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I'm on maternity leave, but you may succeed in getting in touch with me during this time if you're not in a rush. We may even be able to work together if you have flexible deadlines. Otherwise, feel free to resend this email in September when I intend to be back and regularly checking emails again. All the best, Sabrina Sattnin Subtitling from ES>EN and an English article for today. En fait, je commencerai à afficher ici en changeant les langues que je parle. En plus d'être un exercise formidable, c'est plus chouette. 1 user I've just got an email saying that the project I was hired to do had a change of plans by the client. In other words, it was cancelled in the middle of it, so, I'm available people. Is there anyone needing my help? http://sattnintxi.blogspot.com.br/2018/04/unknown-artists_13.html http://sattnintxi.blogspot.com.br/2018/04/unknown-artists_7.html https://sattnintxi.blogspot.com.br/2018/03/les-paques.html https://sattnintxi.blogspot.com.br/2018/03/urban-art-in-hamburg-germany.html http://sattnintxi.blogspot.com.br/2018/03/los-cientificos-por-fin-descubrieron-la.html http://sattnintxi.blogspot.com.br/2018/03/prague-czech-republic.html http://sattnintxi.blogspot.com.br/2018/03/autora-espanola-despunta-en-mercado.html http://sattnintxi.blogspot.com.br/2018/03/unknown-artists-longer-version.html http://sattnintxi.blogspot.com.br/2018/03/unknown-artists_16.html http://sattnintxi.blogspot.com.br/2018/03/blog-post_23.html http://sattnintxi.blogspot.com.br/2018/03/homeschooling-for-special-education.html http://sattnintxi.blogspot.com.br/2018/03/unknown-artists_22.html http://sattnintxi.blogspot.com.br/2018/03/livro-infantil-questiona-estigmas.html http://sattnintxi.blogspot.com.br/2018/03/unknown-artists-irish-dance.html http://sattnintxi.blogspot.com.br/2018/03/em-cenario-pouco-provavel-autor-aborda.html http://sattnintxi.blogspot.com.br/2018/03/audiolivro-magia-das-radionovelas-de.html http://sattnintxi.blogspot.com.br/2018/03/unkown-artists.html http://sattnintxi.blogspot.com.br/2018/03/unknown-artists.html New post: https://sattnintxi.blogspot.com.br/2018/03/locucao-da-radio-para-o-mundo-da.html From now on I'll be posting some articles from Sattnintxi's blog and to start, check this out: https://sattnintxi.blogspot.com.br/2018/03/breathing-can-be-key-to-unlock-old.html Invitation to Portuguese Speaker Authors: https://sattnintxi.blogspot.com.br/2018/03/blog-post.html By the way, just wanted to wish you all Happy New Year! ( My year is starting very well, thank God!) I finished an ESL to POR project, Gender equality, 715 words for Translators without Borders I used Mate cat. Giving a hand to the world improvement!
I finished an ENG to POR project, Press Media, 234 words for Translators without Borders I used Mate cat. Always a pleasure to help!
I finished an ESL to POR project, General, 753 words for Translators without Borders I used Matecate. Tópico interesante! Gracias!
I finished an ENG to POR project, General, 7176 words for Translators without Borders I used Matecate. Congrats FWM and TWB for the initiative!
Waiting for an audio in English for transcription, then I will have to write an article about it and, finally, translate it to Brazilian Portuguese. Very interesting subject... Finishing the FWM translation for Translators without borders. Happy to be useful and for helping to make the diference! (edited) Formatted notebook and I'm catching up all that was in stand by on the forced lost day to not lose the deadline. Life is back to normal now! Traduciendo un libro sobre herencia energética ( Es-Pt) y una historieta (Pt-Fr). (edited) Translating a Napoleon e-book right now. How curious historical particularities can be! |