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Macedonian to English - Rates: 0.05 - 0.07 EUR per word / 15 - 20 EUR per hour English to Macedonian - Rates: 0.05 - 0.07 EUR per word / 15 - 20 EUR per hour Spanish to English - Rates: 0.05 - 0.07 EUR per word / 15 - 20 EUR per hour German to English - Rates: 0.05 - 0.07 EUR per word / 15 - 20 EUR per hour French to English - Rates: 0.05 - 0.07 EUR per word / 15 - 20 EUR per hour
Italian to English - Rates: 0.05 - 0.07 EUR per word / 15 - 20 EUR per hour Serbian to English - Rates: 0.05 - 0.07 EUR per word / 15 - 20 EUR per hour Croatian to English - Rates: 0.05 - 0.07 EUR per word / 15 - 20 EUR per hour Bulgarian to English - Rates: 0.05 - 0.07 EUR per word / 15 - 20 EUR per hour Croatian to Macedonian - Rates: 0.05 - 0.07 EUR per word / 15 - 20 EUR per hour Bulgarian to Macedonian - Rates: 0.05 - 0.07 EUR per word / 15 - 20 EUR per hour Spanish to Macedonian - Rates: 0.05 - 0.07 EUR per word / 15 - 20 EUR per hour German to Macedonian - Rates: 0.05 - 0.07 EUR per word / 15 - 20 EUR per hour Italian to Macedonian - Rates: 0.05 - 0.07 EUR per word / 15 - 20 EUR per hour Serbian to Macedonian - Rates: 0.05 - 0.07 EUR per word / 15 - 20 EUR per hour French to Macedonian - Rates: 0.05 - 0.07 EUR per word / 15 - 20 EUR per hour English to Spanish - Rates: 0.05 - 0.07 EUR per word / 15 - 20 EUR per hour Macedonian to Serbian - Rates: 0.05 - 0.07 EUR per word / 15 - 20 EUR per hour Spanish to Serbian - Rates: 0.05 - 0.07 EUR per word / 15 - 20 EUR per hour English to Serbian - Rates: 0.05 - 0.07 EUR per word / 15 - 20 EUR per hour Croatian to Serbian - Rates: 0.05 - 0.07 EUR per word / 15 - 20 EUR per hour Bulgarian to Serbian - Rates: 0.05 - 0.07 EUR per word / 15 - 20 EUR per hour French to Serbian - Rates: 0.05 - 0.07 EUR per word / 15 - 20 EUR per hour Macedonian to Croatian - Rates: 0.05 - 0.07 EUR per word / 15 - 20 EUR per hour Spanish to Croatian - Rates: 0.05 - 0.07 EUR per word / 15 - 20 EUR per hour English to Croatian - Rates: 0.05 - 0.07 EUR per word / 15 - 20 EUR per hour Serbian to Croatian - Rates: 0.05 - 0.07 EUR per word / 15 - 20 EUR per hour Bulgarian to Croatian - Rates: 0.05 - 0.07 EUR per word / 15 - 20 EUR per hour French to Croatian - Rates: 0.05 - 0.07 EUR per word / 15 - 20 EUR per hour German to Serbian - Rates: 0.05 - 0.07 EUR per word / 15 - 20 EUR per hour Italian to Serbian - Rates: 0.05 - 0.07 EUR per word / 15 - 20 EUR per hour German to Croatian - Rates: 0.05 - 0.07 EUR per word / 15 - 20 EUR per hour Italian to Croatian - Rates: 0.05 - 0.07 EUR per word / 15 - 20 EUR per hour Macedonian - Rates: 0.05 - 0.07 EUR per word / 15 - 20 EUR per hour Spanish - Rates: 0.05 - 0.07 EUR per word / 15 - 20 EUR per hour English - Rates: 0.05 - 0.07 EUR per word / 15 - 20 EUR per hour Serbian - Rates: 0.05 - 0.07 EUR per word / 15 - 20 EUR per hour Croatian - Rates: 0.05 - 0.07 EUR per word / 15 - 20 EUR per hour Bulgarian - Rates: 0.05 - 0.07 EUR per word / 15 - 20 EUR per hour French - Rates: 0.05 - 0.07 EUR per word / 15 - 20 EUR per hour German - Rates: 0.05 - 0.07 EUR per word / 15 - 20 EUR per hour Italian - Rates: 0.05 - 0.07 EUR per word / 15 - 20 EUR per hour
Spanish to English: Plan de Respuesta a Emergencias - Emergency Response Plan General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Petroleum Eng/Sci
Source text - Spanish 8.0 DEFINICIONES
Accidente.- Evento o combinación de eventos no deseados, inesperados e instantáneos, que tienen consecuencias tales como lesiones o muerte al personal, daños a terceros en sus bienes o sus personas, daños al medio ambiente, daños a las instalaciones o alteración a la actividad normal del proceso.
Incidente.- Evento no deseado, inesperado e instantáneo que pudo traer consecuencias al personal, a terceros ya sea en sus bienes o en sus personas, al medio ambiente, a las instalaciones o alteración de la actividad normal del proceso.
Activación de la Respuesta a Emergencias.- Es la cadena de comunicaciones y acciones que se originan desde el momento que se detecta la situación de emergencia y se da aviso al área designada, quién comunica a los niveles superiores para atender y activar el Plan de Respuesta a Emergencias.
Análisis de Riesgos.- Conjunto de técnicas que consisten en la identificación, análisis y evaluación sistemática de la probabilidad de ocurrencia de daños asociados con fallas en los sistemas de control, los sistemas mecánicos, factores humanos y fallas en los sistemas de administración, con la finalidad de controlar y/o minimizar las consecuencias a los empleados, población en general, medio ambiente, producción y/o las instalaciones.
Brigadas de Emergencias.- Son los grupos de personas designadas y preparadas con propósitos específicos para atender coordinadamente las diferentes situaciones de emergencia y forman e integran la Unidad de Respuesta a Emergencias (URE), de acuerdo al escenario que se presente como manifestación de la emergencia, por ejemplo brigadas de contra incendio, brigadas médicas, etc.
Translation - English 8.0 DEFINITIONS
Accident. - Event or combination of unwanted, unexpected and instantaneous events, with consequences such as injury or death to personnel, damage to third party property or their personnel, damage to the environment, damage to facilities or disruption to the normal activity process.
Incident. – Unwanted, unexpected and instantaneous event that might lead to consequences for the staff, third parties (either their property or their personnel), the environment, the facilities or alteration of the normal activity during the process.
Activation of the Emergency Response. - It is a chain of communications and actions that originate from the moment the emergency is detected and warning is given to a particular area, after which the personnel informs the supervisors who address and activate the Emergency Response Plan.
Risk Analysis. - Set of techniques that involve identification, analysis and systematic assessment of the probability of occurrence of harm associated with failures of control systems, mechanical systems, human factors and failures in management systems, in order to control and/or minimize the consequences to the employees, the general population, the environment, the production and/or the facilities.
Emergency Teams. - These are groups of people trained and prepared for specific purposes - for coordinated management of different emergency situations that form the Emergency Response Unit (ERU), according to the scenario presented for demonstration of the emergency, for example fire brigades, medical brigades, etc.
Macedonian to English: „Големата вода“ - Живко Чинго *** "The Big Water" by Zivko Cingo General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Poetry & Literature
Source text - Macedonian Ние бевме една тажна толпа гладни и нечисти деца, бездомни. Лоши, црни малечки гадови, како што не’ викаа добрите воспитувачи. Уловени по полињата, по градините, по шумите, по плевните, по карпите, по големиот снег. Проклет да бидам, ние не се дававме. Сигурно не знаевме дека ќе не’ носат во дом, под покрив, во кревет, дека ќе ни дадат топло кафе со џем и парче леб, дека тоа го прават за наше добро, за да не’ згрижат и сите тие смрдливи работи што до ситница се предвидени со домскиот ред. Со закон, проклет да бидам. Добро тоа, но ние пак не се дававме, ви велам, цела таа пролет како ѕвериња, не’ ловеа одреди добротвори од црвениот крст, одреди воспитувачи и секакви ловци.
Translation - English We were just a sad bunch of kids, hungry, muddy and homeless. Black, small naughty vermin as the noble tutors called us. Caught in fields, gardens, woods, barns, rocks, on the big snow. I’ll be damned, we did not gave in easily. We did not know that they were taking us to an orphanage, with a roof on our heads, in beds, that they will give us warm coffee with slice of bread and jam, that it was for our own good, that they will take care of us and all those ugly rules planned into detail in the orphanage. By law, I’ll be damned. It is all right, but I tell you, we would not give in, throughout that spring we were chased like small beasts by squads of volunteers from the Red Cross, squads of tutors and all sorts of hunters.
English to Macedonian: RT2DB - Excitation and voltage regulation system for synchronous generators General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Electronics / Elect Eng
N-1 AND 1 1
The standard solution of excitation system thyristor converter is a three-phase bridge converter with 1 thyristor in series and n thyristor in parallel per bridge arm. Fast fuse is in series with each thyristor, Fig 2. The number of parallel thyristors per arm is n>3, to maintain selectivity of fuse protection. Current ratings of thyristor are so that n-1 thyristor per arm are capable to withstand all static and transient ratings and one additional thyristor per arm is for security reasons. The converter has redundant fans.
Translation - Macedonian II. КОНФИГУРАЦИИ НА ТИРИСТОР КОНВЕРТОР: n-1 и 1 1,
Стандарното решение за возбуден систем со тиристор конвертор е трифазниот мостен конвертор со 1 тиристор сериски и n-тиристори парелелно на секоја рака на мостот. Брзиот (спој) е сериски со секој тиристор, Илустрација 2. Бројот на паралелни тиристори на секоја рака е n>3, за да се одржи селективноста на заштита од спој. Стапките на електрична енергија од тиристорот се направени така што n-1 тиристор на секоја рака е способен да ги издржи сите статични и транзитни стапки, и еден додатен тиристор на секоја рака од безбедносни причини. Конверторот содржи и резервни вентилатори.
Translation education
Graduate diploma - "Ss. Cyril and Methodious" University, Department of English Language and Literature
Years of experience: 15. Registered at Jul 2012. Became a member: Mar 2019.
English to Macedonian (Ss. Cyril and Methodius University - "Blaze Koneski" Faculty of Philology, verified) Macedonian to English (Ss. Cyril and Methodius University - "Blaze Koneski" Faculty of Philology, verified) Spanish to English (Ss. Cyril and Methodius University - "Blaze Koneski" Faculty of Philology)
Adobe Acrobat, Google Translator Toolkit, memoQ, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Trados Studio
I like meeting new people from around the world, working on interesting projects, and coffee. Don't hesitate to contact me if you offer any of the above :)