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 »  Articles Overview  »  Featured Authors  »  Serghei G. Nikolayev, Ph.D.
Serghei G. Nikolayev, Ph.D.

Serghei G. Nikolayev, Ph.D., is an associate professor at Rostov State University teaching Modern English word studies and stylistics. He regularly publishes theoretical articles in linguistics, as well as his own translations of English prose and poetry into Russian (over 100 published pieces). He resides in the city of Rostov-on-Don in the south of Russia.
Articles by this Author
» The Importance of Knowing Your Local Vernacular
By Serghei G. Nikolayev, Ph.D. | Published 06/3/2005 | Interpreting | Not yet recommended
Whoever is somewhat familiar with the professional practice of translating from one language into another, one being his native and the other a foreign language, knows this simple, yet helpful truth: it is always preferable to translate from foreign into native, while interpretation work is simpler when done the other way around. This rule is based on the strict necessity to thoroughly comprehen ...
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