Freelance translators » English to Italian » Other » Page 16

Below is a list of English to Italian freelance translators specializing in translations in the Other field. You may choose a more specific field to the right.

691 results (paying members)

Freelance translator native in

Specializes in

Francesca Bernardis
Francesca Bernardis
Native in Italian Native in Italian
Francesca Bernardis, Bernardis Francesca, translation, translator, Italian translator, traduttore inglese, traduttore francese, traduttore portoghese, traduttore tedesco, Italian, ...
Elena and David Dickens
Elena and David Dickens
Native in English Native in English, Italian Native in Italian
traduzione rapporto ambientale, traduzione relazione ambientale, environmental impact assessment Italian, valutazione impatto ambientale inglese, environmental translations, environmental report translator, traduttore madrelingua inglese rapporti ambientali, Italian environmental translator, valutazioni di impatto ambientale mother tongue transaltor, environmental impact assessment Italian translator, ...
Cora Annoni
Cora Annoni
Native in Italian Native in Italian
General, P.R., patents, journalism, advertising, italiano, Deutsch, English, Français, Russian, ...
Alessandra Pettinau
Alessandra Pettinau
Native in Italian (Variant: Standard-Italy) Native in Italian
sottotitolaggio, sottotitolatura, sottotitolazione, sottotitoli italiani, traduzione audiovisiva, tradurre sottotitoli, traduttore sottotitoli, traduttrice sottotitoli, servizi di sottotitolazione, sottotitolista italiano, ...
Native in Italian Native in Italian
literature (fiction and no fiction), history, cinema, TV, religion, media/multimedia, automotive, travel, instructions booklets, translations, ...
Emanuel Riccobene
Emanuel Riccobene
Native in Italian Native in Italian
italian, english, videogames, games, technology, software, localization, localisation, gaming, app, ...
Patrizia Maselli
Patrizia Maselli
Native in Italian Native in Italian
italian, spanish, english, finance, translation, translator,
Sara Bigini
Sara Bigini
Native in Italian Native in Italian
italian marketing translator, italian translator, Italian content writing, Italian content writer, Italian copywriter, English into Italian translator, French into Italian translator, German into Italian translator, Italian translator in Krakow, Italian translator in Poland, ...
Alice Tesconi
Alice Tesconi
Native in Italian Native in Italian
chinese, english, italian, automotive, cinema, music, journalism, art, media, education, ...
Maria Francesca Gangemi
Maria Francesca Gangemi
Native in Italian Native in Italian
Clothing, fashion, medical instruments, computer, software, hardware, medicine, cardiology, psychology
Ilaria A. Feltre
Ilaria A. Feltre
Native in Italian Native in Italian
translator, interpreter, translation, localization, localisation, subtitling, sottotitoli, sottotitolaggio, adattamento, doppiaggio, ...
Mariella Bonelli
Mariella Bonelli
Native in Italian Native in Italian
traduttrice cuneo, traduttore cuneo, traduzioni cuneo, interprete cuneo, interprete torino, traduzioni, interprete, interprete simultaneo, interprete simultanea, interprete consecutivo, ...
GORR d.o.o.
GORR d.o.o.
Native in Slovenian Native in Slovenian, Serbian Native in Serbian
prevajanje, prevodi, sodni prevodi, lektura, lektoriranje, tolmačenje, simultano tolmačenje, konsekutivno tolmačenje, hitro prevajanje, hitri prevodi, ...
Christine Diessner
Christine Diessner
Native in German Native in German
medical, English, German, architecture, tourism
Native in English Native in English
ArrayTextiles / Clothing / Fashion, Surveying, Ships, Sailing, Maritime, Military / Defense, ...
Michael Marsch (PhD)
Michael Marsch (PhD)
Native in German (Variant: Germany) Native in German, Italian (Variant: Standard-Italy) Native in Italian
history, literature, medicine, pharmacology, film, cinema, art history, motorcycles, cars, business, ...
Erialda Marku
Erialda Marku
Native in Albanian Native in Albanian, Italian (Variant: Standard-Italy) Native in Italian
Albanian, Italian, English, French, conference interpreting, translation, Microsoft Word, proofreading, transcription, interpretariato di conferenza, ...
Paolo Bracciale
Paolo Bracciale
Native in Italian Native in Italian
ArrayChemistry; Chem Sci/Eng, Sports / Fitness / Recreation, History, Geography, ...
Graeme Lorimer
Graeme Lorimer
Native in Italian Native in Italian
Automotive, Software, Localisation, mechanical engineering, music
Valentina Rubiano
Valentina Rubiano
Native in Italian Native in Italian
spanish, german, automotive, localization, software, legal, medical

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Translators, like interpreters, enable communication across cultures by translating one language into another. Translators work with written text, as opposed to spoken word.

Translating involves much more than simple word-for-word conversion from one language to another. Translators must thoroughly understand the subject matter of any text they translate, as well as the cultures associated with the source and target language.

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