I hired Camilla for a huge job that turned out to be paper thin. A pity as she responded extremely well to the few requirements I sent her.
Camilla has been a great support in many projects. I would definetely work with her again.
Snelvertaler.nl / Fasttranslator.com / Snabböversättare / Budget Translations
Avg. LWA : 4.3 (9 entries)
Oct 16, 2012

Avg. LWA : 4.3 (9 entries)
Thanks to all translators!
Apr 19, 2011
High quality, on-time translation. Very friendly and responsive!
Outsourcer feedback
(Those who did not leave a comment)
May 13, 2014

Avg. LWA : 4.3 (9 entries)
Willing to work with again: Yes
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