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Jun 4, 2021 (posted Just finished two Economy related scholars articles, French to English, 8120 words, for a private customer. ...more »
Open to considering volunteer work for registered non-profit organizations
English to French - Rates: 0.06 - 0.14 USD per word / 20 - 35 USD per hour French to English - Rates: 0.06 - 0.14 USD per word / 20 - 35 USD per hour French - Rates: 0.06 - 0.14 USD per word / 20 - 35 USD per hour English - Rates: 0.06 - 0.14 USD per word / 20 - 35 USD per hour
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English to French: Forest Certification in Cameroon General field: Other Detailed field: Forestry / Wood / Timber
Source text - English Table 6 Definitions of Principles, Criteria and Indicators
Principle A principle is a fundamental law or rule, serving as a basis for reasoning and action. Principles have the character of an objective or attitude of society concerning the function of the forest ecosystem or concerning a relevant aspect of the social system that interacts with the ecosystem. Principles are explicit elements of a goal e.g., sustainable forest management or well well managed forests.
Criterion A criterion is a state or aspect of the dynamic process of the forest ecosystem, or a state of the interacting social system, which should be in place as a result of adherence to a principle of sustainable forest management (or well managed forest). The way criteria are formulated should give rise to a verdict on the degree of compliance in an actual situation.
Indicator An indicator is a quantitative or qualitative parameter which can be assessed in relation to a criterion. It describes the features of the ecosystem or the related social system in an objectively verifiable and unambiguous way, or it describes elements of prevailing policy and management conditions and human driven processes indicative for the state of the eco- and social system.
Source: Lammerts van Bueren and Blom (1996)
Translation - French Tableau 6 Définitions des principes, critères et indicateurs
Principes Un principe est une loi ou une règle fondamentale, qui sert de base pour le raisonnement et l’action. Les principes ont le caractère d’un objectif ou d’une attitude de la société vis-à-vis de la fonction de l’écosystème forestier ou vis-à-vis d’un aspect important du système social qui interagit avec l’écosystème. Les principes sont des éléments explicites d’un objectif. Exemple : la gestion durable des forêts ou les forêts bien gérées.
Critère Un critère est un état ou l’aspect du processus dynamique de l’écosystème forestier, ou encore un état du système social interactif qui doit être en place en raison de l’adhésion à un principe de gestion durable des forêts (ou forêt bien gérées). La manière dont les critères sont définis peut donner lieu à jugement sur le degré de conformité à la situation actuelle.
Indicateur Un indicateur est un paramètre quantitatif ou qualitatif qui peut être évalué en relation avec un critère. Il décrit les caractéristiques de l’écosystème ou du système social y afférent, d’une façon objectivement vérifiable et claire; il décrit également les éléments de la politique dominante et des conditions d’aménagement et les processus contrôlés par l’homme indiquant l’état du système écologique et social.
Source: Lammerts van Bueren et Blom (1996)
Translation education
Master's degree - University of Dschang
Years of experience: 10. Registered at Aug 2019.
English to French (Cameroon: Université de Dschang, verified) French to English (Cameroon: Université de Dschang, verified)
Across, Adobe Acrobat, DejaVu, memoQ, OmegaT, Translation Center, Trados Online Editor, Trados Studio
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Five years of experience in a variety of fields including: Business, Economy,, Marketing, Finance, Agriculture, Forest ecology & biodiversity, Mammals biodiversity, Medical, IT & Telecommunications, automotive, , Law (general), general text, variety of Legal documents, including contracts, company incorporation documents, insurance, procurement policies, internal company regulations, minutes of meetings and circulars, company accounts, annual reports, tax and policy forms; as a translator and English teacher at CleverTrans Translation Agency on the other hand, as well as a volunteer translator in several national and international organisations and as Bilingual Translator Associate at .
These experiences have enabled me to acquire linguistic and professional skills in various fields, which I believe is essential to carry out the missions you propose. Furthermore, the social values of faithfulness, fairness and friendliness are mine and I value them.
Providing accurate translations, proofreadings, transcriptions and post-editing in excellent French and English is my passion, which is why I give the best of myself in every task entrusted to me.
I can easily adapt myself to your preferred environment/platform.
Keywords: Agriculture, Forest ecology &biodiversity, Mammals biodiversity, Medical, IT & Telecommunications, finance and business, Contracts, Law (general), general texts