Freelance translators » Czech to English » Medical » Page 2

Below is a list of Czech to English freelance translators specializing in translations in the Medical field. You may choose a more specific field to the right.

99 results (paying members)

Freelance translator native in

Specializes in

Maros Podstupka
Maros Podstupka
Native in Slovak Native in Slovak
english, slovak, translator, translation, medical, medicine, healthcare, health care
Gabriela Simonova
Gabriela Simonova
Native in Slovak Native in Slovak
legal translations, legal translator, Slovak legal translator, Slovak legal translations, sworn translation, sworn translator, certified translation, certified translator, European Union, law, ...
Martina Balzano
Martina Balzano
Native in Czech Native in Czech
czech, english, czech translator, english to czech translator, creative translator czech, czech literary translator, czech literary translation, czech creative translator, czech creative translation, marketing translation Czech, ...
Isabel Stainsby
Isabel Stainsby
Native in English (Variant: British) Native in English
Czech, Slovak, French, German, medical, legal, scientific, technical, cultural, culinary, ...
Sabina Králová
Sabina Králová
Native in Czech Native in Czech
Medical translations from English to Czech, medical translations from Czech to English, IFU translations, MSDS, material safety data sheets to Czech, clinical studies, clinical trials, biology, medicine, pharmaceuticals, ...
Tiziano Marasco
Tiziano Marasco
Native in Italian (Variant: Standard-Italy) Native in Italian
czech, slovak, italian, english, technology, localization, architecture, constraction, legal texts, patents, ...
Marcela Hashim
Marcela Hashim
Native in Czech Native in Czech
Czech, Slovak, English, translation, medical, economics, dentistry, software, strings, certificate, ...
Charles Stanford
Charles Stanford
Native in English Native in English
Czech, Slovak, German, Dutch, French, legal, law, contracts, certificates, pharmaceuticals, ...
Lukas Kadidlo
Lukas Kadidlo
Native in Czech Native in Czech
Life science, clinical trials, informed consent forms, instructions for use, manuals and software for medical devices, patient information, production manuals, SAE and SOP procedures, package inserts and labels, regulatory documents, ...
Kateřina Suchánková
Kateřina Suchánková
Native in Czech Native in Czech
czech, contracts, business, marketing, advertising, law, finance, manuals, conference, web sites, ...
Lenka Mandryszová
Lenka Mandryszová
Native in Czech Native in Czech
Czech, contracts, law, marketing, pharmaceuticals, medicine
Native in English Native in English, Spanish (Variants: Puerto Rican, Latin American, Standard-Spain, Colombian, Peruvian, Chilean, Mexican) Native in Spanish
marketing, mercadeo, business, negocios, insurance, seguros, fashion, moda, transport, transporte, ...
Stephen Mason
Stephen Mason
Native in English Native in English
ArrayMedical: Pharmaceuticals, Medical: Health Care, Medical (general), Medical: Cardiology, ...
Will Volny
Will Volny
Native in English (Variants: British, US) Native in English
Czech, Slovak, French, biological, medical, pharmaceutical, molecular biology, biotechnology, life sciences, organic chemistry, ...
Kostas Zgafas
Kostas Zgafas
Native in Czech Native in Czech
english to czech translations, czech to english translations, website translation into czech, website localization into czech, website localisation into czech, www localization into czech, www translation to czech, msds translation to czech, material safety data sheet translation to czech, medical translations to czech, ...
Michaela Cocca
Michaela Cocca
Native in Czech Native in Czech
ArraySafety, Psychology, Nutrition, Medical (general), ...
Majdi Abualila
Majdi Abualila
Native in English Native in English, German Native in German
Translation, Proofread, computers, technology, software, localization,
Emil Kucera
Emil Kucera
Native in Czech Native in Czech, English Native in English
mammalogy, zoology, biology, science, medicine, pharmaceuticals, forestry, agriculture, horses, dogs, ...
Galina Rupchanska
Galina Rupchanska
Native in Bulgarian Native in Bulgarian
bulgarian, english, czech, german, polish, trados, translation, voice, voiceover, specialist, ...
Vladimir Karoli
Vladimir Karoli
Native in Slovak Native in Slovak
English, German, Slovak, Czech, technical, mechanical engineering, power engineering, electrical engineering, automotive, software, ...

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