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Seasoned English Simplified Chinese Translator in Marketing, Engineering, IT, Business, and Training and E-learning
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English to Chinese: Legal Sample General field: Law/Patents
Source text - English The Supplier is the owner and licensor of certain software products and is willing to license the Customer to use these products and to provide implementation services in relation to such products on the terms and conditions set out in this Agreement.
1.1 The definition and rules of interpretation in this clause apply in this Agreement.
Acceptance Date: the date of acceptance in accordance with clause 7.3 of this Agreement.
Acceptance Tests: the Supplier acceptance tests as defined in accordance with the Supplier's Acceptance Test Procedure as set out in Schedule 4.
Additional Services: any additional services that the Customer and the Supplier may from time to time agree shall be supplied to the Customer by the Supplier under the terms of this Agreement.
Affiliate: includes in relation to either Party each and any subsidiary or holding company of that Party and each and any subsidiary of a holding company of that Party
English to Chinese: Finance Sample General field: Bus/Financial
Source text - English Underlying economic conditions remain good by historical standards and corporate-profit growth has been stellar. However, the backdrop is shifting and enthusiasm for the recovery has diminished. Moderating growth, the new Omicron virus variant and fading monetary stimulus have agitated financial markets. A new coronavirus variant, problematically high inflation, supply-chain challenges and China's property-market slowdown are among the main headwinds facing the global economy. Moreover, policymakers are acknowledging that the recovery is well advanced, allowing for a gradual dialing back of monetary accommodation and less generous fiscal support. As the recovery progresses and economies reach their potential, it is natural for growth to become less buoyant. The recovery is still in good shape and we expect growth to persist into 2022, albeit at a slower pace relative to 2021.
Translation - Chinese 以历史标准衡量,经济基本面依然良好,企业利润增长一直非常可观。然而,总体形势正在发生转变,复苏热度已经有所减弱。经济增长放缓、新奥密克戎病毒变种的出现,以及货币刺激措施收紧都加剧了金融市场的紧张情绪。新冠病毒新变种、严重的高通胀、供应链危机以及中国房地产市场放缓是全球经济面临的主要不利因素。此外,决策者认为,经济复苏已颇见成效,开始逐步收紧货币政策,减少财政支持。随着复苏逐步推进和经济向好,经济增长预期自然会降低。经济复苏状况仍然良好,我们预计增长将持续到2022年,尽管相对于2021年,增长速度将有所放缓。
English to Chinese: IT Sample General field: Other Detailed field: IT (Information Technology)
Source text - English According to IDC's Industry AI Path Survey and AI Strategies BuyerView Survey, both conducted in 2021, 26% of AI projects in Asia/Pacific companies have reached production stage, and among them, 63% need to retain/rebuid models at least weekly. With more models being deployed within the typical enterprise, and with shorter update cycles, the demand for integrated and end-to-end model development and life-cycle management products will mushroom. Large enterprises and digital-native business in this region have already started to establish or improve the end-to-end life-cycel processes associated with their artificial intelligence models - as illustrated below, to increase governance, productivity, and reproducibility of machine learning/deep learning (ML/DL) model delivery by improving coordination between different data, analytics, and business roles within the enterprise.
Translation - Chinese IDC在2021年所做的“行业人工智能路径调查”和“人工智能策略BuyerView调查”显示,亚太地区企业中26%的AI项目现已进入生产阶段,其中63%的项目至少每周需要重新训练/重建模型。随着企业部署的模型越来越多,更新周期越来越短,企业对集成化和端到端模型开发和生命周期管理产品的需求将迅速增长。该地区的大型企业和数字原生企业已经开始建立或改进人工智能(AI)模型相关的端到端生命周期流程(如下图所示),通过改进企业内部不同数据、分析和业务角色之间的协调。提高机器学习/深度学习(ML/DL)模型交付的治理、效率和可重复性。
English to Chinese: Engineering Sample General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Mechanics / Mech Engineering
Source text - English Recalibrating the spectrometer is a precondition for achieving precise analysis results.The recalibration process may only be carried out provided the equipment condition is stable. In the interest of attaining the full precision of the equipment, experienced operators carry out several blind sparking processes prior to the recalibration. The system must be recalibrated every time the internal equipment conditions or the ambient conditions change in a way that could influence the aggregate equipment condition. In particular, the system must be recalibrated after:
1. cleaning or manipulating the spark stand;
2. cleaning the entrance window of the optical system;
3. measuring an analysis control sample with an excessive
deviation between the measured and the set point values.
Translation - Chinese 重新校准光谱仪是获得精确分析结果的前提。只有在设备状况稳定时,才可进行重新校准。为使设备达到最高精度,有经验的操作人员在重新校准之前会进行几次盲点火测试。每当内部设备条件或环境发生变化,可能影响总体设备状况时,必须对系统进行校准。在执行以下操作后必须对系统进行重新校准:
English to Chinese: Sustainability Sample General field: Other Detailed field: Environment & Ecology
Source text - English As a compass to shape and manage our actions in a rapidly changing world and to transform our cities, towns and regions, we will drive action through five critical, strategic and interlinked pathways that are the basis of sustainable urban development:
I. Low emission development: to achieve a net-zero emission (climate neutral) future, with actionable and substantive solutions that accelerate and drive integrated local climate and energy action, and a coherent investment portfolio.
II. Nature-based development to protect and restor humanity's broken relationship with nature and the planet, while respecting, treasuring and enhancing biodiversity and the integrity of ecosystems in and around our cities, which underpin our local economies and upon which we depend for the social integrity, well-being and resilience of our communities.
Translation - Chinese 作为可持续城市发展的基础,宜可城的五大发展路径之间相互关联,关键且具有战略意义。在一个飞速发展的世界,这五大发展路径是我们制定和管理行动以及改造城市的指南针。
English to Chinese: Marketing Sample General field: Marketing Detailed field: Tourism & Travel
Source text - English Making the best out of your time
Whether you plan to travel abroad or explore your surroundings, you better do it in style.Discover our August Essentials, ready to brighten up your outfit and mood!
There is nothing like a good piece of art on the go! Brighten your day with the Swatch Art Specials by Joanne Tatham and Tom O'Sullivan. They're as fun as limited, so grab yours while you can!
Translation - Chinese 以时间彰显最美气质
无论您计划出国旅行或是探索周边环境,着装打扮都要紧随时尚潮流。快来了解我们的August Essentials系列产品,为您的着装增姿,为您的心情添彩!
旅途中与一件精美的艺术品为伴,这种体验无与伦比!由Joanne Tatham和Tom O' Sullivan精心打造的Swatch Art Specials系列可点亮您生活的每一天。该系列为限量版,充满情趣,趁着还有机会,快来收入囊中!
English to Chinese: Psychology General field: Medical Detailed field: Psychology
Source text - English Can Schizophrenia Be Caused By Trauma?
While the jury is still out on whether trauma directly causes schizophrenia, according to research conducted by the University of Liverpool, children who experienced trauma before the age of 16 were about three times more likely to become psychotic in adulthood than those who were randomly selected. The more severe the trauma, the greater the likelihood of developing illness in later life. They even found indications that the type of trauma experienced may determine what specific psychotic symptoms will manifest themselves later on.
It is also certainly true that trauma which occurs after the onset of schizophrenia can exacerbate psychotic symptoms—especially if it leads to the development of a co-occurring trauma disorder, such as PTSD. Separately, these conditions can pose serious challenges to a person’s ability to live a “normal” life—together, they can become overwhelming and debilitating without proper care and support.
If your loved one is struggling with the double burden of concurrent schizophrenia and trauma, know that there is help available to help them cope with both. Though their traumatic past cannot be erased—and no cure for schizophrenia currently exists—through proper treatment they can begin to heal and regain clarity and stability in order to lead a fuller, more independent life.
English to Chinese: Medical Sample 1 General field: Medical
Source text - English The recommended starting and target dose for XXX is 10 or 15 mg/day administered on a once-a-day schedule without regard to meals. XXX has been systematically evaluated and shown to be effective in a dose range of 10 to 30 mg/day, when administered as the tablet formulation; however, doses higher than 10 or 15 mg/day were not more effective than 10 or 15 mg/day. Dosage increases should generally not be made before 2 weeks, the time needed to achieve steady-state.
In an open-label trial that enrolled patients from the two placebo-controlled trials of adolescents with schizophrenia (13 to 17 years) and pediatric patients with bipolar disorder (10 to 17 years), 73.2% of patients (238/325) completed 26 weeks of therapy with XXX. After 26 weeks, 32.8% of patients gained ≥7% of their body weight, not adjusted for normal growth. To adjust for normal growth, z-scores were derived (measured in standard deviations [SD]), which normalize for the natural growth of pediatric patients and adolescents by comparisons to age- and gender-matched population standards. A z-score change 9 months of treatment.
Dose response relationships for the incidence of treatment-emergent adverse events were evaluated from four trials in adult patients with schizophrenia comparing various fixed doses (2, 5, 10, 15, 20, and 30 mg/day) of oral XXX to placebo. This analysis, stratified by study, indicated that the only adverse reaction to have a possible dose response relationship, and then most prominent only with 30 mg, was somnolence [including sedation]; (incidences were placebo, 7.1%; 10 mg, 8.5%; 15 mg, 8.7%; 20 mg, 7.5%; 30 mg, 12.6%).
In the study of pediatric patients (10 to 17 years of age) with bipolar mania, four common adverse reactions had a possible dose response relationship at 4 weeks; extrapyramidal disorder (incidences were placebo, 3.1%; 10 mg, 12.2%; 30 mg, 27.3%); somnolence (incidences were placebo, 3.1%; 10 mg, 19.4%; 30 mg, 26.3%); akathisia (incidences were placebo, 2.1%; 10 mg, 8.2%; 30 mg, 11.1%); and salivary hypersecretion (incidences were placebo, 0%; 10 mg, 3.1%; 30 mg, 8.1%).
Translation - Chinese XXX的建议起始剂量和目标剂量为10或15毫克/天,每日给药一次,给药时间不受进餐影响。经系统评估,XXX在10-30毫克/天剂量范围内以片剂给药时有效。然而,以高于10或15毫克/天的剂量给药并不比10或15毫克/天的剂量更有效。一般来说,应在给药两周后再增加剂量,因为药物需要两周来达到稳态。
English to Chinese: Medical Sample 2 General field: Medical
Source text - English Studies have shown that individuals of Han Chinese and Thai ancestry carrying the HLA-B*1502 allele are more likely to develop a severe skin reaction, known as Stevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS), when treated with carbamazepine. The chemical structure of eslicarbazepine acetate is similar to that of carbamazepine, and therefore HLA-B*1502-positive patients may also develop SJS after treatment with eslicarbazepine acetate.The percentage of HLA-B*1502 carriers in the Han and Thai populations is approximately 10%. These individuals should receive allelic screening before treatment with carbamazepine or chemically related active substances, if possible. If patients from these ethnic groups test positive for the HLA-B* 1502 allele, eslicarbazepine acetate may be considered when the benefits outweigh the risks.
Due to the high prevalence of carriage of this allele in other Asian populations (e.g., more than 15% in the Philippines and Malaysia), testing for the HLA-B* 1502 allele may be considered for high-risk populations.
Data suggest that European and Japanese populations carrying the HLA-A*3101 allele are at increased risk of adverse skin drug reactions such as SJS, toxic epidermal necrolysis and loosening (TEN), eosinophilia and systemic symptoms (DRESS), or less severe acute generalized eruptive pustulosis (AGEP) and maculopapular eruption following carbamazepine use.
The percentage of the HLA-A*3101 allele varies widely among ethnic populations, ranging from 2% to 5% in European populations to 10% in Japanese populations. In the general population, the proportion of skin reactions (mostly less severe) triggered by carbamazepine use was 5.0%. In European populations harboring the HLA-A*3101 allele, this proportion increases to 26.0 after carbamazepine use, and decreases to 3.8% in European populations not harboring the HLA-A*3101 allele.
There are insufficient data to suggest that patients need to be screened for HLA-A*3101 prior to treatment with carbamazepine or chemically related compounds.
Translation - Chinese 研究表明,携带HLA-B*1502等位基因的汉族和泰族血统的个体在使用卡马西平治疗时,较容易引发严重的皮肤反应,即史蒂芬斯-强森综合征(SJS)。醋酸艾司利卡西平的化学结构与卡马西平相似,因此HLA-B*1502阳性患者在接受醋酸艾司利卡西平治疗后也可能患上SJS。在汉族和泰族人群中,HLA-B*1502携带者的比例约为10%。这些个体在使用卡马西平或化学相关活性物质治疗前,应尽可能接受等位基因筛查。如果这些族群的患者HLA-B* 1502等位基因检测呈阳性,在利大于弊的情况下,可以考虑使用醋酸艾司利卡西平。
English to Chinese: Medical Sample 3 General field: Medical
Source text - English Purchase Orders. Orders shall be placed on IRIS's purchase order form, specifying quantities ordered and delivery dates, which shall be consistent with the Production Schedule. If IRIS fails to provide STRECK with a purchase order on the dates listed on the Production Schedule, STRECK wil1 provide written notification ("PO Notification") to IRIS and Director of Materials of IRIS within one business day of IRIS's failure to provide the purchase order pursuant to the schedule on the Production Schedule. If IRIS provides the necessary purchase order within one business day of the date IRIS receives the PO Notification, any fees associated with failing to provide a purchase order pursuant to the schedule on the Production Schedule will be waived. In all other respects, the obligations and rights of the Parties shall be governed by the terms and conditions of this Agreement. None of the general terms and conditions set forth in any acknowledgement form used by STRECK shall be applicable.
Termination by Insolvency, STRECK or IRIS may terminate this Agreement on the liquidation, bankruptcy or insolvency of the other Party1 or the appointment of a receiver or trustee for the property of the other Party, or if the other Party makes an assignment for the benefit of creditors, whether any of the aforesaid events are the outcome of a voluntary act or otherwise. In the event that STRECK files for bankruptcy and the debtor/STRECK's trustee rejects this Agreement, IRIS shall have the right to elect to retain its rights under this Agreement upon appropriate written notification to said trustee. In the event that IRIS files for bankruptcy and the debtor/IRIS's trustee rejects this Agreement, STRECK shall have the right to elect to retain its rights under this Agreement upon appropriate written notification to said trustee. All rights and licenses granted hereunder or pursuant to this Agreement are, for all purposes of Section 365 (n) of Title 1] of the United States Bankruptcy Code ("Title 11"), licenses of rights to "intellectual property" defined in Title 1 J.
Translation - Chinese 采购订单 应使用IRIS采购订单表下单,列明订单数量及交货日期,并与生产计划中的相应信息一致。若IRIS未能在生产计划中的日期向STRECK提交订单,STRECK将在一个工作日内向IRIS及其材料总监发送书面通知(“采购订单通知”)。若IRIS在收到通知后的一个工作日内提交订单,则由于未能按时提交订单所产生的任何费用可予以免除。双方的所有其他权利和义务应受本协议条款及条件管辖。STRECK所使用的任何确认表中的一般条款及条件均不适用。
English to Chinese: Medical Sample 4 General field: Medical
Source text - English New silicone hydrogel (SiHy) materials continue to be developed and each contains a unique set of properties. SiHy lenses provide superior oxygen transmissibility over contact lenses made with conventional hydrogel materials. The objective of the DD T2 Contact Lens clinical investigations is to evaluate the performance of DD T2 Contact Lenses when used as intended for daily disposable wear for the optical correction of refractive myopia in persons with non-diseased eyes. In consideration of this, the Sponsor believes that the investigational product, DD T2 Contact Lenses, is a non-significant risk device and the intended use for daily disposable wear in clinical studies in human subjects constitutes non-significant risk device studies. This medical device complies with all legal requirements apart from those requirements that clinical investigations are intended to fulfill. All reasonable precautions have been taken to ensure the health and safety of all study subjects.
In the USA, the FDA has classified soft contact lenses worn for daily wear vision correction as Class II non-significant risk medical devices [21 CFR 886.5925 (b) (1)]; and per 21 CFR 812, non-significant risk device studies using Class II medical devices are subject to ethics committee approval by an IRB prior to study initiation, but not FDA pre-approval.
Translation - Chinese 新型硅水凝胶(SiHy)材料仍在持续研发中,每种材料均具有独特特性。较传统水凝胶隐形眼镜而言,硅水凝胶镜片氧透过率更佳。DD T2隐形眼镜临床调查旨在评估DD T2一次性隐形眼镜矫正无眼病人士屈光性近视的效果。因此,申办者认为该调查产品(DD T2隐形眼镜)为非重大风险产品,其作为一次性眼镜用于临床研究也构成非重大风险研究。除符合临床调查相关要求外,该产品也符合所有的法律要求。研究者已采取所有合理的预防措施,以确保所有实验受试者的健康与安全。
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name is Bart. I provide professional translation and proofreading services from
English to Simplified Chinese and vice versa. My main areas of expertise
include marketing, finance, legal, IT, engineering, e-learning, and app and
website, but other content types are also welcomed.
am familiar with CAT tools such as SDL Trados, MemoQ, Memosource, and Wordfast.
that I’ve served include BMW Group, Nestle, HSBC, Rainforest Alliance,
Burberry, Mercedes-Benz, Konecranes, Amazon, Synopsys, AVEVA, VMware, NIVIDIA,
Audi, SWATCH, Valo Digital Workplace, MAGNA, Nutricia, Von Ardenne, and more.
go the extra mile to pursue client satisfaction and high-quality delivery. If
you are looking for an English<->Simplified Chinese
translator/proofreader who:
1. Is
detail and customer oriented (proofread twice before submission)
2. Is
fast in response and delivery
3. Promises
to deliver and only deliver high-quality work (not to skip over any questions)
4. Is
passionate for translation and languages (do relevant research on unfamiliar
topics, pursue lifelong learning)
5. Strives
to excel in every single task, big or small
contact me at
Keywords: 经验丰富;工作认真;专业
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