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Member since Jul '14
Working languages:
French to English Spanish to English Catalan to English Italian to English English (monolingual)
Freelance translator and/or interpreter, Verified member
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Catalan to English: Catalan interview transcription and translation (sample) General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Music
Source text - Catalan Una de les característiques del llenguatge musical, és a dir, de la música, és que no es veu. Parlar de música a vegades es fa complicat i probablement la incomprensió que la música ha generat en el pas del temps, es pot justificar en bona mesura degut a això. A que la música és un art invisible.
Potser la ironia és quan intentem que això que és intangible, que es invisible, esdevingui imatges. Com intentar vendre imatges a partir del so que és invisible i intangible. Aleshores, molts compositors han intentat fer obres descrivint la natura, les pluges, les tempestes, després hi ha hagut els que diuen que no, que la música no ha de servir per això, sinó que ha de servir per retratar l‘abstracció i prou i no cal buscar-hi res més. Bé, al cap del carrer, com acabem resolent aquest enigma,
de intentar convertir el so, la música en imatges?
Translation - English One of the key characteristics of musical language, or rather, of music itself, is that it can not be seen. Talking about music can be difficult sometimes, and perhaps a lack of understanding that music has generated over the course of history can be justified by this; the fact that music is an invisible art.
Maybe the irony is that when we listen to music, when we try to interpret this invisible, intangible art form, we conjure up mental images; like trying to sell images through sound, which is both invisible and intangible. So, many composers have tried to create pieces that describe nature, rain, storms, and then there are those who say no, that’s not what music is for, music is there to portray abstraction and nothing more. So, in the end, how can we solve this enigma, of trying to convert sound, and music, into images?
Translation education
Bachelor's degree - University of Leeds
Years of experience: 13. Registered at Feb 2014. Became a member: Jul 2014.
Catalan (University of Leeds, verified) Spanish (University of Leeds, verified) Spanish to English (University of Leeds, verified) Catalan (Institut Ramon Llull, verified) Spanish (DELE C1, verified)
French (University of Leeds, verified) French to English (University of Leeds) Catalan to English (University of Leeds) Catalan to English (University of Leeds) Italian to English (University of Leeds)
MemSource Cloud, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint
I am a 27-year-old language enthusiast from the UK, and a full-time translator and copywriter. I am passionate about language, with all its subtle nuances and variables that have such a strong, and potentially subconscious, effect on the reader. This is why I learned French, Spanish and Catalan, and am currently dedicating my free-time to learning Italian. I obtained my degree in Modern Languages from the University of Leeds last year, receiving first class honours.
I spend the necessary time finding out as much as possible about my clients' businesses as I can, in order to fully comprehend the style of the translation that needs to be produced (for what audience, the appropriate register, etc.). I also encourage my clients to review the translation, and if they would like to make any alterations, I always prioritise this.
I have studied several theories and various guidelines, and can offer fluent translations within a variety of fields and readerships, whether it be technical or creative, formal or colloquial, or bossy or back-scratching. I strive to keep any translation as close to its source language as possible, smoothing out any cultural differences or language specific phrases along the way, and guiding the reader by the hand to ensure complete comprehension. In the case of marketing texts, I also localise them at the client's request.
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Keywords: Catalan, French, Spanish, Italian, English, SEO, localisation, content marketing, copywriting, Catalan to English translator. See more.Catalan, French, Spanish, Italian, English, SEO, localisation, content marketing, copywriting, Catalan to English translator, Spanish to English legal translation, Catalan to English legal translation. See less.