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Freelance translator and/or interpreter, Verified site user
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Translation, Interpreting, Editing/proofreading, Training, Language instruction
Specializes in:
Mechanics / Mech Engineering
Electronics / Elect Eng
Finance (general)
Furniture / Household Appliances
Engineering (general)
Also works in:
Construction / Civil Engineering
Energy / Power Generation
Environment & Ecology
Business/Commerce (general)
General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters
Investment / Securities
Materials (Plastics, Ceramics, etc.)
Paper / Paper Manufacturing
Metallurgy / Casting
English to Italian - Rates: 0.08 - 0.10 EUR per word / 30 - 40 EUR per hour French to Italian - Rates: 0.08 - 0.10 EUR per word / 30 - 40 EUR per hour Spanish to Italian - Rates: 0.08 - 0.10 EUR per word / 30 - 40 EUR per hour Italian - Rates: 0.08 - 0.10 EUR per word / 30 - 40 EUR per hour
English to Italian: Double-deck destination control system General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Mechanics / Mech Engineering
Source text - English Double-deck elevators are used in tall buildings to reduce the core space occupied by elevators.
The handling capacity with double-deck elevators is approximately 1.5 times the handling capacity of single-deck elevators when considering different traffic patterns.
In an up-peak situation, double-deck elevators stop at every other floor thus reducing the number of stops during the round trip of about half compared to single-deck elevators.
If a destination control system is used with double-deck elevators, the number of stops during the round trip can be decreased further.
In this article, a destination control system for double-deck elevators is presented and its performance is compared to conventional double-deck elevators as well as to single-deck elevators.
Article published in ELEVATORI The European Elevator Magazine N.5/2008.
List of articles published since 2000 to date available upon request.
Translation - Italian Gli ascensori a due piani sono utilizzati negli edifici alti per ridurre lo spazio centrale occupato dagli ascensori.
La capacità di movimentazione con gli ascensori a due piani è circa 1,5 volte la capacità di movimentazione di ascensori a piano singolo, considerando diversi schemi di traffico. In una situazione di picco in salita, gli ascensori a due piani si fermano ad ogni altro piano riducendo così il numero di fermate durante l'intero ciclo di circa la metà rispetto agli ascensori a piano singolo. Se si una un sistema di comando della destinazione sugli ascensori a due piani, il numero di fermate durante l'intero ciclo può essere ulteriormente diminuito. In questo articolo, è presentato un sistema di comando della destinazione per gli ascensori a due piani e la relativa prestazione è confrontata con quella degli ascensori a due piani convenzionali come anche con quella degli ascensori a singola cabina.
Articolo pubblicato sulla rivista specialistica ELEVATORI N.5/2008.
Elenco delle traduzioni pubblicate dal 2000 ad oggi disponibile su richiesta.
English to Italian: macroeconomic analysis General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Economics
Source text - English 2010 was characterised by some strong pressures on debt securities of the Euro area peripheral countries. During the year, both Greece and Ireland were obliged to ask the European Union and the International Monetary Fund for support, due to the difficulties faced in refinancing the expiring debt. The European Central Bank intervened on the market to assure the liquidity of those bonds mainly hit by the crisis. Furthermore, the ECB maintained a wide liquidity provision to the system to allow a correct operation of the banking sector.
The 3-month Eonia rate which, during the first half of the year, remained between 0.35% and 0.45%, in July, after the expiration of the long-term refinancing operation, started to converge towards the repo rate. The eonia rate, after having touched a maximum level of 0.80% in October, during the worst phase of debt crisis, started to decrease again to attain 0.60% at the end of the year.
At operational level, the portfolio was structurally invested in 3 to 9-month Italian Government securities, to benefit from the positive inclination of the yield curve. A limited exposure to short-term CCT was also kept, to benefit from positive spread. The product had a negative absolute performance. Considering management costs, it underperformed its benchmark. The underperformance of the sub-fund could be attributable to the spread widening between eonia rates and Italian Government securities.
Translation - Italian Il 2010 è stato caratterizzato dal forti pressioni sui titoli di debito dei paesi periferici dell’area Euro. Nel corso dell’anno sia la Grecia sia l’Irlanda sono state costrette a chiedere il sostegno dell’Unione Europea e del Fondo Monetario Internazionale data la difficoltà incontrata a rifinanziare il debito in scadenza. La Banca Centrale Europea è intervenuta sul mercato per garantire la liquidità delle obbligazioni maggiormente colpite dalla crisi. Inoltre, la BCE ha mantenuto un’ampia fornitura di liquidità al sistema per permettere al settore bancario un corretto funzionamento.
Il tasso Eonia a tre mesi, rimasto tra lo 0.35% e lo 0.45% in tutta la prima metà dell’anno, ha iniziato a convergere verso il tasso repo a partire dalla scadenza dell’asta a lungo termine in luglio. Dopo aver toccato un picco in ottobre allo 0.80%, in corrispondenza con la fase più acuta della crisi debitoria, il tasso eonia ha ricominciato a diminuire per portarsi vicino allo 0.60% nella parte finale dell’anno.
A livello operativo, il portafoglio è stato strutturalmente investito in titoli di stato italiani con scadenza compresa tra i tre ed i nove mesi, per beneficiare dell’inclinazione positiva della curva dei rendimenti. È stata mantenuta, inoltre, una limitata esposizione ai CCT a breve scadenza per beneficiare dello spread positivo. La performance assoluta del prodotto è stata negativa in termini assoluti; considerati i costi di gestione la performance è risultata inferiore a quella del benchmark. La sottoperformance del comparto è riconducibile all’ampliamento dello spread tra i tassi eonia ed i titoli di stato italiani.
Translation education
Master's degree - IULM, Milan, Italy
Years of experience: 36. Registered at Feb 2002.
English to Italian (Scuola Superiore per Mediatori Linguistici "Carlo Bo", verified) French to Italian (Scuola Superiore per Mediatori Linguistici "Carlo Bo", verified)
Adobe Acrobat, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, Trados Studio
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Native language: Italian
Source languages: English, French and Spanish
Specializations: Technical translation and revision for the manufacturing, engineering and finance industries
Bio: After having been granted a University certificate as Interpreter and Translator and a Degree in Foreign Languages and Literatures I started working as freelance translator and interpreter for the Iron and Steel Works ILVA in Taranto and for many of its satellite companies, as well as for local translation agencies and private individuals. I have also offered my language services to the Court of Taranto as registered language, sworn translator and court interpreter.
I then worked 3 years for the Norwegian Ship Classification Body to go back to my freelance activity co-operating (from 2000 to 2013) with ELEVATORI, The European Elevator Magazine dedicated to lift and elevator industries. During this period I have translated +120 articles in the technical section that were published in the 6 annual issues.
Since 1996 I have been serving the engineering and finance sectors helping investment banks and engineering companies, as well as domestic and foreign translation agencies solve their translation, proofreading and revision needs.
Moreover, I do like working on trans-creation and creative revision projects to adapt site web, communication and marketing contents for the Italian audience keeping in the target text the same emotional impact expressed by the original version.
Education: University certificate as Interpreter and Translator (Scuola Superiore per Interpreti e Traduttori, Bari) and Degree in Foreign Languages and Literatures (IULM, Milan).
- Translator and liaison interpreter (since 1989) in the iron and steel and metallurgy industry.
- Technical translator, proofreader and reviser (since 1996) in the manufacturing, engineering and finance sectors.
- Technical translator (since 2000) in the lift and elevator industries.
- Trans-creator and creative reviser (since 2018) of web site, communication and marketing related contents.
Cat tool used: Trados Studio 2017, MemSource.
Hobbies: I practice and teach Kundalini yoga, I like travelling and meeting different cultures and languages, I am keenly interested in personal growth experiences.
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Keywords: italian, translator, engineering, mechanics, finance, lifts, elevators, english to italian, french to italian, spanish to italian. See more.italian, translator, engineering, mechanics, finance, lifts, elevators, english to italian, french to italian, spanish to italian, rome, technical italian translator, technical italian translations, technical translator, Quality Assurance, mechanical engineering translator, italian tutor, english tutor, english teacher, italian for foreigners, traduttore italiano, traduzioni italiano, traduzione italiano, traduzioni tecniche, traduzione tecnica inglese, traduzione tecnica francese, traduzione tecnica spagnolo, traduzioni inglese italiano, traduzioni inglese, traduzione inglese. See less.