What translators are working on

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What translation project are you working on right now?

BHASHNA GUPTA posting from ProZ.com shared:

Completed the translation of an Advertisement about Budget from Canada in Punjabi language.


I Do That

BHASHNA GUPTA posting from ProZ.com shared:

Just completed an urgent project of 295 words of Employee Compliance for a Canadian Company Punjabi language.


I Do That

BHASHNA GUPTA posting from ProZ.com shared:

Completed 475 words for UK client about Eyesight Survey (Medical) in Punjabi language


1 userI Do That

BHASHNA GUPTA posting from ProZ.com shared:

Completed 1214 Words (Hindi language) of Employment Development from US.


I Do That

BHASHNA GUPTA posting from ProZ.com shared:

Completed 3722 words translation of Natural Heritage System in Hindi language


I Do That

BHASHNA GUPTA posting from ProZ.com shared:

Completed 3722 words translation of Natural Heritage System in Punjabi language


I Do That

BHASHNA GUPTA posting from ProZ.com shared:

297 words of EDD - Employee Development Department, US into Hindi language.


I Do That

BHASHNA GUPTA posting from ProZ.com shared:

134 words of Escape Plan from a Canadian Client.


1 userI Do That

BHASHNA GUPTA posting from ProZ.com shared:

US Election project (Hindi language) 585 words.


I Do That

BHASHNA GUPTA posting from ProZ.com shared:

4700 Words Review - Medical - Health Care

PCPs & GPs talk with Patients, Shingles, Hernia, Weight Loss, Bariatric Surgery


1 user

I Do That

1 user

  • English to Punjabi
  • 4700 words
  • Medical: Health Care
BHASHNA GUPTA posting from ProZ.com shared:

Media Release 899 words

Media Release, Municipality, Press Release, By-laws, Licensing Program


I Do That

  • English to Hindi
  • 899 words
  • Media Release, Municipality, Press Release, By-laws
BHASHNA GUPTA posting from ProZ.com shared:

Government Project - 899 words

Media Release, Municipality, Press Release, By-laws, Licensing Program


I Do That

1 user

  • English to Punjabi
  • 899 words
  • Government / Politics, Media Release, Municipality
BHASHNA GUPTA posting from ProZ.com shared:

Completed 13000 words of Food Safety Training project.

Food Safety Training, Food Safety Modules, Health and Safety, Personal Protective Equipment, Distribution Centre


I Do That

  • English to Punjabi
  • 13000 words
  • Food & Drink, Training, Safety
  • memoQ
BHASHNA GUPTA posting from ProZ.com shared:

Finished 10949 words Election Project.

Election, Voting Process, Ballot Paper, Voting Location information, Voting Information


I Do That

  • English to Hindi
  • Election, Government / Politics
BHASHNA GUPTA posting from ProZ.com shared:

Just finished 8500 words Movie Synopsis translation.


I Do That

  • English to Hindi
  • 8515 words
  • Coach
BHASHNA GUPTA posting from ProZ.com shared:

Finished 63 Minutes Transcription in Hindi. Going to finish Eng to Punjabi Translation + Voice Over for 9750 words.


I Do That

BHASHNA GUPTA posting from ProZ.com shared:

Finished 4000 words of Company News Letter. Now doing one Medical project worth 18,000 words


I Do That

BHASHNA GUPTA posting from ProZ.com shared:

Finished Enligsh to Hindi 23,400 words translation of a Legal Booklet


I Do That


I finished an ENG to PAN project, Medical, 451 words for Translators without Borders Enjoyed


I Do That

  • English to Punjabi
  • 451 words

I finished an ENG to HIN project, Medical, 11635 words for Translators without Borders Enjoyed this project.


I Do That

  • English to Hindi
  • 11635 words

I finished an ENG to HIN project, Medical, 9513 words for Translators without Borders I enjoyed this project.


I Do That

  • English to Hindi
  • 9513 words

I finished an ENG to HIN project, MEDICAL, 10320 words for Translators without Borders Enjoyed


I Do That

  • English to Hindi
  • 10320 words

I finished an ENG to HIN project, Medical, 1864 words for Translators without Borders I liked to do work for TWB.


I Do That

  • English to Hindi
  • 1864 words

I finished an ENG to HIN project, Medical, 5179 words for Translators without Borders Enjoyed


I Do That

  • English to Hindi
  • 5179 words

I finished an ENG to PAN project, Medical, 437 words for Translators without Borders Enjoyed


I Do That

  • English to Punjabi
  • 437 words

I finished an ENG to HIN project, Medical, 5560 words for Translators without Borders I finished an ENG to HIN project, Medical, 5560 words for Translators without Borders I enjoyed this task!


I Do That

  • English to Hindi
  • 5560 words

I finished an ENG to HIN project, Medical, 5560 words for Translators without Borders I enjoyed this task!


I Do That

  • English to Hindi
  • 5560 words

I finished an ENG to HIN project, Medical, 4411 words for Translators without Borders I enjoyed doing this project


I Do That

  • English to Hindi
  • 4411 words

I finished an ENG to HIN project, Medical, 2263 words for Translators without Borders I liked to work on this project.


I Do That

  • English to Hindi
  • 2263 words

I finished an ENG to HIN project, Medical, 1826 words for Translators without Borders I liked to work on this project.


I Do That

  • English to Hindi
  • 1826 words
BHASHNA GUPTA posting from TM-Town shared:

Last week I have completed a big legal project


I Do That

  • English to Punjabi
  • 20000 words
  • legal