English to Japanese: Web content General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Electronics / Elect Eng | |
Source text - English CrystalCoat™ PDR143X1 is a polysiloxanebasedthermal cure coating designed for dip and spincoating applications on etched cast resins. PDR143X1provides excellent abrasion and chemicalresistance and has a refractive index of 1.62. PDR143X1 is ideally suited for ophthalmic and other highperformance applications where optical clarity andhigh durability are required. | Translation - Japanese CrystalCoat™PDR143X1はポリシロキサンベースの熱硬化コーティングであり、エッチング及び鋳造の樹脂に浸漬やスピンコーティングのアプリケーション用に設計されるもの。
English to Japanese: Survey General field: Marketing Detailed field: Surveying | |
Source text - English The survey provider is the company or person conducting this survey, while Enalyzer is providing the online software for the survey.
For questions related to the survey content, please contact the survey provider.
For questions related to technical issues, please contact Enalyzer, the software provider.
| Translation - Japanese アンケート提供者はこのアンケートを行っている人または企業で、Enalyzerはアンケートのためにオンラインソフトウェアを提供しています。