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Russian to English: Viscosity Properties General field: Law/Patents
Source text - Russian Изобретение относится к области исследования вязкостных свойств жидкости тепловыми средствами. В способе пробу жидкости объемом ≤1 мл циклически монотонно и непрерывно с заданной скоростью охлаждают и нагревают в заданном интервале температур. В каждом последовательном цикле определяют температурные области структуропреобразования жидкости по безразмерному динамическому критерию подобия температуровязкостных свойств ηδ, выражающему зависимость относительного изменения сдвиговой вязкости от относительного изменения абсолютной температуры жидкости при заданной скорости изменения ее температуры, а степень интенсивности структуропреобразования исследуемой жидкости в указанных температурных областях количественно выражают либо через изменение термоэнергетической функции жидкости Е(Т), либо через изменение свободной энергии активации ε(Т). При этом температуру и вязкость определяют посредством низкочастотного вибровискозиметра.
Translation - English The invention relates to the area of research on viscosity properties using means of heat. In this method, the tested liquid ≤ 1 ml in volume is cooled and heated cyclically steadily and continuously at a set speed within a set temperature range. In each successive cycle, temperature ranges of structural transformations in the liquid are determined based on the dimensionless dynamic criterion of similarity of temperature-viscosity properties ηδ, which expresses the dependence of the relative change in shear viscosity on the relative change in the absolute temperature of the liquid at a set rate of its temperature change. The intensity degree of the structural transformation in the tested liquid within this temperature range is quantitatively expressed either through the change of the thermoenergetic function of the liquid E(T) or through the change in the free energy of activation ε(T). Meanwhile, the temperature and viscosity are determined with the help of a low-frequency vibro viscosimeter.
Turkish to English: Provisions Pertaining to Performance Guarantee General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Law: Contract(s)
Source text - Turkish Madde 12- Teminata İlişkin Hükümler
12.1.Kesin Teminatın Türü ve Miktarı: Bu işe ilişkin kesin teminat miktarı XXXXXX’dir. Kesin teminat mektubunun süresi, malın teslim süresine, varsa garanti süresinin de eklenmesi sureti ile bulunacak süreden 6 ay daha fazla süreli olacaktır. Süre uzatımı halinde, kesin teminat mektubunun süresi, uzatılan süre kadar yenilenir.
12.2. Ek Kesin Teminat: Fiyat farkı ödenmesi öngörülerek ihale edilen işlerde fiyat farkı olarak ödenecek bedelin, sözleşme bedelinde artış meydana getirmesi halinde bu artış tutarının %6’sı oranında teminat olarak kabul edilen değerler üzerinden ek kesin teminat alınır. Fiyat farkı olarak ödenecek bedel üzerinden hesaplanan ek kesin teminat hakkedişlerden kesinti yapılmak suretiyle de karşılanabilir. Süre uzatımı halinde, ek kesin teminat mektubunun süresi, uzatılan süre kadar yenilenir.
Translation - English Article 12 – Provisions Pertaining to Performance Guarantee
12.1. Performance Guarantee Type and Amount: Performance guarantee amount for this job is XXXXXX. The term of the letter of guarantee will be 6 months longer than the sum of the goods delivery period and the warranty period, if any. In case of a time extension, the term of the letter of performance guarantee will be extended for the same period.
12.2. Additional Performance Guarantee: Where the payment of a price adjustment is foreseen and the value to be paid as a price adjustment in contracted work causes an increase in the contract value, additional performance guarantee valued at 6 % of the increased amount will be furnished in form of approved guarantee assets. Additional performance guarantee calculated from the value to be paid as a price adjustment may be collected by making deductions from progress payments. In case of a time extension, the term of the letter of additional performance guarantee will be extended for the same period.
English to Russian: Management Systems General field: Bus/Financial
Source text - English Management Systems
XXXXXX is part way through the process of integrating its quality, environmental and health & safety management systems into a single Business Management System (BMS). The project management controls form the core of this BMS.
Quality Management
The management process for projects in XXXXXX broadly follows a similar sequence of events, or Project Lifecycle, whatever the size, scope and value of the project. XXXXXX has established a formal system for managing all the projects it undertakes to ensure that they are completed in a timely manner, within budget and to the satisfaction of the client.
Translation - Russian Системы управления
XXXXXX находится в процессе объединения его систем управления качеством, экологией, здоровьем и безопасностью в единую Систему управления бизнесом (BMS). Контроль управления проектом формирует ядро этой системы (BMS).
Управление качеством
Процесс управления проектами в XXXXXX в основном следует определенной последовательности событий или Жизненному циклу проекта, независимо от его размера, масштаба и суммы. XXXXXX установило формальную систему управления всеми начатыми проектами для того, чтобы гарантировать их завершение в срок, в пределах бюджета и к удовлетворению заказчика.
Turkish to Russian: Ostim Medikal Sanayi Kümelenmesi General field: Bus/Financial
Source text - Turkish Sağlık sektörünün ihtiyaçlarının karşılanmasında yerli üretimin payını artırmak ve medikal sanayi KOBİ’lerini uluslar arası pazara rekabet edebilir hale getirmek hedefi ile kurulmuştur. Ostim Medikal Sanayi Kümelenmesi, üreticilerin yeteneklerinin artırılması için çalışmalar yürütmektedir, bununla birlikte eksikliğini hissettiğimiz üniversite sanayi işbirliğinde somut adımlar atarak üniversitenin sahip olduğu bilgiyi ticarileşmesi için sanayiye aktarabilmek bizim gayelerimiz arasındadır. Ostim ve yakın çevresinde 50’ye yakın medikal üreticinin olması ve ülkemizdeki toplam medikal ürün üreticilerinin %10’unun yakın çevremizde yer alması ise bizim sektörel ihtisaslaşma ile bölgesel rekabet gücümüzü çok daha artıracağı inancını taşımaktayız.
Translation - Russian Группа была учреждена с целью увеличения объемов внутреннего производства, предназначенного для удовлетворения потребностей сектора здравоохранения, и повышения конкурентоспособности малых и средних предприятий медицинской промышленности на международном рынке. Медицинская Промышленная Группа Остим проводит исследования с целью увеличения способностей производителей; более того, передача знаний из Университетов в промышленность с целью их коммерциализации путем предпринятия конкретных действий по достижению отсутствующего, на наш взгляд, сотрудничества между Университетами и индустрией, является одной из наших целей. Факт, что в Ocтимe и в непосредственной близости от него находится почти 50 медицинских производителей, или, другими словами, около 10% производителей медицинских изделий нашей страны, заставляет нас полагать, что мы еще больше увеличим нашу секторную специализацию и региональную конкурентоспособность.
English to Turkish: Order Execution Policy General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Law: Contract(s)
Source text - English Order Execution Policy
1. Purpose
This Order Execution Policy sets out the policy of XXXXXX (referred to below as "XXXXXX") for the execution of orders in financial instruments aiming at taking all reasonable steps to obtain the best possible result for the execution of client orders. This Order Execution Policy implements the requirements of the European Markets in Financial Instruments Directive.1
2. Scope
This policy is to be applied to:
a) the execution of orders for the sale or purchase of financial instruments through XXXXXX on behalf of retail clients and/or professional clients where XXXXXX has direct access to execution venues (XXXXXX as "executor of orders", sec. 33a (1) of the German Securities Trading Act (WpHG)).
Translation - Turkish Talimat İcra Politikası
1. Amacı
Bu Talimat İcra Politikası, müşteri talimatlarının icra edilmesi için gereken tüm makul adımları yerine getirerek mümkün olan en iyi sonucun elde edilmesini amaçlayan finansal araçlarda talimatların icra edilmesi için XXXXXX politikasını ortaya koyuyor (aşağıda "XXXXXX" olarak geçiyor). Bu Talimat İcra Politikası Finansal Araçlar Direktifindeki Avrupa Piyasasının zorunluluklarını uyguluyor.1
2. Kapsamı
Bu politika aşağıdakilere uygulanır:
a) XXXXXX’in icra mekânlarına doğrudan ulaşma imkânı olduğu durumlarda, perakende müşteriler ve/veya profesyonel müşteriler adına XXXXXX vasıtasıyla finansal araç satma veya satın alma talimatlarının icra edilmesi (XXXXXX “emir icra eden” olarak hareket eder, Alman Menkul Kıymetler Ticaret Kanunun (WpHG) 33a (1) bölümü).
Russian to Turkish: Bilanço ve Gelir Tablosu General field: Bus/Financial
Source text - Russian Формулировка пунктов заключительного баланса и отчета о прибылях и убытках с точки зрения общего индекса цен и коэффициентов пересчета не означает, что Компания может реализовать активы и пассивы в размере, указанном в заключительных балансах. Кроме того, это не означает, что Компания предоставит капитал для акционеров в размере, указанном в финансовой отчетности.
Translation - Turkish Bilanço ve gelir tablosundaki kalemlerin genel bir fiyat endeksi ve dönüşüm faktörleri ile yeniden ifade edilmesi, Şirketin bilançolarda belirtilen tutarlarda varlıkları gerçekleştirebileceği ve yükümlülükleri yerine getireceği anlamına gelmemektedir. Aynı şekilde, bu durum Şirketin finansal tablolarda belirtilen tutarlarda öz sermayesini hissedarlara sağlayacağı anlamına da gelmemektedir.
Russian to English: Technical Conditions General field: Tech/Engineering
Source text - Russian Область применения
Настоящие технические условия распространяются на трубы чугунные напорные высокопрочные, изготовленные центробежным способом литья из чугуна с шаровидным графитом (ЧШГ) и предназначенные для водонапорных систем, в том числе для хозяйственно-питьевого водоснабжения. Трубы напорные применимы как для канальной, так и бесканальной подземной прокладки трубопроводов.
Трубы из ЧШГ имеют раструбную часть с одной стороны и гладкий конец с другой или фланцы с обеих сторон под следующие типы соединений в трубопроводе:
- раструбное соединение «TYTON»;
- раструбное соединение «RJ»;
- фланцевое соединение.
Translation - English Scope
These technical conditions apply to heavy-duty cast iron pressure pipes manufactured by the centrifugal method of casting from nodular graphite iron (NGI) and designed for use in water pumping systems, including drinking-water supply systems. Pressure pipes can be used in trenchless underground pipe laying as well as laying of pipes in trenches.
NGI pipes have a slip-joint part on the one side and a smooth end on the other or flanges on both sides for use in the following types of pipeline connections:
- slip-joint connection “TYTON”;
- slip-joint connection “RJ”;
- flanged connection.
Turkish to English: Lenteleme Teçhizatı General field: Tech/Engineering
TANITMA XXX Lenteleme Teçhizatı, ağaç direklerin lentelenmesi için kullanılan bir teçhizattır. Ağaç direklerde tehlikesiz ve emniyetle çalışmak için kullanılmaktadır. Bu suretle hatların gerilmesi, fırtına, çarpma ve sair durumlarda, ağırlığı dengeleyerek emniyetle çalışmayı sağlayan teçhizattır. Lenteleme teçhizatı, parçalara ayrılarak elde ve vasıtada taşınabilecek tarzda portatif olup kolaylıkla kullanılır.
ÇALIŞMASI XXX Lenteleme Teçhizatı, ağaç direği, gerekli yerlerinden ayarlı bir gergi tertibatı ile sıkıca tutan bir kavramayı gergi halatları ile yere çakılı çapalara bağlayarak direğin devrilmeye karşı emniyetini sağlar.
Translation - English XXX GUY WIRE EQUIPMENT
XXX Guy Wire Equipment is equipment used for guy wiring wood poles. It is used for working on wood poles safely and risk free. This equipment ensures safe working conditions by providing weight balance via the tightening of the wires during a storm, in case of an impact and other situations. Guy wire equipment is portable and easy to use as it can be taken apart and moved by hand or vehicle.
XXX Guy Wire Equipment ensures the pole’s safety against falling by connecting a grip, which firmly holds the wood pole with tension gear adjusted at necessary places, to anchors hammered to the ground with the help of guy ropes.
English to Russian: Copolymerization of one or more prefabricated reactive amphiphiles General field: Tech/Engineering
Source text - English Sublclass (B): Copolymerization of one or more prefabricated reactive amphiphiles containing ethylenically unsaturated functionalities from above with another reactive amphiphilie from subclass (A) above and/or with one or more ethylenically unsaturated hydrophilic comonomers of the formula (hereinafter “EUACs”):
where R5 = R6 = H, R7 = H or CH3, and R8 comprises HPhil group, or
where R5, R6 are independently H or CH3, R7 comprises HPhil group, and R8 comprises HPhil group
where R5, R7 are independently H or CH3, R6 comprises HPhil group, and R8 comprises HPhil group
where R6, R7 are independently H or CH3, R5 comprises HPhil group, and R8 comprises HPhil group
to yield a polymerized surfactant with an amphiphilic repeat unit shown in brackets immediately below, and having a number of amphiphilic repeat units, n and a number of non-amphiphilic repeat units, m.
Translation - Russian Подкласс (B): Сополимеризация одного или нескольких сборных реактивных амфифилов, содержащих ранее упомянутые этиленоненасыщенные функции, с другим реактивным амфифилом из выше упомянутого подкласса (A) и/или с одним или более этиленоненасыщенным гидрофильным сомономером формулы (далее "ЭНАС"):
где R5 = R6 = Н, R7 = H или CH3 и R8 включает в себя группу HPhil, или
где R5, R6 не зависят от H, или CH3, R7 включает в себя группу HPhil, и R8 включает в себя группу HPhil,
где R5, R7 не зависят от H или CH3, R6 включает в себя группу HPhil, и R8 включает в себя группу HPhil,
где R6, R7 не зависят от H или CH3, R5 включает в себя группу HPhil, и R8 включает в себя группу HPhil,
для получения полимеризованных поверхностно-активных веществ с амфифильной повторяющейся единицей, указанной ниже в скобках, имеющих ряд амфифильных повторяющихся единиц n и несколько не амфифильных повторяющихся единиц m.
English to Turkish: Flame Arrester General field: Tech/Engineering
Source text - English FLAME ARRESTER
Installation and Operation Instructions
Flame arresters are passive explosion protection devices with no moving parts and comprise a housing and element assembly. Plant safety depends on their correct installation and maintenance.
In-line types are fitted to stop a flame travelling down pipelines, protecting plant and equipment from possible detonations, thereby preventing extensive damage and injury to personnel.
In-line flame arresters are provided with flanged or screwed connections for fitting in pipelines. The arrows on the housing and element indicate the direction of normal flow of the gas/vapour and care must be taken to ensure that these arrows and direction of flow correspond. Flame arresters are normally designed to work in one direction (directional) but units are available to work in both directions for specialised applications (bi- directional).
Translation - Turkish ALEV KESİCİ
Kurulum ve Çalıştırma Talimatları
Alev kesiciler; hareketli parça içermeyen, gövde ve eleman tertibatından oluşan pasif patlama önleme cihazlarıdır. Tesisin emniyeti cihazların doğru bir şekilde kurulmasına ve bakımına bağlıdır.
Sıralı türler; tesis ve ekipmanın patlama ihtimalini önleyerek, aşırı derecede hasar ve personel yaralanmasını engellemek için alevin boru hattı içinde ilerlemesini durdurmak amacıyla yapılmıştır.
Sıralı alev kesiciler boru hatlarına konulacak flanşlı veya vidalı bağlantılarla donatılmıştır. Gövde ve eleman üzerindeki oklar gazın/buharın normal akış yönünü gösterir ve bu oklar ile akış yönünün uyumlu olduğuna özen gösterilmelidir. Normalde alev kesiciler bir yönde çalışacak şekilde tasarlanır (tek yönlü), ama özel uygulamalarda çift yönde çalışabilecek üniteler de mevcuttur (çift yönlü).
Russian to Turkish: Computer Game General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Gaming/Video-games/E-sports
Source text - Russian 1. Вы уже находитесь в группе!
2. Не удалось создать группу!
3. Не удалось расформировать группу!
4. Вы не входите в состав группы!
5. Только лидер может расформировать группу!
6. Ваша группа не может быть расформирована, пока хоть один из ее участников находится в бою!
7. Вы не можете приглашать игроков в группу!
8. Персонаж не найден!
9. Вы не можете пригласить в группу персонажа чужой расы!
10. Вы не можете пригласить сами себя!
11. Количество жизни
12. Опыт за убийство на своем уровне
Translation - Turkish 1. Zaten gruptasınız!
2. Grup kurma başarısız!
3. Grup dağıtma başarısız!
4. Gruba dahil değilsiniz!
5. Grubu sadece lider dağıtabilir!
6. Grup üyelerinden biri savaşıyorken grubunuz dağıtılamaz!
7. Gruba oyuncu davet edemezsiniz!
8. Karakter bulunamadı!
9. Gruba yabancı ırka ait karakter davet edemezsiniz!
10. Kendi kendinizi davet edemezsiniz!
11. Can sayısı
12. Seviyenizdeki öldürme deneyimi
Russian to English (Turkish World Research Fund, verified) Russian to English (University of Houston) Turkish to English (Selcuk University) Turkish to English (Turkish World Research Fund, verified) English to Russian (Turkish World Research Fund, verified)
Turkish to Russian (Turkish World Research Fund, verified) English to Turkish (Turkish World Research Fund, verified) Russian to Turkish (Turkish World Research Fund, verified)
Adobe Acrobat, DejaVu, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Transit XV, Tstream, Powerpoint, SDLX, Trados Online Editor, Trados Studio, Wordfast
I am an American of Russian descent, so I am the native speaker of both English and Russian languages. I have a bachelor degree in Business Administration with Accounting and Finance minors from the University of Houston. Additionally, I have a university degree from Selçuk University in Turkey. Not only am I closely familiar with all three languages and cultures, I speak English, Russian and Turkish without an accent. I currently reside in Aydın/Turkey, but often travel to the USA, Europe and Russia on business.
I am focusing on both translation and interpreting projects.
Please note that I specialize in the following language groups:
English to Turkish
English to Russian
Russian to English
Turkish to English
Turkish to Russian
Russian to Turkish
Areas of Expertise
Medical and Life-Science Translations:
vClinical study documentation, medical records, patient and investigator’s brochures,
information sheets, medical surveys, clinical study protocols, adverse events,
general medical information, instructions for use, manuals for various medical
products and implants, scientific articles in the fields of internal medicine,
pediatrics, cancer, psychiatry, infectious diseases, maternal care, general
health care, etc.
Legal Translations (primarily relating to medical institutions/pharmaceutical companies):
vStandard operating procedures, medical institution charters, clinical study agreements,
confidentiality agreements, certificates, legal statements/notices, insurance
policies, legal correspondence, etc.
Technical Translations
vTechnical manuals, operating instructions, catalogues, user guides, maintenance guides,
safety instructions, warranty documents, workplace safety booklets and
technical training manuals, including numerous training manuals on Siemens Combined Cycle Power Plants
(Basic Operation Training, I&C, Gas Turbine, Operator MMI Training) and
Siemens Wind Turbines
vProduct/project presentations and marketing brochures
vTranslation of chemical processes and materials/alloys in metallurgy and energy generation facilities
vRecipient of aircraft training for Eurocopter MBB-BK 117 C2 (EC-145) as well as EC-135 Helicopters including pilot training, maintenance, mechanics, electrical systems, avionics, and interfaces
to Turbomeca Arriel 1 Engines from Eurocopter Helicopter Training Academy,
Eurocopter Deutschland GmbH/GERMANY
Business/Financial/Accounting Translations
vCompany documentation including distribution and revision, quality policies, organizational charts, management responsibilities, quality systems, etc.
vAccounting and financial records, including financial statements, financial analyses, financial reports, P&L variance, inter company accounts, aging, tax and fiscal reports, customs, protocols,
banking reports, insurance reports, investment reports, marketing research,
stock market reports, etc.
v Remarkable interpreting skills
v Superb command of idiomatic, linguistically complex and highly technical conversations in Russian, Turkish and English languages
v Certified interpreter for advanced aircraft training courses on Eurocopter helicopters at Eurocopter Helicopter Training Academy, Donauworth/GERMANY
v Certified interpreter for training courses on combined cycle power plants at Siemens Energy Training Academy, Erlangen/GERMANY
v Previous interpreting experience include:
• Numerous training courses at Eurocopter Helicopter Training Academy, Eurocopter Deutschland GmbH (4 weeks each), including:
• Training at Siemens Energy Training Academy (Operator MMI Training, Boiler Training), Erlangen/GERMANY (24/04/2017-28/04/2017)
• Training at Hamitabat Combined Cycle Power Plant – CMI Scope of Supply (Boiler), Hamitabat/TURKEY (17/01/2017-19/01/2017)
• Training at Siemens Energy Training Academy (Operator MMI Training), Erlangen/GERMANY (10/10/2016-21/10/2016)
• Training at Hamitabat Combined Cycle Power Plant – Siemens Scope of Supply (Gas Turbine, Steam Turbine, Water Steam Cycle, Electrical System and I&C), Hamitabat/TURKEY (22/08/2016-29/09/2016)
• Training at Siemens Training Academy (SFC/SEE), Nürnberg/GERMANY (07/07/2014-11/07/2014)
• Training at Kirishi Combined Cycle Power Plant – Siemens Scope of Supply (Electrical Maintenance), Kirishi/RUSSIA (30/06/2014-04/07/2014)
• Training at Turbomeca France Affiliated Training Center (Mechanic’s Training on Engines), Bidart/FRANCE (16/06/2014-20/06/2014)
• Training at Siemens Energy Training Academy (Operator MMI Training), Erlangen/GERMANY (19/05/2014-06/06/2014)
• Training at Samsun Combined Cycle Power Plant – Siemens Scope of Supply (Gas Turbine, Steam Turbine, Water Steam Cycle, Electrical System and I&C), Samsun/TURKEY (14/04/2014-09/05/2014)
• Training at Siemens Energy Training Academy (Operator MMI Training), Erlangen/GERMANY (23/09/2013-11/10/2013)
• Training at Serovskaya Combined Cycle Power Plant – Siemens Scope of Supply (Steam Turbine, Electrical System and I&C), Serov/RUSSIA (06/05/2013-17/05/2013)
• Conference on Brucellosis, Menemen/TURKEY (09/04/2013-11/04/2013)
• Conference on Aquaculture, Menemen/TURKEY (02/10/2012-05/10/2012)
• Training on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, Antalya/TURKEY (25/09/2012-28/09/2012)
• Negotiations between Siemens AG and Gazprom, Moscow/RUSSIA (26/06/2012-22/05/2012)
• Negotiations between Siemens AG and Gazprom, Kirishi/RUSSIA (10/05/2012-12/05/2012)
• Training at Siemens Energy Training Academy (Operator MMI Training), Erlangen/GERMANY (05/12/2011-16/12/2011)
• Training at Nyaganskaya Combined Cycle Power Plant – Siemens Scope of Supply (Electrical System and I&C), Nyagan/RUSSIA (31/10/2011-09/11/2011)
• Training at Siemens Energy Training
Academy (Operator MMI Training), Erlangen/GERMANY (25/07/2011-29/07/2011)
• Training at Ambarli Combined Cycle Power Plant - Siemens Scope of Supply (Basic Operation Training), Istanbul/TURKEY (04/07/2011-08/07/2011)
• Training at Ambarli Combined Cycle Power Plant - Siemens Scope of Supply (Electrical System and I&C), Istanbul/TURKEY (11/07/2011-15/07/2011)
• Training at Ambarli Combined Cycle Power Plant - Siemens Scope of Supply (Gas Turbine), Istanbul/TURKEY (18/07/2011-22/07/2011)
• Oracle OpenWorld, the world's largest information technology event, San Francisco/USA (11/10/2009-15/10/2009)
• VM World, conference for virtualization and cloud computing, San Francisco/USA (31/08/2009-03/09/2009)
• NADA Convention & Expo, San Francisco/USA (09/02/2009-12/02/2009)
• Macworld Conference & Expo, San Francisco/USA (05/01/2009-09/01/2009)
• RSA Conference, internet security conference, San Francisco/USA (20/04/2009-24/04/2009)
• Game Developers Conference, San Francisco/USA (23/03/2009-27/03/2009)
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