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Search results: (13 matches)
Poll Discussion Poll: How do you feel about coworking places? I just love my home office Took me several years (and expences) to build a
comperhansive workstation that fits my needs, and
the process of constantly perfcting it still
continues. I can't imagine it would be possib
Ittai Hen Feb 2, 2017
Trados support Exporting comments made in Studio 2014 to the target excel sheet. Perhaps better tutorial Ittai Hen May 1, 2016
Trados support Exporting comments made in Studio 2014 to the target excel sheet. SDL XLIFF Converter for Microsoft App Ittai Hen May 1, 2016
Trados support Problems converting back from .xliff to .ttx Working with Studio 2014, and have troubles
converting back .xliff files to .ttx files. The
original file was .ttx. Package from client
includes .ini file; I vaguely remember I once used
Ittai Hen May 27, 2015
Trados support Trados 2014 Activation problems Problem is solved Hi Paul, I have managed to activate the Trados
2014 now; thank you very much all of you guys for
your help :)

[Edited at 2015-02-23 13:32
Ittai Hen Feb 23, 2015
Trados support Trados 2014 Activation problems 2011 license is already returned Checking the ,Products & Plans>LICENSE it shows
the 2011 activation code is inactive, and 2014
license was activated today, and yet, when
entering the 2014 activation code shown on the
Ittai Hen Feb 23, 2015
Trados support Trados 2014 Activation problems No, the activation code is not the problem Hi Roy, thanks for your reply, but that wouldn't
be the case, as I have copy+past the relevant
activation code from the SDL Account. I was also
under the impression both versions operate
Ittai Hen Feb 23, 2015
Trados support Trados 2014 Activation problems I have deactivated Trados 2011 for the purpose of
Trados 2014 activation, yet, when entering Trados
2014 with the relevant activation code online, an
error message saying "license does not
Ittai Hen Feb 23, 2015
Trados support Trados 2011 error message "no bilingual segments" It works. Thank you very much! Thank you Paul and George for your kind help. The
doc file is uploaded successfully
Ittai Hen Aug 11, 2014
Trados support Trados 2011 error message "no bilingual segments" While uploading doc file to Trados 2011, it failed
to open the file and displayed the following error
message: "The file you are opening does not
contain any bilingual segments". Please
Ittai Hen Aug 11, 2014
Trados support Running an analysis in Trados 2011 Trados 2011 analysis Hi, On the left bar, click on the Reports View
Ittai Hen Jul 22, 2014
Scams Identity theft I have been recently informed by a translation
agency that they have been sent with an email
message from a person using my updated CV,
changing only the contact details! having previous<
Ittai Hen Apr 14, 2013
Poll Discussion Poll: If you have a 'C' language, do you find that you use it for work... Hardly I must confess that C language (Arabic) helped me
to "set foot in", yet, due to localization
industry demands, it has been neglected. I still
use it the local colloquial for "breaking the
Ittai Hen Apr 11, 2013

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