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Translation, Interpreting, Editing/proofreading, Software localization, Voiceover (dubbing), Subtitling, Transcription, Training
Open to considering volunteer work for registered non-profit organizations
English to Swahili - Rates: 0.05 - 0.10 USD per word / 30 - 40 USD per hour Swahili to English - Rates: 0.05 - 0.10 USD per word / 30 - 40 USD per hour Swahili to Kikuyu - Rates: 0.05 - 0.10 USD per word / 30 - 40 USD per hour Kikuyu to Swahili - Rates: 0.05 - 0.10 USD per word / 30 - 40 USD per hour Kikuyu to English - Rates: 0.05 - 0.10 USD per word / 30 - 40 USD per hour
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English to Swahili: Criminal Myth General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Law (general)
Source text - English CRIMINAL MYTH
There are three myths related to corporate crimes and their implications. One of the myths states that corporate wrongdoings are accidents or oversights. Corporate crime may be defined as the crime committed by either a corporation or by individuals working on behalf of the corporation. They are sometimes called white-collar crimes because the people acting on behave of these corporates are mostly white-collar professionals. According to this myth, those committing the crime do it unintentionally. Such crimes lack the intent found in crime scenes of violence and theft. These crimes are usually undertaken by the individuals and not the corporations and are viewed to be committed politely and respectably as they are generally determined by reputable executives sometimes referred to as white-collar criminals.
What is corporate Crime?
Legally, a corporation is capable of committing a crime just like a human being. It is because of this that law in some countries like the US and Germany recognizes corporate criminal capacity. The ruling means that corporates can be sued for criminal offenses. Unlike individual crime, which only affects a small group of people, corporate crime affects a large group of the community and therefore can have dire effects on the society at large. Due to this fact, corporate crime has become a politically sensitive issue that needs to be addressed. Corporate crimes are different and may overlap; white-collar crime since people who are likely to commit corporate crimes are those who do white-collar jobs, organized crime as criminals can set up corporates to commit a crime, or state-corporate crime because many instances of crimes occur where corporation and state has a relationship.
Corporate crimes can take any of the following forms; inaccurate corporate financial statements, stock market manipulation, bribery, corruption, embezzlement, and misappropriation of funds, among other ways. These activities are categorized as criminal offenses. A criminal offense is a behavior that can be regulated by civil law and that which sufficiently has a stigma of been labeled as a crime. When an individual acting on behalf of the corporation engages in any of this action, a loss and damage can happen to the citizens. Therefore, such an operation requires a criminal law intervention as it is already illegal activity.
Translation - Swahili UWONGO KUHUSU JINAI
Kuna aina tatu za uwongo ambao huhusiswa na makosa ya jinai za ushirika na lawama zinazohusiana na jinai hizo. Mojawapo wa uwongo huo ni kwamba jinai za ushirika huwa ni ajali tu au hutokana na kutotilia maanani mambo. Jinai za ushirika zinaweza kufafanuliwa kama jinai ambazo zimefanywa na shirika au mtu binafsi ambaye hufanya kazi kwa niaba ya shirika. Wakati mwingine, aina kama hizi za uhalifu hujulikana kama jinai za kazi ziziso za sulubu kwa sababu watu ambao hufanya kazi kwa niaba ya mashirika haya mara nyingi huwa wafanyikazi wa kitengo cha juu. Kulingana na uwongo huu, wale wanaotekeleza jinai huwa hawajapanga kufanya hivyo. Jinai za aina hii hukosa kusudi la jinai kama inayopatikana katika sehemu nyingine za matukio ya vurugu na wizi. Jinai za aina hii mara nyingi huwa zimetekelezwa na watu binafsi na sio na mashirika na huonekana kama zimetekelezwa kwa njia ya upole na ya heshima kwa sababu jinai hizi hufanywa na watu wenye mamlaka na ambao wameheshimiwa sana wanaojulikana kama wahalifu wenye hadhi.
Uhalifu wa kishirika ni upi?
Kisheria, kuna uwezekano wa shirika kukiuka sheria kama afanyavyo mtu binafsi. Ni kwa sababu hii sheria katika nchi zingine kama vile Marekani na Ujerumani hutambua uwezekano wa mashirika kutekeleza uhalifu. Hii ina maana kuwa mashirika yanaweza kushtakiwa kwa sababu ya makosa ya jinai. Kinyume na uhalifu wa mtu binafsi ambao huathiri kundi ndogo la watu, uhalifu wa mashirika huathiri kundi kubwa la jamii na kwa hivyo huwa na matokea mabaya kwa jamii nzima. Ni kwa sababu hii jinai za mashirika zimekuwa suala nyeti la kisiasa ambalo linahitaji kuangaziwa. Jinai za mashirika huwa za aina yake na huingiliana kwa sababu watu ambao hutekeleza uhalifu wa kishirika huwa watu wenye hadhi, uhalifu huu huwa umepangwa, na wahalifu wanaweza kuweka mashirika kwenye mtego ili watekeleza uhalifu, au uwe uhalifu unaohusisha serikali na shirika kwa sababu mara nyingi uhalifu hutokea wakati ambapo serikali na shirika lina uhusianao fulani.
Uhalifu wa mashirika unaweza ukachukua mojawapo ya mikondo ifuatayo; taarifa za kifedha za shirika zisizo sahihi, hila katika soko la hisa, rushwa, ufisadi, ubadhirifu amana, na matumizi mabaya ya fedha. Matukio haya yanaweza kuwekwa katika kitengo cha makosa ya jinai. Kosa la jinai ni tabia yoyote ambayo inaweza kudhibitiwa na sheria za nchi na ambayo inaweza kushutumiwa kama uhalifu. Wakati mtu yeyote anayefanya kazi kwa niaba ya shirika anajihusisha na tabia yoyote kama hii anaweza kuwaletea raia hasara au maafa. Kwa hivyo, jambo kama hili huhitaji kuingiliwa kati na sheria za uhalifu kwa sababu tayari ni uhalifu.
Translation education
Master's degree - University of nairobi
Years of experience: 11. Registered at Jun 2017.
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I have a Masters degree in Swahili studies from the University of Nairobi. I am a Phd student in the same university doing research on translation and localization of technological texts. I have a vast experience in teaching the Swahili language. I have been a freelance translator since the year 2014. Am Passionate about legal translation. I do translations for general texts, medical texts, art & literature, and education.
Keywords: Swahili, legal, general, localization, technology, literature, religion, medical, education, pedagogy. See more.Swahili, legal, general, localization, technology, literature, religion, medical, education, pedagogy, kikuyu, agriculture, translation, interpretation, masters degree, . See less.
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