In one hour learn how to become visible on due to the brand-new "About Me" Section on your profile. Learn how this section can become a great substitution for your website (if you are not ready to invest in creating one yet). Actually, this section can be much more than a simple description of your skills and experience. You can turn it into a real magnet for your potential clients.
The first thing clients click on when opening your quote on is your profile. So, if your "About Me" Section is not customized and does not look attractive and professional, then you have very few chances to make the great first impression and win the project leaving behind hundreds of other applicants.
We will tackle both, marketing and technical tips to make your profile stand out from the crowd.
Good news is that you do not need to have advanced knowledge of HTML-code to make a professionally looking page. Have a look, how I created my own About Me Section - without solid background knowledge in HTML.
I will be happy to share these tips with you! You will be surprised to see how fast and easy the process can be.
Course program:
Marketing tips for "About Me" Section:
- creating the content and structure
- tips for making appealing and selling headline, introduction, main body and call to action
Technical tips:
- filling-in your profile and making it nice and professional avoiding tedious work with HTML-code
- SEO for your profile (choosing the keywords, analyzing views and statistics of your profile)