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Translation of several patents (claims), telecommunication & pharmacy
Translation of the specification of a patent (medical implant)
Translation of an article on Chinese Medicine (TCM, acupuncture) for a German-language magazine
Translation of a patent (medical implant)
Translation of patent specification, electric device
Translation of several patents (claims), aviation & IT
Translation of two patents (pharmaceutical)
Translation of several patents (claims), aviation
Just finished the translation of 3 Chinese patents (technical)
Translation of a long pharmaceutical patent, English to German
Translation, patent claims, chemistry
Translation, patent claims, chemical
Translation of a patent, mechanics, English to German 1 user1 user
Translation, patent litigation
Proofreading a patent application, electrical
Übersetzung von zwei chinesischen Patenten ins Deutsche
Übersetzung Patent und Gebrauchsmuster aus China, Landwirtschaftsmaschine
Translation of a patent, machinery, English to German
Proofreading two patent applications for a major company
Just finished the translation of a long pharmaceutical patent (110,000 words)
Translation of a patent, pharmaceutical, Chinese to German
(edited) Translation of a patent for a major American vehicle manufacturer, English>German
Proofreading of a patent, unfortunately a lot of work, since the translator apparently was not qualified for this task
Translation of a patent, rotorcraft
Proofreading several patent applications (medical device, veterinary medicine, automotive)
translation of several patents, automotive, both English->German and Chinese->German
Translation of a patent, pharmaceutical, English to German 1 user
Two patents, genetic engineering, two different clients
Translation of a patent, aviation
Translation of several pharmaceutical patents (claims), English to German
Translation of several patents for a major German vehicle manufacturer, Chinese>German
Translation of several technical patents, English to German, and Chinese to German, same field: automotive
Patent: blind spots in vehicles
Translation of several technical patents, English to German
Translation of several patents, automotive, Chinese>German
Translation of several patents, automotive, Chinese>German 1 user
Constant flow of Chinese patents
Patent translation: wind power
Copy editing of several patent applications (chemistry, physics, mechanics)
Translation of several patent applications (medical device, mechanical, IT), specification + claims
Editing of a patent specification: semiconductor (English -> German)
Translation: patent application, automotive, Chinese>German
Translation of a medical questionnaire (oncology)
Translation of a patent application, CRISPR
Translation and proofreading of several patents, Chinese and English into German
Translation of a patent application, mechanical
LQA of a patent translation
Proofreading of a Chinese patent application: automotive