Freelance translators » French to Spanish » Tech/Engineering » Wine / Oenology / Viticulture » Page 5

Below is a list of French to Spanish freelance translators specializing in translations in the Tech/Engineering: Wine / Oenology / Viticulture field. For more search fields, try an advanced search by clicking the link to the right.

104 results (paying members)

Freelance translator native in

Specializes in

Claudia Sáenz
Claudia Sáenz
Native in Spanish (Variant: Standard-Spain) 
Paper & pulp, manufacturing, industrial, engineering, paper manufacturing, engineering, safety, EHS, quality, Lean Manufacturing, ...
Raúl Martínez Torres
Raúl Martínez Torres
Native in Spanish 
ArrayPsychology, Metallurgy / Casting, Livestock / Animal Husbandry, Astronomy & Space, ...
montse c.
montse c.
Native in Catalan (Variants: Central, Oriental) Native in Catalan, Spanish (Variant: Standard-Spain) Native in Spanish
Traducción jurada, traduction assermentée, jurídico, derecho, contratos, estatutos, licitaciones, actas, certificados, escrituras, ...
ArrayTextiles / Clothing / Fashion, Transport / Transportation / Shipping, Ships, Sailing, Maritime, Printing & Publishing, ...
Mariela Gonzalez Nagel
Mariela Gonzalez Nagel
Native in Spanish Native in Spanish
translation, traduction, traducción, traducteur, translator, odontología, dentistry, imaging, orthodontics, dentistry, ...
awouatsa hyacinthe
awouatsa hyacinthe
Native in French (Variants: Standard-France, Cameroon) 
We are ready to serve you
Ioana Corina Pop
Ioana Corina Pop
Native in Romanian Native in Romanian, Spanish Native in Spanish
traductor jurado español rumano, interprete español rumano, traductor de rumano, interprete de rumano, traductor rumano español, traductor ingles rumano, interprete ingles rumano, traductor frances rumano, interprete frances rumano, traductor ingles español, ...
Ivana Zambrana
Ivana Zambrana
Native in Spanish (Variants: Standard-Spain, Latin American) 
Spanish, translator, Washington, DC, interpreter, English, French, Italian. Most specialties.
Claudia Martinez
Claudia Martinez
Native in Spanish 
medical, assisted reproduction, medical translation, human assisted reproduction, translation, medical translation, scientific translation, life science
Perrine Broca
Perrine Broca
Native in French 
Perrine Broca, ID'S, IDS, Perrine Caffenne Broca traduction français, traductions français, traductrice français, traducteur français, traductions techniques, traductions commerciales, traductions juridiques, ...
Susana González Tuya
Susana González Tuya
Native in Spanish (Variant: Standard-Spain) 
marketing, ecology, environment, animal welfare, tourism & hospitality, food and beverage, UK, law, native Spanish, Spain, ...
Hugues Pluvinage
Hugues Pluvinage
Native in French 
Italian, Spanish, French, Dutch, English, German, technical translation, sworn translations, interpreter, legal, ...
Nahual Lhorente
Nahual Lhorente
Native in English Native in English, Spanish Native in Spanish
translator, editor, interpreter, english, spanish, french, literary, art, literature, literary, ...
María Rincón
María Rincón
Native in Spanish 
English, French and Portuguese translator, patents, copyrights, legal documentation, financial documentation, finances, economics, commerce, trademarks, ...
Aida Jabbouri
Aida Jabbouri
Native in French (Variants: Canadian, Moroccan, Standard-France) 
French, insurance, finance, business, proofreading, France
Native in French 
tourism, mechanical, machinery, manufacturing, Aerospace, agriculture, animal husbandry, automotive, biology, botany, ...
Leire Martínez de Cañas Pagola
Leire Martínez de Cañas Pagola
Native in Spanish Native in Spanish, Basque Native in Basque
audiovisual translation, medical translation, localisation
ana alonso
ana alonso
Native in Spanish 
english, spanish, translator, localization, words, political, medical, hospitality, environment, technology, ...
Ana Aparicio
Ana Aparicio
Native in Spanish Native in Spanish
Computers, informática, tourism, turismo, tourisme, subtitling, subtitulado, sous-titrage, sworn translator
Native in German Native in German, Spanish Native in Spanish
financial, econmic, medical, construction, legal, engeneering, wine

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Translators, like interpreters, enable communication across cultures by translating one language into another. Translators work with written text, as opposed to spoken word.

Translating involves much more than simple word-for-word conversion from one language to another. Translators must thoroughly understand the subject matter of any text they translate, as well as the cultures associated with the source and target language.

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