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English to French: "Biodegradable" Plastics by Vivien Hautenne for Blue Religion General field: Science Detailed field: Environment & Ecology
Source text - English Many plastic wrappings or plastic bags marked “Category 4” are labeled “degradable” or “biodegradable”. They can be quite confusing to customers because they come with very little information. Can we trust this terminology? You’ve guessed it: no.
Biodegradable LDPE is an oxo-biodegradable plastic. These are plastics that are petroleum-based, but mixed with specific additives that will make the plastic degrade faster “when subject to certain environmental conditions”. What does it mean? It actually means “technically biodegradable, but only under optimal conditions, and still releasing additives and microplastics to the environment”. That would be more accurate. But honestly, would you buy it?
I visited the website of a biodegradable plastics brand (I can't quote it here). The website writes: "Biodegradable* LDPE".
It writes “biodegradable" with an asterisk at the end. And the asterisk indicates that: “actual biodegradation rates will vary in biologically-active landfills according to the type of plastic used, the product configuration, and the solid content, temperature and moisture levels of the landfill.” In other words, they can’t predict how and when the plastic will decompose, since it ALWAYS depends on the environmental conditions. Long story short: “biodegradable” plastics are complete nonsense.
Translation - French De nombreux emballages ou sacs plastique de catégorie 4 sont étiquetés "dégradables" ou bien "biodégradables". Ils peuvent semer la confusion dans l’esprit des clients, car ils contiennent peu d'informations. Peut-on se fier à cette terminologie ? Vous l’aurez deviné: non.
Le plastique “PEBD” biodégradable est un plastique oxo-biodégradable. Ce sont des plastiques à base de pétrole, mais ils sont mélangés à certains additifs qui accélèrent leur dégradation "lorsqu'ils sont soumis à certaines conditions environnementales". Qu’est-ce que ça veut dire? Ca veut dire en réalité qu’ils sont "techniquement biodégradables, mais uniquement lorsque les conditions optimales sont réunies, et rejetant quand même des additifs et des microplastiques dans l'environnement". Ce serait plus exact. Mais en toute honnêteté, est-ce que vous l’achèteriez?
J'ai visité le site web d'une marque de plastiques biodégradables (je ne peux pas le citer ici). Le site écrit : "PEBD Biodégradable*".
"Biodégradable" est écrit avec un astérisque à la fin. Et l'astérisque indique que: "les taux de biodégradation réels varient dans les décharges en fonction du type de plastique utilisé, de la configuration du produit et du contenu solide, de la température et des niveaux d'humidité de la décharge". En d'autres termes, ils ne peuvent pas prédire comment et quand le plastique se décomposera, car cela dépend TOUJOURS des conditions environnementales. En gros, les plastiques "biodégradables" sont un non-sens total.
English: PROOFREADING - Article "Life-changing expedition in Baja California" General field: Other Detailed field: Tourism & Travel
Source text - English April is one of the best time for marine life interactions in Baja California. In this time, you can encounter the populations of rays, sharks, sea lions, dolplhins and whales.
Your guide for this expedition will be Lucia, the founder of Blue Religion organization, who has more than twelve years of experience in diving. Lucia is travelling the world, chasing the most extraordinary ocean experiences and she is an animal behaviour specialist. Lucia will be there for you to share her knowledge and passion for the ocean. She can explain you the meaning of a body language of majestic animals like sharks or whales.
What will the itinerary look like? This trip contains 3 locations. We will pick you up at San Jose Cabo airport and drive you to your hotel. We will spend our first day of the expedition on a boat in Cabo san Lucas, searching for mobula rays and wild dolphins. Second day, we will get to swim with curious blue sharks, fast mako sharks and smooth hammerhead sharks just 35-minute boat ride from the marina.
For the next two days, we will move to La Paz where you get a chance to swim in a large sea lion colony with their playful cubs, Huge whale sharks are passing through this location as well at this time of the year and if we’re lucky we’ll get to swim with them as well. We will end our trip in a small village of Cabo Pulmo where you get to encounter peaceful bull sharks in the protected marine area and possibly some humpback whales through our surface intervals. The stars are unreal in this place at night as there is nearly zero light pollution.
By joining our expedition you’ll be helping us achieve our mission to protect, educate and explore the underwater world. We can’t do it without your support. It doesn’t matter if you are an experienced diver or haven’t had a chance to explore the ocean jet. We strive to bring you on board with us and show you the beauty the ocean has to offer. We will educate you about the issues and explain the simple things you can do to help. Our team will guide you on your journey to learn how to coexist with the incredible marine life and help it to survive.
Please see more details about the trip here or just contact us directly and we will gladly provide you all the information.
Translation - English April is one of the best periods for marine life interactions in Baja California. During this time, you can encounter populations of rays, sharks, sea lions, dolphins, and whales.
Your guide for this expedition is Lucia, an animal behavior specialist with twelve years of experience in diving. Lucia is traveling the world, chasing the most extraordinary ocean experiences. She will be there to share her knowledge and passion for the ocean with you. She can explain the body language of majestic animals such as sharks or whales.
What will the itinerary look like? This trip contains 3 locations. We will pick you up at the San Jose Cabo airport and drive you to your hotel. We will spend our first day of the expedition on a boat in Cabo San Lucas, looking for mobula rays and wild dolphins. On the second day, we will swim with curious blue sharks, fast mako sharks, and smooth hammerhead sharks. The location is only 35 minutes away from the marina.
For the next two days, we will move to La Paz where you can get a chance to swim in a large sea lion colony with their playful cubs. Huge whale sharks are passing through this location at this time of the year, and if we’re lucky we’ll get to swim with them as well. We will end our trip in the small village of Cabo Pulmo where you can encounter bull sharks in the protected marine area and possibly some humpback whales during our surface intervals. The stars at night are unreal in this place since there is very little light pollution.
Please see more details about the trip here or just contact us directly and we will gladly provide you with all the information you need.
English to Spanish: Shark Fishing in Mexico. By Nikol Agayova for Blue Religion General field: Science Detailed field: Environment & Ecology
Source text - English Shark Fishing in Mexico.
Shark fishing remains an important source of income and employment for many fishing communities in Mexico and a significant contributor to the country's economy. Mexico is one of the top 10 shark-fishing nations worldwide, and as many shark species face extinction nowadays, it is crucial to put in place adequate conservation measures to protect them.
The history of shark fishing in Mexico dates back to the pre-Columbian era, when ancient civilizations like the Aztecs and Maya fished for sharks along the coast. These early fishermen would use traditional fishing methods such as hand lines and spears to catch sharks, which were then used for both food and ceremonial purposes.
In the early 20th century, shark fishing in Mexico began to evolve with the introduction of modern fishing equipment and techniques. Commercial shark fishing has increased dramatically in the last century, with the development of new fishing technologies and the global demand for shark products such as shark fin, meat, and liver oil.
According to the CONAPESCA Fisheries Statistical Yearbook, in terms of catch, the shark fishery in Mexico is one of the biggest worldwide. Mexico is one of the top 10 shark-fishing nations, ranking 6th in terms of the total catch of sharks. In the last decade, Mexico has reported a catch of around 20,000 to 40,000 tons of sharks per year. In Mexico, catches are reported into two categories: tiburón for adults from large species (animals that are more than 1.5 meters in length) and cazón for young sharks from large species and adults from small species (1.5 meters and less). The name cazón is also often used as a label for shark meat in supermarkets and restaurants and Mexican consumers may therefore not be aware that they are eating shark at all.
Translation - Spanish Pesca del tiburón en México
La pesca del tiburón sigue representando una importante fuente de ingresos y de empleos para varias comunidades pesqueras de México y una contribución significativa a la economía del país. México es uno de los 10 países con mayor pesca de tiburones en el mundo, y como muchas especies de tiburones se han enfrentado a la extinción, es crucial establecer medidas de conservación adecuadas para protegerlos.
La historia de la pesca de tiburones en México se remonta a la época precolombina, cuando antiguas civilizaciones como los aztecas y los mayas pescaban tiburones a lo largo de la costa. Estos pescadores utilizaban métodos de pesca tradicionales: líneas de mano y lanzas, para pescar tiburones, que luego utilizaban tanto para alimentarse como con fines ceremoniales.
Al inicio del siglo XX, la pesca del tiburón en México empezó a evolucionar con los equipos y técnicas de pesca modernos. La pesca comercial de tiburón ha aumentado drásticamente en el último siglo, con el desarrollo de nuevas tecnologías pesqueras y la demanda mundial de productos de tiburón como aleta, carne y aceite de hígado de tiburón.
Según el Anuario Estadístico Pesquero de la CONAPESCA, en términos de captura, la pesca de tiburónes en México es una de las más importantes a nivel mundial. México es uno de los 10 países que pescan mas el tiburón, ocupando el sexto lugar en términos de pesca total. En los últimos 10 años, México ha declarado una captura de entre 20.000 y 40.000 toneladas de tiburones al año. En México, las capturas se clasifican en dos categorías: tiburón para los adultos de especies grandes (animales de más de 1,5 metros de longitud) y cazón para los juveniles de especies grandes y los adultos de especies pequeñas (1,5 metros o menos). El nombre cazón también se utiliza como etiqueta para la carne de tiburón en supermercados y restaurantes, y los consumidores mexicanos pueden faltar consciencia sobre que están comiendo tiburón.
French to English: Le top 5 des langues les plus faciles à apprendre pour les français. By Vivien Hautenne for Accom General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Linguistics
Source text - French Quelles sont les cinq langues les plus faciles à apprendre lorsque l’on est français ? Vous voulez apprendre une nouvelle langue et éviter le trauma des cours d’allemand - et vous n’êtes pas prêt à vous mettre au chinois ou au japonais ? Voici notre top 5 des langues les plus faciles à apprendre pour un francophone. Nous avons choisi pour vous des langues avec une grammaire simple, et une prononciation accessible:
1/ Le portugais : eh non, ce n’est pas l’espagnol en première position. Le portugais est en réalité bien plus facile! Langue officielle du Brésil, du Portugal et de plusieurs pays d‘Afrique, c’est un atout énorme pour les métiers du tourisme. Et surtout, ça change de l’espagnol. Lancez-vous et en peu de temps et d’efforts, vous pourriez atteindre un niveau conversationnel!
2/ L’italien, ou le roumain sont deux langues vraiment pas compliquées pour nous. Pensez-y, il y a 63 millions d’italophones liés culturellement et historiquement à la francophonie. Les racines latines changent à peine du vocabulaire français, et la syntaxe et la grammaire suivent le même système. Seul hic : la prononciation.
3/ L’anglais reste la langue la plus utile pour voyager et travailler. Même si l’anglais reste l’ennemi public n°1 des français, c’est la langue officielle d’une cinquantaine de pays et d’1,2 milliards d’anglophones. L'anglais a des règles de grammaire et de syntaxe très simplifiées (presque pas de conjugaison, pas de genre, ni de déclinaisons). Vous pouvez aussi l’apprendre avec Netflix et la musique américaine partout en radio.
4/ L’espagnol : on ne va pas se mentir, l’espagnol est une langue facile à apprendre. Parlée par 540 millions de personnes dans le monde, l’espagnol est non seulement une langue proche du français, mais c’est aussi l’une des langues les plus utiles à apprendre. Les racines latines communes au français rendent l’apprentissage du vocabulaire et de la syntaxe très faciles. Idem, la seule difficulté réelle est la prononciation.
5/ L’indonésien est la surprise du classement. Bien qu’il n’ait aucun rapport avec les langues Européennes, l’indonésien a la réputation d‘être facile. C’est une langue qui se décline avec notre alphabet, et les conjugaisons sont très simplifiées, et contrairement au chinois et au japonais, il n’y a pas de tons.
Si l’une de ces langues vous intéresse, n’hésitez pas à vous lancer dans l’une de nos formations, ou à télécharger une application pour apprendre la langue de votre choix!
Translation - English Which are the five easiest languages to learn when you're French? You're willing to learn a new language and avoid the trauma of German lessons - and you're not ready to take on Chinese or Japanese? Here's our top 5 list of the easiest languages for French speakers to learn. We've chosen languages with simple grammar and accessible pronunciation:
1/ Portuguese: nope! Spanish isn't at the top spot: Portuguese is actually way easier! As the official language in Brazil, Portugal, and several African countries, it's a huge asset for the tourism industry. And most importantly, it's a noticeable change from Spanish. Go give it a try and, with a little time and effort, you could reach a conversational level!
2/ Italian and Romanian are two languages that are really easy to French speakers. Think about it: there are 63 million Italian speakers, culturally and historically linked to the French-speaking world. The Latin roots barely change from French, and syntax and grammar are based on the same system. The only difficulty here is pronunciation.
3/ English remains the most useful language for travel and work. Even if English remains the public enemy number one for the French, it's the official language of some 50 countries and 1.2 billion English speakers. There are highly simplified grammar and syntax rules (almost no conjugation, no gender, no declensions). And you can learn it with Netflix and American music all over the radio!
4/ Spanish: not gonna lie, Spanish is an easy language to learn. Spoken by 540 million people worldwide, Spanish is not only closely related to French, but it's also one of the most useful languages to learn. The Latin roots shared with French make it easy to learn vocabulary and syntax. The only real difficulty again is pronunciation.
5/ Indonesian is the surprise of the ranking. Although it has no connexion to European languages, Indonesian is well-known for being easy. It uses our alphabet, conjugations are highly simplified and, unlike Chinese and Japanese, there are no tones!
If one of these languages interests you, don't hesitate to take one of our training courses, or download an application to learn the language of your choice!
Spanish to English: Vecinos “estrenan” Parque de la Equidad en Cancún... llenándolo de basura. By Eduardo Del Valle for La Verdad General field: Social Sciences Detailed field: Journalism
Source text - Spanish El Parque de la Equidad pasó su primer fin de semana tras la inauguración oficial el pasado jueves… con decenas de kilogramos de residuos sólidos y cacharros dispersos en las áreas verdes.
En una actividad de limpieza ayer, en el tramo que comprende la avenida Chac Mool entre la Andrés Quintana Roo y López Portillo; alrededor de 60 jóvenes voluntarios y miembros de una asociación civil retiraron cerca de 150 kilogramos de basura, tanto de las áreas jardinadas cómo del humedal de la Región 97, principalmente plástico e incluso hasta restos de muebles.
Bernardo Hautenne, coordinador de actividades de la asociación Blue Religion, declaró que inicialmente la actividad se iba a enfocar en el cenote, pero ante el nivel de suciedad se optó por extender la cobertura a aproximadamente 380 metros lineales de área verde.
Cabe señalar que el humedal dónde se enfocó inicialmente la actividad mide alrededor de mil 600 metros cuadrados, pero se acabaron por cubrir cerca de 13 mil 700 metros cuadrados.
Hautenne señaló que la asociación ha realizado 42 actividades en la ciudad, tanto en las playas, cómo en la laguna y cuerpos de agua urbanos, dónde destacó que en el 2023 se han recolectado alrededor de nueve toneladas de las áreas verdes, tanto por residuos del interior de la zona urbana cómo los provenientes de embarcaciones que recalan en los manglares.
Translation - English The "Parque de la Equidad" spent its the weekend following its inauguration last Thursday...with dozens of kgs of solid waste and trash thrown in the green areas.
In a cleaning activity yesterday, along Chac Mool Avenue, between Andres Quintana Roo and Lopez Portillo, approximately 60 young volunteers and members of an NGO removed about 150 kilograms of garbage from both the green areas and the wetland of Region 97, mainly plastic and even furniture.
Bernardo Hautenne, coordinator of the NGO "Blue Religion", stated that the cleanup was supposed to focus on the cenote, but due to the amount of garbage, it was decided that the activity would cover approximately 380 meters of green area.
It should be mentioned that the humid zone where the activity was initially focused measures about 1,600 square meters, but they ended up covering around 13,700 square meters.
Hautenne pointed out that the NGO has carried out 42 activities in the city so far, both on the beaches and in the lagoon and urban bodies of water, where he underlined that in 2023, about nine tons have been collected from the green areas, from within the urban area and from boats in the mangroves.
Translation education
Master's degree - Paris Nanterre University
Years of experience: 2. Registered at Mar 2023.
English to French (Master's Degree)
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Hi! I'm Vivien Bernardo Hautenne, 32 years old. I was born in France in a multicultural environment. I left France seven years ago to travail, and I now permanently live in Cancun, Mexico.
I'm a language specialist, working in English, Spanish, and French. I have been teaching English, Business, and French online for seven years. I'm also an environmental activist for a marine conservation NGO dedicated to shark protection, and I specialize in plastic pollution.
I have always evolved in a multilingual environment. My work as an activist naturally uses translation and interpretation, since I do conferences in three languages. I wrote a scientific publication which I translated into three languages. I was also in charge of writing and translating articles for one of the schools I was working with.
I'm looking forward to working with you and dedicating my talents and skills for languages to your project.