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English to Pashto (Pushto): Development project briefing note General field: Other Detailed field: International Org/Dev/Coop
Source text - English Project Outreach
In terms of Component 1 (referral services and support for employment for XC) the project will work through the existing 11 Employment service centres (ESC) of MOLSA. These are located in Kabul (2 ESC), Herat, Mazar, Jalalabad, Kandahar, Gardez. Ghazni, Pul-i-kumri, Jozwan, Kunduz. Another office will be established towards the end of 2006 in Bamyan.
Current ESC structure organigram is attached as per Annex II.
Within this component, following main activities for referral services are:
- Capacity building of ESC to focus specifically on referral services of XCs.
- An information campaign will be launched nation wide in order to inform XCs of services provided by ESC for them, and interested XCs will be registered, interviewed and counselling will be provided on services offered.
- Job placement training given to XC to qualify for placement into formal wage employment.
- Training in soft skills related to the labour market will be delivered, such as occupational safety and health and working conditions, social dialogue, fundamental labour standards and gender equality, health and nutrition and HIV/AIDS.
In terms of Component 2, greater capacity development at (i) Organizational & Human Resource and at (ii) Strategy & Policy levels within MoSMDA to lead on reintegration services for XCs.
(i) The main activities are building institutional capacity through HR development of ministry to lead and coordinate on reintegration for XC. Based on the need assessment, job training of MoSMDA staff at the central and provincial levels where ESCs are located on these aspects will also be carried out regularly within the project period.
(ii) In terms of Strategy & Policy, after an analysis of the opportunities in the labour market and the relevance of available employment training programmes, better matching between the labour market opportunities and the skills of the jobseekers will be established. A market-oriented training guideline specifically for XC will be developed. Technical assistance for strengthening policy and coordinating role of the ministry will be a key strategy.
Translation - Pashto (Pushto) د پروژي د پوښښ ساحه :
په لومړي برخه کی(د كار موندلو خدمتونو برابرول د ملكي شوي كسانو لپاره او د دوي راجع كول ژې معيشتي فرصتونو ته) دغې پرو د ټولنيزو چارو وزارت (MoLSA) د ۱۱ كاري خدمتونو د مركزونو (ESC) لخواه عملي كيږي. دغه دفترونه په کابل (۲ د کاری خدمتونو مرکزونه)، هرات، مزار، جلال آباد، کندهار، غزنی, پلخمری, جوزجان، کندز او ګردیز کی موقعیت لری. يو بل مركز به د ۲۰۰۶ كال په اخيرو كي به د باميان په ولایت كي جوړ شي.
په دوهمه برخه کی، په جګه كچه د ظرفيتونو لوړلول، د شهيدانو، معلولینو او ټولنيزو چارو وزارت (۱) د بشري منابع او (۲) د دغه وزارت د پاليسي او ستراتيژی لپاره، تر څو د بيا ځاي په ځاي كولو خدمتونه رهبري كړي.
اول. د پروژي عمده فعالیتونه عبارت دی د بنيادي ظرفيتونو لوړول د وزارت د بشري منابعو د ظرفيتونو د لوړولو له طريقه، تر څو د ملکی شوی کسانو بيا ځاي په ځاي كیدل رهبري او همغږی كړی. د پروژي په جریان كښي، د اړتياوو د تشخيص په بنياد به د دغه وزارت كار كوونكو ته د مركز او هغه ولايتونو په سطح چه دغه مركزونه په كښي شته دی، د اړوندو چارو په اړه به په منظم ډول زده كړي وركول شي.
دویم. د ستراتیژی او پالیسی په اړه, د كار په ماركيت كښي د فرصتونو او د موجودو روزنيزو پرګرامونو د اړوندیتوب تحليل څخه وروسته, په ماركيت كي د كاري فرصتونو او د كار لټونکو د مهارتونو تر منځ به غوري اړيكي را منځ ته شي. د د كار د ماركيت په اړه روزنیز لارښوني به په ځانګري ډول د پخواني ملكي شوي كسانو لپاره جوړ شی. تخنیکی مرستي د وزارت د پالیسی او انسجام رول نه د ملاتړلپاره به یوه عمده ستراتیژي وی.
English to Dari: Project Briefing Note General field: Other Detailed field: International Org/Dev/Coop
Source text - English Project Outreach
In terms of Component 1 (referral services and support for employment for XC) the project will work through the existing 11 Employment service centres (ESC) of MOLSA. These are located in Kabul (2 ESC), Herat, Mazar, Jalalabad, Kandahar, Gardez, Ghazni, Pul-i-kumri, Jozwan and Kunduz. Another office will be established towards the end of 2006 in Bamyan.
Current ESC structure organigram is attached as per Annex II.
Within this component, following main activities for referral services are:
- Capacity building of ESC to focus specifically on referral services of XCs.
- An information campaign will be launched nation wide in order to inform XCs of services provided by ESC for them, and interested XCs will be registered, interviewed and counselling will be provided on services offered.
- Job placement training given to XC to qualify for placement into formal wage employment.
- Training in soft skills related to the labour market will be delivered, such as occupational safety and health and working conditions, social dialogue, fundamental labour standards and gender equality, health and nutrition and HIV/AIDS.
In terms of Component 2, greater capacity development at (i) Organizational & Human Resource and at (ii) Strategy & Policy levels within MoSMDA to lead on reintegration services for XCs.
(ii) The main activities are building institutional capacity though HR development of ministry to lead and coordinate on reintegration for XC. Based on the need assessment, job training of MoSMDA staff at the central and provincial levels where ESCs are located on these aspects will also be carried out regularly within the project period.
(ii) In terms of Strategy & Policy, after an analysis of the opportunities in the labour market and the relevance of available employment training programmes, better matching between the labour market opportunities and the skills of the job seekers will be established. A market-oriented training guideline specifically for XC will be developed. Technical assistance for strengthening policy and coordinating role of the ministry will be a key strategy.
Translation - Dari ساحه تحت پوشش پروژه:
در بخش اول این پروژه (خدمات رجعت دهی و حمایت از کاریابی به افراد ملکی شده), این پروژه از طریق ۱۱ مرکز خدمات کاریابی (ESC) موجود وزارت امور اجتماعی, شهدا و معلولین(MoLSA) فعالیت خواهد نمود. این مراکز در کابل (۲ مرکز خدمات کاریابی), هرات, مزار, جلال آباد, کندهار, گردیز, غزنی, پلخمری, جوزجان و کندز موقعیت دارند. دفتر دیگری در اواخر سال ۲۰۰۶ در بامیان ایجاد خواهد گردید.
فعالیت های عمده در این بخش قرار ذیل میباشند:
• ارتقای ظرفیت های مراکز خدمات کاریابی تا مشخصآ روی خدمات رجعت دهی افراد ملکی شده تمرکز نمایند.
• یک کمپاین معلوماتی برای آگاه ساختن افراد ملکی شده در رابطه به خدماتیکه به ایشان از طرف مراکز خدمات کاریابی فراهم میگردد, به راه اناخته خواهد شد, و افراد ملکی شده علاقه مند ثبت شده و با ایشان مصاحبه صورت خواهد گرفت, و پیرامون خدمات موجود به ایشان مشوره ارایه خواهد گردید.
• آموزش های کاریابی برای افراد ملکی شده ارایه گردیده تا آنان برای استخدام شدن در فرصت های کاری رسمی با مزد, آماده گردند.
• آموزش پیرامون مهارت های نرم مرتبط با مارکیت کار مانند مصؤنیت کاری و صحت و شرایط کاری, گفتگو و شنود اجتماعی, معیارات بنیادی کار و تساوی حقوق برای مردان و زنان, تغذیه و ایدز, ارایه خواهند گردید.
بخش دوم برنامه شامل انکشاف ظرفیت ها به وسعت بیشتری (الف) در سطوح قوای بشری و (ب) راهبرد و پالیسی وزارت امور اجتماعی, شهدا و معلولین میباشد تا خدمات استقرار مجدد را برای افراد ملکی شده رهبری نمایند.
I. فعالیت ها ی عمده ارتقای ظرفیت نهادینه وزارت از طریق انکشاف قوای بشری آن وزارت در جهت رهبری و هماهنگی خدمات استقرار مجدد افراد ملکی شده می باشد . در جریان معیاد پروژه, آموزش ها پیرامون جنبه های ذیربط بر اساس بررسی نیازمندی ها, به کارمندان وزارت امور اجتماعی, شهدا و معلولین در سطوح مرکز و ولایاتیکه این مراکز در آنجا قرار دارند, ارایه خواهند گردید.
II. در رابطه با راهبرد و پالیسی, بعد از تحلیل فرصت ها در مارکیت کار و ذیربط بودن برنامه های آموزشی موجود, تطابق بهتری بین فرصت های مارکیت کار و مهارت های دست داشته کار جویان به میان خواهد آمد. رهنمودی آموزشی متمرکز به مارکیت کار مشخصآ برای افراد ملکی شده ایجاد خواهد گردید. کمک تخنیکی برای تحکیم نقش پالیسی و هماهنگی کننده وزارت یکی از راهبردهای عمده خواهد بود.
Pashto (Pushto) to English: Sample (Pashto > English General field: Social Sciences Detailed field: Media / Multimedia
Source text - Pashto (Pushto) د تونس خلک په هغه ښارګوتي کي چي د عربو د پسرلی په نامه پاڅون په کي پیل شو يو ځل بیا په مظاهرو راوتلی دي. تیره شپه په ګرځیدو راګرځیدو باندي بندیز ولګیدل. چارواکو د (سییدی بوزید) په ښارګوتي کي د شپي له خوا دا بندیز وروسته له هغه په دغو مظاهره چیانو باندي ولګاوه چي پرون په دوهمه ورځ هم هغوی لارو کوڅو ته راوتلی وو او په ملک کي يي د لومړنیو آزادو انتخاباتو د نتیجو په هکله خپل قهر او خپګان څرګند کړل.
دا مظاهری او احتجاجونه وروسته له هغه پیل شول چي چارواکو د پارلمان هغه څوکۍ باطلی کړی چي د ګټونکي ګوند یو سیال ګوند چي (پاپولر لست) نومیږی، ګټلی وي او ددي کار علت يي په انتخاباتو کی تیري او ټګی برګی وبلله. پرون په زوګونو خلک د (سپید بوزید) په ښارګوټی کي لارو کوڅو ته راووتل او مظاهري يي وکړی. چارواکی وویل چی څو ودانیو ته تاوان رسیدلی دی چی په هغو کي د النهضه د اسلامی ګوند محلي دفتر هم شامل دی او دا هغه ګوند دی چی د تیري یکشنبي د ورځی په انتخاباتو کی يي زیاتي څوکی ګټلی دي.
Translation - English Demonstrations have once again broken out in the town which was the birthplace of the uprising called ‘the Arab Spring’. Last night, curfew was imposed. Authorities in the Sidi Bouzid town imposed curfew yesterday after the protestors poured to the streets for a second day to express their anger about the results of the first free elections.
The protests began after election officials invalidated seats won by the rival Popular List party, citing campaign violations. Yesterday, thousands of people in the town of Sidi Bouzid came out to the streets and protested. Authorities have said that several buildings, one of which included a local office of the Ennahda Islamic party, have been damaged. This is the party which won most of seats in the last Sunday elections.
I am a certified Translator / Interpreter and a native speaker of both Pushto and Dari languages and am fluent in both Farsi (Persian) and Urdu as well. My English language skills are as good as native. I hold EMBA and MSc degrees and a diploma in English language Teaching to Adults, and interpreting and translation are both a career and a passion. I have worked as a translator and interpreter since 1998 and have done assignments for with prestigious institutions and international organizations/companies such as the Afghanistan Foreign Ministry, the World Bank, United Nations , Microsoft etc on a wide range of areas such as immigration, health, legal, business, social, development, politics, military, civil works, education, IT, software localization ,etc. I have traveled extensively in Afghanistan and am therefore very well familiar with various local dialects and traditions in the country. My work background with the government and international organizations made me totally familiar with the technical jargon used by government and international organizations. I am an accurate and professional interpreter and translator and deliver completed assignments on time. At the moment, I can translate up to 4000 words a day for translation assignments in excellent quality. I am a user of SDL Trados Studio 2011, LocStudio, Windows Translation Tool and Ms Office applications. I am committed to delivering on time and my rates are reasonable and generally open to negotiation. I look forward to working with you - please get in touch should you wish to get a professional translation done on time, in excellent quality at a good price. References are available upon request.
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