Translation glossary: Business

Showing entries 1-19 of 19
bureau de passagebusiness center 
French to English
cercle de réflexionfocus group 
French to English
commission d'anticipationadvance on commission 
French to English
d'un niveau fort peu élevéincompetent/unqualified 
French to English
dégradation de la signaturegoodwill impairment 
French to English
département de revenu (du projet)project's income department 
French to English
délai charge et coûtstimescale (,) effort and costs 
French to English
exception de compensationset-off 
French to English
gradé vs. employéexecutives vs. staff 
French to English
French to English
journal de sitein-house newsletter 
French to English
MSA Mémorandum sur les AccordsMOU Memorandum of Understanding 
French to English
opérations commerciales croiséesinter-company transactions (or) cross-business operations 
French to English
PC sécuritésecurity control room/operations center 
French to English
plateauemployees on the floor 
French to English
réseau transversalcross-functional network 
French to English
reprise des stocksrecovery of stock (inventory) 
French to English
société intégranteparent company 
French to English
volant d'intérimairesreserve of temporary employees 
French to English
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