Working languages:
English to Korean
Korean to English

Jenny Park
Certified Korean Translator

Los Angeles, California
Local time: 22:10 PST (GMT-8)

Native in: English Native in English, Korean Native in Korean
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23 years experience as college professor in Korea and the U.S.
Published translation of books and articles
Published books and articles on translation and interpretation
State of California Court, Administrative Hearing, and Medical Certified Interpreter
President of L.A. Institute of Translation and Interpretation


9/2003 - Present: Professor of Translation, L.A. Institute of Translation and Interpretation, Los Angeles, CA

12/1999 - Present
- State of California Judicial Council Los Angeles, CA
Independent Contractor Interpreter
Interpreter for criminal trials, civil depositions and trials.Translator of legal documents

3/2002 - 8/2003: Executive Vice President, Bethesda Christian University Anaheim, CA

2/1989 - 4/1998: Professor, Asia United Theological University Seoul, Korea
- Director of Korean Institute for Women and Politics
- Government representative to various United Nations meetings and
international conferences

2/1996 - 2/1989: Senior Researcher, Korean Women's Development Institute Seoul, Korea

9/1984 - 8/1985: Professor, Emory University Atlanta, GA


1984 Ph.D. in Politics
State University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY

1976 B.A. in International Relations
Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, Republic of

Recent Translations
Discover Network, Promotion materials

- Sheppard Mullin, Richter & Hampton LLP, T3Micro Inc vs. SGI Co., Ltd. Complaints, Discovery, Legal documents

- Pearson, Simon Warshaw, Penny LLP – TFT-LCD Anti Trust Litigation documents

- Law Office of Lee, Hong and Daggerman, Korea Iport and Export Corporation, Center Bank, etc. against KDI

- Engel & Engel BBK case documents

- Samsung Electronic Co., Ltd. Patent disputes on mobile phone and LG LCD monitors

- Dongbu Life Insurance, Korean court decisions

- Patents: LG refrigerator, Samsung mobile hone technology, light emitting diodes, Detal implant driver, a recording medium for broadcsting rich content, air damper for mobile furni, refrigerator beverage discharging divice, a substitution type electroless gold plating solution, etc.

- Boeing F-15 Next gneraton fighter

- Raytheon Surfact Anti Air Missile, MK-49 Guided MIssile launching system

- LG Philips SCD Module Service Manual

- New York Life promotion materials

- SONY audited financial statements

- Holyname Hospital documents, Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles Autism Roadmap

- Christine Valmy Business Plan

- Korean Women’s Development Institute: Journal of Women’s Studies
Keywords: Korean to English, English to Korean, Korean certified translator, Korean court certified interpreter in Los Angeles, Korean to Engnlish translator specializing in patents, Korean translator, Korean interpreter

Profile last updated
Feb 6, 2014

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