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French to English: Questionnaire de sélection / Participation selection questionnaire General field: Medical
Source text - French Questionnaire de sélection
Cet entretien pourra être enregistré sur support audio ou vidéo et accessible à nos clients à des fins d’analyse. Vos informations personnelles resteront strictement confidentielles ; les réponses que vous apporterez seront analysées au niveau national et non individuel. Consentez-vous à ce que l’entretien soit enregistré et analysé dans ces conditions ?
Q1. Quelle est votre spécialité médicale principale?
• Urgences
• Réanimation
• Cardiologie (médicale/chirurgicale)
• Laboratoire de cathétérisme cardiaque / Cardiologie interventionnelle
• Cardiologie clinique en hôpital
• Cardiologie clinique en cabinet
• Ambulancier (États-Unis uniquement)
• Autre
Q1a. Votre rôle comprend-il des services ambulanciers (traitement des patients dans l’ambulance pendant le transfert vers un hôpital) ?
(Sélectionnez une réponse)
• Oui
• Non
Q1b. En tant que médecin urgentiste, quel pourcentage de votre temps passez-vous dans les lieux suivants ?
• Service des urgences
• Ambulances
Q2. Après obtention de votre diplôme, depuis combien de temps exercez-vous dans votre discipline actuelle ?
(Ecrire un nombre entier dans la case)
Q3. Dans l’ensemble, quel pourcentage de votre temps, le cas échéant, est consacré à la prise en charge des patients plutôt qu’à la recherche ou à l’enseignement ?
Q4. Au cours du dernier mois, combien de patients atteints de syndrome coronarien aigu (SCA) (infarctus du myocarde avec sus-décalage du segment ST, infarctus du myocarde sans sus-décalage du segment ST, angor instable) avez-vous traités personnellement ?
Q5. Prescrivez-vous ou administrez-vous personnellement des traitements anti-thrombotiques à vos patients atteints de SCA (ST+, ST-, angor instable) ?
• Oui
• Non
Q6. De quelle façon êtes vous le plus couramment impliqué(e) dans les décisions relatives aux traitements anti-thrombotiques des patients atteints de SCA (ST+, ST-, angor instable) ?
(Sélectionnez une réponse)
• En général mon rôle est celui d’un consultant en ce qui concerne le traitement du SCA, à travers la vérification des ordonnances d’anti-thrombotiques écrites par des confrères
• J’ai un rôle de consultant actif dans le traitement du SCA à travers des recommandations données à mes confères au sujet des traitements anti-thrombotiques à prescrire ou à éviter
• J’ai un rôle actif de prescription dans le traitement du SCA à travers mes propres ordonnances de traitements anti-thrombotiques pour les patients atteints de SCA
• J’ai un rôle actif dans le traitement du SCA à travers l’administration de traitements anti-thrombotiques pendant les transferts en urgence vers l’hôpital
Prescrivez-vous ou administrez-vous les médicaments suivants à vos patients atteints de SCA (ST+, ST-, angor instable) ?
• Aspirine
• Clopidogrel
• Prasugrel
• Ticagrélor (France uniquement)
• Ticlopidine (Allemagne uniquement)
• Inhibiteurs des récepteurs des glycoproteines IIB/IIIA
Ex : abciximab (ReoPro), eptifibatide (Integrilin), tirofiban (Agrastat)
• Anti-coagulants
Ex : héparines (fractionnées ou non fractionnées), warfarine
• Inhibiteurs directs de la thrombine
Ex : bivalirudine, argatroban, etc.
• Thrombolytiques (fibrinolytiques)
Ex : altéplase, rétéplase, ténectéplase, streptokinase
• Autres anti-thrombotiques
Réponses ouvertes : évaluation des logos par les participants
• Léger avantage par rapport au logo similaire car les deux couleurs du nom commercial et nom de principe actif sont différentes et plus attirantes
• C'est un logo très attractif, il évoque la modernité et la supériorité aux autres produits ; l'image est très stimulante visuellement
• Ensemble logo, écriture, design et couleur harmonieux, donnant une impression de maitrise
• J'ai eu l'impression que quelque chose manquait dans ce logo, je n'ai pas aimé
• Logo le plus efficace et le plus en rapport avec le mécanisme d'action du produit ici bien visible et en couleur ; ne ressemble à rien de connu
• Ce logo exprime bien l'apoptose avec les cellules qui sont capturées et détruites
• Ce logo évoque à la fois la supériorité et la modernité du produit par rapport aux autres ; d'autre part il est sans pareil sur l'aspect et l'image qui est à la fois simple et rayonnant. Action immédiate, mais pas sans danger : action rapide mais sans sécurité
• Le dessin est attirant et on voit mieux le nom de la molécule en rose.
• Évoque l'interruption d'une protéine, un anticorps bloquant, un coquillage, un cercle sans issue, une araignée et sa toile, une spirale sans sortie
• Il est très proche du précédent mais isolément il évoque peu le produit X ou tout autre produit de cancérologie
• La succession de cercles évoque une thérapie ciblée qui se concentre sur un objectif. Le logo est à la fois attrayant mais également adapté au produit X car évocateur de thérapie ciblée : destruction de la cellule par plusieurs voies d'action, action précise sur la cellule tumorale par plusieurs voies, action multi-cible du produit, action ciblée et précise
• Cette image exprime l'image d'une pince qui permet de capturer les cellules cancéreuses et de les détruire
• Ce logo exprime une image de tornade avec les cellules cancéreuses qui sont prises dans un tourbillon et détruites
• Le contraste est plus net avec la police plus distinguée
• Le flash au point de frappe des deux arcs (médicaments), suggère (pour moi au moins) une contradiction plus qu’une synergie
Translation - English Test Translation – Victoria Monk
Participant Selection Questionnaire
This interview will be audibly recorded or filmed and made available to our clients for analysis purposes. Your personal details will remain strictly confidential; the responses that you give will be analysed on a national level and not on an individual one. Do you consent to the interview being recorded and analysed under these conditions?
Q1. What is your main medical speciality?
• Accident and Emergency
• Intensive Care
• Cardiology (medical/surgical)
• Cardiac Catheterisation Laboratory/ Interventional Cardiology
• Hospital-based Cardiology Clinic
• Practice-based Cardiology Clinic
• Paramedic (USA only)
• Other
Q1a. Does your job include paramedic services (treating patients in the ambulance whilst on route to the hospital)? (Please select only one response)
• Yes
• No
Q1b. As an emergency doctor, what percentage of your time do you spend in the following places?
• Accident and Emergency Department
• Ambulances
Q2. After getting your qualifications, how long have you been working in your current discipline?
(Please write a whole number in the space provided)
Q3. Altogether, what percentage of your time, when necessary, is taken up by looking after patients rather than by research or teaching?
Q4. Over the course of the last month, how many patients suffering from acute coronary syndrome (ACS) (myocardial infection with ST-segment elevation, myocardial infection without ST-segment elevation, unstable angina) have you personally treated?
Q5. Do you personally prescribe or administer anti-thrombotic treatments to your patients suffering from ACS (ST+, ST-, unstable angina)?
• Yes
• No
Q6. Which is the most common way you are involved in decisions relating to anti-thrombotic treatments in patients suffering from ACS (ST+, ST-, unstable angina)?
(Please select only one response)
• Generally, my role is that of a consultant when it comes to the treatment of ACS, by checking anti-thrombotic prescriptions written by colleagues
• I take on the role of active consultant in the treatment of ACS by way of giving recommendations to my colleagues about which anti-thrombotic treatments to prescribe or to avoid
• I play a limitedly active role in the treatment of ACS by way of my own prescriptions of anti-thrombotic treatments for patients suffering from ACS
• I play an active role in the treatment of ACS by administering anti-thrombotic treatment for ACS during the emergency transfer to the hospital.
Do you prescribe or administer the following medication to your patients suffering from ACS (ST+, ST-, unstable angina)?
• Aspirin
• Clopidogrel
• Prasugrel
• Ticagrelor (France only)
• Ticlopidine (Germany only)
• Glycoprotein IIB/IIIA receptor blockers
Eg : abciximab (ReoPro), eptifibatide (Integrilin), tirofiban (Agrastat)
• Anti-coagulants
Eg : heparins (divided or non-divided), warfarin
• Direct thrombin inhibitors
Eg : bivalirudin, argatroban, etc.
• Thrombolytics (fibrinolytics)
Eg : alteplase, reteplase, tenecteplase, streptokinase
• Other anti-thrombotics
Open responses: an evaluation of the logos by participants
• Slight advantage with regards to the similar logo because the two colours of the brand name and the name of the active ingredient are different and more attractive.
• It is a very attractive logo, it suggests that it is modern and superior to the other products ; the image is very visually stimulating
• Altogether the logo, writing, design and harmonising colours give the impression of mastery
• I got the feeling that something was missing from this logo, I did not like it
• It is the most effective logo and best suited to the mechanism of action of this product, very visible and colourful; nothing like we have seen before
• This logo clearly shows the apoptosis of the cells which are captured and destroyed
• This logo suggests both the superiority and the modernity of the product compared to the others; furthermore, there is no comparison regarding the look and image of the product which is both simple and radiant. Immediate action, but not harmless: fast action but without safety.
• The design is attractive and the name of the molecule is better seen in pink.
• It suggests the disruption of a protein, a blocking antibody, a shell, a barred circle, a spider and its web, a spiral without an exit
• It is very close to the one before but separately, in a small way, it brings to mind product X or any other cancerology product
• The series of circles makes me think of targeted treatment which is focused on an objective. The logo is not only attractive but also adapted to product X because it is suggestive of targeted treatments: destroying the cell by several forms of action, specific action on the tumourous cell from various means, the product’s multi-target action, targeted and precise action
• This image shows the image of pliers which allow the cancerous cells to be captured and destroyed
• This logo shows the image of a tornado with the cancerous cells which are caught in the whirlwind and destroyed
• The contrast is sharper with the classier font
• The flash at the striking point of the two arches (medications), suggests (in my opinion at least) a contradiction rather than a synergy
Spanish to English: Cuestionario para un estudio / Questionnaire for a study General field: Medical
Source text - Spanish Introducción: (incluir después de la pantalla estándar de introducción) Estamos realizando un estudio sobre algunas innovaciones en el diagnóstico y modalidades terapéuticas del cáncer, y nos gustaría hacerle unas preguntas para determinar si cumple con los requisitos para participar.
A lo largo del cuestionario, verá algunas palabras marcadas como enlaces. Se trata de definiciones que le ofrecemos para explicar la terminología utilizada. Por favor, léalas a medida que completa el cuestionario. Muchas gracias.
Selección de participantes:
¿Cuál de las siguientes opciones describe mejor su ocupación principal en el hospital? Seleccione una sola opción.
1. Cirujano general
2. Cirujano hepático/hepatobiliar
3. Radiólogo
4. Radiólogo intervencionista
5. Cirujano torácico
6. Cirujano cardiotorácico
7. Director/Jefe de compras
8. Director, Jefe o Supervisor de materiales
9. Gestor de compras hospitalarias
10. Jefe de compras de radiología
11. Otra (Indique la función) _______________ [Terminate]
S2 [If S1 = 7-10; ask, otherwise skip]
¿Es el principalmente responsable de compras en alguna de estas áreas? Seleccione una sola opción.
1. Unidad de radiología intervencionista (URI)
2. Quirófano [EU Only]
3. Otra (Indique el área) _______________
[If US & S1 = 1-6; ask] [If EU & S1 = 1-6; ask] [If S1 = 7-10; ask]
¿Cuántos años lleva ejerciendo como cirujano desde que finalizó su residencia?
_____ años [RANGE 0-99]
[25; Terminate] ¿Cuántos años lleva ejerciendo la cirugía en su campo de especialidad?
_____ años [RANGE 0-99]
[25; Terminate]
¿Cuántos años lleva en su puesto actual en el hospital?
_____ años [RANGE 0-99]
[12, count towards Liver Quota; otherwise Terminate]
B. Número de ablaciones de pulmón realizadas el pasado año
[Range 0-999] _____
[Range 0-999] [If Microwave + Radiofrequency is >12, count towards Lung Quota; otherwise Terminate]
• [If Quota reached; Terminate]
• [If S1 = (1 – General Surgeon) or (2-Radiologist) or (3-Interventional Radiologist), may qualify for both Liver and Lung Quota if all criteria are met]
S7 [If S4 = Radiofrequency ablation, then ask; otherwise skip]
¿De cuál de los siguientes sistemas de ablación por radiofrecuencia dispone su hospital? Seleccione todas las opciones que correspondan.
1. CoolTip de Covidien
2. Starburst de Angiodynamics
3. LeVeen de Boston Scientific
4. Otro (especifique cuál) _______________
5. Ninguno de los anteriores [Exclusive]
S8 [If S1 = 1-6; skip]
¿Cuándo compró por última vez una antena/electrodo para la ablación [If S4 = 1, insert ‘por microondas’]; or [If S4 = 2, insert ‘por radiofrecuencia’]; or [If S4 = 1 & 2, insert ‘por radiofrecuencia o por microondas’] en su hospital actual? Seleccione una sola opción.
1. En los últimos 6 meses
2. Hace 6-12 meses
3. Hace 1-2 años [Terminate]
4. Hace 3-5 años [Terminate]
5. Hace más de 5 años [Terminate]
6. No recuerdo la última compra [Terminate]
¿Cuál de los siguientes enunciados describe mejor su papel en el proceso de toma de decisiones respecto a los sistemas de diagnóstico o de tratamiento del cáncer de hígado o de pulmón utilizados en su hospital? Seleccione una sola opción.
1. Tomo las decisiones o lidero un comité que evalúa o toma las decisiones de compra.
2. Participo con regularidad en los comités que evalúan los equipos para su posible compra y uso, y elaboro recomendaciones sobre los sistemas que deberíamos comprar.
3. No participo en ningún comité particular de compra de equipos pero participo en discusiones al respecto o facilito mi opinión al respecto cuando me la solicitan.
4. Me centro solamente en identificar a los proveedores con los precios más bajos. [Terminate]
5. Tengo muy poca o ninguna relación con la toma de decisiones sobre la compra de sistemas de diagnóstico o tratamiento del cáncer de hígado o de pulmón. [Terminate]
Translation - English Introduction: (to be included after the normal welcome screen) We are conducting a study on certain innovations in diagnosing cancer and therapeutic methods and we would like to ask you some questions to determine whether or not you are eligible to participate.
Throughout this questionnaire, you will see some words marked as links. These are definitions with which we have provided you, in order to explain the terminology used. Please read these definitions as you complete the questionnaire. Thank you very much.
Participant Selection:
Which of the following options would best describe your main role within the hospital? Please select only one option.
1. General Surgeon
2. Liver/Hepatobiliary Surgeon
3. Radiologist
4. Interventional Radiologist
5. Thoracic Surgeon
6. Cardiothoracic Surgeon
7. Manager/Head of Purchasing
8. Manager, Head or Supervisor of Equipment/Materials
9. Hospital Purchases Manager
10. Head of Radiology Purchases
11. Other (Please indicate role) _______________ [Terminate]
S2 [If S1 = 7-10; ask, otherwise skip]
Are you the main person in charge of purchasing within any of these areas? Please select only one option.
1. Interventional Radiology Unit (IRU)
2. Operating Theatre [EU Only]
3. Other (Please indicate area) _______________
[If US & S1 = 1-6; ask] [If EU & S1 = 1-6; ask] [If S1 = 7-10; ask]
How many years have you been working as a surgeon since you completed your residency?
_____ years [RANGE 0-99]
[25; Terminate] How many years have you been working as a surgeon in your specialist field?
_____ years [RANGE 0-99]
[25; Terminate]
How many years have you held your current position within the hospital?
_____ years [RANGE 0-99]
[12, count towards Liver Quota; otherwise Terminate]
B. Number of ablations in the lungs carried out over the past year.
[Range 0-999] _____
[Range 0-999] [If Microwave + Radiofrequency is >12, count towards Lung Quota; otherwise Terminate]
• [If Quota reached; Terminate]
• [If S1 = (1 – General Surgeon) or (2-Radiologist) or (3-Interventional Radiologist), may qualify for both Liver and Lung Quota if all criteria are met]
S7 [If S4 = Radiofrequency ablation, then ask; otherwise skip]
Which is the following radiofrequency ablation systems does your hospital have at its disposal? Please select all the options that apply.
1. Covidien CoolTip
2. Angiodynamics Starburst
3. Boston Scientific Leveen.
4. Other (please specify which) _______________
5. None of the above [Exclusive]
S8 [If S1 = 1-6; skip]
When was the last time you bought an antenna/electrode for the ablation using [If S4 = 1, insert ‘microwaves]; or [If S4 = 2, insert ‘radiofrequency’]; or [If S4 = 1 & 2, insert ‘microwaves or radiofrequency] in your current hospital? Please select only one option.
1. In the last 6 months
2. Between 6-12 months ago
3. Between 1-2 years ago [Terminate]
4. Between 3-5 years ago [Terminate]
5. More than 5 years ago [Terminate]
6. I do not remember the last time.[Terminate]
Which of the following statements best describe your role in the process of decision making with regards to the systems of diagnosing and treating cancer of the lungs or liver which are used in your hospital? Please select only one option.
1. I make the decisions or I lead a committee which evaluates or makes purchasing decisions
2. I regularly participate in the committees which evaluate the equipment available for purchase and use, and I offer recommendations on the systems that we should buy.
3. I am not a part of any specific equipment buying committee but I do participate in discussions and offer my opinion on the matter when I am asked for it.
4. I concentrate solely on selecting the suppliers with the lowest prices. [Terminate]
5. I play a very small, or non-existent, role in making decisions about purchasing systems for diagnosing or treating lung or liver cancer. [Terminate]
Translation education
Bachelor's degree - Heriot Watt University
Years of experience: 6. Registered at May 2018.
Heriot Watt University graduate with a 2.1 in Translation and Interpretation of French and Spanish, experience translating a variety of texts and topics, eager to assist you in your translation needs.
With my passion for recycling, saving energy and reducing waste and my cultural experience of both French and Spain from having studied and lived there for a period of time, I believe I can be the translator you need. I love new experiences and challenges, I cannot wait to get started with your project!
I've currently just finished translating a couple of pieces for a well-known Spanish website to advertise and discuss their products.
I absolutely love to cook and to bake, do you?
I have worked on many transcription projects and have a good experience in pharmaceutical market research interviews. I can type fast and listen well.
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