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Translation, Interpreting, Editing/proofreading, Website localization, Software localization, Training
7 projects entered 2 positive feedback from outsourcers
Project Details
Project Summary
Translation Volume: 6000 words Completed: Mar 2010 Languages: Portuguese to English
Management report of a wine company
Wine / Oenology / Viticulture
No comment.
Translation Volume: 4000 words Completed: Feb 2010 Languages: Portuguese to English
Contract governing live performances
Law: Contract(s)
No comment.
Translation Volume: 9000 words Completed: Jan 2010 Languages: Portuguese to English
Website texts for a wine company
Wine / Oenology / Viticulture
No comment.
Translation Volume: 30000 words Completed: Dec 2009 Languages: Italian to English
Book about religious figures and associated celebrations
Historical biographies of saints and blesseds and description/discussion of associated religious celebrations
positive Praticamente perfetto
Translation Volume: 2200 words Completed: Dec 2009 Languages: Portuguese to English
Website texts for an e-commerce company
Texts for a website specialising in e-commerce and multichannel marketing.
Internet, e-Commerce, Marketing
positive Maxideia: I am very pleased to report that Solomon's translation work was superb. All documents were accurately translated and handed in well ahead of schedule. Prompt, friendly communication rounded off a sterling job.
Translation Volume: 20000 words Completed: Aug 2009 Languages: Portuguese to English
Contract specifications and related documents for a promotional campaign
Advertising / Public Relations, Marketing
No comment.
Translation Volume: 4000 words Completed: Oct 2006 Languages: Portuguese to English
MA Extended Translation assignment: paper about markets for organic produce
Assessed final project
International Org/Dev/Coop, Food & Drink, Economics
No comment.
Sample translations submitted: 4
Italian to English: Maintenance Contract (extract) Detailed field: Law: Contract(s)
Source text - Italian La Progettazione Interventi, definisce le attività atte a proporre a ******** interventi mirati di riqualificazione e riammodernamento dei complesso impiantistico al fine dei miglioramento del:
condizioni di comfort ambientale,
del risparmio in termini energetici gestionali
dei miglioramento dell'efficienza impiantistica.
L'Unità Organizzativa Ingegneria, provvederà ad eseguire valutazioni di fattibilità, progetti ed elaborati tecnici per lavori di manutenzione straordinaria, non inclusi nel progetto iniziale, per i quali si riscontrasse l'esigenza nel periodo contrattuale, e a dare comunicazione a ******** , in caso di situazione di gravità riscontrate, in maniera da concordare con il personale tecnico di ******** stessa la tipologia ed i tempi di intervento. L'Ingegneria sarà supportata dai sistema informativo, e dagli applicativi in esso integrati, in tutte le attività svolte durante le varie fasi secondo le quali è organizzato il processo di analisi dei fabbisogni e di proposta delle possibili alternative d'ottimizzazione del servizio.
Translation - English Planning of Interventions defines the activities to be proposed to ******** for targeted upgrading and modernisation of the plant complex, with a view to improving:
environment comfort conditions,
savings in terms of management energy
plant efficiency
The Engineering Organisational Unit will be responsible for the execution of feasibility assessments, plans and technical papers for extraordinary maintenance works not included in the initial plan, which might prove necessary within the duration of the contract, and liaise with ********, in the event of serious issues being found, in order to agree with ******** technical staff on the nature and timing of the intervention. Engineering will be supported by the computer system and the applications within it, in all activities performed during the various stages of the needs analysis and suggestion of possible service optimisation alternatives.
Portuguese to English: LIMS Software for Clinical Laboratories Detailed field: Science (general)
Source text - Portuguese ********** é utilizado ao longo de todo o processo funcional implementado nos laboratórios de análises. Este processo vai desde a orçamentação e calendarização das colheitas até à emissão dos boletins de análise e respectiva valorização (facturação), e é decisivo na implementação do processo de acreditação, na organização interna do laboratório e na resposta às crescentes exigências dos clientes.
Translation - English ********** is used throughout the entire workflow in operation in clinical laboratories. This workflow extends from the budgeting and scheduling of sample collection to the issuing of analysis bulletins and respective invoices (billing), and plays a decisive role in implementing the accreditation process, in the laboratory's internal organisation, and in satisfying growing customer demands.
Italian to English: Article about Sustainable Tourism Detailed field: Tourism & Travel
Source text - Italian L’impatto del turismo sull’ambiente: politiche locali e politiche generali
Per ciò che riguarda le iniziative utili al contenimento del problema sopra esposto è evidente che molto potrebbe essere fatto adottando sistemi di riduzione della pressione turistica sui tratti di collegamento dei cinque borghi costieri, lungo i quali si ha un’effettiva pressione turistica e lungo i quali non dovrebbe mai essere superata la capacità portante del bene “sentiero” . Iniziative quali, ad esempio, la diversificazione e la segmentazione dell’offerta turistica, la redistribuzione dei flussi nelle aree già sfruttate dal turismo, o l’adozione di un biglietto d’entrata nell’area protetta (come capita già per uno dei più noti tratti sentieristici del Parco, lungo la cosiddetta “via dell’Amore”), oltre a contribuire a sostenere la gestione dell’area, potrebbero infatti aiutare a selezionare la presenza dei visitatori: solo i più motivati ed attenti alle esigenze del patrimonio ambientale e culturale avrebbero accesso, in questo modo, al bene.
Translation - English The environmental impact of tourism: local and generalised policies
As for initiatives useful to the containment of the problem described above, it is evident that a great deal could be achieved by adopting systems for the reduction of the pressure exerted by tourism on the sections of the paths linking the five coastal villages, along which much of the traffic is focused, and which should never be subjected to a load greater than they can bear . Initiatives such as, for example, the diversification and segmentation of the tourist attractions on offer, redistribution of the flow of tourism in areas where it is already established, or the adoption of a ticketing system for entry into the protected area (as is already the case for one of the most well-known stretches of path, along the so-called “Route of Love”), in addition to making a contribution towards the preservation of the area, might also selectively reduce the number of visitors: in this way, only those visitors with more motivation and sensitivity to the demands of environmental and cultural heritage would gain access.
Portuguese to English: International markets for organic produce (extract)
Source text - Portuguese Segundo LEITE (1999), o principal consumidor de produtos orgânicos na Europa é a Alemanha, possuindo 290.000 hectares cultivados com agricultura orgânica. Representa um atraente e rico mercado para os exportadores de produtos orgânicos, pois sua população altamente consciente em relação às questões ambientais, vê no produto orgânico um produto benéfico ao meio ambiente e à própria saúde. No entanto, este mercado é extremamente exigente já que eles se interessam além dos métodos de produção, nos de processamento e embalagem de toda a cadeia industrial envolvida. As importações suprem aproximadamente 20 % do mercado de orgânicos nesse país.
O Consumo na França aumenta 15% ao ano , sendo 5% do total dos produtores convertidos ao sistema orgânico e existem 450 processadores e distribuidores envolvidos com estes produtos. Uma dificuldade que se encontra para a comercialização neste país são os altos preços destes produtos.
No Reino Unido, o consumo de produtos orgânicos registrou expansão 500% entre 1987 e 1997, sendo que a produção britânica vem crescendo em torno de 40% ao ano. As vendas de carne orgânica por exemplo tiveram aumento de 189% entre 1992 e 1996.
Translation - English According to Leite (1999), the leading consumer of organic produce in Europe is Germany, with 290,000 hectares of organically farmed land. This country is an attractive and lucrative market for exporters of organic produce, as its inhabitants have a high level of awareness regarding environmental issues and see organic produce as beneficial to the environment and their own health. It is however also a highly demanding market, as consumers are interested not only in production methods, but also the processing and packaging methods throughout the industrial process. Imports account for approximately 20% of the organic market in this country.
Consumption of organic products in France is growing at 15% per annum, with 5% of all producers already converted to organic farming, and 450 processors and distributors handling organic produce. Marketing of organic products in this country is hindered by their high cost.
In the UK consumption of organic produce increased by 500% between 1987 and 1997, and British production levels are increasing at a rate of around 40% per annum. Sales of organic meat, for instance, grew by 189% between 1992 and 1996.
Translation education
Master's degree - Applied Translation Studies-University of Leeds
Years of experience: 22. Registered at Oct 2004.
Portuguese to English (University of Leeds, verified) Italian to English (University of Leeds, verified) Portuguese to English (Chartered Institute of Linguists, verified)
DejaVu, memoQ, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, OmegaT, Microsoft Word & other Office apps,, Wordfast, Powerpoint, SDLX, STAR Transit, Trados Studio, Wordfast
I am a freelance translator with an MA in Applied Translation Studies working from German and Portuguese into English, with a focus on the following areas:
Marketing (company newsletters, press releases, promotional materials) Energy (energy supply, energy efficiency, renewables) Sustainability (sustainability reports, climate change, development)
I help you and your clients communicate by providing clear, no-nonsense translations written in real English. As a result of a decade of experience in the translation industry, combined with a thorough understanding of linguistics and translation theory, I understand what it takes to produce translations that get your message accross effectively and in style.
My CAT tool of choice is MemoQ, but I am also a proficient user of Transit NXT, Wordfast and SDL Trados.
Keywords: translation, proofreading, native, bilingual, uk, portugal, italy, portuguese, italian, financial. See more.translation,proofreading,native,bilingual,uk,portugal,italy, portuguese, italian, financial, commercial,tourism,media,tradução, revisão,bilingue,financeiro,contabilidade,negócios,turismo,traduzione,negozi,turismo,comercio,finanza. See less.
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