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Freelance translator and/or interpreter, Verified site user
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Italian to Croatian - Standard rate: 0.06 EUR per word / 30 EUR per hour English to Croatian - Standard rate: 0.06 EUR per word / 30 EUR per hour Italian to Serbian - Standard rate: 0.06 EUR per word / 30 EUR per hour English to Serbian - Standard rate: 0.06 EUR per word / 30 EUR per hour
Italian to Croatian: Gestione delle risorse umane General field: Marketing Detailed field: Management
Source text - Italian La gestione delle risorse umane viene spesso fraintesa o usata come sinonimo di direzione del personale (personnel management); Storey (1992) ha individuato nel suo lavoro 27 punti chiave che differenziano la gestione delle risorse umane dalla mera direzione del personale. In generale la direzione del personale è vista semplicemente come una serie di attività che hanno come scopo la definizione del contratto lavorativo (e quindi delle varie mansioni da svolgere) e il suo rispetto.
Translation - Croatian Menadžment ljudskih kapitala se često pogrešno tumači ili koristi kao sinonim za upravljanje kadrovima (kadrovski menadžment); Storey (1992) je u svom radu ustanovio 27 ključnih točaka koje pokazuju razliku između menadžmenta ljudskih kapitala i običnog upravljanja kadrovima. Općenito govoreći odjel za kadrovske poslove je jednostavno predviđen kao niz aktivnost koje imaju za cilj poštovanje uvjeta iz ugovora o radu (i potom obavljanje raznih radnih zadataka).
English to Croatian: The Stock Market General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Finance (general)
Source text - English To trade stocks, an investor usually opens an account with a broker and places an order. Today orders to buy or sell stock can be placed over the telephone, through the Internet, or in person. The broker then needs to execute the order on behalf of the investor. If the stock is traded on a traditional trading floor, the brokerage office directs one of its floor brokers to buy or sell stock for the investor. In recent years some exchanges have adopted a completely electronic trading system, where trades can be made seconds after the order is placed with a broker. Trades are then recorded on stock quotations—current prices and trading details displayed on an electronic ticker.
The price at which stocks are bought or sold is usually determined by competitive bidding, as at an auction. Business news, company earnings, and the future prospects of an enterprise can all influence the price of a stock. Investors hope to buy their stock at a low price and sell their shares for a profit after they increase in value. A portion of the company’s profits may also be divided among the shareholders as dividends. Some people buy stocks as a long-term investment; others trade stocks regularly, hoping to profit from stock prices that rise dramatically in a short time.
Translation - Croatian Kad ulagač želi kupiti ili prodati dionice, obično kod nekog brokera otvara nalog za kupovinu ili prodaju. Danas se nalozi za kupovinu ili prodaju dionica mogu izdati putem telefona, Interneta ili osobno. Zatim broker treba izvršiti nalog u ime svog klijenta. Ako se dionice kupuju ili prodaju na klasičnoj burzi, brokerska kuća šalje na nju jednog od svojih brokera kako bi ih u ime ulagača kupio ili prodao. No zadnjih su godina neke burze usvojile potpuno kompjuteriziranu trgovinu, kod koje se transakcije mogu izvršiti praktički odmah nakon što se brokeru izda nalog za kupovinu ili prodaju. Te se transakcije zatim upisuju u burzovne kotacije — elektronske izvještaje koji sadrže aktualnu tržišnu vrijednost vrijednosnih papira i detalje o aktivnostima vezanim za njih.
Kao i na aukciji, kupovnu ili prodajnu cijenu dionica obično određuju konkurentske ponude. Na cijenu dionica ujedno mogu utjecati izvještaji o poslovanju i zaradi poduzeća te izgledi za uspjeh poslovnog pothvata. Ulagači nastoje jeftino kupiti dionice i zaraditi njihovom prodajom nakon što im poraste vrijednost. Osim toga, dio zarade poduzeća može se podijeliti vlasnicima dionica u obliku dividende. Neki ljudi kupuju dionice kao dugoročnu investiciju; drugi redovito njima trguju, nadajući se da će zaraditi kad u kratkom roku drastično poraste cijena dionica.
Translation education
Graduate diploma - Facolty of Tourism and Hospitality Management
Years of experience: 7. Registered at Jul 2010.
Italian to Croatian (University of Rijeka) English to Croatian (University of Rijeka)
Adobe Acrobat, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Windows 7, Wordfast PRO, Powerpoint, SDLX, Trados Studio, Wordfast
CV available upon request
We are team of freelance translators devoted to what we do the best - TRANSLATIONS. We are specialized in translating fields of Management, Business and Tourism but we gladly accept tasks not strictly connected with our fields of expertise. Every job for us is a new challenge and opportunity for personal and professional growth. We work hard to provide the best quality of all translations and to meet our clients needs in all respects, including the budget.
If you are looking for someone to do a quality translation, proofreading and localization of your material don't hesitate to contact us!
SOURCE: Italian, English
TARGET: Croatian, Bosnian, Serbian
• Time flexibility, working weekends and overnight
• High professionalism of translations
• With our responsibility and approach to job you will be very satisfied
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