customs to Bulk WH) , in delivery order fees 60%, in Ship To expenses 6 %.
- Application of min-max planning between sub inventories and succeeded replenishment frequency as 4 weeks which was 1,5 – 2 weeks when I joined . This helped us to do saving in transportation and handling costs approx. 57%.
- Innovation in Pick-Up WH ( SKU location changes according to fast/medium/slow/low, widening corridors, grouping SKUs). With this innovation I managed increase SKU delivery speed 34% in average of 144 active SKUs. Minimization of Order Delivery time from 6 mins average to 2,5 mins.
- With the innovation in Pick-Up WH, I managed to reveal 1 idle warehouseman and proved that this WH can be manageable with only one man even in peak seasons.

SAPA Yapı Sistem San ve Tic AŞ. , Istanbul June.07 – Jan.08
Logistics Manager
A member of world’s biggest Aluminum Extruding Company Group specialized in Facades, Door & Window and Sliding systems, operating mainly in Europe then America and Asia.

- Order Management of 17 big Clients working on Project basis.
- Managing, evaluating and guiding 4 members inside department.
- Re-engineering of Logistics flow process, arranging Transportation and Customs Operations.
- Import and Export operations
- Warehouse management and delivery plans, stock management and counting
- Negotiation and contract with Logistics Service Provider companies.
- Minimization of expenses and increase of performances in logistics process flow according to budget figures.
- Claims follow and resolving.
- Reporting responsibility of KPI, Benchmarking and Forecasts.

- After changes in transportation method, succeeded to reduce transportation cost from 10,8 % to 6,9%. This change also positively reflected on performances increasing DFO indicator from 67% to 79%.
- Achieved to reduce handling costs saving %58 on the second half of 2007.
- Optimal time needed for customs operation from 2,5 days to 1,5 days.
- Done necessary amendments on imports to avoid any legal problems in the future.

Hamburg Süd GmbH, Area Mediterranean Office, Istanbul May.05-Oct .06
Operations coordinator
The world’s fifth biggest Ship Line Operating Company owned by Oetker Group. It is specialized in containerized cargo shipments and performs service with its representing agents all around the world.

- Being responsible from East Mediterranean Feeder Service Line (EMF Line),
co-ordination of operating agents in Mersin, Haifa, Ashdod, Port Said with vessel and charterers.
- Communication with charterers and allocation of spaces between slot charterer and representing agents.
- Doing vessel capacity plans with captains and load/discharge operations with agents.
- Doing EMF long and short term voyage Schedule. Giving decision to omit some port calls to keep Schedule integrity.
- Logistics services of transshipment containers discharged from Mother Vessels in east and West Mediterranean ports into their destinations. Continuous monitoring of vessels in these destinations and also would-be-containers arranging possible feedering services.
- Issuing freight invoices to slot charterers. Checking freight invoices issued for services supplied from other parties. Revising of Proformas.
- Capacity and KPI reporting.

- Analyzed EMF’s sailing plans for last 2 years and re-engineered new Sailing Schedule. With this new Schedule, succeeded to keep seven day weekly Schedule. According to this seven day weekly Schedule EMF kept calling each port in its nominated day and precisely in its time for one year. This made EMF very reliable service during in that period among her competitors.
- Invention of new sailing Schedule increased the average number of voyages in quarterly basis from 10,2 to 12 trips which resulted with additional 7 voyages. Each voyage used to mean about Eur 50,000.

Akbaşoğlu Shipping Grup (Holding), İstanbul Jan.02-April.05
Turkey’s thirth biggest chemical tanker owner.
Purchasing & Operation Responsible

- Purchasing of foods, cleaning materials, nautical publications, charts, spirits, paints, electric electronic gadgets and mechanical spare parts for the 9 vessels in service and deliveries of required items to the vessel before her departure.
- Searching of new vendors of steel plates, profiles, pipes, pumps, valves, electric electronics materials for the new building vessels, managing negotiations for purchasing all items.
- Arranging transports of purchased items, chartering.
- Application of charter party terms, Calculation of demurrages and dispatches, co-operating operations.
- Deliveries of purchased items into its source of need either by transit trading or by importation. Customs operation follow-up.
- Material planning and registry of used materials in new buildings. Stock planning.
- Invoice controls, Preparation of performance reports.
Adaptation of ISO9001:2000 into the company.

- Managed to control and minimize daily consumption figure per day for each person working on the vessels.
- Completed the company quality manual with the major part of the procedure and instructions within three months. At the end of this period surveyors were invited and passed the audit. And ISO9001 certificate was granted.


Dokuz Eylul University, Department: Econometrics 1995-1999
Suadiye Lisesi 1991-1994


Technical Certifications:
- Turkish Ministry of Transport, UDY-3 Certificate (Top Class Manager Certificate in Logistics)
- IRU ACADEMY, Certificate of Professional Competency in Road Transportation
- UND, Training of Professional Competence in Logistics and Transportation
- Bureau Veritas, Subject ISM Code -International Safety Management- & Interim Audit
- Customs Brokers B carnet

General :
- Istituto Parola Italiano , Florence / Italy (Subject :Italian Language
- St.Giles College , Eastbourne / England (Subject: Toefl Preparation )
- Il Centro Italiano , Istanbul / Turkey (Subject: Certificate )
- ISO9001:2000 Training (Instructor: Phd.Haldun Turan )

Fluent in English and in Italian Languages. Pre intermediate in Spanish.

Very good knowledge in Microsoft Office XP applications (Word, Excel, Powerpoint), Experience in SAP R3 Gui Frontend (MM ,SD), ORACLE 11i , Logo Gold & Tiger, Ecos, Barbiz,
Oracle 11i (Responsibilities : Gen. Inv. Inquiry global, Interface for WH, Inv. Count Management, Min. Max Planning User, Order Management User, Requisition User, WH Master User, Work In Process super user)


Date of Birth/Place :01.10.1977/Istanbul
Marital Status :Married
Driving License :Class B
Military Service :Discharged
Nationality :T.R.
Keywords: My profession is econometrics . After my graduation from university , i took an exam and acquired my Customs Brokers Carnet. i worked for a turkish ship owner who had 6 chemical tankers and 3 dry cargo vessels. In the first one and half a year i did operations of 12 vessels , and then i was promoted to do this shipowners purchasing affairs. Before i resigned , i integrated the body of our company into iso9001:2000 quality system. and i helped them to pass the audit and acquired the certificate. After then i left and worked for International Logistics Company (Barsan). i did their sea&air freigh transportations. And upto this time , i did translations regarding to those fields , in which i worked&learned , in inclusion to other fields that i am interested in.

Profile last updated
Jan 10, 2019