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Poll: How many books do you read per month, for pleasure?
Thread poster: Staff Staff Staff
Jan 10, 2006

This forum topic is for the discussion of the poll question "How many books do you read per month, for pleasure?".

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David Brown
David Brown  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:11
Spanish to English
Reading Books Jan 10, 2006 Staff wrote:

This forum topic is for the discussion of the poll question "How many books do you read per month, for pleasure?".

View the poll here

A forum topic will appear each time a new poll is run. For more information, see:

I read for pleasure to, relax, to keep my English updated(although I am an English native speaker, I have lived in Spain for over 5 years and probably speak English for less than 1 hour a week),so as not to become too "spanglified", and also because I have always read books all my life, instead of watching television. I believe reading is essential to open up the mind.

Sophie Dzhygir
Sophie Dzhygir  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:11
German to French
+ ...
Astonishing ! (for me ;-) ) Jan 10, 2006

As for the actual stand of the results, I see more than a half of the voters read no book or only one book per month! I'm surprised, because I thought translators were the kind of people who are keen on reading...
so a question for those who voted 'None' or 'One': is this because you don't have enough time, or really because you don't like reading?

Fred Neild (X)
Fred Neild (X)  Identity Verified
English to Spanish
+ ...
Less than one Jan 10, 2006

What about the 'less than one' option for us, slow readers?

Have I missed it?


Fred Neild (X)
Fred Neild (X)  Identity Verified
English to Spanish
+ ...
Busy Jan 10, 2006

Sonka wrote:
so a question for those who voted 'None' or 'One': is this because you don't have enough time, or really because you don't like reading?

Hi Sonka,
I have voted 'none' because there was no option for 'less than one'.

I love reading. I have already read Dostoyevsky, Shakespeare, Proust, García Lorca, J. L. Borges, Nietzche, Joyce, and the list goes on. I used to read many books in a month in the past

Nowadays, I have very little free time between my work and my family (wife and three kids), so I make a big effort to continue reading in the few moments I have left because I believe it is extremely important for me (my earth connection, if you know what I mean). At the moment I am reading Salman Rushdie but it is taking me quite a while since I can only manage a few pages a week (this varies a lot), but I still enjoy it.


Elvira Stoianov
Elvira Stoianov  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:11
German to Romanian
+ ...
too busy Jan 10, 2006

I share the thoughts of Fred Neild. I also love to read, but since I am so busy, I hardly find time to do it (especially for pleasure). Besides wroking, I also have a small daughter, I am also attending university courses, again, so that leaves little time for anything else. This means that in my spare time I try to spend time with the family, and I sometimes read in the evenings, but I fall asleep after a couple of pages.
I had the intention of reducing my workload and dedicating more tim
... See more
I share the thoughts of Fred Neild. I also love to read, but since I am so busy, I hardly find time to do it (especially for pleasure). Besides wroking, I also have a small daughter, I am also attending university courses, again, so that leaves little time for anything else. This means that in my spare time I try to spend time with the family, and I sometimes read in the evenings, but I fall asleep after a couple of pages.
I had the intention of reducing my workload and dedicating more time to more pleasant things in life. I have managed the first part, so now I have to clear up my schedule to make myself some more spare time to do the things I enjoy. So I hope I will be able to give a different answer in a few months time.

Rosa Maria Duenas Rios (X)
Rosa Maria Duenas Rios (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 16:11
Why only one... Jan 10, 2006

I probably read, on average, one book a month FOR PLEASURE.
That does not mean that it is the only thing I read. Newspapers, and nowadays magazines on different topics of my interest, pile up for my reading too, as well as all sorts of guidance, instructions and the like, whether printed or on line. For instance, right now I am beginning to read some IRS information, in anticipation to filing my taxes (done by my accountant, but still, one needs to know what is going on!). So I read a lot,
... See more
I probably read, on average, one book a month FOR PLEASURE.
That does not mean that it is the only thing I read. Newspapers, and nowadays magazines on different topics of my interest, pile up for my reading too, as well as all sorts of guidance, instructions and the like, whether printed or on line. For instance, right now I am beginning to read some IRS information, in anticipation to filing my taxes (done by my accountant, but still, one needs to know what is going on!). So I read a lot, but not only books for pleasure. Even the cellular phone instruction manual is an over 100 pages book that occupies time in my "reading agenda"!

I was similarly surprised by those who said they read more than three books a month. My question is, how do they find the time? Supposing they have regular lives like most of us (work, family friends), do they ever sleep?

[Edited at 2006-01-10 14:59]

Susana Galilea
Susana Galilea  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 15:11
English to Spanish
+ ...
ah, pleasure... Jan 10, 2006

I love literature and used to read voraciously in younger years, but nowadays I find it more of a challenge to nurture this passion. I find after long hours spent reading for work, the last thing my mind and eyes need is to keep reading. My organism craves an entirely different activity, such as going for a walk, cooking or taking a yoga class. Anything that will not entail focusing my eyes on print. I take advantage of vacations to resume my reading habit, but I do miss losing myself in the rit... See more
I love literature and used to read voraciously in younger years, but nowadays I find it more of a challenge to nurture this passion. I find after long hours spent reading for work, the last thing my mind and eyes need is to keep reading. My organism craves an entirely different activity, such as going for a walk, cooking or taking a yoga class. Anything that will not entail focusing my eyes on print. I take advantage of vacations to resume my reading habit, but I do miss losing myself in the ritual I used to enjoy so much.

All best,


[Edited at 2006-01-10 16:49]

diana bb
diana bb  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:11
English to Lithuanian
+ ...
No matter how busy, Jan 10, 2006

I find time to read every day.
I am sure the absence of 'the box' in my flat helps. In any case, I am sure I gain much much more from reading than I would from watching TV.

Busy as I am, I manage to read more than three books a month.
I can't deny myself this pleasure.



[Edited at 2006-01-10 17:26]

Ennio Delle Piane
Ennio Delle Piane  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:11
English to Italian
+ ...
free lance translating leaves little or no time for reading (or other hobbies) Jan 10, 2006

Sonka wrote:

As for the actual stand of the results, I see more than a half of the voters read no book or only one book per month! I'm surprised, because I thought translators were the kind of people who are keen on reading...
so a question for those who voted 'None' or 'One': is this because you don't have enough time, or really because you don't like reading?

personally, when I was working 9-17 I used to read at least 3 books a month (even more during holidays; now that I am working as a free lance full time I, regretfully, have little time for reading.

Kirill Semenov
Kirill Semenov  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:11
Member (2004)
English to Russian
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Shocked, too Jan 10, 2006

diana bb wrote:
I find time to read every day.

The same here - and I'm shocked to see the results of the poll, as much as Sonka is.

Gillian Scheibelein
Gillian Scheibelein  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:11
German to English
+ ...
Light reading only Jan 10, 2006

Marianne Wesson described one of the characters in her books as being "abibliophobic" - i.e. having an abject fear of being without something to read, and this sums me up entirely. As a result, I get through at least 2-3 books per month. However, I must admit that I avoid highbrow stuff because I usually have to read/translate complicated technical treatises all day long so I prefer easy reading material in my spare time - mostly murder mysteries, thrillers, etc. I am making an exception at the ... See more
Marianne Wesson described one of the characters in her books as being "abibliophobic" - i.e. having an abject fear of being without something to read, and this sums me up entirely. As a result, I get through at least 2-3 books per month. However, I must admit that I avoid highbrow stuff because I usually have to read/translate complicated technical treatises all day long so I prefer easy reading material in my spare time - mostly murder mysteries, thrillers, etc. I am making an exception at the moment and am reading "Watching the English" - described by the author as an anthropological book for the intelligent layman. It is absolutely fascinating and I can warmly recommend it.Collapse

Marion Schimmelpfennig
Marion Schimmelpfennig  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:11
English to German
Every free minute... Jan 10, 2006

I use for reading. For pleasure and to improve my English. I think I haven't read a German book for years and even buy books by German authors in English. That means my husband can't read my books, but the receipts are tax deductable

languagelear (X)
languagelear (X)  Identity Verified

Local time: 22:11
Italian to English
+ ...
my husband says i eat them Jan 10, 2006

Reading English books keeps me sane in an Italian world. And it keeps my English straight so my son doesn't end up speaking some half-language. I read as many as I can get my hands on, for pleasure, study or improvement, as long as it's in English. It helps to be something of a speed reader. My only problem is that I run out and Amazon's shipping to Italy is so expensive, not to mention the many ebayers who won't ship abroad!

diana bb
diana bb  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:11
English to Lithuanian
+ ...
I am reading the same, Gillian! Jan 10, 2006

Gillian Scheibelein wrote:

I am making an exception at the moment and am reading "Watching the English" - described by the author as an anthropological book for the intelligent layman. It is absolutely fascinating and I can warmly recommend it.

That's the book I am carrying with me everywhere, at the moment. A very enjoyable read, indeed. I usually read two books at once - one, lighter, which I carry around; another, somewhat 'highbrow', at home.



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Poll: How many books do you read per month, for pleasure?

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