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Translation with sense and sensibility: Humanities, Social Sciences, European Union Affairs
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Freelance translator and/or interpreter
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English to Bulgarian: EU Affairs, On Collusion in Public Procurement Markets General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Government / Politics
Source text - English Collusion is a recurring phenomenon in public procurement markets (including in key economic sectors, such as construction, IT or health). In emergencies, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, the public authorities’ urgent need to procure, in a very short time, large quantities of supplies and services for their health systems may exacerbate the risk of collusion among some economic operators, who may try to take advantage of the emergency and artificially restrict competition in order to maximise their gains at the expense of public finances. The detrimental effects of collusion on public finances may prove even greater in the aftermath of such emergencies, when economic recovery depends on the best possible use of available public funds and on making sizeable investments in critical economic sectors. Undue spending of excessive amounts for works, supplies and services means fewer public funds for carrying out core state business, larger budget deficits and a more acute need for states to resort to lending, thus jeopardising their financial stability and undermining their recovery efforts.
Translation - Bulgarian Тайните споразумения са повтарящо се явление на пазарите на обществените поръчки, включително в основни икономически сектори като строителството, информационните технологии и здравеопазването. По време на извънредни ситуации, като например пандемията от COVID-19, спешната необходимост публичните органи да осигурят в кратък срок големи количества доставки и услуги за здравните системи може да изостри риска от тайни споразумения сред някои икономически оператори, които може направят опит да се възползват от извънредната ситуация и да ограничат изкуствено конкуренцията с цел да увеличат максимално своите печалби за сметка на публичните финанси. Пагубните последици на тайните споразумения за публичните финанси би могло и да се окажат по-сериозни след такива извънредни ситуации, когато икономическото възстановяване зависи от оптималното използване на наличните публични средства и от извършването на значителни инвестиции в икономически сектори от решаващо значение. Неоснователното разходване на прекомерно високи суми за строителство, доставки и услуги води до намаляване на публичните средства за извършване на основни държавни дейности, до по-големи бюджетни дефицити, както и до по-остра необходимост държавите да прибягват до заемни средства, което застрашава финансовата им стабилност и подкопава усилията им за възстановяване.
Translation education
Master's degree - The Chartered Institute of Linguists, London, UK
Years of experience: 24. Registered at Apr 2018.
English to Bulgarian (Chartered Institute of Linguists, verified) English to Bulgarian (Plovdiv University "Paisii Hilendarski") Bulgarian to English (Plovdiv University "Paisii Hilendarski") Bulgarian to English (Chartered Institute of Linguists, verified)
Help or teach others with what I have learned over the years
Holder of the Peter Newmark Award for 2021-22, kindly presented by the Translation Division of the Chartered Institute of Linguists: Best DipTrans Literature translation in any language combination
Reliable and competent translator with capacity to understand varied and complex texts in English and to render them correctly in Bulgarian and vice versa, using a style and register appropriate to the purpose of the text
Efficient terminology and topic research
Ability to plan and organize the workflow, maintain self-discipline and work consistently
Firm belief in lifelong learning and continuing professional development
Translation, revision, editing, proofreading, ex-post quality checks, terminology work, and translator training for direct clients, translation agencies, NGOs, and educational establishments:
European Unioninstitutions, bodies and agencies: ca. 250 published translations of documents on the policies and initiatives of: Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture European Commission's Joint Research Centre European Schoolnet, Brussels European e-Justice Portal Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development
International Organisations, Development, Cooperation: projects in the areas of migration and displacement, equality, diversity and Inclusion, rights and freedoms, statelessness, exploitation, forced labour, human trafficking, modern slavery: European Cancer Organisation
European Network on Statelessness European Sports NGO, Stockholm, Sweden Royal College of Anaesthetists, London, UK University of Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona, Spain Just Good Work (50 Eight)
Marketing, Advertising, Public Relations: Language Lead Backup and Lead Reviewer of projects for several global brands in the area of tourism and travel, providing support to the team of Bulgarian linguists, the Language Lead, and the management staff in delivering high quality to the clients.
Tourism and Travel
Higher Education
Secondary Education
Cosmetics and Beauty
Pharmaceuticals (general)
I offer responsible and ethical translation services. Having successfully met the stringent admission criteria, I am a Member of the leading UK-based professional body of qualified linguists, the Chartered Institute of Linguists. This represents a precious seal of quality and in my work, I am governed by the standards for best practice as defined by its Code of Professional Conduct. Rest assured, your orders are in good hands!
Translation has always been my most pleasurable, intellectually and emotionally rewarding activity -- the perfect job for a philologist who has a lifelong affair with words and a curious mind. I am open to work and share my knowledge and experience with anyone who respects fair business practices and fair rates.
Available upon request:
CIOL Qualifications Level 7 Diploma in Translation
Master's Diploma in Bulgarian Philology
Postgraduate Diploma in English Studies
CPD Certificates (CIOL Translator Training)
References from previous employers & clients
Keywords: Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences, Literature, Linguistics, Journalism, General Media Reports, Education, Archaeology, Nutrition. See more.Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences, Literature, Linguistics, Journalism, General Media Reports, Education, Archaeology, Nutrition, Cosmetics, Beauty, General, Travel, Tourism, Business/Commerce(General), Arts and Humanities translator, Arts and Culture translator, Arts and Culture translation, Arts and Culture English-Bulgarian translator, Painting translation, Travel translation, Tourism translation, Hospitality translation, Business General translation, Music General translation, Culture translation, Member of Chartered Institute of Linguists, Chartered Institute of Linguists Member, CIOL Member, CIOL DipTrans Literature Distinction, CIOL DipTrans Social Science Merit, CIOL Qualifications Level 7 Diploma in Translation, CIOL certified translator, CIOL English to Bulgarian translator, CIOL DipTrans English-Bulgarian translator, Postgraduate Degree, Master's Degree, Specialist translator training, Postgraduate English Studies, English-Bulgarian translator, English to Bulgarian translator, English to Bulgarian translation, Social Sciences translator, Social Sciences translations, Social Affairs translations, Literary translator, Literary translations, English-Bulgarian literary translations, Bulgarian native translator, Bulgarian native speaker, Bulgarian editor, monolingual Bulgarian editor, Bulgarian proof-reader, EN-BG, EN>BG, превод английски български, преводач английски български, преводач от английски, преводач Росица Лафчиева MA DipTrans MCIL, преводач от английски литература, преводач от английски хуманитаристика, преводач от английски журналистика, преводач от английски изкуства и култура, преводач от английски изкуства, преводач от английски социални науки, преводач от английски обществени науки, преводач от английски туризъм, преводач от английски археология, филолог преводач от английски, квалифициран преводач Росица Лафчиева DipTrans MCIL. See less.