profile photo
Interpreting, Translation, Editing/proofreading, Website localization, Software localization, Training, Transcription
English to Spanish, French to Spanish, Spanish to English, and 2 more.
Specializes in
Textiles / Clothing / Fashion, Medical: Pharmaceuticals, Government / Politics, and 7 more.
Native in
Spanish Native in Spanish

23 positive reviews

(23 reviews) profile photo
Feb 28, 2017 Blue Board Global Voices / Koechlin Global
Avg. LWA : 4.5 (24 entries)
Exceptional interpreter, very flexible and really helpful! profile photo
Dirdam Language Solutions SL
Jan 20, 2016 Blue Board Dirdam Language Solutions
Avg. LWA : 5 (15 entries)
Nadia has done a good interpreting and the end client was highly satisfied with her job. profile photo
Delphine Morvant (5/5)
Nov 13, 2015 Blue Board 5/5 / 5sur5 Traduction
Avg. LWA : 4.2 (5 entries)
Very professional and really nice profile photo
Kannika Raksasap (Andovar)
Nov 10, 2015 Blue Board Andovar Pte Ltd
Avg. LWA : 4.6 (97 entries)
It's been always a pleasure to work with Nadia Martin. Nadia is responsive and always provides exceptional service. profile photo
Angela Hakim (Aqute)
Oct 20, 2015
Nadia has provided prompt excellent quality work. If she in unsure about the context she always checks. I find her work of a high standarad and would highly recommend her as a translator English-Spanish-English. profile photo
Richard Jakusconek (World Jewellery Pages Ltd.)
Oct 18, 2015
Nadia has translated for my company on several occasions and I do highly recommend her.
...View reply profile photo
Nadia Martin (this provider)

Thanks, Richard! profile photo
Gary Weaver (Institute for Homoeopathic Medicine)
Oct 17, 2015
Excellent and professional translator.
...View reply profile photo
Nadia Martin (this provider)

Thank you so much, Gary!

Nadia is a solid professional who has performed to my complete satisfaction. She has also helped me out quite a few times and will always be on my list of preferred translators.
...View reply profile photo
Nadia Martin (this provider)

Thank you, Lorenzo. Always a pleasure to work with you.

Intérprete muy profesional. No dudaría en recomendar sus servicios.
...View reply profile photo
Nadia Martin (this provider)

Gracias, Adrián. Fue un placer trabajar contigo. profile photo
Dec 18, 2013
Professional, reliable and high quality work. It's a pleasure to work with Nadia!
reliable, helpful, serviceable; a pleasant person to work with
Very professional. I like her style.
Accurate translator and interpreter. She has my complete trust!
I will no doubt call her next time I need a professional and reliable translator
Nadia worked fast and efficiently. A very recommendable professional.
...View reply profile photo
Nadia Martin (this provider)

Thank, Carme!

Miss Martin proved to be very professional and reliable when she worked for me. I would definitely call her again.

Outsourcer feedback
(Those who did not leave a comment)

Dec 22, 2020
THG Fluently

Willing to work with again: Yes
...View reply profile photo
Nadia Martin (this provider)

Thank you!

Mar 25, 2015
Carla Gómez

Willing to work with again: Yes

Oct 30, 2013
David Garcia-Gonzalez Blue Board GoLocalise / Formerly VoxHouse Ltd
Avg. LWA : 5 (3 entries)
Willing to work with again: Yes

Jun 06, 2013
GoLocalise Ltd Blue Board GoLocalise / Formerly VoxHouse Ltd
Avg. LWA : 5 (3 entries)
Willing to work with again: Yes

Aug 14, 2009
Celine Courcy (X)

Willing to work with again: Yes

May 21, 2008
thomas tsui

Willing to work with again: Yes
...View reply profile photo
Nadia Martin (this provider)

Thank you, Thomas!

Colleague feedback
(Those who did not leave a comment)

Aug 20, 2016
Adrian Garcia

Willing to work with again: Yes

Managed Services feedback
(This section shows feedback received after completing jobs via Managed Services)

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