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English to Turkish: Confidentiality Article General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Law: Contract(s)
Source text - English 9.1 Obligations. The Parties acknowledge that either Party may receive (the "Receiving Party") Confidential Information from the other Party (the "Disclosing Party") during the term of this Agreement, and such Confidential Information will be deemed to have been received in confidence and will be used only for purposes of this Agreement. The Receiving Party shall use the Disclosing Party's Confidential Information only to perform its obligations under this Agreement and disdose the Disclosing Party's Confidential Information only to the Receiving Party's personnel having a need to know the information for the purpose of this Agreement The Receiving Party shall treat the Confidential Information as it does its own valuable and sensitive information of a similar nature and, in any event, with not less than a reasonable degree of care. Upon tine Disclosing Party's written request, the Receiving Party shall return or certify the destruction of all Confidential Information, and, except as provided in this Section , the obligation of confidentiality snail continue for three (3) years from the expiration or termination of this Agreement ("Confidentiality Period").
Translation - Turkish Yükümlülükler. Taraflar işbu Sözleşmenin süresi boyunca her bir tarafın diğer taraftan (“İfşa Eden Taraf”) Gizli Bilgiler alabileceğini (“Alan Taraf”) ve bu tür Gizli Bilgilerin sır saklama kaydı ile alındığının addedileceğini ve sadece işbu Sözleşmenin amaçları doğrultusunda kullanılacağını kabul etmektedirler. Alan Taraf İfşa Eden Tarafın Gizli Bilgilerini sadece işbu Sözleşme altındaki yükümlülüklerini icra etmek için kullanacaktır ve İfşa Eden Tarafın Gizli Bilgilerini sadece işbu Sözleşmenin amaçları doğrultusunda bilmesi gereken Alan Tarafın çalışanlarına ifşa edecektir. Alan Taraf hiç bir zaman makul ihtimam ölçülerinden az olmamak kaydı ile, Gizli Bilgilere kendisinin benzer türden değerli ve hassas bilgilerini ele aldığı şekilde davranacaktır. İfşa Eden Tarafın yazılı talebi üzerine Alan Taraf tüm Gizli Bilgileri iade edecek veya imha edildiğini tasdikleyecektir ve, işbu Bölümde sağlandığı üzere hariç, sır saklama yükümlülüğü işbu Sözleşmenin sona ermesinden veya feshinden sonra üç (3) yıl devam edecektir (“Sır Saklama Süresi”).
Turkish to English: Law Article General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Law (general)
Source text - Turkish 6103 sayılı Türk Ticaret Kanunun Yürürlüğü ve Uygulama Şekli Hakkında Kanun
VI – Yönetim kurulu
MADDE 25 – (1) Türk Ticaret Kanununun yürürlüğe girdiği tarihte görevde bulunan anonim şirket yönetim kurulları ile limited şirket müdürleri, görevden alınmaları veya yönetim kurulu üyeliğinin başka bir sebeple boşalması hâli hariç, sürelerinin sonuna kadar görevlerine devam ederler. Ancak, tüzel kişinin temsilcisi olarak üye seçilmiş bulunan gerçek kişinin, Türk Ticaret Kanununun yürürlüğe girdiği tarihten itibaren üç ay içinde istifa etmesi, onun yerine tüzel kişinin ya da başkasının seçilmesi gerekir. Tüm ortakların hep birlikte müdür sıfatıyla şirket işlerini idare ve şirketi temsil ettiği limited şirketlerde de aynı üç aylık süre içinde Türk Ticaret Kanununun 623 üncü maddesi hükmünün gereği yerine getirilir. Anonim şirketlerde Türk Ticaret Kanununun 363 üncü maddesinin birinci fıkrası uyarınca seçim yapılan durumlarda, anılan Kanunun 359 uncu maddesindeki şartları taşıyan yönetim kurulu üyelerinin seçilmeleri şarttır. Görevdeki yönetim kurulunun görevinin sona ermesinden sonra seçilecek üyelerin, anılan 359 uncu maddedeki şartları taşımaları zorunludur. Üyelerin görev süreleri farklı tarihlerde sona eriyorsa, öğrenime ilişkin şart, şirkete en uygun gelen üyelerin görevleri sona erdiğinde yerine getirilir.
Translation - English Law for the enforcement and application of Turkish Commercial Code numbered 6103
VI – Board of Directors
ARTICLE 25 – (1) Joint stock company Board of Directors and limited liability company directors on duty on the date Turkish Commercial Code is put into effect shall continue their assignment till the end of their term, save any dismissal or vacancy in Board of Directors membership for any other reason. However, a real person elected as the representative of a legal identity should resign within three months of the date Turkish Commercial Code is put into effect and in his/her place the legal entity or another person should be elected. In limited liability companies where all partners jointly manage the works of the company and represent the company with the title of director, the provision of Turkish Commercial Code Article 623 shall be satisfied within the same three months’ period. In joint stock companies where an election is held in accordance with Turkish Commercial Code Article 363 Clause 1, the election of Board of Directors members complying with the requirements stated in Article 359 of the aforementioned Code is obligatory. Members to be elected after the term of the Board of Directors on duty is over, have to comply with the requirements stated in the aforementioned Article 359. In case the terms of the members end on different dates, the requirement regarding education shall be satisfied when the terms of the members most convenient for the company are over.
Turkish to English: Website localization General field: Marketing Detailed field: Tourism & Travel
Source text - Turkish Konaklama
İstanbul Taksim'de Art Deco tarzında dizayn edilmiş 84 odası ile ideal konaklama imkanı sunan 4 yıldızlı otelimiz zengin minibar, uydu kanallı 32 inchLCD TV ve ortopedik yatak/yastık gibi modern imkanlarla donatılmıştır. Banyolar, yağmur duşlu duş ve aile odalarında küvet, benzersiz buklet malzemeleri ve geniş havlular gibi fonksiyonellik ve zerafeti barındıran ayrıntılarla fark yaratmaktadır.
Tüm odalardaki ortak imkanlar:
Konforlu ortopedik yataklar, Özel olarak pamuklu tekstil ürünlerinden hazırlanmış Jakarlı yastık ve nevresimler, yastık menüsü, ayarlanabilen merkezi sistem klima, uydu bağlantılı 32 inchLCD TV, içecek ve atıştırmalıkla dolu zengin minibar, ücretsiz çay/kahve seti ve su ısıtıcısı, bütün odalarda yağmur duşlu ve aile odalarında küvetli & yağmur duşlu modern tasarım banyolar, doğal tekstil ürünlerinden seçilmiş geniş havlular, lüks bornoz ve terlikler, lüks banyo malzemeleri, çalışma masası, ücretsiz kablosuz 16 GB internet bağlantısı, yangın algılama dedektörü alarm ve yağmurlama sistemi, suite odalarda makyaj aynası, elektronik kapı kilitleri, 24 saat oda servisi, odalar ve banyolarda telefon, oda banyolarında acil durum çağrı sistemi.
Translation - English Accommodation
Our four star hotel which provides ideal accommodation opportunity with its 84 rooms decorated in Art Deco style in İstanbul Taksim, is garnished with modern amenities like rich minibars, 32” LCD TVs with satellite channels, orthopedic beds and pillows. The baths make a difference with details which feature functionality and graciousness like rain-showered showers and bathtubs in family rooms, hotel guest amenities and wide towels.
Amenities common to all rooms:
Comfortable orthopedic beds, jacquard pillows and beddings custom made of cotton textile products, pillow menu, adjustable central air conditioning, 32” LCD TV with satellite connection, rich minibar full with drinks and snacks, free tea/coffee set with kettle, modernly designed baths with rain-showered showers in all rooms and rain-showered showers & bathtubs in family rooms, wide towels selected from natural textile products, luxurious bathrobes and slippers, luxurious bath materials, desk, free of charge 16 GB wireless internet connection, fire detector alarm and raining system, make-up mirror in suite rooms, electronical door locks, 24 hour room service, phones both in the room and in the bath, emergency call system in the baths.
English to Turkish: Code of Conduct General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Law: Contract(s)
Source text - English Employees must familiarize them selves with the applicable legal and internal regulations and comply with these in their daily work.
This Code of Conduct takes precedence over any contradictory instruction from supervisors. Executives have to monitor and ensure compliance with the above rules and legal provisions.
A violation of this Code of Conduct is a violation of employment or service agreement obligations and will lead to consequences under employment, civil or criminal law.
Employees shall report violations of laws, contractual obligations, internal guidelines and the Code of Conduct to their Local Compliance Officer or the Chief Compliance Officer.
The company will ensure that no employee will experience any disadvantage on account of reporting in good faith. If the whistleblower also participated in violations of this Code of Conduct, when taking any action, the company will consider whether this information or timely participation in efforts to investigate violations helped to prevent damage to the company.
Details to every specific case mentioned in this Code of Conduct can also be found in our Authorization Matrix available from every supervisor and at our intranet.
Translation - Turkish Çalışanlar ilgili yasal ve iç yönetmelikleri benimsemeli ve günlük iş hayatlarında bunlara riayet etmelidir.
Bu Davranış Kuralları yöneticilerin bununla çakışan talimatları karşısında önceliklidir. Yöneticiler yukarıdaki kurallar ve yasal hükümlere riayet edilmesini temin etmekle yükümlüdürler.
Bu Davranış Kurallarının ihlal edilmesi iş veya hizmet sözleşmesi yükümlülüklerinin ihlal edilmesidir ve iş hukuku, medeni hukuk veya ceza hukuku altında sonuçlar doğuracaktır.
Şirket, hiç bir çalışanın iyi niyet çerçevesi içerisinde bildirimde bulunması sonucunda hiç bir zarar görmemesini temin edecektir. Eğer herhangi bir harekette, ihbar eden de bu Davranış Kurallarının ihlal edilmesine katılmış ise, şirket bu bilginin veya ihlallerin araştırılması için çalışmalara vakitli katılımın şirkete zarar verilmesini önleyip önlemediğini değerlendirecektir.
Bu Davranış Kuralları içerisinde belirtilen her özel vakaya ilişkin detaylar her yöneticide ve ayrıca intranetimizde bulunan Yetki Matrisinde de bulunabilir.
Translation education
Years of experience: 16. Registered at Sep 2012. Became a member: Oct 2012.
Adobe Acrobat, CafeTran Espresso, Crowdin, MemSource Cloud, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, Smartling, Trados Studio
Born and raised in Turkey, I graduated from Robert College, an American high school in Istanbul providing education in English. Next, I studied Business Administration in Bosphorus University.
I worked as a translator for two years in the beginning of my career. Then I went ahead with my family business as an antiques dealer until 1999, when I decided to move to USA.
I lived in New Jersey for 8 years working as Sales Manager of an electronics retail chain. In 2007 I returned to Turkey and started working as Operations Manager for an insurance company.
In 2010 I decided to go back to my starting point and since then I have been working as a freelance English-to-Turkish translator.
My clients include translation agencies, large hotel groups, hospital groups, software and IT companies, insurance companies, cryptocurrency exchanges, blockchain companies, executive search companies and law offices.
When you choose me to work on your documents, you benefit from my Turkish language writing skills, which are excellent: many of my clients come to me when they have particularly tricky or sensitive documents to be translated. I always match the style of my output to the document you require, providing effective communication of your message.
I am also available when you need me - I work seven days a week, as required. I am proud to announce that there has never been a case where my delivery was delayed; I always respect deadlines. Why not contact me for a quote?
A few examples of the many translations I have carried out for agencies and direct clients:
Website localization comprising 20,000 words for a large hotels chain
Website localization comprising 3,500 words for a hospital
Website localization comprising 2,500 words for an international packaging company
Contract comprising 15,000 words for an international investment franchise
Contract comprising 45,000 words for a Turkish textile company
Contract comprising 9,000 words for a Turkish software company
Contract comprising 8,000 words for a Turkish energy company
Contract comprising 6,000 words for an international executive search company
Contract comprising 9,000 words for an international hotels chain
Statute comprising 22,000 words for a Turkish professional association
Statute comprising 5,000 words for an international tableware production company
Court documents comprising 9,000 words for a Turkish law office
Permit documents comprising 2,500 words for an international medical company
Travel guide comprising 9,000 words for the province of Sivas
Touristic leaflet comprising 8,500 words for a historic waterside residence in İstanbul
Book summary comprising 4,500 words for "The Speed of Trust"
Marketing presentation comprising 12,000 words for an international consulting company
Marketing presentation comprising 8,000 words for an international consulting company
Turkish patent application comprising 9,000 words for an international software company
Annual reports comprising 54,000 words for several companies within a Group
Customer portal comprising 18,000 words for a manufacturer of sanitary products
Human resources presentations comprising 25,000 words for an international insurance company
Audit report comprising 20,000 words for a power plant
Operating manual and certificates for a dosimeter comprising 14,000 words
Website localization comprising 32,000 words for a major construction company
Occupational health and safety procedures comprising 18,000 words for an international company
Human resources survey comprising 8,000 words for an international company
Annual report comprising 52,000 words for an international company
Health insurance policy comprising 82,000 words
Website localization for comprising 6,000 words a major ice cream company
Technical specifications for a tender comprising 16,000 words
Plant inspection report comprising 28,000 words
Cash register procedure for a major international retail chain comprising 22,000 words
Installation instructions for a linear accelerator comprising 9,000 words
Company prospectus comprising 13,000 words
Employee satisfaction survey comprising 6,000 words for an international company
International court of arbitration award comprising 122,000 words
Digital electrode patent comprising 16,000 words
Nasal insert patent comprising 16,000 words
Purchasing procedure comprising 7,000 words for an international company
MSDS glossary based on EU ADR, REACH and CLP regulations comprising 45,000 words
Telecommunications patent comprising 37,000 words
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