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Source text - Bulgarian Но думата „Странните” се наложи сред останалите, разблъска ги с лакти и се настани в самото начало. А другите, къде волю - къде неволю, се наредиха след лидера си по такъв начин, че да образуват все пак някакво изречение. Което също не стана без разправии и мощни удари под кръста. Ето, думата „неща”, която е след „Странните”, се появи съвсем изневиделица, закова се на това място, без да дава обяснения, и никой не посмя да я помръдне оттам. Още повече, че си пасваше идеално с първата дума в изречението. Тези размествания промениха коренно цялата идея на автора, но това е вече друга бира. Каква бира?! Тук трябваше да пише “друг въпрос”! Брей, а пък предходната дума “друг” си е сменила пола. При това - по най-угоднически начин! Впрочем, като се замисля, това за бирата не звучи толкова зле.
Translation - English Nevertheless, the word “strange” forcefully established itself amongst the others, elbowing through them all the way to the very beginning and settling there, while the others lined up willy-nilly after their leader to somehow form a sort of a sentence, which did not happen without quarrels and mighty blows under the belt. You see, the word “things,” which follows “strange,” appeared out of the blue, stuck itself in place without giving any explanations, and no one dared to remove it from there. What’s more, it went along perfectly with the first word of the sentence. These rearrangements fundamentally changed the author’s whole concept, but this is another beer. What beer?! It should have been said “another question” here! Oh dear, the preceding word “another” has changed its affiliation. That is to say - in a most obsequious manner! Actually, come to think of it, another beer does not sound so bad.
English to Bulgarian: Technical Translation General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Manufacturing
Source text - English ROLL ASSEMBLY
After product has left the hopper, it enters the top seal of the roll assembly. The top seal and side seals surround the pressure rolls keeping the product contained.
The Roll Assembly, located inside the machine cabinet consists of two pressure rolls supported by four (4) roll bearings. The right roll bearings are mounted on a pivot assembly that allow the mechanical drive to adjust the roll gap. Under each roll is an under scraper. These scraper blades ride against the face of each pressure roll, cleaning product residue from the rolls.
Translation - Bulgarian МОДУЛ НА РОЛКАТА
След като продуктът излезе от бункера, той навлиза в уплътнената горна част на ролковия модул. Горното уплътнение и страничните уплътнения обграждат пресоващите ролки и предпазват продукта от изсипване.
Ролковият модул, който е разположен във вътрешността на контролната кутия на машината, се състои от две пресоващи ролки, поддържани от четири (4) ролкови лагера. Десните ролкови лагери са монтирани на въртящ се около ос модул, който позволява на механичната предавка да регулира пролуката между ролките. Под всяка ролка има скрепер. Острието на всеки един от тези скрепери се плъзга по лицевата страна на на съответната пресоваща ролка и почиства остатъците от продукта от ролката.
English to Bulgarian: HR/Legal Translation General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Law: Contract(s)
Source text - English No person has the authority to order, direct, request or induce an employee to violate the Code or any law, whether criminal or civil. Therefore, no director, officer or employee will be excused for violation of the Code or any law at the request or direction of another person. Any attempt by an employee to order, direct, request or induce another employee to violate the Code or any law, whether successful or not, is itself a violation of the Code and may be a violation of the law.
Translation - Bulgarian Никой няма право да нарежда, указва, моли или принуждава някой служител да нарушава Кодекса или какъвто и да било наказателен или граждански закон. Затова директорите, ръководните служители и редовите служителите няма да бъдат оправдавани при нарушаване на Кодекса или който и да било закон по молба на друг човек. Всеки опит на който и да било служител да нарежда, указва, моли или принуждава някой служител да наруши Кодекса или който и да било закон, независимо от това дали е бил успешен или не, е сам по себе си нарушение на Кодекса, а може да бъде също и нарушение на закона.
English to Bulgarian (American Translators Association) Bulgarian to English (American Translators Association) German to English (Herder Institute, Germany) German to Bulgarian (Herder Institute, Germany) Russian to Bulgarian (St. Kliment Ohridski, Sofia, Bulgaria)
Russian to English (State Exam in Russian as a part of my MA degree) Russian to English (Sofia University (St. Kliment Ohridski)) German to Bulgarian (Sofia University (St. Kliment Ohridski), verified) German to English (Judicial Council of California, verified) Russian to English (Judicial Council of California, verified) English to Bulgarian (Sofia University, verified) Bulgarian to English (Sofia University, verified) German (Karl Marx University, Leipzig, verified) German to English (Sofia University, verified) English to Bulgarian (Judicial Council of CA Registered Interpreter, verified) Bulgarian to English (Judicial Council of CA Registered Interpreter, verified) English to Bulgarian (ALTA TRANSLATION) Bulgarian to English (ALTA TRANSLATION)
Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Photoshop, Dreamweaver, memoQ, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Pagemaker, Powerpoint, SDLX, Trados Studio, Wordfast
I am a full-time multilingual translator (native Bulgarian/English) and interpreter with 25 years of professional experience in the United States. I hold an MA degree in English Philology with specialization in translation, conference interpreting, and foreign language teaching, from St. Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia, Bulgaria, minor in the German language, and state examinations in Russian and Bulgarian. In 2007 I earned an MBA with a concentration in finance from California State University at Northridge, CA, an accredited American graduate business school. References available upon request.
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Keywords: Bulgarian translator, Bulgarian conference interpreter, Bulgarian court interpreter, voice over, subtitles, nuclear physics, medical, pharmaceutical, legal, business. See more.Bulgarian translator, Bulgarian conference interpreter, Bulgarian court interpreter, voice over, subtitles, nuclear physics, medical, pharmaceutical, legal, business, marketing, agriculture, automotive, software, hardware, management, legal and immigration document translations, general business and accounting, balance sheets, profit and loss statements, taxation, financial statements, cash flow statements, bank statements, loan applications, business contracts, contract law, articles of incorporation, business registration, insurance and insurance claims, marketing, PR, advertising, food and nutrition, diplomas, professional training certificate, birth certificate, divorce certificate, certified translation, court documents, notary deeds, criminal records, police records, court records, power of attorney, unlimited power of attorney, limited power of attorney, marriage certificates, Green Card documents, affidavits, sworn affidavits, consumer protection law, criminal law, court proceedings, literary translation, editing, proofreading, Russian translator, German translator, Macedonian translator, Bulgarian voice over, Bulgarian translations, Russian translations, German translations, Macedonian translations, . See less.
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