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5 entries
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English to Italian: Me and my friends - Guillian Bare Syndrom General field: Medical Detailed field: Medical: Health Care
Source text - English On Monday 26/05/2014, of my own accord, I went to the hospital with the following symptoms: toe numbness, imbalance, lower back pain, and I could hardly walk. Anorthopedic surgeon examined me. Then, a neurologist doctor looked at me.
They told methat I would need to be admitted to the hospital and that they would give me a vitamin B infusion and a lumbar puncture the next day, however nothing was carried out for 5 days.
My situation continued to deteriorate. With pushback and arguments on Friday, I finally received the lumbar puncture. The diagnosis was Guillain-barre syndrome (GBS).
Translation - Italian Il 26/05/2014 decisi di recarmi in ospedale a seguito della comparsa di questi sintomi: dita dei piedi addormentate, perdita di equilibrio, dolore lombare; riuscivo a malapena a camminare. Fui visitato da un ortopedico. E poi da un neurologo. Mi dissero che sarebbe stato necessario il ricovero e che il giorno seguente mi avrebbero fatto un'iniezione di vitamina B e una rachicentesi, ma per i cinque giorni seguenti non fecero nulla.
Le mie condizioni continuavano ad aggravarsi. Dopo varie discussioni, il venerdì mi fecero finalmente la rachicentesi: mi fu diagnosticata la Sindrome di Guillain-Barré.
Russian to Italian: Натуральная добавка General field: Medical Detailed field: Medical: Pharmaceuticals
Source text - Russian высокоэффективная натуральная добавка, содержащая жизненно важные микроэлементы Ca и Mg в соотношении 1:1.
Кальций и магний необходимы для лечения остеопороза и сращивания переломов костей, снятия мышечного спазма, поддержания щитовидной железы, сердца и нервов.
Внимание! Принимать только один кальций недостаточно, нужно, чтобы был баланс магния, цинка и марганца для полного усвоения кальция.
Кальций и магний необходимы не только для здоровых костей и зубов, но и для правильной работы сердца и всей сердечно-сосудистой системы, для поддержания в рабочем состоянии нервной и мышечной систем.
Недостаток кальция и магния приводит к мышечным спазмам и слабости, усталости и бессоннице.
Translation - Italian Integratore naturale di microelementi di vitale importanza come il Calcio e il Magnesio, in rapporto 1:1.
Calcio e Magnesio sono fondamentali nella cura dell'osteoporosi e nella guarigione delle fratture ossee; aiutano inoltre ad alleviare gli spasmi muscolari, supportano l'attività tiroidea, cardiaca e cerebrale.
Attenzione! Assumere il calcio da solo non è sufficiente: perché l'organismo possa assorbirlo, è necessario il giusto equilibrio di magnesio, zinco e manganese.
Calcio e magnesio sono fondamentali non solo per la salute di denti e ossa, ma anche per il corretto funzionamento del cuore e dell'intero sistema cardiovascolare, nervoso e muscolare.
La carenza di calcio e magnesio può portare a crampi, debolezza, affaticamento e insonnia.
Translation education
Bachelor's degree - University of Genoa
Years of experience: 8. Registered at May 2016. Became a member: Dec 2017.
I help English/Russian-speaking businesses, authors, bloggers, vloggers
to speak to their Italian audience, by offering them my translation,
localization and subtitling services into my native language.
Areas of expertise:
-> Holistic wellness -> Tourism and travels (brochures, websites, tour guides, online booking platforms for hotels and travel services) -> Marketing -> Spirituality (yoga, meditation, Hinduism) and personal growth -> Healthy nutrition -> Books and blog articles
I also offer linguistic consulting services. What do I do?
- I evaluate the quality of your translated content -
I analyze the content you created with dynamic text (with placeholders)
and point out any problem in translating that into Italian, offering
you solutions to fix them - I point out non-inclusive language issues in your translated content
Do you need one of the services I offer? Feel free to reach out any time for a free and no-obligation quote.
My e-mail address:
Keywords: English to Italian translator, native Italian translator, Russian to Italian Translator, translation for health, website translation, proofreading, Italian subtitles, English, Russian, localization. See more.English to Italian translator, native Italian translator, Russian to Italian Translator, translation for health, website translation, proofreading, Italian subtitles, English, Russian, localization, transcreation, translation for tourism, holistic wellness, spirituality, UX translation, UI translation. See less.