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German to English - Rates: 0.05 - 0.07 EUR per word French to English - Rates: 0.05 - 0.07 EUR per word Italian to English - Rates: 0.05 - 0.07 EUR per word Dutch to English - Rates: 0.05 - 0.07 EUR per word
German to English: Diensvertrag General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Law: Contract(s)
Source text - German Vereinbarungen und Zusagen, gleichgültig von welcher Stelle, sind erst dann verbindlich, wenn sie schriftlich von einem Geschäftsführer bestätigt werden. Änderungen und Ergänzungen dieses Vertrages bedürfen zu Ihrer Wirksamkeit der Schriftform. Diese Dienstvereinbarung wird in zwei (2) Originalen ausgefertigt. Bei Verstößen des Arbeitnehmers gegen die Konkurrenzklausel oder wenn ihn ein Verschulden an der vorzeitigen Entlassung trifft, steht dem Arbeitgeber Anspruch auf Ersatz des ihm verursachten Schadens zu. Dieser allfällige Schadensersatzanspruch wird ohne Rücksicht auf den tatsächlich entstandenen Schaden im beidseitigen ausdrücklichen Einvernehmen pauschaliert; dies in Höhe der letzten drei (3) Bruttomonatsentgelte zuzüglich anteiliger Sonderzahlungen. Die Konventionalstrafe ist sofort fällig. Der Arbeitnehmer haftet unbeschränkt für alle Personen-, Sach- und Vermögensschäden, die der Arbeitnehmer durch grobe Fahrlässigkeit oder durch Vorsatz verursacht hat und der Arbeitgeber zur Zahlung dieser Schäden an Dritte verpflichtet ist
Translation - English Agreements and commitments made, regardless by which body, are deemed binding only if confirmed in writing by a manager. Changes and amendments to this Agreement must be in writing. This Employment Agreement is drawn up in two (2) originals. The Employer is entitled to compensation claim for damages caused by the Employee in the event that the Employee violates the competition clause or if he bears the responsibility for his premature dismissal. Upon express mutual agreement, any compensation claim is estimated at flat rate regardless of the actual damage caused; and this in the amount of the last three (3) gross monthly salaries plus pro rata special payments. The contractual penalty shall be due immediately. The Employee is fully liable for any personal injury, property damage and financial loss caused by the Employee through intent or gross negligence and as a result of which the Employer is obligated to compensate third parties for damages
German to English: Allgemeine Auftrangsbedingungen General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Law: Contract(s)
Source text - German Verträge, durch die sich der Berufsberechtigte zu Werkleistungen und der Verbraucher zu wiederholten Geldzahlungen verpflichten und die für eine unbestimmte oder eine ein Jahr übersteigende Zeit geschlossen worden sind, kann der Verbraucher unter Einhaltung einer zweimonatigen Frist zum Ablauf des ersten Jahres, nachher zum Ablauf jeweils eines halben Jahres kündigen.
Translation - English Contracts which obligate the Certified Professional to render services and obligate the Consumer to effect repeated payments and which are concluded for an indefinite period or a period exceeding one year, can be terminated by the Consumer subject to a notice period of two months to the end of the first year, and thereafter to end of six months of the respective year.
German to English: VERTRAULICHKEITSVEREINBARUNG General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Law: Contract(s)
Source text - German 8. Sollten Bestimmungen dieser Vereinbarung, gleich aus welchen Gründen, unwirksam sein oder werden oder sollte sich eine ausfüllungsbedürftige Lücke ergeben, wird dadurch die Wirksamkeit der Vereinbarung nicht berührt. An die Stelle der unwirksamen Bestimmung oder ausfüllungsbedürftigen Lücke soll vielmehr eine Regelung treten, die im Rahmen des rechtlichen Möglichen dem am nächsten kommt, was die Parteien gewollt haben oder, hätten sie den Punkt bedacht, gewollt hätten.
Translation - English 8. Should any provisions of this Agreement, for whatever reason, be or become invalid or should there be a gap which needs to be filled, the validity of the Agreement shall not be affected thereby. In place of the invalid provision or gap that needs to be filled a regula-tion shall be added, which to the extent legally possible comes closest to what the Parties intended, or would have intended if they had considered the matter.
German to English: Qualitätsrichtlinien General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Management
Source text - German Der Lieferant muss ein Qualitätsmanagmentsystem unterhalten, das Qualitätsvorausplanung, fertigungsbegleitende Qualitätssicherung, Qualitätsanalyse und Dokumentation umfasst. Ebenso müssen Verfahren angewendet werden, um die Umweltauflagen einzuhalten.
Diese Richtlinie dient der Darstellung der Mindestanforderungen seitens X bezüglich der Qualitätssicherung des Lieferanten und gilt zusätzlich zu den Einkaufsbedingungen.
Lieferanten, die diese Richtlinie nicht erfüllen können, müssen im Hinblick auf eine langfristige Auftragserteilung durch die X ihr Qualitätsmanagmentsystem verbessern.
Grundlage dieser Richtlinie sind Gesetze, Normen und Richtlinien in jeweils gültiger Form.
Translation - English The Supplier must maintain a quality management system which consists of advance quality planning, quality assurance throughout the production as well as quality analysis and documentation. Also, procedures must be put in place in order to comply with environmental regulations.
This guideline serves to present X’s minimum requirements regarding the quality assurance of the Suppliers and applies additionally to the terms and conditions of purchase.
Suppliers who are unable to comply with this guideline, must improve their quality management system with regards to long-term ordering by X.
This guideline is based on laws, standards and directives in their currently valid form.
German to English: Funds-Beschluss... General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Finance (general)
Source text - German Im Zuge dieser Neuausrichtung wurde auch die Anlagestrategie und weitere Parameter des X überarbeitet. Der zukünftig unter dem Namen Y fortgeführte X wird im Wesentlichen der "Long/Short" Strategie ohne Leverage folgen. Zudem ist neu, dass der Einbezug aller Finanzprodukte (Fixed Income, Equities, FOREX & Commodities) erfolgen wird. Dabei wird weiterhin nur in liquide, an den Börsen gelistete Produkte investiert. Die Berechnung des Nettovermögens (NAV) erfolgt monatlich. Ebenfalls wird die Management Fee im Prospekt erhöht, wobei diese ab dem 01. April 2014 auf 1.75% festgelegt wird. Wie bereits im X vorgesehen, wird auch im geänderten Y dem Fondsvermögen keine Performance Fee in Rechnung gestellt. Die Kostenquote (TER) des neuen Fonds wird somit bei rund 2% liegen
Translation - English As part of this realignment, the investment strategy and other parameters of the X have also been revised. The X, which in the future will operate under the name of Y, will pursue essentially the "long/short" strategy without leverage. In addition, all financial products (Fixed Income, Equities, FOREX & Commodities) will be incorporated. Thus, further investments will be made only in cash and in products listed on the stock exchange. The calculation of the Net Asset Value (NAV) is carried out on monthly basis. Furthermore, the management fee is increased in the prospectus, whereby it is set at 1.75% as of 01 April 2014. As already provided for in the X, the fund assets will not be charged any performance fees in the modified Y. Therefore, the Total Expense Ratio (TER) of the new fund is set at about 2%.
Italian to English: Elettronica ed elettromeccanica General field: Tech/Engineering
Source text - Italian Grazie alle alte specializzazioni raggiunte dalle aziende del Consorzio, il Consorzio -------------- è in grado di realizzare gruppi elettromeccanici per il settore dell’automazione industriale, dei macchinari (fra gli altri per i settori tessile e delle macchine utensili), della distribuzione di energia, delle apparecchiature elettroniche per vari settori industriali.
Translation - English Thanks to the high specialization of the consortium companies, ----- consortium is able to manufacture electromechanical equipment for automation industry, machinery (among others, for the textile and machine tools), power distribution, electronic equipment for various industrial sectors
Italian to English: Convenzione General field: Law/Patents
Source text - Italian 5. Oltre alle mansioni sopra menzionate, ognuna delle Parti mette a disposizione un importo iniziale di EURO ------ destinato a capitalizzare la Società. L’importo verrà versato su un conto bancario in Svizzera intestato alle tre parti. Ognuna di esse avrà facoltà di firma collettiva a due su tale conto. Sullo stesso conto verranno versati gli utili societari o i dividendi.
Translation - English In addition to the tasks mentioned above, each of the Parties shall make available an initial amount of EURO ---- - intended to capitalize the Company. The amount shall be paid into a Swiss bank account held by the three parties. Each of them shall have joint signatory power to said account with a minimum of two signatures. The corporate profits or dividends shall be paid to the same account.
Italian to English: Condizioni generali di noleggio General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Law: Contract(s)
Source text - Italian Costi da pagare alla consegna del veicolo da parte del locatario/cauzione: Il conduttore pagherà alla consegna del veicolo al locatore i seguenti costi: prezzo della locazione, eventuali supplementi per gli accessori, carburante se il serbatoio non fosse pieno alla riconsegna, il pieno valore della franchigia convenuta in caso di danni al veicolo non classificati come danni lievi art. 11 delle condizioni generali, il prezzo a nuovo di eventuali accessori mancanti. Quale cauzione per eventuali inadempienze da parte del conduttore egli accetta incondizionatamente che il locatore addebiti eventuali danni occulti, multe, spese amministrative ecc. alla carta di credito data al momento della redazione del contratto di locazione. Il conduttore garantisce che la carta di credito menzionata nel contratto sia coperta per l’intero costo del noleggio e della franchigia contrattuale. In caso di pagamento a contanti è pure richiesta una cauzione in contanti che copra le spese di noleggio, comprese le spese di eventuali accessori e della franchigia contrattuale.
Translation - English Costs for the delivery of the vehicle payable by the Lessee / Deposit: Upon delivery of the vehicle to the Lessor, the Lessee shall pay for the following costs: the Rental fee, any surcharges for the accessories, fuel fees if the tank is not full on return, the full value of the agreed deductible in the event that damage to the vehicle is not classified as minor. Under general conditions, the price of new replacement for any missing accessories. The Lessee accepts unconditionally, that the event of non-compliance the Lessor may charge the credit card provided during the drafting of the Rental Contract for any hidden damage, fines, administrative expenses, etc. The Lessee guarantees that the credit card mentioned in the Contract is covered for the full rental cost and the contractual deductible. When paying in cash, you are also required to provide a cash deposit covering the rental cost, including the cost of any accessories as well as that of the contractual deductible.
French to English: CONTRAT DE TRAVAIL À DURÉE INDÉTERMINÉE General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Law: Contract(s)
Source text - French Le présent contrat est également régi par les dispositions de la convention collective nationale des industries chimiques ainsi que par les dispositions particulières applicables au contrat.
Translation - English The present contract is also governed by the provisions of the national collective bargaining agreement for the chemical industries, as well as by the specific provisions applicable to this contract.
French to English: Contrat de fourniture General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Law: Contract(s)
Source text - French Si toute clause, stipulation ou partie du présent Contrat ou de l’une des Annexes est déclarée non valide, nulle ou inapplicable par un tribunal compétent, ceci ne portera pas atteinte au reste du Contrat qui restera en vigueur, valide et applicable, dans les limites autorisées par la loi.
Le présent Contrat et ses Annexes constituent la déclaration finale, complète et exclusive de l’accord conclu entre les Parties et remplace tout contrat ou entente antérieurs ou actuels entre les Parties.
Translation - English If any clause, provision or part of this Contract or one of its annexes is declared invalid, null or unenforceable by an authorized court, this shall not affect the rest of the Contract, which shall remain in effect, valid and enforceable within the limits authorized by law.
This Contract and its annexes constitute the final, complete and exclusive statement of the agreement between the Parties and supersedes all prior or current agreements or understandings between the Parties.
French to English: ACCORD DE CONFIDENTIALITE General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Law: Contract(s)
Source text - French Aux termes du présent Accord, le terme “Informations Confidentielles” désigne
toutes les informations qui ont été, sont actuellement, ou seront, en possession de l’une des Parties (la “Partie Emettrice”) et qui ont été divulguées à l’autre Partie (la “Partie Destinataire”) et ont trait entre autres:
aux données, au savoir-faire, formules, procédés, plans, photographies, dessins, idées, spécifications, écrits, programmes et échantillons ainsi que tout autre support portant ou incorporant une information afférente à la partie Emettrice
Translation - English Under the terms of this Agreement, the term "Confidential Information" refers to
any information that was, is, or will be in the possession of one of the Parties (the "Disclosing Party") and which have been disclosed to the other Party (the " Recipient Party") and that include among other things:
data, know-how, formulas, processes, plans, photographs, designs, ideas, specifications, writing, programs and samples as well as any other medium carrying or incorporating information related to the Disclosing Party;
Dutch to English: Instructie General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Engineering (general)
Source text - Dutch Deze instructie geeft de algemene regels die moeten worden nageleefd om tijdens de vulling van vloeibare en samengeperste gassen de veiligheid van de operatoren en van de gebruikers te borgen.
Translation - English This directive sets out the general rules that must be complied with to ensure the safety of operators and users during the filling of liquid and compressed gases.
Dutch to English: Travel & Expense Policy General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Management
Source text - Dutch In geen enkel geval mag de keuze van de luchtvaartmaatschappij bepaald worden op basis van deelname aan een frequent flyer programma of op basis van een ander persoonlijk motief.
Translation - English Under no circumstances may the choice of the airline be determined on the basis of participation in a frequent flyer program or on the basis of another personal motive.
Years of experience: 16. Registered at Sep 2011.
Adobe Acrobat, memoQ, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, Trados Studio, XTM
I am a native English speaker from USA and lived most of my life in Texas. I moved to Vienna, Austria in 2004! My career has evolved from a Philosophy professor to a Library Department Manager in a medical library, to a Business English Coach in Vienna and to my current profession as freelance translator.
Higher Education:
B.A. in Philosophy (Texas, USA)1992
M.A. in Philosophy (Texas, USA)1998
M.S. in Library Sciences (Texas, USA)1998
Areas of Translation Specialization
Legal: Contracts and Agreements
Employment, Cooperation, Service, Leasing, Sponsoring, Purchasing, Credit/Loan, Payment, Operation, Works, Maintenance, Management, etc.
Business and Finance: Financial
Annual Reports, Semi-Annual, Quarterly Reports, Terms of Supply/Delivery, Letters of Application, General Terms and Conditions of Business, Quality Assurance, Terms of Payment/Ordering, Corporate Guidelines, Code of Conduct, Training Manuals, Tenders/Bid Offers, Letters of Reference, etc.
Technical: Software Manuals, User Guides, Operational Instructions, Technical Fact-Sheets, Warranty Information, Terms of Use, Assembly and Mounting Instructions, etc.
Language combinations:
German > English
Italian > English
French > English
Dutch > English
Keywords: German, English, French, Italian, Spanish, computers, finance, banking, translation, contracts. See more.German, English, French, Italian, Spanish, computers, finance, banking, translation, contracts, tourism, real estate, economy, business, Deutsche, Franzosisch, Italianisch, Spanisch, finanz, recht, vertrag, jahresabschlus, financial statements, business reports, bericht, anglais, francais, espanol, italiano, native speaker, agreements, Articles Of Incorporation, Affidavits, Certificates, Witness Statements, Legal Opinions, Confidentiality Declaration, Decisions, Liability Statements, Copyright Protection Declaration, Counter Statements, Employee Handbooks, Business Reports, Shareholder Letters/Reports/Announcements, Employee CV, Job Descriptions, Management Summary, Business Project Description, Business Presentations, Interim Reports, Supply/Delivery Procedures And Conditions, Letters of Application, General Terms And Conditions of Business, Quality Assurance, Business Questionnaire, Terms of Payment/Ordering, Corporate Guidelines, Code of Conduct, Training Manuals, Tenders/Bid Offers, Letters of Reference, Status Reports, Corporate Profile, Software Manuals, User Guides, Operational Instructions, Technical Fact-Sheets, Warranty Information, Terms of Use, Assembly and Mounting Instructions, Press Releases, Public Relations, Website Contents, Ads, Sales Brochures, Real Estate Marketing Ads, Tourism Ads, Restaurant Menus, Promotional Items/Ads, American, Native Speaker, Texas, USA, Vienna, Austria, Freelance Translator, American English, British English, Finance, Insurance, Insurance Industry, Advertising, Operational Manuals, Operating instructions. See less.