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1 projects entered 1 positive feedback from outsourcers
Project Details
Project Summary
Translation Volume: 160000 words Duration: Jun 2014 to Sep 2015 Languages: English to Spanish
Various translations: binary options, casino, etc.
Different projects for financial websites. It's an ongoing project.
Finance (general)
positive Unlisted : Karol is an excellent translator that pays attention to detail and her service is excellent
Payment methods accepted
PayPal, Wire transfer, Skrill
Sample translations submitted: 4
English to Spanish: How does hyperkalemia affect the body? General field: Medical Detailed field: Medical (general)
Source text - English How does hyperkalemia affect the body?
Potassium is needed for normal cell function, including heart muscle cells. The body gets potassium through foods.
The kidneys maintain the body’s total potassium content by balancing potassium intake with potassium excretion. If intake of potassium outweighs the kidneys’ ability to remove it, or if kidney function decreases, hyperkalemia may occur.
Potassium plays a key role in electric signal functioning of the heart’s middle thick muscle layer, known as the myocardium. Too much potassium can lead to different types of heart arrhythmias.
Translation - Spanish ¿Cómo afecta la hipercalemia al organismo?
El potasio es necesario para que las células funcionen normalmente, lo que incluye las células de los músculos del corazón. El organismo obtiene el potasio a través de los alimentos.
Los riñones mantienen el contenido total de potasio del organismo al equilibrar la ingesta y la excreción de potasio. Si la ingesta supera la capacidad de los riñones para eliminarlo o si la función renal está afectada, puede presentarse una hipercalemia.
El potasio tiene un papel clave en el funcionamiento de las señales eléctricas de la capa muscular intermedia del corazón, conocida como miocardio. Un exceso de potasio puede ocasionar diferentes tipos de arritmias.
English to Spanish: Measuring Digital Inclusion in Your City General field: Social Sciences Detailed field: Education / Pedagogy
Source text - English Measuring Digital Inclusion in Your City
It defines key performance indicators and metrics to support advancing accessibility and digital inclusion. It lays out 5 distinct levels of maturity for digital inclusion and accessibility progress across multiple dimensions that are important to all Smart Cities, i.e. technology, data, culture, strategy, and governance. The Smart City Digital Inclusion Maturity Model supports the development of roadmaps and strategies to grow and mature a city commitment to digital inclusion
Translation - Spanish Medición de la inclusión digital en tu ciudad
Define indicadores de desempeño clave y métricas para respaldar el fomento de la accesibilidad y la inclusión digital. Establece 5 niveles distintos de madurez para la inclusión digital y el progreso en accesibilidad a lo largo de múltiples dimensiones que son importantes para todas las ciudades inteligentes: tecnología, datos, cultura, estrategia y gobierno. El Modelo de madurez de inclusión digital para ciudades inteligentes promueve el desarrollo de hojas de ruta y estrategias para desarrollar y consolidar el compromiso de una ciudad hacia la inclusión digital.
English to Spanish: Meditate General field: Social Sciences Detailed field: Psychology
Source text - English Meditate
The age-old practice of meditation is famous for its powerful stress relief effects. Whenever you feel jittery or overwhelmed, a few-minute session will help you release tension and get a grip on your emotions. Regular practice, on the other hand, brings long-term benefits, like increased mindfulness, heightened body awareness and better mental resilience. During meditation, you can learn how to let go of intrusive thoughts and even realize irrationality behind some of your fears. How to start your practice when you’re a beginner? The best way is to try guided meditations that will introduce you to the process step by step, and teach you effective relaxation techniques
Translation - Spanish Medita
La antigua práctica de la meditación es famosa por sus potentes efectos antiestrés. Cuando te sientas nervioso y abrumado, una sesión de unos cuantos minutos te ayudará a liberar la tensión y recuperar el control de tus emociones. Por otro lado, la práctica frecuente trae beneficios a largo plazo, como una mayor capacidad de atender plenamente, mayor conciencia de tu cuerpo y mejor resiliencia mental. Durante la meditación, puedes aprender cómo dejar ir pensamientos intrusivos e incluso darte cuenta de la irracionalidad detrás de algunos de tus miedos. ¿Cómo empezar a practicar cuando eres un principiante? La mejor forma es probando las meditaciones guiadas que te introducirán al proceso paso a paso y te enseñarán técnicas eficaces de relajación.
English to Spanish: Vitamin D Benefits: Beyond Bone Health General field: Medical Detailed field: Medical (general)
Source text - English Vitamin D Benefits: Beyond Bone Health
Vitamin D’s primary function is to maintain healthy bones. It regulates the absorption of bone-healthy minerals, calcium and phosphorus. However, emerging studies and research suggest that Vitamin D could have a bigger, integral role in our health. It helps our brain, heart, lungs, hormones and immune system to function well. Simply put, Vitamin D is excellent for our overall health, and not just bone health.
Low Vitamin D levels have been linked with various health conditions – including diabetes, cardiovascular disease, type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, impaired immunity, depression, cognitive decline, auto-immune disorders, asthma and even cancer. In fact, more and more studies are indicating that Vitamin D supplementation during pregnancy can help reduce childhood allergies, asthma and wheezing disorder.
Translation - Spanish Beneficios de la vitamina D: más allá de la salud ósea
La función principal de la vitamina D es mantener los huesos sanos. Esta vitamina regula la absorción de minerales beneficiosos para los huesos como calcio y fósforo. Sin embargo, estudios e investigaciones recientes indican que la vitamina D podría tener un papel más grande e importante en nuestra salud. Esta vitamina ayuda a nuestro cerebro, corazón, pulmones y sistema inmunitario a funcionar bien. En resumen, la vitamina D es excelente para nuestra salud en general y no solo para la salud de los huesos.
Las concentraciones bajas de vitamina D se han vinculado con condiciones graves de salud, como diabetes, enfermedad cardiovascular, diabetes tipo 1, diabetes tipo 2, alteraciones del sistema inmunitario, depresión, déficit cognitivo, trastornos autoinmunes, asma e incluso cáncer. De hecho, cada vez más estudios indican que tomar suplementos de vitamina D durante el embarazo puede ayudar a reducir las alergias de la niñez, el asma y las sibilancias.
English (Cambridge University (ESOL Examinations), verified) English to Spanish (Cálamo&Cran, verified) English to Spanish (American Translators Association)
ATA-Certified English to Spanish psychology and medical translations | Linguistic Validation | Localization
I'm a native Spanish speaker with experience translating from English to Spanish. As a Psychologist and Neuropsychologist my fields of expertise are Psychology, Healthcare and Medical translations. As an added value, I understand the subtle differences between your European-targeted and Latin American-targeted Spanish content and I will adapt accordingly to fulfil your specific marketing needs.
Service details
» English to Spanish translation to different variants: Colombian Spanish, Spain Spanish, US and LatAm Spanish
» Expertise in Psychology and Healthcare Translations with added value as an experienced health professional with three Master's Degrees (ATA-Certified translator)
» Tools: MemoQ, Trados, OmegaT, XTM, Contentful, Phrase, WordPress, etc.
» Full member: American Translators Association (ATA), International Association of Medical Translators and Writers and Related Sciences (TREMÉDICA) and Colombian Association of Translators, Terminologists and Interpreters (ACTTI)
Feedback and samples
You can take a look at my profile at my website to verify my experience, quality, and history of satisfied clients here.
As a sample, please visit this translation of an academic psychology paper. You can find the original linked there.
This user has earned KudoZ points by helping other translators with PRO-level terms. Click point total(s) to see term translations provided.
Keywords: spanish, medical translation, health translation, english to spanish, translator, spanish translator, neuroscience, psychology, neuropsychology, psychiatry. See more.spanish, medical translation, health translation, english to spanish, translator, spanish translator, neuroscience, psychology, neuropsychology, psychiatry, neurology, english to spanish translator, medical translator, website translator, medical devices translator, IFU translator, healthcare, human resources. See less.