Glossary entry (derived from question below)
Spanish term or phrase:
English translation:
AKIN-1 AKI (AKIN stage 1 acute kidney injury)
Added to glossary by
Charles Davis
Oct 1, 2024 19:26
5 mos ago
25 viewers *
Spanish term
Spanish to English
Medical (general)
Medical report - COVID
I am proofreading a translation by another translator and having difficulty with this abbreviation. It appears in the diagnoses section as follows:
Insuficiencia respiratoria con SDRA grave y requerimientos de IOT resuelta
Neumonia bilateral por COVID resuelta
Neumonia organizada resuelta
Delirium hiperactivo resuelta
HTA de dificil control, en control actual
Miopatia del paciente critico en resolucion
It has been translated as -Acute confusional syndrome left-sided AKIN I , but I think the FRA stands for acute renal failure or acute kidney injury. (Fracaso renal agudo) Confusional syndrome is mentioned in another part of the report (SD confusional agudo).
I think the AKIN refers to 'Acute Kidney Injury Network' and I think the I is for '1' (stage 1)
Any help appreciated!
I am proofreading a translation by another translator and having difficulty with this abbreviation. It appears in the diagnoses section as follows:
Insuficiencia respiratoria con SDRA grave y requerimientos de IOT resuelta
Neumonia bilateral por COVID resuelta
Neumonia organizada resuelta
Delirium hiperactivo resuelta
HTA de dificil control, en control actual
Miopatia del paciente critico en resolucion
It has been translated as -Acute confusional syndrome left-sided AKIN I , but I think the FRA stands for acute renal failure or acute kidney injury. (Fracaso renal agudo) Confusional syndrome is mentioned in another part of the report (SD confusional agudo).
I think the AKIN refers to 'Acute Kidney Injury Network' and I think the I is for '1' (stage 1)
Any help appreciated!
Proposed translations
4 +2 | AKIN 1 AKI (AKIN stage 1 acute kidney injury) |
Charles Davis
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4 | FRA I |
Naiana Pereira Di Nardo
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Helena Chavarria
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Change log
Oct 15, 2024 06:46: Charles Davis Created KOG entry
Proposed translations
15 hrs
AKIN 1 AKI (AKIN stage 1 acute kidney injury)
I hope no one will object to me posting an answer; this question seems to have been left somewhat in the air.
In short: it's what you said. The way I've suggested phrasing it, in the abbreviated form, is the same as the way Dr. Jason Faulkner did it in the discussion of this previous question on "FRA AKIN 1 sobre ERC de base funcional en el seno de sepsis":
Jason, who unfortunately doesn't seem to visit the site much these days, is a doctor as well as a translator and I have always found him very reliable. (I contributed to this discussion, in 2017, but I have no memory of it.)
I've added an expanded version in parentheses in case you prefer to use that. I won't bother adding references to the AKIN scale and how its stages are defined. This information is very easy to find.
There has tended to be a confusingly inconsistent use of terms for acute kidney insufficiency/failure. Sakshi is right to point out that FRA (fracaso/fallo renal agudo) is commonly identified with AKIN stage 3, but people also use it as a synonym of insuficiencia renal aguda, which is supposedly AKIN stage 1. Helena has posted a reference illustrating this (FRA of varying severity from AKIN 1 to AKIN 3, and there are other similar references out there. The previous KudoZ question cited above is an example.
In any case, that doesn't affect the translation, because nowadays, in English, all these terms have been superseded by "acute kidney injury" (AKI), with an indication of the severity through AKIN or RIFLE or some other scale.
There is a similar trend in Spanish towards standardising to lesión renal aguda.
How the translator got "Acute confusional syndrome left-sided AKIN I" out of this I can't imagine.
Note added at 15 hrs (2024-10-02 11:15:59 GMT)
By the way, although the source uses "I" (roman) for the stage, I would change it to "1" (arabic).
In short: it's what you said. The way I've suggested phrasing it, in the abbreviated form, is the same as the way Dr. Jason Faulkner did it in the discussion of this previous question on "FRA AKIN 1 sobre ERC de base funcional en el seno de sepsis":
Jason, who unfortunately doesn't seem to visit the site much these days, is a doctor as well as a translator and I have always found him very reliable. (I contributed to this discussion, in 2017, but I have no memory of it.)
I've added an expanded version in parentheses in case you prefer to use that. I won't bother adding references to the AKIN scale and how its stages are defined. This information is very easy to find.
There has tended to be a confusingly inconsistent use of terms for acute kidney insufficiency/failure. Sakshi is right to point out that FRA (fracaso/fallo renal agudo) is commonly identified with AKIN stage 3, but people also use it as a synonym of insuficiencia renal aguda, which is supposedly AKIN stage 1. Helena has posted a reference illustrating this (FRA of varying severity from AKIN 1 to AKIN 3, and there are other similar references out there. The previous KudoZ question cited above is an example.
In any case, that doesn't affect the translation, because nowadays, in English, all these terms have been superseded by "acute kidney injury" (AKI), with an indication of the severity through AKIN or RIFLE or some other scale.
There is a similar trend in Spanish towards standardising to lesión renal aguda.
How the translator got "Acute confusional syndrome left-sided AKIN I" out of this I can't imagine.
Note added at 15 hrs (2024-10-02 11:15:59 GMT)
By the way, although the source uses "I" (roman) for the stage, I would change it to "1" (arabic).
Note from asker:
Thanks for your detailed response, Charles. :) |
Peer comment(s):
agree |
Helena Chavarria
: I've only ever seen 'CKD (Chronic Kidney Disease) Stage 1, 2, 3a, etc.'.
5 hrs
Thanks, Helena! I think this is different.
agree |
Chema Nieto Castañón
: I'd add a hyphen so it does not look like a tongue twister ;) AKIN-1 AKI
1 day 2 hrs
Good idea! Thanks, Chema ;)
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
Comment: "Selected automatically based on peer agreement."
1 hr
I believe it was an honest mistake, since AKIN is the acronym to Acute Kidney Injury Network, and in Spanish it translates to Fallo Renal Agudo (FRA) with graduation from 1 to 3.
Peer comment(s):
neutral |
Chema Nieto Castañón
: Hola, Naiana. AKIN es el sistema de clasificación utilizado para valorar el grado de afectación de la lesión renal aguda (expresado aquí no como LRA sino como FRA; fallo renal agudo. AKI en inglés). Así, se trataría de un AKI grado 1 según la AKIN.
1 day 18 hrs
Reference comments
1 hr
Insuficiencia renal aguda
Enfermedad Renal Aguda
Injuria Renal Aguda
Lesión Renal Aguda
Fracaso Renal Agudo
Acute kidney injury
El fracaso renal agudo (FRA) es un síndrome clínico, secundario a múltiples etiologías, que se caracteriza por un deterioro brusco de la función renal, cuya expresión común es un aumento de la concentración de los productos nitrogenados en sangre, con/sin disminución del volumen urinario.
Note added at 2 hrs (2024-10-01 21:28:20 GMT)
Por estas limitaciones, se propuso por el grupo Acute Kidney Injury Network (AKIN) en el ano˜ 2007 una revisión de los criterios diagnósticos y de la clasificación de severidad basada en una modificación de los criterios RIFLE para la insuficiencia renal aguda, además de modificar su denominación a disfunción renal aguda (tabla 2).
Note added at 2 hrs (2024-10-01 21:31:15 GMT)
Maybe there's a colon missing.
Severidad FRA: AKIN I 58%, AKIN II 36%, AKIN III 6%;
Enfermedad Renal Aguda
Injuria Renal Aguda
Lesión Renal Aguda
Fracaso Renal Agudo
Acute kidney injury
El fracaso renal agudo (FRA) es un síndrome clínico, secundario a múltiples etiologías, que se caracteriza por un deterioro brusco de la función renal, cuya expresión común es un aumento de la concentración de los productos nitrogenados en sangre, con/sin disminución del volumen urinario.
Note added at 2 hrs (2024-10-01 21:28:20 GMT)
Por estas limitaciones, se propuso por el grupo Acute Kidney Injury Network (AKIN) en el ano˜ 2007 una revisión de los criterios diagnósticos y de la clasificación de severidad basada en una modificación de los criterios RIFLE para la insuficiencia renal aguda, además de modificar su denominación a disfunción renal aguda (tabla 2).
Note added at 2 hrs (2024-10-01 21:31:15 GMT)
Maybe there's a colon missing.
Severidad FRA: AKIN I 58%, AKIN II 36%, AKIN III 6%;
Peer comments on this reference comment:
agree |
Charles Davis
: That held me back for a while too :-)
13 hrs
Thank you, Charles. I didn't post an answer as I didn't want to annoy anyone.
agree |
Chema Nieto Castañón
: Actualmente se suele referir como LRA (lesión renal aguda) y se reserva la denominación FRA (fracaso renal agudo) para el estadío 3 de LRA (tanto en la clasificación AKIN como en la KDIGO. por ejemplo).
1 day 16 hrs
Gracias, Chema. Como he dicho a Charles, solo he oído hablar de CKD y sus etapas.
agree |
Sakshi Garg
1 day 17 hrs
Thank you, Sakshi :-)
Either it should be Stage 3 or FRA stands for something else in that case.
There might be some other case i.e. "Insuficiencia Renal Aguda" (IRA) or "Lesión Renal Aguda" (LRA) are suggested for stages 1-3 of AKI, based on the international KDIGO classification... as it says "the term "insuficiencia renal aguda" (IRA [acute renal insufficiency], in its different stages 1-2-3, based on the international KDIGO classification)"