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Italian to English - Rates: 0.08 - 0.12 USD per word / 30 - 40 USD per hour Spanish to English - Rates: 0.08 - 0.12 USD per word / 30 - 40 USD per hour
Italian to English: Cosmetic Translation General field: Marketing Detailed field: Cosmetics, Beauty
Source text - Italian 362 Crema Preziosa Contorno Occhi SPF 15 airless 15 ml
Descrizione cosmetica:
La ricca composizione rende questa crema preziosa ed indispensabile per un uso quotidiano. Grazie al Pentapeptide-3, una particolare proteina che stimola il rilassamento dei muscoli del viso, la pelle si distende diventando esteticamente più omogenea e lineare. Il collageno vegetale mantiene costante l’equilibrio idrico, mentre l’elastina idrolizzata assicura elasticità e flessibilità al tessuto cutaneo.
La combinazione di questi principi attivi incorporati in eccipienti istosimili (simili al tessuto cutaneo) porta ad un perfetto sinergismo nell’attenuazione graduale di rughe e rughette della zona del contorno oculare, mentre I filtri solari anti-UVA ed anti-UVB proteggono dall’effetto ossidante dei raggi solari.
USO: Dopo la pulizia, applicare mattina e sera con leggero sfioramento della zona perioculare.
Componeneti funzionali: Collageno Vegetale, Elastina Idrolizzata, Pentapeptide-3, Filtri Solari UVA e UVB.
Translation - English 362 Firming Eye Contour Cream SPF 15
15 ml airless dispenser
Product Description:
A rich composition including Pentapeptide-3, plant collagen and hydrolyzed elastin makes this revitalizing cream essential for daily use. Pentapeptide-3 is a unique protein that stimulates the matrix layers of the skin (collegen, elastin and glucosamnoglycans) leaving the skin’s texture softer, firmer and more toned. The plant collagen maintains the natural moisture balance while the hydrolyzed elastin maintains the elasticity and flexibility of the cutaneous tissue.
The combination of these principle active ingredients, which are incorporated with excipients (inactive ingredients) that are very similar to the natural makeup of the cutaneous tissue and therefore easily absorbed by the skin, promotes perfect synergy in the gradual reduction of lines and wrinkles in the area around the eyes while the anti-UVA and anti-UVB components protect it from the oxidizing effects of the sun’s rays.
USE: Apply morning and night to clean skin lightly massaging the periocular area with the fingertip.
Active Ingredients: Plant Collagen, Hydrolized Elastin, Pentapeptide-3, UVA and UVB Sunscreens.
Italian to English: Wedding Services Website General field: Marketing Detailed field: Tourism & Travel
Source text - Italian Villa Frediani
Mobili e quadri dei nostri antenati, argenteria e coppe antiche,
damaschi, broccati, arpa in oro da concerto, piscina pompeiana lunga 20
metri bordata in pietra serena circondata da 1000 piante di rose
antiche e moderne, i grilli che cantano, l' upupa che saltella nel
parco, leprotti, scoiattoli ,daini e fagiani che passeggiano seguiti
dai pulcini e tutta la flora dei boschi incontaminati e della campagna
del Chianti Classico Gallo Nero come se fossimo ancora nel Rinascimento.
A primavera la splendida vallata inondata dal sole si riempie di anemoni,tulipani e profumatissimi mughetti.
L' incanto di alberi secolari ,cascate di glicine , fichi verdi e
neri che si possono cogliere anche dall'acqua, perchè alcuni rami
toccano i bordi della piscina, come nel paradiso terrestre ... viti
vecchissime tenute all' antica, ulivi secolari amati e rispettati, non
abbattuti o trapiantati per far posto a vigneti specializzati,
cipressi, ginko-bilobe, gynerium, querce, corbezzoli .... olio e vino,
albicocche, ciliege, mele, pere, susine, pesche, insalata rustica di
campo, romanticismo, profumo di poesia, musica, e amore, grande amore
che abbiamo per la nostra terra.
Translation - English Villa Frediani
Forget the present for just a moment and experience the unspoilt countryside of Chianti Classico Gallo Nero just as it was in the days of the Renaissance. Here you will find furniture and artwork of the Florentine ancestors, antique silverware and cups, damask , brocade, a golden concert harp and a beautiful, 20 meter long pool bordered in Firenzuola stone and surrounded by 1000 rose bushes. Come hear crickets sing, watch hoopoes jump in the park, see hares, squirrels, deer and pheasants stroll by followed by their young while taking in the magnificent scenery and fresh air of the forest and the countryside. In the spring you can take in a breathtaking view of the valley filled with sun-drenched anemones , tulips and fragrant lilies.
Come be enchanted by the graceful, century-old trees and wisteria cascades. Enjoy green and black figs right off the vine - there are even branches that skirt the edges of the pool so that you can pick them right from the water as if you were in paradise. Our ancient grapevines are tended to in the keeping of old traditions. Century-old olive trees are loved and respected, not felled or transplanted to make room for specialized vineyards. Here you can find cypress trees, ginko-biloba trees, gynerium plants, oaks and strawberry trees. You can taste rich oils and wines and savor mouth-watering apricots, cherries, apples, pears, plums, peaches and rustic salads. Come experience the romance, poetry, music, and love - the great love that we have for our land.
Italian to English: Agency Manufacturer Website General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Mechanics / Mech Engineering
Source text - Italian L'agencia.
Scambiatori di calore per ogni tipo di fluido, sistemi di abbattimento e recupero dei SOV/COV, Sistemi automatici di riempimento dewar criogenici (He, N2, O2), apparecchi e carpenterie. Le applicazioni spaziano dal campo dell'industria alimentare, chimico, farmaceutico, environmental, metallurgico , alla depurazione delle acque e all'oleodinamica .Tutti gli impianti sono attentamente progettati in modo da ridurre i consumi e migliorare il rendimento globale a vantaggio dell'utilizzatore finale. Cuore dell'azienda è l'UFFICIO TECNICO punto iniziale di qualsiasi tipo di fornitura. Qui prende vita la realizzazione dei prodotti, a partire dai disegni dei Clienti ed è qui che vengono svolte le prime analisi fondamentali inerenti la realizzazione e l'industrializzazione di qualsiasi manufatto. Qualsiasi esigenza e necessità del Cliente viene studiata e risolta.
Translation - English The Agency
We have heat exchangers for every type of medium, disposal and recovery systems for SOV/COV, automatic refill systems for cryogenic dewars (He, N2, O2), as well as appliances and carpentry.
Our services range from the food, chemical, farmaceutical, environmental and metallurgy industries to water purification and the physics of oil pressure. All of our systems are carefully designed to reduce consumption costs and increase global performance to the advantage of the consumer.
At the heart of the agency is the Technical Office; the starting point for all supplies. Here product achievement comes to life, starting with the designs of the clients, and it is here that the first analyses are carried out. These analyses are fundamental in the achievement, and industrialization of each and every manufacture. Every angle is carefully studied so that clients can be assured that any problems or questions will be addressed and that their every need and demand will be met.
Italian to English: Screenplay General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Cinema, Film, TV, Drama
Source text - Italian "Patrizia e il giovane Marzio stanno camminano mano nella mano, come madre e figlio, attraverso i vasti e ombrosi ambienti dell’albergo, quasi come passeggiando, svagati, intessendo tra i boati delle esplosioni e i minuti che fuggono, una trama di frasi leggere e appena sussurrate a fior di labbra. Ed ecco le bambine apparire e andare a loro incontro -evidentemente le prime ad aver abbandonato annoiate la tavola -col loro passo frullante come di naiadi e driadi. "
Translation - English "Patrizia and young Marzio are walking hand in hand, like mother and son, across the vast and shadowy ambience of the hotel. They pass absent-mindedly as if suspended between the boom of the explosions and the minutes that follow, like a whispering of soft words barely escaping the lips.
Now the children begin to appear, coming towards them. They are evidently the first to have gotten bored and abandoned the table. They pass quietly, like nymphs and driads."
Italian to English: Short Story General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Poetry & Literature
Source text - Italian "Il cielo infatti si tinge talvolta di misteriosi colori carichi di prodigio e di portento, di cui l’aria densa si imbeve, e di strani miraggi. Spesso il ghiaccio geme la notte, quasi come una bestia ferita, e il paesaggio attorno si scopre tutto diverso al mattino. A volte la nave sussulta, d’improvviso si sposta, schegge di legno esplodono via dal fasciame se la stretta del ghiaccio per un attimo aumenta. E’ dunque con grande timore che gli uomini si allontanano dalla nave sul ghiaccio, nel tentativo di cacciare o pescare qualcosa."
Translation - English "At times the sky is filled with inexplicable, mysterious color; tinted with wonder and fascination. The dense air seizes and immerses one and the horizon is filled with strange mirages. Often the ice invades the night, moaning like a wounded beast; by morning the surrounding landscape is discovered changed and foreign. Occasionally the ship starts, moved suddenly aside, splinters of wood as if from a bundle of firewood explode under the icy grip of the sea and for a second the ship is raised precariously. Yet nevertheless, and not without great fear, the men disembark unto the wretched ice, their minds focused on the hunt."
Spanish to English: Letter to the Minister of the Interior General field: Social Sciences Detailed field: Journalism
Source text - Spanish De toda consideración.
Le agradezco mucho su carta del pasado 4 de mayo en la que se refiere a las amenazas contra mi vida que han aparecido escritas en muros de la ciudad y propone activar en mi favor los mecanismos previstos en el Programa de Protección de Derechos Humanos que lidera su despacho.
A la vez que le agradezco su oferta, la rechazo respetuosamente, por las mismas razones que lo hice en 1996, en 1998 y en 2006, tal como se lo expresé por escrito a los diversos organismos de seguridad del Estado que me insistieron en aceptar dichos esquemas, razones que le vuelvo a transcribir en gracia de la transparencia:
Translation - English Dear Mr. Secretary,
I would like to convey my greatest appreciation for your letter, dated 4 May 2010, in which the threats to my life that have appeared written on city walls were addressed and that proposed the activation, in my favor, of foreseen mechanisms of the Program for the Protection of Human Rights that is led by your office.
While I greatly appreciate your offer, I must decline it respectfully for the same reasons I did in 1996, 1998 and 2000. Below, as were expressed in writing to various state security agencies that have continued to insist that I accept such measures of protection, are the reasons for my refusal, newly transcribed for the sake of transparency:
Spanish to English: Human Rights Article General field: Social Sciences Detailed field: Government / Politics
Source text - Spanish "Sobra recordar que el EXTERMINIO de poblaciones es un crimen de carácter internacional, así sea asumido de manera tan explícita por gobiernos que dicen respetar el derecho internacional. La Comunidad Internacional debería abrir más los ojos ante las prácticas del gobierno colombiano y no tolerar por más tiempo sus atrocidades".
La Comunidad de Paz de San José de Apartadó deja nuevamente constancia de las agresiones a que es sometida por parte de agentes del Estado. No obstante que durante estos mismos días el Gobierno envió a San José de Costa Rica una numerosa delegación de diversas instituciones del Estado para declarar ante la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos que respeta celosamente los derechos humanos de los integrantes de la Comunidad de Paz, con increíble descaro e hipocresía se dedicaba a acumular más y más crímenes contra nosotros.
Translation - English "There is no need to mention the fact that population EXTERMINATION is an international crime, despite the fact that it has been perpetrated in a very explicit manner by governments who claim to respect international law. The global community needs to open its eyes a little wider towards the practices of the Columbian government and not tolerate its atrocities for one minute longer.”
The Peace Community of San José de Apartadó is putting on record once again the aggressions that it has been subjected to by agents of the State. Despite the fact that the government sent a large delegation of diverse institutions to San José in Costa Rica to testify before the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, an institution that ardently respects the human rights of members of the Peace Community, it had the incredible audacity and hypocrisy to engage in committing even more atrocious acts against us during those very same days:
Years of experience: 17. Registered at Feb 2010. Became a member: Jun 2010.
Adobe Acrobat, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, Trados Studio, Wordfast
I was born in Texas but grew up in Mexico, Japan, The Philippines and the USA and lived the longest part of my life in New York City where I studied acting, film, theatre, English (for writing), business and economics. I lived in Italy from 2008-2011, where I worked as an English teacher and a freelance translator; I also occasionally wrote for the local English newspapers in Florence. Upon returning to New York City, I continued to work as a freelance translator. From 2012-2013, I also worked as a project manager for a technology firm and a journalist for Mobile Marketing Magazine. A career change choice led me to Columbia University, where I decided to pursue a degree in Biochemistry, and finished in 2016 with honors.
I moved to Seattle, Washington in the United States in June, 2017, and completed a Master's degree in Chemistry. I recently moved back to New York, where I am continuing my education as a PhD candidate in the department of Chemistry, specifically in the field of chemical biology. My interests/specializations are travel, literature, languages, science, medicine, pharmaceuticals, chemistry, biology, health, journalism, cultural studies, marketing, general business, insurance, tourism, cuisine and e-commerce.
Every term in a translation is important and I put lots of research and term checking into every job I do to produce the best finished product possible. All finished translations are written in a smooth and natural English that clearly expresses the original meaning without sounding awkward or forced. I am more than happy to provide a sample of my work for free to any client who requests it.
My clients are very important to me and I always seek to maintain a healthy and professional relationship with them; I am flexible to accommodate financial needs and/or deadlines as best as I can and am always available to answer any questions and/or concerns.
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