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Serbian to English: A new song by a Serbian Roma musician Adil Maksutović, who's a performer of Gypsy folk, fado-esque music and well-loved in the region. General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Poetry & Literature
Source text - Serbian
Nije Nama Suđen Rastanak
Nije nama suđen rastanak,
na dlanu mome si otisak.
Budi tu dok oči govore,
predugo nam sreća tuguje.
Nije nama suđen ovaj kraj,
nek me oživi tvoj zagrljaj!
Ljubi me u srce vrati me,
sad znam da tu kucam najjače.
Bol ne prestaje i ludilo me traži...
Od samog sebe me ti noćas spasi. 2x
Nije nama suđen rastanak,
snovi mi slute tvoj povratak...
Dođi, da mi duša zaplače,
ti znaš da zauvek volim te.
Nije nama suđen ovaj kraj,
nek me oživi tvoj zagrljaj.
Ljubi me, u srce vrati me,
sad znam da tu kucam najjače.
Bol ne prestaje i ludilo me traži...
Od samog sebe me ti noćas spasi. 2x
Spasi me 4x
Translation - English
It Wasn't Meant For Us To Part
It wasn't meant for us to part,
you're imprinted upon my palm,
be here whilst our eyes speak, for
too long our happiness's been grieving.
The end wasn't meant for us,
may your embrace bring me back to life!
Kiss me, put me back in your heart,
now I know that's where I throb* the hardest.
The pain never stops,
and madness is looking for me...
From my own self tonight, you save me
It wasn't meant for us to part,
my dreams are intuitions of your return...
Come, for my soul to cry,
you know I eternally love you.
The end wasn't meant for us,
may your embrace bring me back to life!
Kiss me, put me back in your heart,
now I know that's where I throb* the hardest.
The pain never stops,
and madness is looking for me...
From my own self tonight, you save me
Save me 4x
*puls, beat, pulsate, throb - sound with a strong, regular rhythm akin to a heartbeat
Serbian to English: A song by Djordje Balasević, a folk rock singer-songwriter well adored in the region. General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Poetry & Literature
Source text - Serbian
Sale Nađ je umro u snu
dan se taman zasiveo.
I ne znam šta je sumnjivo tu,
jer u snu je i živeo?
Kažu da je slutio kraj,
tobož, nije navio sat,
pa sad, znao je da gubi taj rat.
Neko ružno sanja,
nekom su košmari svitanja.
Sveštenik je gunđao psalm,
k'o za kaznu naučen stih.
Pred kapelom nobles i šljam
iz istog puka Poraženih.
Srećom, nije imao šta,
pošto ne bi imao kom.
Arčio je život po svom,
testament, tek skica na kutijici šibica
refren: Strpljivi prsti neminovnosti razlažu uvod pesme koju dobro znam i ako još išta ima da se oprosti i to ti noćas opraštam. Huči okean neizbežnosti, pritislo nebo laki til tavanice, al' to se leči s dve-tri kapi nežnosti u vinu iz Ravanice.
Da, Sale Nađ je umro u snu,
slutim da je snivao Srem.
Onaj bunar studen pri dnu
i šarom loze zasenčen trem.
Slutim da je snivao nju,
čije ime sam Gospod zna
i da se u ječmu tog sna
jednostavno zbilo to što ga je i ubilo.
refren: Strpljivi prsti...
Translation - English
Sale Nadj** died in his sleep,
the day was just starting to grey,
and I don't know what's suspicious there
since he also lived in his dreams.
They say he must've felt it was the end,
roomer has it he never set the clock.
Well now, he knew he was losing that war.
Some people have bad dreams,
to others, each sunrise is a nightmare.
The priest was moaning the Psalm
as if it were a verse learned as punishment.
In front of the Chapel the nobility and scum
from the same regiment of the defeated.
Luckily he didn't have what to leave,
'cos he wouldn't have to whom...
He'd squandered his life his way,
his Will but a scetch on a box of matches.
Chorus: The patient fingers of inevitability are dispersing the prelude of a song I know well, and if there's anything else left to forgive you for...there you go...that too, I forgive you tonight. A roaring ocean of unavoidability, the sky is heavy on the soft teal of the ceiling, but that's nothing that can't be treated with two-three drops of tenderness in the wine from Ravanica.***
Yes, Sale Nadj died in his sleep,
I guess he was dreaming of Srem.****
That water well cold at the bottom
and the vine shade shadowed porch.
I guess he was dreaming of her,
whose name's known only to God,
and that what happened in the yoke of that dream
simply had killed him.
Chorus: The patient fingers of...
*A female given name, derived from the name for the marigold flower.
**A man whose first name is Sasha and surname is Nadj. Sale is a version of Sasha.
***Serbian Orthodox monastery. Pronounced Ravanizza, "ts" as in "ragazza" Italian for a girl.)
****A district in Vojvodina, which is a province in Serbia.
English to Croatian: Excerpt from a medical journal General field: Medical Detailed field: Medical: Cardiology
Source text - English
LSI_TT_14, rev. 1, 10/11/07
Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor therapy was unexpectedly associated with reduced acute myocardial infarction (AMI) in trials of patients with left ventricular dysfunction or heart failure.
1,2 The Heart Outcomes Prevention Evaluation (HOPE) study showed that Ramipril reduces the risk of AMI in patients with chronic atherosclerotic vascular disease and normal left ventricular function.3–5 A reduction of mortality by early therapy with ACE inhibitors in the setting of AMI has been shown in different, recent randomized trials.6–12 This study analyzes if a beneficial effect of treatment with Ramipril on mortality and cardiovascular events in the setting of AMI can be found in registry data of unselected patients in clinical practice.
We also examined if treatment with Ramipril was associated with a better outcome than treatment with other generic ACE inhibitors.
The Maximal Individual Therapy of Acute Myocardial Infarction PLUS registry (MITRA PLUS) is a German prospective, multicenter, observational data pool of current treatment of AMI. From 1992 to 2002, 53,853 consecutive patients were included in the MITRA PLUS registry. The MITRA PLUS registry consists of 3 consecutive sub-registries that have been previously described: 60 minutes Myocardial Infarction Project (60 minutes MIP),13 Maximal Individual Therapy in Acute Myocardial Infarction (MITRA),14 and the Myocardial Infarction Registry (MIR).15 A fourth sub-registry, the Acute Coronary Syndromes Registry (ACOS),16 is still ongoing.
Terapija inhibitorima angiotenzin konvertirajućeg enzima (ACE inhibitori) je na opće iznenađenje asocirana sa smanjenom akutnom miokardialnom infarkcijom (AMI) u pokusima provedenim na pacijentima sa lijevom ventrikulskom disfunkcijom (dijastoličnom disfunkcijom lijeve klijetke) ili srčanim zatajenjem. 1,2
HOPE studija (Studija Srčane Prognostike, Evaluacije i Prevencije) je pokazala da Ramipril smanjuje rizik od AMI u pacijenata sa kroničnom aterosklerotičnom vaskularnom bolešću i normalnom funkcijom lijeve klijetke.3–5 Da rana terapija ACE inhibitorima reducira mortalitet u kontekstu akutne miokardialne infarkcije (AMI) pokazuju nedavni, različiti randomizirani pokusi.6–12 Ova studija analizira da li se povoljni utjecaji tretmana Ramiprilom na smrtnost i kardiovaskularne incidencije u kontekstu AMI mogu pronaći u registru podataka nasumičnih pacijenata u kliničkoj praksi.
Takodje smo ispitali da li je tretman Ramiprilom asociran sa boljim prognozama nego tretman drugim, generičkim ACE inhibitorima.
MITRA PLUS (registar Maksimalne Individualne Terapije Akutne Miokardialne Infarkcije PLUS) je njemacka prospektivna, multicentrična opservaciona baza podataka trenutačno dostupnih tretmana AMI.
Od 1992 do 2002, 53,852 uzastopna pacijenta su uključena u MITRA PLUS registar.
MITRA PLUS registar se sastoji od tri uzastopna prethodno opisana subregistra: 60 minutni MIP13 (60 minutni Projekt Miokardialne Infarkcije) , MITRA14 (Maksimalna Individualna Terapija Akutne Miokardialne Infarkcije), i MIR15 (Registar Miokardialne Infarkcije). Četvrti subregistar, ACOS16 (Registar Akutnih Koronarnih Sindroma) je još u izradi.
English to Croatian: Initial Assessment Test General field: Other Detailed field: Gaming/Video-games/E-sports
Source text - English
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Translation - Croatian
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Bosnian to English: A song by Božo Vrećo, a Bosnian sevdah performer. A kind of traditional music that has its roots in a composite of Bosnian Sephardic Jewish and Slavic Muslim music traditions General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Poetry & Literature
Source text - Bosnian
Ko Li Noćas Miluje Ti Kosu?
Ko li noćas miluje ti kosu?
Ko li nad tim usnama ti baje,
a znam, ja ti doći neću
dok sve svoje grijehe ne okajem.
Ko te budi, medju oči ljubi
ko ti zoru doziva da rudi,
a znam, ja ti doći neću
davno za me rekli su da ludim.
Kome noćas ruke svoje svijaš,
kome veo otkrivaš i sijaš,
a znam, ja ti doći neću
nikog za me nemoj ti da pitaš.
Kome da se vratim milo moje,
kad od mene sevdah ostao je,
a znam, ja ti doći neću
možda ti bez mene, biće bolje.
Translation - English
Who's Caressing Your Hair Tonight?
Who is caressing your hair tonight?
Who is charming upon those lips?
(And) I know I won’t come to you
until I’ve atoned for all my sins
Who’s waking you up, kissing your forehead?*
Who's summoning your dawn into breaking?
I know I won’t come to you,
it's been said, long ago, I was going crazy!
Who are you embracing tonight?
For whom removing the veil, all radiant?
I know I won’t come to you, ask no one about me!
To whom can I return, my darling,
when all that’s left of me is longing?**
I know I won’t come to you,
maybe things'll be better for you without me?
*literally between the eyes
**literally sevdah, a Bosnian word that denotes a type of deep and dark longing, for one's lover and for love, that makes Bosnians write good music.
The genre of music with sevdah as its main motif is also called 'sevdah' and the songs are called “sevdalinka” in singular and “sevdalinke” in plural form.
Serbian to English: Serbian, Torlakian dialect, Zona's Song General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Music
Source text - Serbian Синоћке,
синоћке те видо Зоне, леле Зоне.
Где се, где се премењуваш Зоне, леле Зоне.
Где казуј где,
где самујеш море.
Нећу ти лажем бре
кол'ко те искам бре.
Под твој јелек,
ту да зимујем.
Беле груди,
ту да летујем.
Леле туго сестрице
ја је видо мори
Леле туго кажи туго чија је
Ја си знајем леле моја није
Под твој јелек,
ту да зимујем.
Беле груди,
ту да летујем. (4X)
Translation - English Last night, last night I've seen you Zone, alas, Zone
You were, you were changing your clothes, alas, Zone!
Where, tell me where are you spending your loneliness, hey?
I won’t lie to you, bre*! How much I want you, bre!
Under your yelek**, there to spend my winters!
White bosom, there to spend my summers!
Alas, oh sorrow, my sister, I have seen her...
Tell me, oh sorrow, who she belongs to?
I know, alas, not to me!
Under your yelek, there to spend my winters!
White bosom, there to spend my summers! (4X)
Bre - Serbian filler word that emphasises the meaning of what was said before it, or calls the listener's attention to something or someone.
Yelek - In the Ottoman Empire male and female waistcoat like garment worn when dressed alaturca
Zona, in this particular dialect the vocative being Zone is a female given name.
Serbian to English: Another song by Djordje Balasević, a folk rock singer-songwriter. General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Music
Source text - Serbian
Lepa Protina Kći
Još sam bio sasvim mlad
Neke barske ptice sam lovio tad
Kad je došla, da se kupa lepa Protina kći
Nije znala, gde sam ja
Da je gledam, krišom, kroz trsku i šaš
A preko reke, noć je pala kao plašt
Mesec tinja nad vrbakom
Srebri nebo, zveda roj
I kapi vode kao biseri
Koji blistaju, svud po njoj...
O srce ludo, ludi sni
Već se moji drugovi momčili svi
A ja sam hteo, samo jednu
Lepu Protinu kći
Čudnom pesmom, zvoni drum
Te su zime i svatovi došli po nju
Iz daleka, neki svet za mene tuđ
Baš sam prošao sokakom
Padao je prvi sneg
I još ponekad, zazvone praporci
Što je odnose, ko zna gde...
Da se ženim, imam kad
Ja sam, eto, ostao momak do sad
Nikad više, nisam sreo lepu Protinu kći
Jedan život, miran, tih
Nekad bacim kartu il' napišem stih
Stvari teku, ja se držim izvan njih
I ljubim dobre, ljubim lake
Neke prave, a neke ne
I sve su vile, sve su kraljice
I sve su nevažne, naspram nje...
Translation - English
The Protopresbyter's Beautiful Daughter
I was still quite young, hunting the waterbirds when the beautiful prota's* daughter came for a swim.
She had no idea I was there, watching her in secret through the reed and sedges, and the night had fallen over the river like a cloak.
The moon was smouldering above the willow trees, a swarm of stars silvering in the sky and drops of water, like pearls, radiating all over her.
Oh, my crazy heart and crazy dreams, all of my friends were becoming lads already and I wanted only her, beautiful prota's daughter.
A strange song ringing across the road, that winter the wedding party came for her, from afar, some folks very foreign to me. And I was just passing by our street, the first snow was falling...And every now and then I still hear the jingle bells that are taking her away, nobody knows where...
In no hurry to get married, I remained a bachelor till now, you see, and I never met the beautiful prota's daughter again.
A life of peace and quiet, sometimes I toss a card or write a verse, things are happening and I stay out of it.
I'm kissing the good ones and kissing the easy ones, some are "the one" and some aren't, and they all are fairies and they all are Queens, and all are irrelevant in comparison to her.
*Prota is short for protopresbyter, an archpriest in Serbian Orthodox Church.
English to Croatian: John Legend's Smash Hit, All of Me General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Music
Source text - English All of Me
What would I do without your smart mouth,
drawing me in and you kicking me out?
You've got my head spinning, no kidding
I can't pin you down.
What's going on in that beautiful mind?
I'm on your magical mystery ride,
and I'm so dizzy, don't know what hit me,
but I'll be alright...
My head's underwater
but I'm breathing fine!.
You're crazy and I'm out of my mind!
'Cause all of me loves all of you.
'Love your curves and all your edges,
all your perfect imperfections
Give your all to me, I'll give my all to you.
You're my end and my beginning,
even when I lose, I'm winning.
'Cause I give you all of me
and you give me all of you, oh-oh
How many times do I have to tell you,
even when you're crying, you're beautiful too?
The world is beating you down
I'm around through every mood…
Translation - Croatian Cijeli Ja
Što bih bez tvojih pametnih usta,
koja me privlače, a ti me izbaciš?
U glavi mi se vrti, nije šala
ne mogu te uhvatiti.
Što je u tom prekrasnom umu?
Vodiš me na čarobnu, misterioznu vožnju
i tako mi se vrti, ne znam što me strefilo,
ali bit ću dobro...
Glava mi je pod vodom,
ali dišem fino!
Ti si luda, a ja gubim razum!
Jer cijeli ja volim svu tebe.
Volim tvoje obline i sve tvoje rubove,
sve tvoje nesavršenosti savršene.
Daj mi sve tvoje, dat ću ti moje sve.
Ti si moj kraj i moj početak,
čak i kad izgubim, pobjeđujem.
Jer dajem ti sebe cijelog,
i daješ mi cijelu sebe, oh-oh
Koliko ti puta moram reći da
čak i kad plačeš prelijepa si?
Svijet te udara, umara
ja sam tu, kroz sva raspolozenja...
English to Serbian: Elvis, Can't Help Falling in Love to Serbian Cyrillic Script General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Music
Source text - English Can't Help Falling in Love
Wise men say
only fools rush in,
but I can't help falling in love with you.
Shall I stay?
Would it be a sin?
If I can't help falling in love with you?
Like a river flows
surely to the sea,
darling, so it goes
some things are meant to be.
Take my hand.
Take my whole life too.
For I can't help falling in love with you.
Like a river flows
surely to the sea,
Translation - Serbian Не Могу Да Се Не Заљубим
Мудри људи кажу
само будале журе,
али ја не могу да престанем да се заљубљујем у тебе.
Да останем?
Да ли би то био грех?
Ако не могу, а да се не заљубим у тебе?
Као што тече река
сигурно до мора,
драга, тако то иде
неке ствари су нам суђене.
Узми моју руку.
Узми и мој живот цео.
Јер не могу, а да се не заљубим у тебе.
Као што тече река
сигурно до мора,
драга ...
Bosnian to English: A song by Dino Merlin, a Bosnian singer-songwriter, featuring Senidah, a Slovenian-Bosnian singer. General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Music
Source text - Bosnian
[Strofa 1: Dino Merlin]
Ne znam biti sam, ne volim to
Brzo krenu crne misli
Sumnje i strah, sve te nevolje
Što se nikad nisu ni dogodile
Sumnje i strah, sve te nevolje
Što se nikad nisu ni dogodile
[Strofa 2: Senidah]
Ne znam biti sama, ne volim kad
Krenu sjećanja što lome srce
Ponoć i ti, nered ulice
Sjena kojom sakrio si lice
Ponoć i ti, nered ulice
Sjena kojom sakrio si lice
[Završetak: Dino Merlin]
Saperi sav taj užas sa mene
Ove strahove od vremena što dolazi
Dođi i budi tu kada lavina krenе
Lavina bola upravo javlja da dolazi
Saperi sav taj užas sa mene
Ovе strahove od vremena što dolazi
Dođi i budi tu kada lavina krene
Lavina bola upravo javlja da dolazi
Saperi sav taj užas sa mene
Ove strahove od vremena što dolazi
Dođi i budi tu kada lavina krene
Lavina bola upravo javlja da dolazi
Translation - English
[Verse 1: Dino Merlin]
I don't know how to be alone, I don't like it.
Dark thoughts arise quickly.
Doubts and fear, all those troubles
that never even happened.
Doubts and fear, all those troubles
that never even happened.
[Chorus: Dino Merlin]
Come, come, come, come
Come, come, come, come
Come, come, come, just come
Come, come, come, come
Come, come, come, come
Come, come, come, just come
[Verse 2: Senidah]
I don't know how to be alone, I don't like it
when the heart-breaking memories begin.
Midnight and you, the mess of the street.
A shadow you hid your face with.
Midnight and you, the mess of the street.
A shadow you hid your face with.
[Chorus: Senidah]
Come, come, come, come
Come, come, come, come
Come, come, come, just come
Come, come, come, come
Come, come, come, come
Come, come, come, just come
[Chorus: Dino Merlin, Senidah]
Come, come, come, come
Come, come, come, come
Come, come, come, just come
Come, come, come, come
Come, come, come, come
Come, come, come, just come
[Conclusion: Dino Merlin]
Wash all the horror off me,
these fears of the time to come.
Come and be here when the avalanche starts,
an avalanche of pain just announced it's coming.
Wash all the horror off me,
these fears of the time to come.
Come and be here when the avalanche begins,
an avalanche of pain just announced it's coming.
Wash all the horror off me,
these fears of the time to come.
Come and be here when the avalanche starts,
an avalanche of pain just announced it's coming.
Bosnian to English: The source was written by someone effectively illiterate and seems to be a very poor translations from English. One of the worst I've seen. I had nothing to do with that, this is how I got it to test for a job. I was asked to use AmE spelling. General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Computers: Systems, Networks
Source text - Bosnian 1 Tehničko-tehnološka analiza
1.1 Postojeće stanje
Zahvaljujući prethodnim investicijama u virtualizacijsku platformu XXXa te konsolidaciji virtualizacijske platforme, XXX trenutno raspolaže sa infrastrukturom za obradu i pohranu podataka koja ima mogućnosti da opslužuje gotovo sve servise XXXa te da se nudi eksternim korisnicima IaaS Cloud usluge ili SaaS Cloud usluge kroz partnerska rješenja sa vendorima softverskih rješenja. Također, unutar Data Centra XXX je uložio i u svu potrebnu mrežnu infrastrukturu i sisteme sigurnosti Data Centra, koja se dalje oslanja na prenosnu opremu IP/MPLS-a i DWDM-a XXXa. Sve navedeno osigurava dobru poziciju za postepeni rast infrastrukture virtualizacijske platforme sa redovnim minimalnim ulaganjima u proširenje kapaciteta i funkcionalnosti u skladu sa potrebama servisa XXXa i eksternih korisnika. Ovim pristupom ostvaruju se značajne uštede i osigurava da XXX uvijek raspolaže sa opremom novije generacije koja može opslužiti najzahtjevnije servise a da istovremeno maksimalno koristi i infrastrukturu starije generacije kad god je to moguće, te da najstariju opremu koristi za odgovor na zahtjeve disaster recovery (DR) procedura. Na ovaj način osigurana je optimizacija troškova investiranja u hardversku infrastrukturu za svaki pojedinačni servis i osigurna optimalna količina resursa potrebnih za osiguranje visoke dostupnosti servisa.
1.2 Buduće stanje
Buduće stanje će adresirati sve izazove koji su opisani u postojećem stanju a za koje je moguće investicionim ulaganjem unaprijediti rješenje i poslovanje XXXa. Najveći dio investicije se odnosi na redovna kapacitivna proširenja zbog porasta potreba za resursima infrastrukture Data Centra XXXa.
1.2.1 Buduće stanje Virtualizacijske platforme
U ovom investicionom ciklusu planirano je:
a) Proširenje kapaciteta Computing/Storage Telco Cloud platforme u skladu sa poterbama podrške paketskom jezgru mobilne mreže za opsluživanje povećanog prometa mobilnog interneta te priliva servisa na ovu platformu.
b) Proširenje/zamjena (imajući u vidu starost x86 arhitekture) kapaciteta computing snage virtualizacijske platforme potpuno otvorenim postupcima nabavke gdje se omogućava vendorima commodity servera da isporuče opremu koja će XXXu osigurati optimalnu cijenu proširenja Computing snage. Također, očekuje se da ovim pristupom virtualizacijska platforma za computing infrastrukturu zadrži potpunu vendorsku neovisnost čime se pregovaračka pozicija XXXa u budućnosti dodatno osnažuje.
Translation - English 1 Technical and technological analysis
1.1 Current state
As a result of the previous investments in and the consolidation of the XXX’s virtualization platform, XXX currently has the data processing and storage infrastructure that can handle almost all of XXX's services and is offered to external users of the IaaS Cloud service or SaaS Cloud service through partner solutions with software solution vendors. Also, regarding the Data Center, XXX has invested in all the necessary network infrastructure and the Data Center security systems that further rely on the portable IP/MPLS equipment and XXX.’s DWDM. All of the above ensures a good position for the gradual growth of the virtualization platform infrastructure, with regular minimal investments in capacity and functionality expansion, in line with XXX's service needs and the service needs of the external users. With this approach, we make significant savings and ensure XXX always has later generation equipment that can handle the most demanding services while maximizing the use of older generation infrastructure whenever possible and using the oldest equipment to fulfill the requirements of the disaster recovery (DR) procedures. This ensures the cost of investing in hardware infrastructure optimization, for each service, and the optimal resources needed to ensure the high availability of the service.
1.2 Future state
The future state will address all the challenges outlined in the current state where it is possible to improve XXX's solutions and business through investment. The largest portion of the investment is related to regular capacity expansions to meet the growing needs for infrastructure resources of the XXX Data Center.
1.2.1 The Future State of the Virtualization Platform
In this investment cycle we are planning to:
a) Expand the capacity of the Computing/Storage Telco Cloud platform to meet the support needs of the mobile packet core network in order to handle the increased mobile Internet traffic and service influx to the platform.
b) Expand/Replace (given the age of the x86 architecture) the computing power capacity of the virtualization platform by fully open procurement procedures, allowing commodity server vendors to deliver equipment that will ensure for XXX the optimal cost of expanding the computing power. Also, with this approach we expect the virtualization platform will retain complete vendor independence regarding the computing infrastructure, thus further enhancing XXX’s future negotiation position.
Years of experience: 14. Registered at Jan 2020. Became a member: Jan 2021.
I am completely bilingual and confident in my mastery of both English and Serbo-Croatian (Bosnian/Serbian/Croatian/Montenegrin), thus I can switch between these as the target language. To someone with my training, education and background, the difference between the latter four is, in many ways, similar to the difference between US English and UK English.
I should mention that my age and the fact that, back when Serbo-Croatian was a single, unified language, I spoke and had studied the Bosnian dialect of Serbo-Croatian, make me uniquely equipped to understand (on a native level) both Serbian and Croatian, along with my native Bosnian, and even Montenegrin as the newest addition to the languages that emerged from Serbo-Croatian.
People only a few years younger than me will have never studied Serbo-Croatian.
You see, as far as the institutions of education in the region were concerned the language had dissolved at and around the same time the former country did, and these people will have been learning merely one dialect—of this, in all linguistic seriousness, much richer language—as part of their education. It's also worth pointing out that people who are native speakers of either Serbian or Croatian dialect are often less capable of having a profound understanding of the other one than us Bosnians are, because of the fortunate fact that our Bosnian dialect was always a happy mix of both Croatian and Serbian.
So, you see, one of the areas I specialise in is the pluricentricity of both of my native/working languages. This means I work with Cyrillics daily and can read it as well as the Latin script. This also means that you no longer need different translators and/or editors based in different parts of the anglophone world! Being a specialist for the pluricentric nature of both of my working languages, having been studying and daily honing my pluricentric skills for 20 odd years now, I work in US, Canadian, Aussie, and NZ variants of English as well as any translator and/or editor based in these countries, despite myself speaking UK English
Translation: The proof is always in the pudding. So, rather than impressing you with a great (on paper) looking bio, I'd prefer to impress you with my work. Let's work together on a small project, since actual work is the only proper way to vet anyone's skills and prowess!
Transcreation: Perhaps the best way to vet my transcreation skills is to check the quality of my poetry and song translations. Please take any of the sample song transcreations from the sample translation section and check the quality of my work.
English monolingual services: Professional proofreading and editing to perfect your document, ghostwriting – if you need to write it, I can. I help non-natives or natives who aren't linguistically-inclined, with polishing their writing in any of these 5 languages.
Interpreting: If you're looking for a superb interpreter at a professional but reasonable rate, please do get in touch.
Education: Studied translation/interpreting English <> Bosnian/Serbian/Croatian (as well as EFL teaching and anglophone literature) at the University of Sarajevo, the first two for four years, each, and the latter for three years.
I am an excellent, very versatile translator with years of training and experience! I do most enjoy creative work, translations and transcreation, but I am incredibly confident in my understanding of more technical fields like IT, law, science, and medicine. One proficient enough in getting poetry from one language to another shouldn't have any problems with more technical fields, as jargon can be learned (more or less) quickly, whilst the mastery of particular languages is honed over time.
I have all the skills needed to do meticulous research of the professional field the translation project is from and this is hugely important for the accuracy of the translation. I also benefit from having a digital native from gen-Z helping me with the research, making it as efficient as humanly possible.
So you see, I am well adapted to the times. I never improvise using descriptive terminology that (sort of maybe) sounds accurate, that many translators resort to when in a bind and having never learned how to maximise research efficiency — when the translation field switched from in-house to the remote way of doing business and from analogue to digital way of doing the work and research.
I enjoy learning psychology, especially evolutionary psychology (Jonathan Haidt), and, at the moment, neuroscience-based biohacking is of particular interest to me.
This user has earned KudoZ points by helping other translators with PRO-level terms. Click point total(s) to see term translations provided.
Keywords: english, bosnian, serbian, croatian, montenegrin translations, native english speaker, serbian to english, bosnian to english, croatian to english, montenegrin to english. See more.english, bosnian, serbian, croatian, montenegrin translations, native english speaker, serbian to english, bosnian to english, croatian to english, montenegrin to english, serbian translator, croatian translator, bosnian translator, proofreading, serbo-croat into english, native bosnian speaker, native croatian speaker, native serbian speaker, IT, information technology, software, hardware descriptions, engineering, advertising, public relations, marketing, market research, printing, publishing, poetry, literature, novels, fiction, media, multimedia, medical translation, clinical trials, medical trials, clinical, trials, studies, clinical studies, research, pharmaceuticals, chemistry, life sciences, law, patents, legal translation, trademarks, copyright, games, video games, gaming, leisure, travel, tourism, food, cooking, health and fitness, nutrition, biohacking, neuroscience, podcasts, copywriting, advertising, advertisements, marketing, financial reports, financial statements, banking, politics, current affairs, environment, ecology, patients outcome questionnaires, technical user manuals, patent filings, marketing materials, packaging/labels, marketing materials, contracts, financial reports, employee handbooks, accounting, economics, audit, contracts, taxes, telecommunication, software localization, website translation, medical devices, military, arbitration, marketing, branding, code of conduct, employee manuals, trademarks, insurance, court decisions, business, surveys, questionnaires, technical documentations, social sciences, education, sociology, psychology, immigration, export-import, translator, interpreter, editor, proofreader, linguistic validation, assessment, reviewer, conference interpreter, simultaneous interpreter, consecutive interpreter, bosnian to english interpreter, serbian to english interpreter, croatian to english interpreter, montenegrin to english interpreter, english to bosnian interpreter, english to serbian interpreter, english to croatian interpreter, english to montenegrin interpreter, native english proofreader, proofreading, native serbian proofreader, native croatian proofreader, native bosnian proofreader.... See less.